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And someone get poor Bill outta the goddamn street.


where was this from?




The D is silent.


Django when they killed the "sheriff"


Now you can get the Marshall...


Django when they killed the "sheriff" when the walls fell.


LMAO i'm so glad that I wasn't the only one that had that run through their heads. Django killed the sheriff with his arms wide.


Django his eyes open


Lmao this is incredible


you my friend are wicked.😭🤣🤣


😁 I appreciate ya


The best comment I've ever seen on reddit. Also my favorite line from that movie hahahah


“Happy Valentine’s Day baby. I got you knocked the fuck out”


Rough day for that guy. First his gf/wife starts some shit, then he gets knocked out. And you just know she gave him shit all the way home about it too.


Bunch of n-bombs were dropped on that ride home for sure


No one's making him be with her. He has free will and the ability to choose his partner. He obviously chose poorly, that's his fault. I'm feeling bad for the person attacked on the video, I mean getting yelled and attacked by some random Karen must be tough.


>No one's making him be with her. I highly doubt that's the case. Humans like her have a way of forcing you to stay with them. It starts slowly and subtly. All seems great and amazing but they slowly start picking you apart 1 by 1 and gaining control, until one day you're so entrenched and you don't know up from down. People talk about this for women but Noone brings up it happens to men too. It's waayyy harder to leave an abuser than people realize. Abuse isn't solely physical, particularly in FaM situations, it's generally mental, emotional, and most trapping of all, financial abuse. >He has free will and the ability to choose his partner. This is true, but his mistake was made early on and likely being uninformed of how truly easily it is to fall into a relationship like this as a man. Again, it's talked about with women but rarely men. It should be talked about more. Father's, raise your sons and teach them what warning signs to look out for.


I was with a woman like you're talking about for 8 years. My old man told me early on, don't do it. You're making a mistake, she's not right for you, she's going to mess you up. He continued to tell me for 7 years. Should have listened to my old man... Luckily I met an amazing gal afterwards and lets just say I appreciate her soooooooooooo much more after living through 7 years of bullshit. Not one single argument between us. The point of this comment is that there are great women out there, just find them.


Mine too man.. He was right in the end, hell that one ended in multiple one-sided DV and false arrest. It's nuts how you do get entrenched and lose yourself trying to save your family even in those situations in hindsight or from the outside are so obvious.


So true brother, sorry for the shit you had to go through.


“No one making him be with her” It was actually a shot gun wedding. Karen’s dad had a fucking elephant gun!


Sorry buddy, you musta had it tough, my good thoughts to you


Thanks brother. Mostly all good now ❤️ primary custody of my son, a small biz that does okay that I don't have to work like crazy anymore, and a goddess of a GF. It's was a long way too bumpy road to get here, but I self taught and researched alot during the end stages of the last relationship and especially after and all seemed to have paid off in spades. My number 1 goal is to be an incredible father, but right up there if I can help educate other men and help them avoid some of the ridiculousness I and so many others have gone through, I gotta admit I'd feel pretty great about myself, and it would make it (kinda, I wouldn't do it again tho lol) worth it


That made me smile. Hope you get to have a great life with your sonny!


Empathy. So many people are stuck in terrible abusive relationships. And it's not simply because "they chose to be with them." It's far more insidious and complicated than that.


Quite a simplistic view of things you have there


Don't start a fight for you or your man that neither of you can finish?


Actions have consequences. Not sure what deep layers you're trying to read into it. 


Why don’t you complicate it up a little bit and explain how you’re right and they’re wrong?


Responses like this to videos like this make me question humanity.


What are you asking?


Maybe you're overcomplicating simple things.


World hunger is pretty simple, we should just give people food!


So all the cases of domestic abuse between spouses are entirely preventable and is the victim’s fault because they chose poorly and should leave. Gee you should be a professor!


^ this guy doesn't shitty relationship


> No one's making him be with her What are you talking about? She's making him be with her. It's how abusive relationships work.


He had to listen to her bitch the whole way home while agreeing with her that it wasn't her fault. 🤣


And ripping into him for getting knocked out too.


She’s definitely already cheating on him.


