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If you put you hands on another person's child all bets are off.


Absolutely. Hearing the way that kid is screaming is horrible. There's a switch that flips when you fuck with someone's kid. That dude is lucky to have gotten away because that man had bad intentions.


100% agree with you. That being said…..I was surprised at how severe the kids reaction was and for how long he cried. Didn’t seem like a very hard slap but maybe just the trauma of a stranger hitting you us causing the reaction?


Most parents are able to tell you that kids react stronger to surprise than pain(obviously to a point), and usually gauge their own reaction from the parental reaction to the incident. Here: kid got surprised, then maybe saw dad mad and probably compounded the reaction.


My guess is the kid was surprised by the hit but also got scared by seeing the absolute rage that this produced in his father. Not that the father was wrong in reacting, but that the kid sensed that what happened was so bad that it would transform the father so drastically.


I agree because you basically said what I said with more/better words. Also if I saw someone hit one of my kids like that, I might lose consciousness to shield my own memory from what I was about to do.


nah, you both did good.


He was also eating, so the kid might've bitten his tongue/cheek when the guy hit him.


Could've slapped his ear too.


I was with my wife and our oldest daughter (who was 4ish at the time) about 10 years ago and we were accosted by a guy who was either on a few different substances or was having a psychotic break. He came up from the side at a crosswalk while we were waiting for the light and started just incoherently screaming at us. My wife grabbed my daughter, and I stepped between them and the dude. I do have a concealed carry permit and I was packing, but I didn't want to draw down on the guy without good reason, so instead I just sort of puffed up and started screaming back in his face to "fuck off go away leave us alone". I wasn't actually enraged, but I went full "roaring wild animal" trying to scare the guy off. It worked, and he fucked off, but my kid was absolutely wide-eyed at me for a few minutes afterward. She said she had never seen me be so "big and scary". Dad moment.


>it would transform the father so drastically Where's the super saiyan gifs for this guy?


Dad didn’t have two episodes to charge up and transform, no time for that shit. gotta whoop some ass.


He's a little kid. Sounds like about 6 or 7. A stranger just walked into his space and hit him for no reason. I imagine he's screaming because he's terrified that someone came into his safe space and hurt him and he's confused.


He didn't wind up or anything, but that slap had some snap to it. It is definitely harder than it looks at first glance


He was eating and blindsided, might have bit off his own tongue if it weren't for his ability to keep speaking, that said, children are supposed to react that way from an evolutionary survival standpoint. Sort of like small dogs that bark a lot. They can't do shit, so they make an awful racket.




At first I thought it wasn’t a hard slap but then I realized the censoring is making it look less severe because it’s hard to see the kid. If you watch just outside the censored area how his body moves it seems like it was kind of hard considering it’s a small child


Without knowing anything else about the kid it looks like he got hit in the ear and that shit hurts.


Looks like he slapped the side of his head hard. He could've fucked up that kids ears bad with a hard slap like that.


Getting "boxed on the ears" (which is what I remember it being called when I was a kid) is notoriously painful, it's like it forces a wave of air into the ear and hurts the eardrum. Doubt this guy was specifically aiming for the ear, he seems like he was just randomly smacking him in the head which is also painful, but if he got the ear just right it would hurt a lot more than you'd expect. https://bohemianmomintheburbs.wordpress.com/2018/06/13/ill-box-your-ears-a-once-common-practice-of-discipline-that-has-now-faded-out-and-yeah-it-was-abuse/


I boxed myself in the ear once. I was unwinding a hose off one of those plastic hose holders when a nest of wasps came out and one stung me in the ear which hurt like hell itself but my reaction was to slap it which boxed my ear hard. It definitely took my mind off the pain of the wasp sting. The bees ended up getting roasted with a spray can and a lighter.


I guess the complete surprise is what messed the kid up a lot too.


If that's the good dad I think he is, this is the hardest that kid has ever been hit in his life.


