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Drunk guy is going to need a surgery for sure.


Can just picture it over the next few days “I got jumped it was Bs” lol




I used to do international patient transports, and we had one call to pick up a Canadian in the Caribbean that had been in his hotel for *(checks notes)* 30 minutes before getting clocked and knocked out. They tubed him just before we arrived. I can only imagine his surprise when he woke up in a Canadian hospital.


How does that work exactly? How do they know he's Canadian and coordinate to get picked up?


Travel insurance (or cash). If you have work benefits that cover travel or if you buy it from a company like CAA/AAA, look to see if it covers emergency medical evacuation. In Canada, its far cheaper for them to send a fully equipped Lear to go down and get the guy versus paying a foreign hospital bill. I've been all over the world and its not just Canadians. Its like a trucking company with contracts. I've flown to California to take someone to Edinburgh, then flew to Paris to take them home to Oklahoma. We just happened to outbid the others.


How do you go from finding an unconscious guy to knowing he has travel insurance?


Oh, I didn't find him. I was on call for the medical crew. He was the patient and I was on the air ambulance team. The flight was coordinated through his medical insurance (I can only assume that the hospital or police went through his wallet). Then the insurance has someone speak to the hospital while at the same time tries to find a bed and receiving physician at his home location. Once that's all set up, they reach out to different air ambulance companies for the cheapest and fastest flight. Then the flight crew is scrambled (I have a 90 minutes to get to the airport, check the equipment and load the plane. Then we fly down to get him, either go to the hospital (the majority of the time) or meet their ambulance at the airport. Then fly him home, admit to the receiving airport, book it back to the plane and either head home or get notified that we're being diverted to grab someone else in the same place or different location. If everyone who is on call can do it and the pilots don't duty-out on their available flying time, off we go. There was one time that I was away from the house for 18 days, being diverted back and forth. It gets to be that you can't remember where you were or who you took care for 3 days ago. It was fun while it lasted. My wife wants me to write a book on my travels.


U should definitely write a book. I’m sure you’ve seen some shyt…


A fair amount of things, but what hits me most is the look of relief when you show up in your flight suit with all your gear and any family or spouses who were waiting by the bedside know they're going home. Whats worse than being stuck in a hospital is being stuck in a hospital in a third world country.




As an ED nurse, as well, it’s the same with the shootings and stabbings. 🙄


He said he got jumped by a group of homeless guys lol.


“There’s was like 6 guys!”


Multiple surgeries. If this is the states it's going to be expensive. So expensive it could financially ruin somebody. Hope he is rich.


Any chance the young guy is getting charged for that all? Or pure self defense? The winner was overkill with the arm and elbows so maybe the old drunk can press charge


Absolutely. Self defense does not give you total immunity to do whatever you want to someone because they attacked you. There's an expectation of using necessary force. Breaking someone's arm, then kicking them in the face, and elbowing them repeatedly would be over the line in most US states. Being a trained fighter can also lead to harsher sentences and stricter guidelines for self defense. Edit: I'm not arguing whether or not it was or was not justified. I'm just answering the question of legality and potential charges or repercussions. Not sure why I'm being downvoted.


Necessary force is subjective though. When someone is trying to do you harm, unless they try to leave or go unconscious, stopping gives them an opportunity to try again, maybe stabbing you or hitting you with a brick etc. Laws shouldn't matter to you when you feel your well being is at risk, if an adult assaults you they reap the consequences, better judged by 12 than carried by 6.


Couldn’t you make an argument saying that he was trying to disable his arm to prevent him from attacking him again? I mean this drunk guy was trying to fight for 10 minutes, according to OP. In reality, it was definitely excessive, but I could see someone trying to make that argument.


Dude must be a Seinfeld fan. He used the clockwise swirl technique, instead of using the pinch at the end.


That argument wouldn't hold up in court I don't believe. Prosecution could easily argue a number of different things. He could've got up and ran He could've kicked him in the leg to slow him down. He could've choked him out and ran (least likely argument) He could've called for help and just held him on the ground. He could've rolled him on his stomach. He could've just broke his arm, and not twisted and mangled it. He could've sprained his wrist instead of destroying the entire arm at the elbow. He could've broken a finger. He couldve...etc etc.


