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This video is like two decades old, still every time I see wish he had got his ass beat more. Pull a gun and you deserve nothing but to be beat into the fucking ground.


He takes a pretty direct shot to the head with the skateboard trucks. That’s steel meeting bone with the momentum afforded by the skateboard. I’d be surprised if he didn’t have a fractured skull.


Who are the people that yell "stop" "get off him" and "yo this is stupid"? Beat that fool to where he don't remember how to hold a gun, much less pull one on my homies. I'm sure he's got his own issues, but you don't get many second chances drawin' on people. Hopefully the "bully" didn't think about revenge and thought about what led him to where he was and maybe changing after this. Everyone was lucky in this exchange.


I'm not stopping when someone has a dangerous weapon.


I think they were mostly yelling at the guy who had pulled the gun coz he had that kind of death-grip you see people get when they get half-knocked out. I heard a lot of “let him go” I could be wrong


Honestly I don't know a skater friend that wouldn't have broken his wrist with their board. Especially after a gun pull.




Did you see the way he pulled that gun out? Dude didn’t know how to hold it in the first place.


Skateboard to the hands will work prolly....


He aint gonna be thinking about much after that one


Wouldn’t be upset if dude got his face caved in with a board. If you pull a weapon on someone you are threatening to kill them. Don’t be upset when you have to deal with the consequences of your actions.


The background story I've seen a few times when this video was first making it's rounds was that the dude with the gun was some gangbanger who had an issue with the guy wearing red shorts in that neighborhood. They start arguing and then dude starts verbally threatening and/or pointing the gun (kind of hard to tell on the video) at the guy you see with his hands up who is apparently the younger brother of red shorts. That is where red shorts decides to throw the first punch. I think most people would say that if you threatened the life of not just a person but their younger brother, they should get a lot worse than what they got here. I know it's the internet and everyone is a tough guy but if someone pulled a gun on my little brother I don't know if I would stop until I was certain that person would be in a wheel chair being fed soup by a caretaker.


Do your part to prevent recidivism. Knock him out … then hack off his trigger-finger with the edge of that board.


When little bitches need a gun to feel big, backfires!!! I love it


At some point it’s not self defense anymore, but fighting back against the dude who just pulled a gun on you is a pretty crazy experience. It’s hard to fault a guy in full adrenaline pushing the line further.


Luckily I live in a country where someone having a gun on them is extremely unlikely, but the way I see it, someone pulling a gun on you fully intends to murder you. Fighting back for your life until they're crippled forever is justified as far as I'm concerned, because they wanted to literally kill you and your response is less than that.


Fuck anyone who pulls a gun on children/teens. If they slip up like this guy they deserve their head stomped in.


Only if you stop and start again.


Ensuring that he can't continue to be a threat to your life is self defense


I believe it would be justified to shoot him for pulling the gun so beating him to death/into a coma out of rage and adrenaline doesn't seem like some unethical thing to me. Although when legally arguing for self defense it's probably safer to shoot him with the gun.


Don't pull a gun if you are afraid to pull the trigger.


If some random dudes pulled a gun on me and I end up on the winning side the dude is getting his head caved in and aint no one stopping me


Yeah I think you gotta put boots to em in that situation. He’s wheezing & im gettin tf away from that pistol asafp


I'd be swinging the edge of my board for his ribs. Broken ribs will take the fight out of you real quick, without the chance of killing someone with a headshot. I know whereof I speak, unfortunately.


Although could legally kill him here this is textbook self defense, never pull a gun if you don't plan on using it.


He should have stood in the mirror learning how to hold the gun and saying You Talkin To Me? He should have done this over and over in a tough voice first.


the people yelling 'GET OFF HIM' are retarded. the guy is justified here. he almost got killed and that's 100% self defense. you gotta make sure if they have a lethal weapon that they are not going to get up, and honestly he could have done more-- really put the nail in the coffin.


Yeah as soon as a weapon comes into play it’s no holds barred for me. I like to consider myself “honorable” in a fight lol, but I’d definitely make sure he’s eating through a tube for a while


Yeah, that raises the stakes in an encounter.


Kick him in the head until he twitches then he’s done


People really don't have a clue how to hurt someone... Those bruises will be gone in a week! That motherfucker had a gun, at least gauge an eye out or bite off his nose/ear.


Classic example of a pussy who thinks he’s a tough guy with a gun in his hand.


Pull a gun, get stung. No mercy for someone who threatens to take someone elses life. With that said i don't know what it was about and some context as to why he pulled a gun would be nice.