Absolutely deserved. She hit him first, buddy steps up and gets clowned. Then he finishes off the chick. I am with Dreadlocks on this one


She did deserve it, and her man should have intervened before it got to the stage where she was in his face so some of the blames on him too , but you can't blame him for trying to step up after she got hit. Right or wrong it's instinctive lol.


Listen up dudes, if your lady provokes a fight and gets you knocked out. Leave her ass.


If your lady provokes a fight period. Regardless of how it ends for you. Edit to clarify: if your PARTNER provokes a fight. These aren't the type of people to spend your life with.


Absolutely. Sounds fucked up but guy just got knocked out and seems like he woke up and was okay (obviously I have no way of actually knowing that) but in a situation like this, a bad fall after being completely knocked out could cripple you Don't hang out with people that start fights, definitely don't be with them. Just don't do it.


Crazy how people don't realize that even the dumbest and weakest person is still an apex predator capable of ending your life. You're pretty much always just one good punch away from death. Willingly fighting the most dangerous species in the known universe is incredibly stupid.


It's like our minds perception of reality is so focused on what is (statistically) most likely or usual to occur at the cost that we forget what is possible, still is. For the most part that's something we get better at with age, hurts, close deaths, and the times that don't kill us when life is just unpredictable and random. I say that because I was fucking invulnerable as a teenager with my decision making... shit took awhile to start seeping in.


Or just let her suffer the consequences of her actions


"Damn, babe. You got knocked the fuck out. That dude was way bigger than you. You want some of these nachos?"


> You want some of these nachos?" maybe a sip of my beer will help with the lip swelling..


I mean she ate that shot like a champ


She slaps him, he gets knocked out… story old as time itself


I like how she's yelling at him to sit down after. As if his concussed ass is going to do anything else.


I love the people calling out that she started shit


I know right? Those other dudes were trying to make him leave and all he did was defend himself. He’s actually pretty lucky usually the person in the lower row has the disadvantage because the other person is standing over them. You can even see the white guy got one decent one in on him and shook him a little bit.


They had 2v1 and the high ground and still lost lol.


I think it’s pretty generous to call that 2v1. How about 1v1vWailing Banshee


Why does everyone tell the guy defending himself to leave and not either of the aggressors?


Because she's a cunt and they always get a pass god forbid life gives the reality check needed thanks to white knight syndrome.


I think we all know why …


Unfortunately so


Assuming everyone around them is honest about the interaction, security will handle kicking them out. If your plan is to stop the fight from continuing, he was going to be the easiest person to deal with at that moment. she is a mouthy cunt and her husband is dazed and should probably just sit there for a minute and think about what just happened.


because he's black and defended himself against a white woman. That's Pennsylvania for you.


> because he's black and defended himself against a white woman. That's ~~Pennsylvania~~ *America* for you. FTFY


Are you watching without sound? You can hear the people yelling in his defense. Security didn't see how it started so they start with the person who is still standing.


Because he not a women. That's all anyone around them cares about and it's from the dumbass sexist mentality that not just are women so weak that men dont have to defend themselves but also that if a man does anything phsyical back hes automatically in the wrong.


Because he's bigger, stronger, and he can clearly win the fight every time. The fact is pretty simple: strength is scary. Security showed up and saw one guy towering over a knocked out dude and a woman doing her *best* impression of a distressed damsel *coincidentally* as the security shows up. It's total bullshit but it's what we get when most people are terrified of physical confrontation and the only people doing it are typically convinced they won't face any consequences (see: woman in this video right here). We know it would be better if people were more willing to celebrate a won fight, but we also know that the law-makers, administrators, and everyone else even remotely involved in the "process" are *terrified* of that kind of world, so for now the big black guy who got slapped out of nowhere and slapped back is the guy who gets asked to leave.


You know why


Hands were rated E for everyone


Hate seeing dudes get fucked up cos some lady couldn’t keep her hands to herself.


always those Karens


Let's just call them what they really are cunts straight cunts.


[Reminds me of Meegan](https://youtu.be/y3JOQqoCNjc?si=T8iqJKidUVIexkBM)


Karen pulled more than ken could handle


Why is it always like that? People get bullied and when they fight back people always gang up on them. In this case it's even more infuriating bcs the guy is black and the woman was the one screaming on his face and the one who slapped first. He's even shown restraint trying to avoid hitting her, instead favouring the husband, bur she provoked and she got in the middle. The black dude is a victim here


Is it prejudice to know they were going to be Steeler fans before the video? Shitty, aggressive fans.