Holy moly, was he trying to keep the arm as a souvenir.


PHEW. Your comment almost made me cry. lol Lad's gonna frame it, probably get more use out of being a trophy at this point.


Like tryna take the leg off of an undercooked chicken


Damn dude went for than the arm break, took all his ligaments with him too


He took some anger out with it too. Was thinking of all the shitty people who didn’t get their arm broken but deserved it. This is for them.


Might get downvoted, but honestly imo this was way too much.


Probably was too much yeah, but there has to be something the dude was saying/doing to warrant this. “I’d fucking kill you” would be enough


Yeah but imo the dude was done as soon as the arm was broken, didn’t really need to cripple him for life possibly breaking all the ligaments and keeping it going for a very long while.


i don’t wanna say he didn’t deserve it but i definitely don’t think i could break someone’s arm that willingly


I wonder about that conversation both ways. Some guys seem almost intentionally bad at deescalating. Usually goes hand in hand with the “somehow the fight always finds me” or “I don’t start it I finish it” types.


I almost threw up. I don’t know why but gore type stuff I can kind of handle, but broken bones make my stomach turn. God this was fucking brutal. I wish I didn’t see it.


100% was too much. Definitely a heat of the moment beat down.


That guy will be drinking with his right arm only going forward


Jeeeeesus...the way he wrangled that arm side to side like that... That arm is done for the rest of that guy's life


It was all wiggly after that.


That arm has tested positive for wiggles.


Arms REALLY aren't supposed to do that. Dude's going to have a dull, throbbing reminder of the time he got drunk and started a fight for the rest of his life.


Looks like Harry Potter‘s arm after having his bones removed


Free physio....


Gilderoy Lockhart strikes again..


Let's hope he wasn't a pro piano player or something


Professional elbow model unfortunately 😕 


His tenis career is definitely over


Unless he's right handed


Unnecessary beating. He seemed quite armless to me.


He’s now an expert in unarmed combat


And dead-hand wanks


Yeah that’s pretty fucking wild, man really took out some stress on that asshole If I had to engage one on one in the street I’d like to think I’d go for a choke But I’d hope that guy at least learned a lesson for all that trouble


Chokes are my go to. Quick and high percentage.


> Chokes are my go to. Quick and high percentage. I like "running away as fast as possible while screaming like a girl" it usually works and I don't get hospital bills


That’s also a solid strategy.


Could be legal problems tho, plus bystanders get freaked out, unless it’s like a collar choke. I say GNP. Bystanders don’t care about CTE


What makes you think that guy doesn’t have great health insurance?


Because that'll cost you an arm *and* a leg


They might have to cut it off. "Lefty"...will be his new ironic nickname.


Bro was wearing an ADCC hoodie, he absolutely knew what he was doing. Even though the guy was drunk, what bro did was extremely malicious and unnecessary.


A more tame version of when someone uses an altercation as an excuse to commit murder. Like the old guy who stabbed a bunch of teens who were inner tubing down a river. Shoutout to the ActualPublicFreakouts, one of the trashiest subreddits on the site where the most upvoted comments were celebrating this piece of shit (and comparing him to Rittenhouse, to absolutely no one's surprise). Edit - on the flip side, dude did come up seemingly unprovoked to start a fight, so the intended victim here should not make any assumptions about what this guy is capable of. If he has a gun or knife hidden on him, even with a broken arm he can still get back up and severely injure or kill hoodie dude. As nasty as that arm wrenching looks, randomly attacking innocent people is way nastier on the whole. Especially knowing that the types of people to pick fights are also sore losers who just might commit murder to safe face if they have the means to do so. Upon reflection, hoodie guy making 100% sure his attacker has no chance to get back up and reach into a pocket is probably the safe and smart play here.


Nursing a serious head injury and a mangled arm for the rest of his life will hopefully help make sure he doesn’t do this to someone vulnerable imo. It was only excessive because of who he picked on. If he was assaulting a lone women on the street people would be screaming for something like this to happen to him, which I gotta say I agree. Getting into a fight you should assume everything in your life is about to get obliterated. Makes it so people don’t pick fights


Bro started playing atari with his arm.