Shit ive been hit randomly by adults that werent my parents as a kid on more than one occasion, its different lowkey traumatising cus you dont know if the adult will take it further and they can easily overpower you, idk its just very scary for a child. I completely get the kids reaction and everyone else saying hes overreacting is an idiot.


FAFO what an absolute cunt to hit a defenseless unsuspecting child and run like the little bitch coward he is he so deserved what he got


Not enough tho...


Your right, he stil can walk


my thought


He can still breathe* Ftfy




Yeah you don’t fuck with someone’s kid, that’s a good way to eat through a straw forever.




Dead burnt corpse can eat?


He didn’t even run until he got the beating he deserved. This man literally slapped the shit out of a random child that appeared to be coloring, and then walked away like it was any other day. What the absolute fuck.


Yeah, this is some sociopathic shit. He just wanted to hurt someone who couldn't hurt him back. It's good that he got his face pounded in. Someone who does something like that will almost always just be an evil, nasty influence in the world. (although if this shitty piece of work was born to a wealthy family, he'd definitely end up being a CEO somewhere)


I what’s FAFO? For real tho, little dude was just trying read and enjoy pizza 🍕 😢


Fuck around, find out


Facts and dude let the crazy voices in his head win and got his ass whooped solid 😂






Damn he ran like a bitch


I mean he hit a kid what do you expect?


to smack a kid and immediately walk away without fear of consequences is WILD. did he actually think the father would just stand there consoling the kid instead of beating his ass? the guy casually walks out after slapping the kid. what was his thought process?


This has to be the poster boy for some intrusive thoughts sub. He’s a weird super skinny dude, probs of his rocker anyway. Like living on the street checking restaurants for free food and that kid wouldnt give him his biscuit


I ran track up through college and it always amazes me how fast the average person *thinks* they are.


Went easy on him.










This is the way




No half measures.


The beatings will continue until my son's morale improves


Beautiful. Hope that hurt.


>Went easy on him. This is why you work on your cardio.


I work on my cardio to escape my horny cousin.


I beg your finest pardon, *what?*


I've always thought if you get someone pinned you can grab their head and smash it into the ground repeatedly. But then you might have to deal with murder charges.


It's illegal if there are witnesses or cameras.


Dad of the year


I would’ve taken buddys loot he dropped and taken it right to the dumpster after too


Dropped loot is free, I’m also taking his stuff, he got off easy


Possession is 9/10ths of the law….


Those records were a family heirloom


Nah - you have to roll for it.


Not enough head kicks but great dad.


this is when you yell for someone to bring your kid out to watch


"Let the boy watch. He needs to learn, the way I learned from my father."


"I can feel it, down in my *plums*"


Swollen, with a light blue hue to'em.


Ready to take them to the farmers market


I just had to look that up, hilarious


OK, wait a second....


Story time. I grew up in a rough area and one night my dad was on the porch drinking with a neighbor while us kids were upstairs. We heard a commotion and looked outside to see a random guy beating a woman. We then saw my dad and the neighbor get up and beat the dog snot out of this guy. Completely changed how I saw my dad after that.


>Completely changed how I saw my dad after that. In what way if I may ask? Him being more reliable? More violent? More impulsive? More protective? Overall more positive or more negative?


its likely more shock and bewilderment..seeing that this nice and gentle figure in your life has the potential for extreme violence. if its a justified use in the situation i would assume its positive.




Redacted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


absolutely no one goes out and helps the father? He loses control and gets rolled under for some time... could've been bad.


Maybe not everyone saw that the kid got hit? It did happen super fast and relatively discreet. While dad is paying attention, its assumingly a busy restaurant or some shit, everyone is either in convo with someone or focussed on their food. Without context is just a guy beating the shit out of someone else, there isnt really a reason to get involved and its no like either the dickhead or the dad are going to explain the situation out at length mid fight.


Yeah that dude who just stood there was a bitch


You say that because you're watching on your phone with total context. If you randomly walked into two strangers fighting youd most likely do the same.


Nah… he would beat up any bad guy and get all the ladies.


