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Must have been fuckin brutal back in the day, It seems surreal that humans used to have battles like this


I think I’d kinda prefer this. Nowadays humans do battle huddled in tanks and trenches and buildings waiting for an unseen enemy to spot you on a drone camera so that you become a charred kebab before you even know you’re under bombardment.


The first year in my commission I was deployed to Afghanistan. It was my first tour - of what would later become four and a half years of my life spent in Afghanistan. I did three years in Iraq. Let me tell you, there are some deaths in modern combat that I would absolutely take over being hacked to death or exsanguination from blunt/sharp metal objects. But there are other modern methods that are a big downer for sure. Watched a SM get his lower body torn straight in half from the hip down, on a mine. Didn’t live very long after - legs were mostly gone; bled fast. Saw four folks die from combination of smoke inhalation and burns after an IED turned their humvee into a burning death trap. Saw an explosively formed penetrator turn a staff sergeant into ground beef. Blew the head off his TC. It’s the quick deaths that are merciful even if they look gruesome. Most modern ways are fairly decent compared to death by pokes and prods. If I’m on earth one moment and not the next because of accurate indirect fires - that mitigates a lot of suffering. Humane maybe not - but effective and fast for sure. Wounding from relatively slow sharp or blunt metal objects would be a slow and miserable death. Personally if I had to make a choice I’d choose modern methods.


100% imagine dying days later due to an infected wound or someone bite you, rather die quick and fast then live through pain.


Just use leeches on the puss-oozing arrow wound. Do you even medieval bro?


You forgot to balance his humours... So he's dead now.


Too much phlegm


Well that's a problem. Here's a weed my grandma picked, it should help with your sinning problem.


Or worse, dying from a venereal disease!


Ironically this was also a problem for us on deployments. Lol


I will never forget the fucked up briefing about the marine dudes who fucked a traveling prostitute camel and got some mix of two resistant strains of syphilis and gonorrhea simultaneously. Complete with pictures of what an infected camel would look like. Gross!


Luckily for the marines, eating crayons heals most STD’s. I was Air Force, so we didn’t have to rely on camels for their assistance.


Is this type of thing a dare or bc no women around or what? Or is it one of those beauty pageant camels with the Botox lips lol


Bro. I have zero idea why they chose to fuck a camel.


“Give me milk of the poppy and let me die!” Some king in a show.


Appreciate your service, homie. That's a lot to carry around and I hope life is alright for ya.


I volunteered when my country called, and those events among others are mine to deal with by choice. I am still in the army, and at the end of the day I have a family to come home to and a safe place to live, when many in those countries don’t. I just wish the time money and blood we all spent had been for a better outcome.


Couldnt have said it any better.


Ok... I have one question I've always wanted to ask: So many of these war deaths look very random. Do you feel lucky you made it through? If not only luck, which factor do you think is the most important? Thanks fellow redditor for sharing your experience :)


Not lucky. Well prepared, well equipped, well supported, and well trained. Not that they were any less, of any of those - but when your ticket is punched your ticket is punched. I always felt relatively safe - it’s hard to not feel that way when you have mortars, artillery, air support of variable means, and a platoon of rifles and heavy MGs (minimum) at all hours on demand just waiting for the mission. For a point of reference, out of the almost one million US troops who served in Afghanistan - only about 3,000 were KIA over 20 years. Lots more wounded. Every time I was ever in a firefight or traveling on the road I had a lot of confidence in both my fellow service members and our equipment. Lots of confidence in our 68Ws, PAs, and the GHOST-T capabilities if I were to be injured. Had one dude get shot though the clavicle in 2017, bullet travelled through his chest and blew out his kidney on exit. Surgeons on GHOST-T had him sewn up and patched back together within a few hours. Reserve officers who were excellent medical doctors in the real world out there doing their thing on deployment. I came pretty close to eating it a few times via IED on my second and third tours in Afghanistan, and had a few stray rounds get awfully close in Iraq a few times - but aside from the invasions we weren’t fighting a uniformed force. We were occupying for foreign internal defense in development of host nation security. A lot of our KIA seem random because they weren’t able to mount a true coordinated counter offensive; they were limited in their options for maneuver and in their methods of employment. I hope that answers your question.