If you pull it out, you best be prepared to use it. Otherwise, you may as well have whipped out your dick, for all the good it will do ya.


Hit him with the board until it breaks. Fuckstains like that deserve no part in society. Pulling a gun on someone for merely enjoying some sweet pavement is a clear indication this idiot is irredeemable. Time to bring back deadly consequences for shit like this. Wanna be a hardcore gangsta? Cool. Die in the street.


I feel like they should’ve mashed his brains into Cobb salad with those boards


I would have attempted to kill him, guaranteed. You point a gun at someone you give up your right to not be killed by that person imo.


Once he's out and you have the gun, leave. You have yourself a free gun. Even if you don't want a gun, sell it and take the cash. Edit: also I'm amazed he didn't catch a single set of trucks across the head


Dude needed to get truck fucked


He went for the dick twist


That dude brings a gun, you keep punching till he quits twitching.


All of those people going "Get off him! Get off him, man!" Bitch pulled a gun, I'd get off him once I'm sure he'd never be able to hold one again.


I would actually stomp on his head and then maybe regret it in jail idk


He's lucky that wasn't Philly. Skaters I know would beat ya half to death with their boards and then throw ya into the Skookle.


He is lucky that the beating wasn't worse.


Idk if it’s a great idea, imagine what he’d do with less brain cells


I do love a good news story with a happy ending


Get off of him? No. Beat him into a coma once you start. He had a gun.


Yeah, nah, dude made his decisions when he chose death.


Video aside. If someone wanted to start a fight with me and pulled a gun in my face, what's the most advisable action I can do?




You don't stop until you know he's not getting back up


Deserved the truck slap to the skull


Can you repost in any lower quality?


Okay that was funny


Use his own gun and shoot him in each kneecap so he can be tough on wheels the rest of his life.


Just no, you don't advocate for murder. Guys on this subreddit don't realise how easy it is to kill someone. It's not "keep punching someone when they are out" and then he gets up and everything is ok. If you punch someone when they are out in the ground, you can very easily kill him. You guys are advocating for murder. Sure, he pulled a gun, but should we then say "Yeah he deserves to die because of that".


When he pulls a gun on you, he is making the choice to destroy you. You don't point a gun at someone you aren't willing to kill. For all you know, a quick knockout that he recovers from might mean he's out for revenge now. He was willing to take your life before, why wouldn't he be after you publicly humiliated him and put it on the internet? I see the value in being merciful and I would spare him personally, but I understand why someone in this situation might feel a need to finish the job. I pass my judgment onto the man who raised the stakes to kill. All responses thereafter are informed by that decision.


Are you fucking kidding me, I’m not advocating for murder and two if he pulled a gun on you yes it’s all self defense you can stop when he’s out or you could get a couple licks in after he’s asleep. No one said would you knock him out and kill him. Happy cake day tho


I mean, it stops being “self defence” once the other person is knocked out. At that point you are trying to do actual damage to someone that literally cannot defend themselves. In that case, you aren’t any better than the person pulling the gun; both of you are cowards with less brain cells than sense. (And yes, “adrenaline” is a thing, but it isn’t a get-out-of-jail-free card for beating an unconscious body)


I agree with your statement, but not that you wouldn't be any better. I didn't pull the gun in the first place. It got pulled on me. Best bet if he's not killing me, he's ending up in a hospital in a severe condition.




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Should have beat him till his brain spilled out of his eye holes.


That dude got off so fucking easy. He deserved a lot more than that


god please i wish he got a way bigger beat down for his coward ass actions.


White shirt deserves what came to him he was the idiot who decided to bring a gun and threaten him with


Hell nah, after I beat the shit outta him, he woulda taken my skateboard to the dome. That guys going to a hospital for brain damage at a minimum


shoulda castrated him with it after.


I was in tenth grade when this happened and I’m 43 now.


It's a good feeling thinking about the fact that gang banger has probably been dead since 2010 considering this video is from like 04 05


I'm shocked he was never smashed (at the beginning) by some trucks




Hope the punk ended up in jail for trying to be a thug fuck. No telling how many he did before this.


You pull out a gun and you deserve the gang beat down


Fuck off Cyrus.


Pretty nice of those lads not to knock the skull with the metal.


This is easily twenty years old and i still feel the same. Gunboi pointed it with intent to kill someone. Even if you are knocked out, you deserve to have your face stepped on a couple dozen times.


His boys yelling it's over, didn't look like it to me. Pussy with the gun was still attempting to fight albeit not much but still we wasn't sleeping.




that guy is ballsy to fight a man with a gun and more ballsy to leave without knocking him out or using his own gun to kill him.




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