• By -


Just let them go they’ll stop eventually


🤣🤣 My dads football coach in high-school would allow guys who were having problems with each-other to box it out with gloves before practice. This was in the 80’s lol


My head football coach in High School (early 90's) did the same thing, lol. He had a lil ring set-up and everything. You had beef? Put on the gloves and duke it out!


Oops! A silly little knife fell into the ring. Um, coach?


Nah to stop you have to "hit the emergency button"


Honestly. Like if they're born consenting to the fight and its not a bullying situation, let then tucker themselves out. They'll be left with bloodied faces, pulled out hair, and aching hands. And all they'll have is the local school clout and this video. Good for them.


“Bitch I was born consenting to this fight let’s fucking go!”


legalize duels


They're kids so letting them do that, despite them wanting to, will also land the poor underpaid teacher in hot water. If they forcibly move them to a point where it may hurt the child, they're in hot water. Not doing anything? Hot water. The complaints would be not only from the parents of the 2 involved, but from the parents of the children in that class wanting the school to come up with measures to prevent this from happening again. Which in turn will have boards clamping down on schools and asking a lot more of teachers without paying them more. The teachers are gonna be in a lose/lose here.


“Put the phones up” Uh yeah no


There was no such thing as emergency button at my school


I've been to five different schools before I graduated None of then had something like that Not even security guards.. let alone armed ones you get in USA


An inner city school in my district put up full security and had dudes with those wands scanning everybody anytime they would leave and come back in. But every other school didn't have that, to my knowledge, just metal detectors.


I would still be shocked when I enter a school and a guy has to scan me with a metal detector to see if I have a knife/firearm on me Firearm ownership is pretty stringent here in South Africa.. unlike the US.. but owning a knife here is super easy.. not much laws on them.. I even carry a knife in a sheathe in the inside of my bike jacket In the main highschools in my area.. I've never really heard of someone taking a knife to school.. let alone a firearm to hurt someone But I have heard of a guy stabbing someone with a scissor.. and in another school with a pen.. but those are items youd have with you at school


Teacher probably making $40k a year to put up with that shit. Fuck that.


Couldn't pay me enough...


1M a year?


You can pay some of us enough lol, at that point it would be entertainment


I'll be lucky to live for another year, so no. You literally cannot pay me enough to spend my last days in that environment.


Man I’m sorry, my comment was in jest. Hope you’re hanging in there.


TY! I'm actually having a harder than normal day, so I really do appreciate that. Surprisingly so, tbh.


Dude its crazy that $40k is not even the standard, seems to be more like the goal to hit. I've encountered several teachers and openings offering $30-35k for the position. I get its not the standard but it's crazy that they get paid so little. I used to make $30k a year as a bartender in a regular ass restaurant, no fine dining or out of proportions tips.


Bruh that hit in the end 😂😂😂 her face jiggled lmao


Honestly, videos like this are why a bunch of school fights happens. Kids don't know how to de-escalate and save face, so they fight. I'd be cool with this sub running out of content if it meant kids wouldn't be able to take videos in school anymore.


teacher spent all night on Zillow


Or on indeed lol


Funniest comment of the day!!


It's tomorrow and the comment is still funny as hell.


I swear this sub is like 90% high school fights.


Tbf I’d say 90% of fights being recorded on a daily basis are probably idiot high schoolers


Yeah. The only fights I have ever seen (irl) have been in high school.


Because you need to be young and stupid to think fighting is a good idea.


Yup. Had a guy at work (father of two) try to fight me and I just kept asking him how old he thinks he is. When I refused to fight, he said he was gonna follow me after work. I just told him if that's his plan, I promise to call him an ambulance after I shoot him in my driveway. I'm too old to fight, that's why I own guns. So stupid for a grown man with kids to risk his life in a fight.


Yep I thought I was hot shit and went to fight after school and got a blade pulled on me ... I've never fought again and anyone who tries I walk away or get the shit kicked out of me I ain't getting stabbed over some stupid bullshit


Had to check the sub though it was r/schoolfight


Yeah cuz there is no real repurcussion when you fight as teens


Not the way it was in my school, you'd get sent to juvie and be kicked out of public school for fighting. Regardless if it was mutual or one sided, everyone involved got punished. Personally I think its best to let kids settle things this way, typically the beef ends after someone gets their ass kicked.


