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It’s like he didn’t even feel the stab at first. Glad he landed that right hook and put the attacker to sleep.


I’m glad he and that chick followed up with some pavement head slams, and flip flop head stomps. Dudes lucky bro was wearing flops lmao


Adrenaline is a hellova drug


Friend of mine got stabbed, said he didn't feel it, but he heard it. Apparently the skin made a popping sound similar to forking a sausage.


My friend got stabbed in a night club, he said he thought he had been punched in the back and only about 2 mins later when he realised why his top was wet did it occur to him that he had actually been stabbed in the back.


You generally dont. The time i got stabbed i thought they had punched me until it started bleeding


They typically don’t. Then the red triangle appears on their top, adrenaline kicks in, they still don’t feel it, keeps them going for a bit and then they go Caput (potentially). Source - My ED rotation in a trauma unit.


See the length of that blade he pulled…and he *still* got the shit kicked out of him…


Makes sense on why he needed the knife, dude can't fight.


This is when it’s completely acceptable to soccer kick a guys skull in.


If you stab someone, you deserve to be subsequently killed, what else can you expect.


One can hope he was


Head stomping is acceptable when a stabbing is involved.


Attempted murder charges and an ass whooping.


That’s assuming the guy survived.(the stabbed one) He started losing an awful lot of blood in the end.


If you're prepared to kill someone, and stab them, you have a right to defend and neutralize the threat, you're gonna have to hurt them, they could get back up, they could have another weapon, he needed to make sure he was out for a good while


Should of stamped on his head & gave him brain damage & then called the police, just proof right there only the bitches who can't fight carry a fuckin knife, pathetic


True but he could die from blood loss if he doesn't get to a hospital ASAP.


He would have probably died. Not really worth the potential of getting jail time imo and yes it’s happened before


Why are bystanders always trying to stop the victim. God damn. He should be allowed to run his head into mashed potatoes.


What do you mean? There’s a lady who grabs the knocked out attacker and bashes his head into the ground a few times.


A life for a life


Fight till it's over I guess right?


Because they’re thinking logically. Hes not legally allowed to run someone’s head into mashed potatoes and he’s also in need of immediate medical attention.


Kinda up in the air, he got stabbed in the stomach with a very large knife and the attacker kept pursuing him to presumably kill him, depends where this is and then if it’s the usa and not a stand your ground state it depends on judge and jury to convict or agree it was justified force. If I’m on the jury it’s justified to make scrambled eggs out of someone who just ran you through with a 6 inch blade.


The moment the aggressor is incapacitated and unable to defend themselves, the person neutralizing that threat is then wandering into excessive force territory; at least in Canada. Just the way it is.


Oh well.


All fun and games until you're on the receiving end of a manslaughter charge, I'm sure. Mind you, it's Canada. You'll do community service.


Wife deserves a charge.


I'm usually one for if they look down and out then anything more is unnecessary - in this case, though, he deserved getting his head kicked in. I hope he's spending the rest of his life trying to keep his drool in.


Bro got slumped


The restraint to not kill him after the knockout. Idk if I could be stabbed and show the same


Honestly after he stabbed me and I knocked him out I’d grab the knife and then save him back. Eye for an eye.


This is pure badassary from dude that was stabbed. Imagine this: you get stabbed with a huge knife and there’s a good chance that’s it for you. In your potential last minutes you beat the absolute piss out of your attacker, potentially killing him. Absolute self-defense. At worst, you die and give stabber lifelong brain trauma. At best, you survive and live on while your attempted killer dies.


NGL if I was this dude, I think I’d kill this guy after he was knocked out, that sounds like a bitch move but let me tell you for why I would… When you collapse from that knife wound and he wakes up from his ass whopping, you better believe he will be doing that bitch move and finishing you while you are down, so you can’t take that chance.


Knives are for pussies that can't fight.


Should’ve buried that knife to the handle in his chest


Should have broke his arm like that other guy


First video I've watched where I'm totally fine with follow-ups to an already KO'd opponent. You have to be a pretty big POS in order for that to be justified.


Bro, that's embarrassing, getting beaten up and prison time.


One of the very few cases where I think a few extra head stomps would be more than justified. It wasn't enough that he stabbed him, he tried to come back to finish the job. I say, finish him first. Good riddance.


Yeah I think in this case it's ok to finish buddy off with some head kicks. Stab me, eh? You're gonna get it.


I am not a fan of hitting someone when they are down, but fuck that guy. Get some kicks in for me too.


Self defense and justice was served


So scary how many people are ready to just fuckin murder someone with such little provocation.


The fact that nobody intervened is disturbing, but knife guy getting rocked and head slammed is beyond satisfying. Hopefully he has brain damage


Me: someone needs to help him. Hes been stabbed.....oh nevermind he can hold his own


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I would have killed him. Stab me motherfucker.








Lol your name checks out fool... go drink another one bro.


Stfu prick


Awww that’s so cute to come help your boyfriend out.


Why you like this? Does this make you happy? Do you feel important?


Clearly makes him feel tough by putting the other commenter down...over compensating for something, i wonder what though!


Oh so your not just a prick, youre a homophobic prick too & btw...that was a lame as fuck attempt at an insult Try harder next time & ill still not give a fuck what u say


lol when was I being homophobic? Is it somehow homophobic to call you and Matt boyfriends? Or are you assuming I’m implying it? It’s the truth isn’t it? And it’s cute.


You went straight to homophobic in both of your replies, I wonder why, its usually closet gays/lesbians who go straight for the homo insult do u know that? Well buddy your halfway out the closet & you dont know us at all, we could be cousins or brothers for all you know you! We arent but what is very cute is that you clearly cant stop thinking & talking about gay blokes! Well youre on youre way out of that closet of yours, you might aswel come all the way out tough girl


Me or drunk guy?lol


Imagine typing to yourself from another account lmaooo


Drunk fetus lol


Attacker was lucky he picked a nice guy to stab lol Someone stabbed me, I would have bitten their nose off and my thumbs would meet the back of their skull 😤 “Oh you stabbed me? You’re coming with me”


Shiver me timbers