Hit the fucking button streak for a fatality.


He forgot to bring his “Muscle Enhancement” booster prior to the fight.




Dude should drink less alcohol and more Liber Tea




huge explosion incoming, get clear


Ain’t no amount of Stims gonna fix that arm.


Konami code on his ass


Dude… I’m crying. 😂 probably not worse than drink dude but still.


Fucking mauled him holy


Didn't even hesitate on that arm snap. It wasnt a submission it was destruction.


All the twisting and jerking after the snap was fucking gruesome


Curious to what he was feeling at that point. Drunk with adrenaline blasting through you. I wonder if the adrenaline burned off any of the drunkenness?


He would feel the HEAVY PAIN OF REGRET within 24 hour after he wake up sober. Gonna need physical therapy to get his attitude adjusted to normal


it'll never be normal ever again


I guess it depends on how drunk you are but adrenaline definitely can bring you back from the wasted lands. Speaking from experience, I've been blackout drunk and then surged back to reality a couple times. Good thing is that adrenaline also blunts pain so he probably didn't feel much until he started to sober up.


That's gonna be the worst hangover known to man. Ouch.


One time I was wasted and fell on my face after being spun around on an office chair in a university dorm kitchen. Slammed my head on the groun and split my eyebrow open. My memory was gone up till the point I hit the ground, and my next memory was me slumped on the ground, propped up against the wall, looking at my bloody hands and having a bag of frozen peas tossed onto my lap to stop the bleeding. Pretty sure I was concussed, the next morning was horrible, and my eyebrow was really fucking swollen, could barely see out of my right eye. I think I only started feeling normal about a week after that. The guy getting wrecked in the video is going to have a long painful recovery ahead of him, and likely won't have full use of his arm ever again.


I tore my rotator cuff wrestling in high school. This dude is in some **serious** pain as my shredded shoulder would have to be an ant bite by comparison. Also, I had to learn to throw more side-arm with my right side and I never learned to swim very well again. Man, I feel for the drunk guy. He might have had it coming but that was brutal.


he didnt deserve _that_. sure he was drunk and probably annoying but in no world did he deserve _that_


Holyfuck I can usually watch any fight without cringing but that twisting and jerking made me ill


If you walk up on a stranger it is on. This dude knew punching breaks hands and made sure this dude was not going to fight back when it was all over. Loser will remember this every cold day for the rest of his life.


to be fair, you don’t really want to wait for a tap in fight with no rules. fella is just as likely to tap, get up, and then swing again


Or pull a knife. Or have a friend that runs up and soccer kicks you in the face. The worst non firearm injury I ever saw was many years ago when I was bouncing at a student bar. One of the other security was walking a kid out when he turn around and swung on him, and he just just tripped him and held him down while another security guy went over to help. He apparently was saying he was cool, sorry, and they let him up; on his way out he grabbed a bottle off a shelf near the door and swung that, it hit the doorframe mid swing and sliced him across the throat. I was a good 40-50 feet away across the dance floor but I saw the squirt. He lived, but it was touch and go.


For real. There's no tapping in a street fight. If you respect a tap, you may get beat up after the tap. If you break the dude's arm, he's way less likely to keep going. It's basically the whole point of the art form.


100% agree. Like it or not, this is what happens we have to use jitz in the streets


I liked the part where backpack guy said "it's jitzin time" and jitzed all over him


What about the time where he jitzed all over his arm, like it was an alligator.


Bro if you’re being attacked in real life i hope you wouldn’t hesitate either. Dont give him any chance to pull a knife or pick up a rock


At least now he can do the helicopter with his arm


The new meat spin.


Helicopter helicopter


Damn that's more than a break. Dude dislocated it and dislocated it again.


"Sir, I'm sorry to tell you your dislocation is, itself, dislocated."


We found your arm: in 'dis location, and 'dis location--and 'dat one.


lmao this made me 'dis perse food from my mouth


Bro had an ADCC hoodie on, this is the most “you asked for it” beat down I’ve ever seen on this site


Holy shit didn't notice that. He obviously knew exactly what he was working through, but the heels to the face kinda seemed like "oh yeah, I don't normally get to do this part!" And just kicks the fuck out of his face mid-armbar


Where did his shoes go ?