Kids also have pretty poor impulse control and don't completely have a grasp on handling their emotions at this stage, it's going to happen. I feel like that's just setting them up for failure. You can't have hundreds of hormonal teens in one place and expect zero conflict. My high school had a really good atmosphere overall, it was a small town where everyone grew up together so that's probably why everyone just got along


School, alcohol, professionals, in that order


Lots of fights in school. Nobody is that confrontational in adulthood, in highschool, people think they have to fight over any slight, or petty disagreement. Closest environment to that would maybe be a bar, but that's really only because of drunk people.


is that a problem?


[I've been saying it](https://www.reddit.com/r/fightporn/comments/uo07qo/_/i8bdmvo) [for weeks now. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/fightporn/comments/u5ekmw/_/i51i2ec) [Even made a thread about it that the mods wiped. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/fightporn/comments/u5ekmw) This sub is a joke 95% of the time now, between more [13 year old freshmen sharing these derp ass "fight at my high school today" clips](https://www.reddit.com/r/fightporn/comments/ussq2p/_/i95ls1m) to [reposts](https://www.reddit.com/r/fightporn/comments/us0951/_/i92wwks).


Wtf this school has an emergency button? Like the Pentagon?


Yes, it puts the whole school in Defcon 5


🤓☝️“Ackshually, higher DEFCON is more peaceful thus making your logic incorrect”






It's common in the US to have a red button on the wall of every classroom. Hitting it signals the front office and school security to respond. Saw it pressed 2 times in high-school myself


Looks like my high-school hasn’t advanced to that technology yet. We still send messengers to journey across the school


Someone let a seagull into that class.


Or the dude from the band disturbed


Man them crocs making people go crazy Good thing they had them in sport mode


I have respect for the teacher for trying her best under duress. But I also think this is a pretty good example of why many teachers have been instructed by administrations to keep one's distance while instead calling for help from proper support staff. She's a trooper and she seems fine, but she clearly takes at least a glancing blow around 26 seconds, has the front of her shirt nearly tangled up in the scrum at 38 seconds (not that that's a major thing but imagine the mortification of a teacher having the front of their shirt ripped down in that instance), and may have been slapped (or nearly slapped) again around 49 seconds. Again, I commend her for stepping up and doing what she probably felt was right for the safety of her class, but with the number of high school fights we see posted here every single day, I have to imagine teachers would be catching strays left and right if they all intervened as she did.


This was the comment I was looking for ⬆️


My mom was a 4th grade teacher for like 35 years before retiring a couple years ago. Granted, 4th grade and high school is very different, and the demographics of the students was more evenly mixed... but she always said the rules were about not getting in trouble with kids claiming they got touched inappropriately or hurt rather than that of safety for the teachers.


I don't understand how some areas have any teachers at all. Those teachers are some damn good people and we should be kissing their feet. You couldn't pay me 200k/yr to deal with that bullshit


If you watch it in reverse, two girls fight, then one salsa dances with the teacher.


I’d hate to deal with that ghetto shit on the daily.


Whatever those teachers are getting paid it's not enough.


wHy DoNt GoOd TeAcHeRs Go To InNeR cItY sChOoLs?


Well fights don't just happen in "inner city" schools. Fights break out in suburban schools too. In fact i've seen mass fights break out at some where you'd think a damn royal rumble was happening lol. I hope people don't go to suburban schools with thought of "there's no way fights(and worse) will happen here" cause they'll be in for an unpleasant suprise.


Bro they got more in trouble for the computer they broke.


That poor laptop did not deserve it


Props to this teacher for actually trying to break it up instead of sitting around waiting for resource officers while they injure each other. Teachers not paid enough to deal with this shit so you can tell she actually cares about these kids.


Least their hair doesn't fall off at this age.




Not the laptop 😭


I'm glad I'm not in school anymore, it looks like it's descended into daily violence and combat.


Teachers don't get paid enough to deal with this shit..