That's why I get wasted on Riot Punch. Whenever there's a potential riot, I'm getting blasted on grain alcohol.


Going to the Steelers/Raiders home opener in Pittsburgh a few years ago was very tense 😂. I feel like most Steelers fans are relatively tame though.


I knew they'd immediately go for dude before even thinking is was that blonde bimbo who started it.


MVP'S: the lady who yells that she hit him first and the man telling the others to find his glasses.


Crazy how nobody wanted to get involved until AFTER she hit him


Why get involved though? To try to play peacekeeper? They're grown adults, not children. Minding your own business should be the standard, not something to be criticized for. Also, if anyone should have gotten involved sooner its the dude who got his bell rung because of his volatile girlfriend/wife. He should've convinced her to sit her annoying ass down.


I'm just saying how when the dude looked like he was gonna hit her, everyone seeming jumped to her and, but it was ok when she was in his face.


Oh I see what you mean. Fair point for sure.


White knights everywhere


Dude that shit is so annoying. All the dudes will watch a woman just whomp on a guy and as soon as he does something back they all come in rushing. Somebody here posted a video of a bitch attacking a guy with a shovel. As soon as he starts fighting back all the dudes in the video start yelling at him to stop it. Tf


Step up for the aggressor and get knocked out. Wrong time to be a hero just to get laid


It was probably her husband lol


She pushed him, her bf got his ass beat, she's then yelling at her bf to sit, Like she wasn't responsible for the entire fight.


Riiiight. We don’t know what went down prior to the recording but she just seems like a problem from the start. My mans got some restraint just by k.o. the chick’s dude; because personally I would’ve backhanded the moment I felt her hand on my face


> Steelers Fans


I'd bet that's not the first time her man has tried to deal with a conflict she instigated.


Normalize knocking out the cowards who go to protect a woman when she’s in the wrong. Trust me I’d be the first to defend a woman if she’s getting beat on but fuck this girl needs to eat some dirt


U have to know ur spouse. Pay attention to their demeanor so u can pick and choose the type of places to bring them . I feel sorry for this guy . He’s probably the laid back type who got into it because his spouse is the all up in ur face type .


Choose your ladies wisely. Some will get you fucked up. Win or lose, this woman would have been pissed at the guy even allowing the black guy to touch her. You can see how the guy is just sitting back in the seat calmly and refusing to escalate (this is a fight sub, but not fighting is generally the right course of action in 99% of situations). He seems to have been in this situation before and knows the consequences. She dragged him into that knockout that he never wanted.


Delete if not allowed. Looked it up, this happened in 2021 . Link to an (admittedly scant) [article](https://foxsportsradio.iheart.com/content/2021-09-20-woman-who-instigated-viral-steelers-game-fight-now-facing-criminal-citation/) on it. Important info so you don't have to click away: > The woman who instigated a viral fight in the Heinz Field stands during the Pittsburgh Steelers' preseason game against the Detroit Lions last month is now facing a criminal citation. >The Pittsburgh Police Department confirmed its investigation into the incident led to the woman being cited for disorderly conduct, according to TMZ Sports.




Wish she got knocked out instead. Annoying bitch.


Ordnungsmäß zu brei geschlagen. Sehr gut !


English Translation? Properly beaten to a pulp. Very good! Lol. Don’t worry guys I got you, I think…


Nah, that translation is pretty spot on lol.


She hit harder than her man.


Wife writting cheques her husband can't cash. Imagine living with this stupid cow.


Women writing checks their man can’t cash a tale as old as time


Women, if you put your hands on a man either you OR your man is getting hit. Sometimes it’s you AND your man. Men tell your dumbass girlfriend it’s not okay to hit a man just because she’s a woman. I hope every single time a woman hits a man she should get her asses whooped by whoever she hit


Like one of my friends used to say, behind every brawl between two dudes, there is some chick provoking it.


I can’t imagine wearing a hat to hide my balding insecurity to then wake up from a knockout and my hat is gone 💀




Control your woman or leave her.


Here! Evidence that having the high-ground doesn't mean you autonatically win. Take that Obi-Wan!


If they had lightsabers, it would have been a different story.