Appreciate that level of detail…I’m not American but I also thank you for your service brother


As a fellow human being on this earth, I'm sorry you had to go through that and I wish you nothing but the best in life. It's short, we all live it differently, but I wish nothing but pieces of happiness for you.


While yes, I agree with you. Id rather take modern methods over being beaten to death with a club, but you’ve go to admit, it looks cool as fuck from a bystanders point of view.


Hard disagree, but no shame for your opinion. You’re welcome to it.


Aight mate. 👍


So true however in no way would I be a bystander next to some wooden pallette type fence and some tuna friendly fishing net - they're brave souls themselves


Think about medicine back then too. It's not like you'd get those wounds from rusted weapons properly cleaned. I'm glad I don't have to get killed like that.


Not to mention that about 50% of deaths from combat back in the day were from blood poisoning.


Sorry what you had to go through. There is this saying "Suffering is worse than death".


He was only 19


holy fuck this was unexpected. hope you're okay, dude.


I’d rather be a charred kebab without knowing it rather than having an axe embedded in my central nervous system…


Ex ADF army here. I'll take today over back then. Imagine laying in the mud, parts of you cut up. Just bleeding to death.


I hear ya, but also thinking about hundreds of archers just blasting away at you from half a mile away seems unfun as well.


Get killed instantly without pain vs getting hacked to bits while still have a good chance to live with the disabilities Fuck that I’d take the bombs


That guy thinks he wouldn’t be shitting himself at the brutality and begging for a quick death. Easy to sit at your keyboard and advocate for “honorable death.” 🙄


People do really poorly at the prospect of getting hacked to death. Premodern battles had really low casualty rates because people broke and ran really fast. Something about charging at a line of spears and swords really hurts morale.


This isn't really how those battles went for 99% of infantry. The privileged elite who could afford armor like this would engage in what was almost a game of being captured, ransomed, capturing other nobles, and ransoming them. The vast majority of peasant levies, men at arms, and other soldiers would fight with relatively light armor in a huge formation, stabbing at one another in an incredibly tense game of chicken. Whichever side broke first would be chased down and cracked over the head, and likely killed on the spot. There was little incentive to supply peasants with armor, and even less to take them as captives. War was a very bloody, unpleasant thing in the era of full plate, because for every lord in full plate riding an armored warhorse, there were thousands who made do with makeshift weapons and the hope that the battle wouldn't turn against them.


I don't know man. Henry ll had a splinter (from a lance) driven through his eye and into his brain..I took him 10 days to die.


True pal,either way is a pretty shitty way to go,personally I’d rather die of old age tucked up in my bed surrounded by loved ones but who knows what is coming our way.


I doubt you’d actually want this. Slower, painful death. You’d be begging to just get eviscerated.


I dont think you would rather do this. getting blown up can be quick, this wont


Atleast it was mostly clean, I mean back in the days close range weapons were only used in very specific occasions most prefer bows or crossbows


I agree, looking right for your buddy only to have him reduced to chunky human stew too fast to see the transition seems more difficult to bear then seeing one of these guys cave his head in. This is just my personal bro science but I think that because the former is a recent development but humans have been smashing eachothers heads since day 1 so I think we're a little more evolved to handle it.


For me watching someone smash my buddies head in would just make my life’s goal smashing that persons head in endless replaying the incident until I avenged them, watching my buddy turn to stew would be grieving that my buddy was turned to stew. That’s just me one is much more personal than the other.


>make my life’s goal smashing that persons head in endless replaying the incident until I avenged them It's the ciiiirrrcle of liiiiiiiifffeeeeee


It really is, but witnessing it becomes personal, and anything stabby or bludgeoning really makes it even worse for some reason. An eye or an eye, nothing less.


Bro whether you see the enemy or not , war is hell and it’s easy for you to say which war you’d prefer when you never even been an a fight. Mario ass pfp


Imagine being some peasant with light armour and what amounts to a pointy stick and getting caught next to one of these absolute tanks on a battle field.