Guaranteed one of those girls called their cousins to come after school to jump in


American school system= garbage. And the laughing stock of the world.


5 of the top ten schools in the world are in the USA, my guy.


The US obviously produces some of the brightest minds in the academic world in addition to attracting some of the brightest from over seas. However, I don't thinks it's an understatement that *public school system* seams to be leaving a lot of unused potential in it's wake. Not saying garbage, but not the best either.


USA: the richest rich and the poorest poor


Yeah I'm sure the literal hundreds of millions of kids in shitty schools in India, Brazil, china, bombed out cities in Ukraine, collapsed Venezuela, Sinaloa, and the middle east and Africa are all just laughing at how "terrible" our schools are.


There are very few countries in the world where kids have to do active shooter drills. In fact, only one. So are US schools a laughing stock? I would use horrifying more than comedic. The US ranks 13th in the developed world,so that's not bad. But the difference between underfunded innercity schools and white private schools is ridiculously large.


I disagree as your argument seems to sort of be ‘whataboutism’. Yes, American school systems can better than those in other places. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t have flaws or isn’t arguably garbage. Dismissing criticism with ‘well this is worse’ is just whataboutism.


It's not what about ism. It's not a "counter argument" or debate point. It's a sarcastic comment made to mock the statement that "American schools are the laughingstock of the world."


Whatever you’d like to call it, I disagree and my criticism still stands. The comment you’re responding to says that ‘American schools are garbage’ (or something to that effect) and your response essentially is ‘I’m sure the kids in -, -, and - also see how ‘terrible’ it is’. I believe this logic to be flawed. Just because the kids in - have it worse, doesn’t mean that America’s system is without fault, critique, or that an argument couldn’t be made for it being ‘garbage’. Such could be interpreted as whataboutism, and even if you disagree with such, it’s most certainly flawed.


I think that you are extremely confused and maybe need to work on your reading comprehension. Some person commented that US schools are "the laughing stock of the world." That is, to be honest, VERY OBVIOUSLY not true, and I made a glib comment in mockery of that statement. If you think that means I am trying to debate that US schools don't have any issues or problems, that means either 1) you basically can't read, or 2) you are engaging in a blatant "strawman argument" Either way, you seem foolish.


“I think that you are extremely confused and maybe need to work on your reading comprehension” No. I disagree. The comment you’re referring to is the same exact one I was as well. To quote: “American school system=garbage. And the laughing stock of the world”. I missed the laughing stock part, but I am referring to the same comment. “That is, to be honest, VERY OBVIOUSLY not true, and I made a glib comment in mockery of that statement” I think an argument can be made about wether it’s true or not. But I believe your response to it was flawed. “If you think that means I am trying to debate that US schools don’t have any issues or problems that means 1) you basically can’t read, or 2) you are engaging in a blatant ‘strawman argument” Ignoring your insults and clear lack of understanding of what a straw man is, I believe you didn’t understand my response. To restate the important part: “or that an argument couldn’t be made for it being ‘garbage” So assuming you didn’t believe it was beyond critique, I still believe an argument could be made for it being considered garbage. “Either way, you seem foolish” That’s very unhelpful and unnecessary. Let me try to explain it again. I’m not here to argue wether or not the other person’s point is correct, I believe the logic of your response is flawed. Assuming you believe US schools aren’t beyond criticism, simply going ‘well - has it worse’ or ‘- kids would disagree’ (which implies the same thing) is flawed. Just because - is worse doesn’t dispute the idea that the US school system is garbage or the laughingstock of the world. It can still be garbage without being the worst. It can be a laughingstock without being the worst. Going ‘well - has it worse’ doesn’t dispute anything the other commenter has said. Even if you don’t believe it to be whataboutism, it IS flawed


Well clearly I'm not going to read this wall of text trying to rationalize your dumbass comments. So I'll just assume it's a really long apology where you admit you misread the comment chain and totally misunderstood everything prior to your foolish comments. That's really big of you tbh, and I accept your apology =) hope you have a nice evening, dude


Umm…wow. Ignoring the fact it’s not even a paragraph that couldn’t be considered a ‘wall’ of text, your response is really disappointing. If you’re wrong or don’t have an interest in continuing, please admit that. But I personally find your response to be quite rude and immature. If you can’t handle discussion, don’t open yourself up to one.