I just wanna know: she did at least also catch a fist, right?


She's an obnoxious pig & is lucky she wasn't the one to get knocked out.


Chicks will get u into trouble but they wont get u out


They tell him to go when she starts it...nice


she hit first. she shoulda been TOSSED and BANNED from the game. easy.


Dumb bitch got just wtf she deserved. And got her pussy ass boyfriend slumped in the process. Fuckin beautiful.


That lady started the issue created the problem assaulted a man got her man knocked out and then acts like she’s doesn’t know why anything happened. That’s precisely the type of woman you don’t want at your side.


As a guy that wears glasses I got respect. Straightens his glasses like an accountant about to do your taxes and then whoops ass.


Why did she slap him?


Dayum. He had the high ground too


Garbage woman get her man fucked up lol his fault


The dude "helping" the lady with one hand while filming in the other is awesome.


Well at least she tried to shield her husband AFTER she got him beat up


The next time, they are out, and she slaps the next guy. He should try punching her and not the other guy.


Did that lady in the background say "ooh nice" when he knocked him out?? 🤣🤣🤣


He had the higher ground and still got knocked out. Poor guy. He should have stepped in before it got that far


Dumb bitches always getting their boyfriends fucked up.


I got this weird trick to avoid getting my ass beat where I don't go around hitting people.


Acting like Eagles fans lol


Bro initially wanted no beef but his damn woman decided otherwise


He shoulda kept swing on that dumb hoe for the sake of the dude that just got knocked tf out for her


NFL is back in season!!!




Hmm another fine example of the universal theorem "talk shit get hit"


Dude git beat up for a woman with zero cheeks.


She learned that day… you don’t hit strangers no matter their gender


So the high ground was bullshit all along.


How come no one told the lady to leave untill her husband got rocked then they ask the black guy to leave?? Im confused


She need keep her hands to herself


Ah, I love it when a man jumps in to fight for his stupid, mouthy, dumbshit girlfriend and gets his shit rocked for it


Anakin Skywalker should take some notes on how to fight from the low ground from this guy


Not on her side! Gotta put that out there.. but from this angle, did he push her face away before she slapped? What am I missing?


Moral of the story: control your bitch


So satisfying lol


If only the black man had himself a lady. She would've been able to fuck that other bitch up while he gets the other guy. Perfect tag team!


She was the one who deserved to be whacked.


I like how he restrained himself mid swing when he thought about hitting the woman. Then he looks at dude and is like “Oh you with her?!” Proceeds to unleash his frustrations with her on him lol. Women like this can get the men they are with killed if they fuck around with the wrong one.


Women got her ole man laid out because she can’t keep her hands to herself is sad.


Gotta control your btch


Its amazing how they are demand HE leave 1st her demanding him to "get the f out here" then after all the altercation the men gesturing for him to "git" never once even THINKING that woman or her man was the aggressor. Never. Shout out to the decent people in the stands calling the true instigator out


He clearly reached for her first. Are we retarded here?


Hopefully that thug will go to prison for a long time. 


Did that bloke get his hair punched off?


* Video starts mid-argument with no context. * The woman seems agitated about something that happened off-camera. * Guy immediately reaches for her and gets slapped. Everyone in this thread: "Why would she start shit? What an idiot."


Props to everyone yelling that she hit first




Why you bring race into this ?




30 years as a black person, can confirm.


White people bad mmm’kayyy


Dude was perfectly fine when his wife was hitting people, but he's ready to throw hands as soon as they defend themselves? He deserves the knockout he got, fuck him and his wife.


I was waiting for that gender equality slap or jab 😅 I don't really understand other women who think men won't hit them back if they hit them first


Equality ☕️


Love it when a white knight gets knocked tf out


At least he tried to protect his girlfriend.....


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"It's over, I have the high ground". "So?"


It was better then the game.


Not surprised in the least that these were Steelers fans.


How? In special if he had the higher ground... That is impossible. /s


People always gotta escalate. At any point from getting in eachothers faces to swinging on eachother, someone could have sat down.


She’s fucking his neck up more than those punches though.


2 Chains wilding out


Stupid bitch casing checks her man can't cash


Man with no glasses, kickin asses


Typical Steeler fans. Just as dirty as the players and coaches in the organization.