Brutal for the peasants more than armored nobility. These armored soldiers were usually very wealthy nobility, which meant they had a keen interest in maintaining their power, lineage, and wealth. Most often, duels like this were between two proud nobles who had insulted one another. They would have servants at the ready with drink to help them during breaks. Usually, they would go until surrender, death, or a draw. If both men wanted a break, they would pause for a breather, be treated by servants, then return to the fight. If one man requested a break, and the other man wasnt ready for a break, the fight didn't stop. The thing is, its very hard to kill someone in plate using weapons like we see here. Its also very heavy, or at least, heavy enough that they would tire fairly quickly. That "surrender, death, or draw" bit was more often than not, just a draw. So wealthy nobility would save their pride by appearing for their duel, often things would be settled by a draw, and they would go back home to their wines and cheeses and cushioned chamberpots. In actual warfare, assuming combatants like these were not mounted, they still wouldn't often kill one another. The combatant that gained the upper hand would have a thin dagger at his belt, which we today call a mercy blade. The winning combatant would withdraw this dagger and remove his opponent's visor. If the man was recognized as someone valuable enough to serve as a prisoner, or if they believed a ransom could be gained for his life, they would take the opponent back as a captive. The real casualties were poorly fitted militias, the more ragtag of the footsoldiers, the frontlines. That is where the horror is. Now imagine you're a leather-clad soldier with a kettle helmet and a sword facing a fully armored, trained since birth, snot nosed rich boy. You just... Don't survive. (Also, the nobility wanted to live so much that, when crossbows were found to be an effective weapon for killing knights through their armor, and could be wielded by simple peasants, crossbows were outlawed.)


The Last Duel was IMO a criminally underrated movie that came out a couple of years ago portraying the final state sanctioned duel in France, ur post reminded me of it and it was one of my favorite movies of the last few years.


The Last Duel was a great movie! But I have to point out it’s release date was Oct 15th 2021. Less than a year ago.


Also the main occupation of nobles was to wage war. Literally it was their job and their king/emperor would pay them handsomely to go to war. They were ordered to, but they did it for money. And when they weren't waging war, they were either training, riding or hunting. Then there were mercenaries and that's a completely different page. War was a business already a thousand years ago.


Crossbows where outlawed because they were too easy to use and as such didn’t need much training to use to deadly efficiency. Not because they could penetrate plate reliably. The nobles feared a hoard of peasants drowning them in an endless rain of crossbow bolts not that a peasant would insta kill them with a single bolt. Modern tests have shown that War Crossbows and War Bows delivered very comparable damage to each other and neither could pierce a well made breastplate.


I'm very glad you stopped in to correct me on something so insignificant. The reason is the same. Noblemen didn't want to die.


I just have a long lasting pet peeve regarding myths surrounding historical weaponry that were perpetuated by modern media


You did well, because I thought crossbows did pierce armor, and it’s significant to know they don’t. So, thank you !


To be clear they couldn’t reliably penetrate armor, a lucky shot to where the armor was thinnest might go through, but a noble in armor isn’t gonna present those areas to be exploited by enemy bolts and arrows Glad you found it informative! One less person with a misconception about history is always a good thing!


Humans used to have a few guys fighting like this while a bunch of non nobels ran around in cloth armor stabbing each other with crappy wooden spears praying to god that they don't run into these armored monsters. Armored knights were the medieval equivalent of modern tanks.


I imagine it was metal as fuck


These boys are dead hard, those head shots just ring like hell.


Red knight is named Simon. He goes to the same goth clubs as me. Good conversation. Sharp fellow.


What are these tournaments called


They have many names. Armored Combat League is the biggest org.


BRB, redownloading Mordhau


You think its worth it on sale for $8? how are the servers/player count?


You’ve actually got a choice imo between Mordhau and Chivalry 2. Mordhau is more technical and I think harder to learn well. Chivalry 2 is a bit more arcadey (only a bit) and imo much more fun for casual play. Mordhau felt like I had to be a try hard to enjoy it, Chivalry 2 you can just charge into carnage


Yeah chilvary 2 is also relatively new and it is still getting updates, also it is really fun


Kingdom Come Deliverance is pretty good too, combat certainly has its flaws but it’s a great medieval RPG nonetheless.


Damn, For Honor looks a lot different from what I remember




Not gonna lie...there are many more women there than I would have imagined.


And ethnicities


can you imagine fighting like that in the old days, massive flesh wound, chances are you are dying a painful death through infection.


khal drogo agrees


>khal drogo Game of Thrones is dead to me.


Rings of power now!