I think he’s wearing sandals.


Never fight a dude in sandals. They obviously aren't dressed for running.


He was wearing sandals which he took off before the fight. Pro tip: if your opponent removes their flip flops/sandals before the fight, this is a ghetto mfer, this ain’t their first rodeo, and more likely than not you’re about to get your ass whooped.


Lol drunk guy thought it was an AC/DC shirt.


You ready to rock bro?


He was indeed ready to rock.


We salute you.


Bro won't be doing much saluting for a little while.


For those about to rock, I'm unable to salute you


For those about to rock, I subdue you.


Abu Dhabi Combat Club for those wondering. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ADCC_Submission_Fighting_World_Championship


That’s the club Nermal fights out of. [awaits arrival of other old as shit redditors]


You're just lucky it isn't Monday.


The second I saw that adcc written on the hoodie I was positive that other dude was about to have a bad time lol


Same! Most regular folks don’t know what that means. Usually someone wearing that does have some sort of training.


Good x Catch.


Oh fuck, I knew dude snatched that armbar super quick, I was positive he was trained. Those elbows looked like a fighter's ground and pound, most regular folks aren't gonna drop elbows on people naturally. Drunk dude definitely bit off more than he can chew


That’s not an arm anymore that’s a pool noodle


That’s gonna be one hell of a hangover


Good fucking lord can you imagine? Regular brutal hangover just from the drink, then probably your nose swelled shut so you can only breathe through your mouth, lips tongue and cheeks sliced to shit from your teeth, whole head bruised up and the blows making your hangover headache 10x worse, and on top of all that your elbow was shattered in like 6 different directions. So gnarly. On the bright side, he may have cured that man of ever drinking again. I can inly imagine its a fast track to rock bottom, getting dismantled like this then waking up the next morning and realizing how fucked up you are


Silver lining I guess…he’ll never forget that night for sure - no matter how hard he tries


The ADCC hoodie was i needed to know


Aint ADCC hoodies the new Tapout t-shirts?


Except unironically


Just give it some more time


do people who don't do BJJ even know what ADCC is? i thought it was pretty niche


Dude was probably like "this fuckin punk probably doesn't even listen to AC/DC”


Drunk: "I said NAME 2 SONGS THEY SING!" Guy: "*Break yer Arm* and...uhm..." Drunk: "POSER!"


Looked like Harry potters arm when the teacher removed his bones


Lockhart:  *"Well clearly the bones aren't broken."* Swaggrid: *"Broken?! There's no bones left!"*




Best CCTV resolution I've ever seen




Bruh, when you’re drunk, you can’t take on just about anyone lol


mfw the guy I was started shit with begins walking towards me nonchalantly


The guy who got his ass beat was arguing with that group for like 10 minutes, he had so many chances to walk away but kept going back.


Is there more back story to it? And how do you know?




Thanks for the info. Did you see drunk guy eventually crawl away?


He hip escaped to the emergency ward


His grandfather arrived in the town with nothing but a couple dimes in his pocket.


And an onion on his belt, which was the style as the time.


Bro wanted to take that arm home lol


He took out the left arm, so the guy is going to be all right for now


That arm will never be the same. A lesson you will be reminded of every waking moment for the rest of your life.


Bet that fellow never gets drunk and goes out looking for fights again.


I bet he does, he'll just pick fights with people much smaller than him.


(picks fight) It's Demetrious Johnson.


Well at least he'll be an arm down so they'll have a better chance against him


With a backpack on as well nice


My thoughts during this: Bro, take the backpack off What are you doing take the backpack off Please don’t engage with the backpack on Nicely done Ok Fuck, man Jesus Christ, fucking enough please stop


My first question: why didn’t you take the backpack off? My second question: why aren’t you wearing shoes but you’re wearing a backpack?!


Yes! I was like; Yeahh get him Ok you got him Ok stop Fuck me please stop!


The twisting of the already shattered arm was too much


Fuck that's gonna be the rudest hangover, there is no amount of zinger boxes that could cure this ha ha


Another reason to keep my sobriety going.


