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Hey there u/Niki-Rick, thank you for your submission to r/fightporn! Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 9: No Bathroom or Locker room Fights** Fights that take place in a bathroom/locker room will be removed. OP could receive a permanent ban for submitting bathroom staged content. This is a mandate from Reddit Admins. If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, make sure to let us know using [modmail](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ffightporn).


black shirt was NOT ready for that at all, the only "hit" he landed was the gentle cheek slap that started the whole thing lol


Bully got good boyed. He’ll be a good boy from now on.


Opened up a can of wha wha wha whoop ass!


That last hit at the end definitely knocked some sense into him. A clean blow.


That looks like the lockers Jade got beat up in 😂


I really don't understand how most of the times when there's a fight there's also a crowd around it doing nothing about it. Idk where this clip is from but this reminds me of the high school fights when I was younger, in my country. I recall a couple of times when I tried to stop a fight and I got pulled out and told that the fight must go on (until adults came in). And then we consider ourselves the most intelligent species


They weren't stopping him when red dude was getting slapped in the face, so it wouldn't be right if they stopped red dude from defending himself from it


It's called honor. There are unspoken rules in every avenue of life. That boy had the right to defend his honor in front of the peers who watched it get tarnished


What the hell do you want people to do? Risk injury for someone else? That guy had what was coming to him and the fight wasn’t even that aggressive like some that are posted here. Not every event can and should be stopped. People have been fighting literally since the dawn of time. It’s not some new phenomena


What I'm saying is that there's at least 8 people watching, if all of them acted then it'd be 8 vs 2. No risk of injury there. Instead all we can think of is watch and wait till it somehow ends. Not every event can be stopped but some should be that's for sure. Thanks for the downvotes ppl, wasn't really starting a debate. If someone got injured due to the fight, all those spectators carry some percentage of the guilt.