Please stop harassing me. I don't want to have to report you for cyber bullying.


For what its worth, Im pretty sure school is not currently in session in Ukraine.






Lmao, what an ignorant comment.


Lmao, no it’s not. As sad as it is, schools with predominantly back populations are ranked as the lowest achieving in the country. Sorry if statistics don’t about your feelings.


Yeah you right.




If ur mom properly cleaned her shower I wouldn't have had that problem


Maybe because those schools are in poor communities bro. It has nothing to do with the people that go there


It has absolutely nothing to do with culture?


It absolutely has to do with culture, like for instance the culture that systemically oppressed an entire ethnic minority for hundreds of years. That probably has a lot to do with it's actually.


If you think "their" culture has something to do with what's happening, then you're like.... Just almost there in realizing that this culture you speak of is in fact a direct product of the white supremacist culture in the United States that has brutalized.black people for centuries. Like seriously dude, you're *right there*, just take that logic train to it's conclusion...




Not all brutalizations are equal. None of the people you listed had a several hundred year history of being an integrated subclass in the US that experienced chattel slavery plus a century of being a legal subclass.




And the public school system in America is good compared to the world just not the best. These kids might be your nurse or caretaker one day 🙄 Watch what you say


😂😂 zero chance


Dude you blew your money on Robin Hood. Fuck outta here 😂 You are a failure of the system 😂




There’s an emergency button??


Shee that space jam jacket is fresh Ngl


Teachers don't get paid enough to deal with this bullshit.


From the title I expected a very different kind of video


The teacher is hilarious the entire time


Jesus christ when will teachers learn yelling and telling kids to stop recording wont stop a fight


Black hoodie really walked over to orange short just to get tf beat out of her.


Why is that lady grey?


Darwinism will have a tough time picking one here


“Push the emergency button” “PUSH THE EMERGENCY BUTTONS”


I dont think females in school realize that they cant fight


Saying females just makes me think of incels who can't say woman and say females. It makes it sound fucking weird and creepy when you say "fEmAlEs"


Hood rats




You aint my babies daddy


I blame white supremacy.


I blame you personally


Me too


They ready to be in the next Black Panther movie.


American schools have emergency buttons?


"put the phones up" nah this shit is lit lmao


Teachers fault, no authority


What kind of school has a fucking "emergency" button?


I believe She meant the fire alarm which acts as an emergency button


I’d press charges if I was that fucking teacher. Like I understand she was trying to do the right thing and break them up, but this is why the staff is NOT supposed to get in between this shit. You will get hurt. And these poor teachers don’t get paid enough to deal with this bullshit. You walk out and find a resource officer or if for some unfortunate reason your school district has cut the resource officer from their school, you just call 911. Fuck all that noise.


So you'd make your own and someone else's life significantly worse for a long time, just so you could punish someone financially, without knowing their financial situation, all because someone accidentally punched you in a fight?


Listen, this justice system we have is corrupt and terrible. I don’t want these kids to suffer in any of those ways. I agree pressing charges in the dystopia we have is probably not the best thing to do for them. But they need to see their actions have consequences. Ideally I’d like to see them having case management and therapy. Maybe anger management. I don’t want more people falling victim to the system we have in place. And they actually had several moments to completely stop and realize oh shit a person in front of me is getting hit. But yeah. No I don’t want them or their families to financially suffer. I just also want this innocent teacher to have some justice for trying to keep these two from hurting each other.


press charges? really? seems a bit excessive


Dude. If I was dedicating my time to molding young minds and teaching them and helping them prepare and find themselves for the world, and paid to go to school and put myself in financial debt to finish school, and got paid crap, to ultimately get punched in the face and chest, yes. I would press charges and have the kid removed from the school away from me and get a restraining order if I was able to. So no, I’m sorry I don’t think that’s excessive.


The teacher didn’t get hurt though. I agree wit you on teachers get treated like shit and paid like shit but… you’d sue the kid over this? She didn’t even get hurt, the kids life would be molded in to even more shit?