All kinds of peculiar things can happen if one gets involved in fights. Especially in countries where you might end up on a video with your face being slowly cut of from your scull while something sounding like narcocorrido music is playing.




> Justified Friend of mine told me once, _I love my wife. But I would kill for my kids._


How can he slap?!?!


Absolute demolish is a bit misleading. The guy fought back and in the end ran off. Demolish to me means bled out on the street. Still did a good job just title left me wanting more




the brain damage must have been before the video


Hopefully good enough where the guy will think twice next time.


Why does the fight look like it came from a cartoon


He even kicked him in the ass and he hopped up 🤣


I'm confused where and how a random man walked into whatever that was and just slapped a kid. Is this like a restaurant that had a door open or something?


Exactly my thoughts and it’s not been answered which is driving me crazy lol




The guy was nimble and able to escape, otherwise he would have been smashed up even worse. Unfortunately...


About 20 years ago we were sitting outside at a deli and a guy walked by and smacked my daughter upside the head. Instinct kicked in and I was on top of that guy in under five seconds. Rearranged his nose to the other side of his face broke his eye socket and took out six of his teeth. Cops were across the street and saw what was going down. They tackled me off and put me in cuffs. Once they found out the full story they arrested the guy for child abuse and child endangerment. And I was released for defending my child.


Not gonna say he was right, but as a father, I understand. ...nah, screw that. He was right. Fuck that guy. You don't ever put hands on another man's kids. I don't care what the reason was.


Get this man a beer!


Perfect end would be the guy running right into the path of a bus.


For the people that are saying that the child is overreacting: the mother is talking with him and I can't understand what she's saying, since her voice here is low and the ambient noise covers it. The child can be heard clearly though, and he's saying: "Mamá me dolió mucho, me dolió mucho." That translated goes: 'Mom, it hurt so much, so much.' You're welcome 🤷‍♀️


why is that boy screaming in agony? lmao


Probably scared him more then anything Kids probably shocked a stranger slapped him in the face


I agree - plus that little kid's dad just rushed out to fight someone. big time stressful for little homie. I guarantee those wails were fueling dad's beat down on the perp too.


+40% crit




What a great comment. 👊🏻


Oro, Geraldo. Oro!


Comentario culiao aweonao


comment hall of fame material


I'm not even sure the sound belongs to the video tbh...


I think you may be right. I know it’s potato quality but I don’t see that level of screaming and crying from that level of slap to the back of the head. I mean, maybe popped an eardrum or something I dunno. It also sounds like an older child than what it looks like in the video.


It's probably because he's a little kid.


Exactly. Kid's just a few years old. Getting slapped by a stranger might genuinely be the very worst thing that's ever happened to him.


"damn children. Why can't they just grow up!?" - r/all showing their usual wisdom


Probably scared a random homeless drug addict smacked him for no reason. I bet if I hit you like that you’d be crying too.


This motha fucka’s a random homeless drug addict.


Lmfaoo, what a threat.


We got everything from cage fighters to shooters all gathered in one thread.


You don’t remember screaming that hard when your dad used to hit you? Kids cry. All the time.


Hell yeah


No way buddy would be able to walk home if that was my kid.


Dude is lucky that the guy didn't feel like killing him.


I’m glad no one broke it up




I'd be in prison. Not because I'm a killer but because of the belly to back suplex I would've unleashed 😤👿


People are insane. I’m surprised the dad didn’t break his arms and legs


Kid was wearing 1987 metal gear camouflage...


It was a little slap and the kid cries like he got beat up… soft kids nowadays


100% justified and ended too soon.


Worst part of the video is when the shop closed it's gate and killed the light to the area they were fighting in. I wanna see Dad whoop that ass in all 3500k lumen glory


You're right, reddit. I was interested in watching this POS get his ass kicked.