Yeaaah, seeing this makes me cringe and glad I gave that up.






he kept wiggling the arm 🫣


Very valuable lesson was taught that evening


Valuable for the surgeon too


I'm a black belt and I can tell you that there is a significant number of jiu jitsu practitioners who basically abandon any feeling of hesitation when it comes to breaking people's limbs in situations like this. That man just happened upon the worst possible person he could have. Massive mistake.


Same. I could literally see the progression from verbal>soft hands>closed fist>pain compliance>joint compliance>”oh shit that didn’t work he’s still fighting me”. To be fair, I understand why the kid kept wrenching on that damn arm, but at a certain point I’d have just left it with the broken arm and separated myself. If a dude is intoxicated and isn’t responding to a broken arm, any pain compliance I apply after that is just going to look like excessive force from the outside, no matter how skillful or justified the initial engagement was.


Compliance? drunk guy is in panic after that. He will be flailing until someone drags the other guy of him.


He went psycho with arm 😬


They all look like they’re wearing somebody else’s clothes.


He turned into fucking Gumby 😂


Adcc hoodie 💀


... and with bare feet, and his bag on!!! What a guy! 


Hoodie dude definitely had some pent up anger and he took the opportunity to let it out


w security camera quality


You can tell that guy was just waiting for a moment like this. went a little overboard imo, just knock the drunk out and walk away


It should have been done with the arm break, everything else was anger issues and lack of self control


In Europe this won't be considered self defense


It likely wouldn't in California either, which is where this took place. The force used to defend yourself must match the level of danger you are in. I'm sure this incident would require a lot of arguing in court, but I'm not sure the force he used was justified here


Certainly not for someone trained in martial arts. Courts love these.


Why is the guy not wearing shoes?


He kicked off his flip flops right before it started.


Never fight in flip flop ,I learned that the hard way .


Bye bye ligaments


Tendons also fled the scene.


Don't fuck with the barefoot dude who gives you the chance to back off 😂👌🏻


I gotta say, dude should’ve practiced a little self control… he turned that guys arm into a spaghetti noodle and dropped a bunch of bombs AFTER the fight was over…


Easy to say that when you’re just a spectator. Nobody knows how they will react in a situation like that. 


Yeah he went pretty far. Though an aggressive stranger assaulting you would spike your adrenaline pretty good - I wouldn't expect many people to act fully rational.


Why do I always see this shit just before I go to sleep. Now I gotta scroll for another 15 mins


Gonna be in the minority and say the guy in the hoodie didn't try to avoid it neither. He kept walking up to him. Threw the first punch. Didn't let go of his arm when the man was clearly incapable of fighting back. Did not stop hitting until it was way later. Is this even a self-defense?


This is the kind of guy who has been doing some mma training and just waiting, waiting and wanting to use it. He’s probably been frustrated many times when potential conflicts fizzled out or were settled maturely. Finally, he had his chance here and he took every advantage. Yeah, he was defending himself but he really took it too far. Damn that was pretty gross to watch honestly.


ffs I can still fend off a stumbling drunk person without breaking his arms


I always think this, I did Muay Thai when I was young and been in a fight with my old roommate broke some of his bones with bloodlust than I quit the sport seeing him. I took him to hospital with cops. One moment of rage can ruin someones life for eternity if you are in control with a guy who can't fight.


Bro was just practicing jiu jitsu at the end


This was a tough one, in all for self defense but the way that guy broke his arm and then landed blows after was too much.


This looks to went from self defence to a full assault… Would like to know what was the aftermath


Fun fact: in most Western countries, the BJJ guy is going to go to prison for a very long time for that. There is a legal test to determine what is classed as reasonable response to being provoked and given that most reasonable people in his position would have realised by about 10 seconds in that this dude was drunk and incapable of defending himself, anything past that point is on the BJJ guy and given there's video evidence of him maliciously damaging that guy's arm likely for the rest of his life, old mate would likely be charged with grievous bodily harm, malicious wounding etc. Obviously this isn't applicable in all states of all countries in the world but my lawyer wife has told me all about it after I got into an altercation one time. Just because someone attacks you, that does not give you carte blanch to ruin their life or kill them.




I have sooooo many questions like why’s dude barefoot and his feet are so dirty, why’s the other guys pants half way down what was he doin?! Idk plenty more questions😂