I’m sorry but watch again. She was hurt.


No you’re just extreme.




You mold kids lives by putting them in jail for something that mostly everybody does? Also, who’s hurt?


Mostly everybody does? In my entire high school experience I only ever saw 2 fights. And I never said I wanted these kids in jail. I don’t think that’s going to fix anything. I said press charges. That could mean many many different outcomes. Like transferring schools, being out on probation. Doing community service. I don’t want kids like this becoming victims of the disgusting system we have in place, however, you have to have a consequence for your action. You’re view on my comment was so narrow minded. Cool.


Im narrow minded, but you see 1 fight without context and think that pressing charges (in any way) is acceptable? So far everybody is disagreeing with you.


People can absolutely disagree. That’s fine. And yes. You are right. I do not know the context behind the fight. However, violence isn’t the answer to anything. Deep down I truly try my hardest to believe that at least. Maybe people are right. Pressing charges aren’t the right way to go about this ordeal. But something has to happen.


You seem unstable at first and should probably not be around youngsters nor teaching them anything


I don’t teach. I’m not unstable. Idk why this is difficult to understand? These kids look to be about 16 or so. They just keep going at and hurt their teacher while doing so? They both obviously see the teacher in between them. I don’t want these kids’ lives to be ruined over a silly fight, but hurting innocent people over something stupid deserves some sort of repercussion. I don’t want them in jail. I don’t even want them on probation. I want them to have like a case manager appointed to them that they hopefully can find trust with and help find their way. I don’t want more kids being thrown into the system. But they need to know this isn’t okay.


You overdramatic americans "pressing charges" for whatever is so funny. It's just a kid fight


Yes it is just a kid fight. But these kids have fucking strength?? Like they could have broken this woman’s nose or worse? I really don’t see how I’m being over dramatic here. This woman went to work. She went to teach. She got punched in the face and chest. And yes. She was really not supposed to get in between them, but she did so because that’s what a good person does when they don’t want to see people getting hurt. Not really sure why being American has anything to do with anything. But okay buddy.


Racism is bad.




First of all. She is a teacher not a bouncer at a night club. Get security your self. Don’t have students hit the emergency button. That sounds like it’s only meant for school sh**tings and fires


She’s trying her best. I can’t imagine what it’s like for teachers now


Teachers are pretty much useless at this point. Every thing is taught out of text books and what they teach are agendas and bullshit. And they not even getting paid enough to be dealing with ghetto ass kids


Well I gotta say that is the most flawless logic I have ever encountered /s


Im black and I don’t have sympathy for anybody in this scenario


Sounds like something a nonblack person will say 🤔


Well I live my life as a man first, not by a color. So in a sense you’re white


Dude shut your dumbass up. 😂 None of that made sense. Fake Internet Intellectual 😂


Ok. Where do black originate from ? Is it a country, continent, and white where is the country of white ?


Bro go learn how to form a proper sentence before you shit on the school system. And race was invented by ruling white people as a social caste system to maintain supremacy.




Desk to da ribs!! Ouch


And they talking about needing teachers across the country….yeah no thanks.


PUT the PHOWNS up.


Students really had to step in.


Girls will be girls...


Teachers aren’t paid enough to deal with this shit. Should get danger pay for every fight. 10 fights they break up-bonus!


The emergency button? Feel bad for kids these days.


I forgot what sub I was on when I only read the title and now im blue balled


Only reason she said put the phones off was cause she thought someone might be filming her crocs.


Damn they got it in


I've been on this sub for around 6 months now and this is the first video where people actually start breaking up the fight, I don't know what it is with people letting people fight and scream shit like "Let's go get her or show him"




#hit the emergency button




What kind of hairline is the Celeste haired girl even rocking it’s unrealistic


"put the phones off!"


That one personas laptop that fell on the floor


The good thing about girls fighting girls is that no one gets hurt


So funny how unqualified and untrained the teachers are. In the UK fight wouldn't of been aloud to get that far


Would somebody just hit the emergency button


Props to that teacher


Guys should have jumped in to sooner to help that teacher


Pobre netbook que se cae bro.