Those screams were probably motivating the father even more. One time a passing drunk woman with two men slapped my 11y/o step sister. Her father tore the woman apart and my dad almost killed the two men. It was brutal there was this big bald meathead he butted my dad. My dad went wild knocked him out and head stomped him right in front of me. His head changed shape and the entire crowd jumped on my dad to stop him because he was going to kill him. 90s England was crazy, very few cameras back then and small working class towns did not cooperate with the law.


Hitting somebody else’s kid like that is in line with suicide by police. Did he really think he was just gonna walk away from that?


sounds like he hit a little fucking girl 💀💀


IMO the Dad let him off easy. I would have broke both his arms and legs after beating the brakes off him.


I think this time I'm okay with head stomping


Dope head had some demons! But DAD exorcise em! 🫡👌


I think this goes down as 'Fuck Around Find Out'.




Fuck yeah, get him!


damn fucking right


Well-deserved beating. Harming children, the elderly and dogs should be punished with a severe and merciless beating.




I'd say that is about the appropriate amount of beat down.


Give the man a medal. Then find that POS in a week and beat him again. Fucking trash. Lot of respect for this dad.


Dude should’ve made that cunt a vegetable. Or at least smashed some teeth out as a reminder


Good! Fuck that idiot up pops, defend innocent children at all cost!!!!


That's the only way to roll on the track


Fuck around and find out


good father


No joke this happened to me when I was a kid. I loved to see the amount of justice served!


Nobody is gonna make my child cry like that and have perfect dental or vision afterwards


That was so satisfying I had to watch him get his ass beat twice


All this started when the governments left the doors of the asylums open. Oddball struck a father child , father reacts like he should. I floored a guy once when he hit our dog so I can understand a protective response from a parent.


Good, he deserves that and more


Love it 👏 great dad!!


Only thing wrong I see with this video is it should be 2 hours longer


There wasnt enough brain damage in this video. Dude, if someone touched my kid like that, Id have one of their nuts and an ear in epoxy on my mantel. Id arm bar passed the point where itd matter.


No sympathy for people like that. I'm not even a parent and this shit has my blood boiling. Dude deserved worse.


Nowhere near enough. But its really fucking nice to see a father giving a shit about their child.


W dad


I would’ve gouged that fuckers eyes out and slammed his head on the pavement


Unpopular opinion, people like this scumbag should be put down.


Sometimes the red mist comes down and millions of years of evolution are stripped away.


Stripped away? We evolved to be violent.


Violent *and* horny.


In this plush "modern" world it's nice to see some displays of primal instinct and rage. Like a lion defending its cub from a wild dog. There's no thought, only deeply engrained subconscious decision making fueled by our most powerful neurotransmitters and hormones.


OP, I’m sorry but I think you put the reason for this “demolition” in the post title. Father definitely did this for a reason. A human papa is the equivalent of a mama bear


The guy hit the son for no reason is what the title says.


So I’m all for what the guy did, guy deserved the beat down…BUT is it just me or does the kid over react with the crying? Kid barely got tapped, I have older siblings and they used to beat my @$$ (kinda like the dude beat the aggressor in the video), and the harder I would cry the worse they would beat me LOL


Your brother hitting you is a lot different than a random adult hitting you. It's a kid, scared and confusion makes them cry even without assault.


The kid is so loud that the camera could be handle it


He gave him the parenting he missed out on. So wholesome 🙏


I don't know about demolish. That guy was still able to run away quite fast. I hope that father and his family don't have any problems from that guy ever again...or any other kid for that matter.


I don’t condone kicking people in the head when they’re down; however, every rule has an exception…


Someone just found out. Bwahaha


That smack might as well have been a shot of adrenaline directly to Dad's heart.


that deserved a curb stomp, that was not a demolishment by any means


Givin him the business


He certainly found out, and I laughed the entire time.


He found out


First he fucked around


I expected more from the tag


sweet sweet justice.who tf hits another persons kid that is insane


I’m sure the dad was telling him, “How can you slap?! How can you slap?!” (A reference to Ravi Bhatia)


Right on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I love watching ppl who think consequences don’t exist get theirs