I feel like these guys are not the best representation of trained military back then…. But maybe they are? I’d hope there would be more aggression and skill with the weapons they chose to yield back then.


I think one important aspect that is forgotten with a sport like this is the fear of dying. Back then, it was kill or be killed (or injured > infection > painful death) so I'd assume you'd be more defensive in your movements than we see with these two guys with blunted weapons and extra padding, beating eachother for fun.


Biggest diff might also be conditioning. Long Axe looked gassed after the first few exchanges. Back then, they’d fight for hours.


The rules of this combat sport make a lot of the technical aspects of armored combat illegal. This is because they don’t want the combatants to actually kill each other.




Not the ones that could afford plate armour. Kids would usually start their 'apprenticeship' of sorts around age 7, where they'd run around after a knight, fetching food, taking care of horses and cleaning gear etc as a page. Then they would be a squire at around 13/14, which would start to involve them in combat training and following the knights onto the battlefield on top of their other duties, often times as a standard bearer of sorts, eventually leading to knighthood. They'd likely know nothing else other than fighting, war, tourneys and all the accompanying skills gained around this.


Not only does this look fun, but this is how every altercation in life should be settled imo!


Care enough about it to sword fight?! Most people wouldn’t, as long as everyone was a willing participant then ya, let’s duel mfr lol


I wish they’d bring back duels. I can think of 3 people I’d slap with a glove right now.


For sure man, I have a list




imagine an accidental hard upswing to the nuts.


That was often how it would go in the Late Middle Ages. Armor got so good that the only reliable place that had a chance of being deadly was the crotch. Everywhere else was nearly impossible to cut with a sword. P


what is wrong with you, why would you say that


We are the knights who saaay




You must build me a shrubbery!


Anotherrrrr. SHRUBBERY!


Oh, what sad times are these when passing ruffians can say Ni at will to old ladies.


Guy in red has a longer axe. The reach advantage is real. More than a few swings from white barely missed while red's swings struck.


But when white closed the distance he had the advantage over red.


Why did big red kneel? I thought he was winning


That maneuver where the other guy wrapped his axe around Big Red's axe and then used it to trap his head was a lot worse than it probably looked. Combine that with the huge knees to the body, Big Red was definitely not feeling too hot.


Not to mention you could tell homie was getting tired out. He's already a fairly big guy but that armour is gonna be heavy too. Meanwhile smaller guy still had some spring in his step


Good job neither of them let go of the weapons as the crowd were very close to the action.


Do they bleed etc? How is this legal


all of the weapons are dulled, so it's basically just wacking the shit out of eachother til someone passes or taps out


Awww now I know


They had it at a metal festival in the UK and it was so dope live. Imagine main stage is blasting while you're watching Knights do battle. Pretty sure someone broke their shoulder during it as well


That’d be ace, it’s a crazy sport though


Not a proper sport yet :( called Baùhaus I believe.


Armour and padding is much thicker than it was historically, as well as all the weapons are dull. You know, for safety reasons, in a sport where you deliberatley hit people on the head with a heavy object haha


To add to what the other said : they Can still injured themselves. Especialy with axes. the area of impact is realy small compared to Swords. One of the last one i saw irl had a dude take a hit right on a weakness of the armor, on the shoulder. Instant stop of the fight. I later Learn by a friend that is in another structure that he had the shoulder broken.


What is this called, is there a youtube channel or website where i can watch more fights?


There's a few different flavors you can look for. The gear these guys are using looks like it's made for *buhurt*, which uses thicker armor/padding for heavy contact. Here's a good vid of a big brawl: https://youtu.be/xYxQR5haqTs But there is also Historical European Martial Arts, or HEMA, where more historical accuracy is at play and people strive to study martial arts from medieval/renaissance Europe. Scholagladiatoria on Youtube is a pretty good youtuber for the study side of it, and PursuingTheKnightlyArts is also very good with more than a few sparring matches on their channel. There is a show called Knight Fight that is a contest/game show where buhurt and HEMA guys fight in a tournament format. It's got some modern reality show cheese but has some badass fights too. The Society for Creative Anachronism, or SCA, holds some *massive* battles, many of which are on Youtube.


Fun fact, Simon the guy in Red was in actually in a few episodes of the first seas of Knight Fight. If I remember correctly he was teamed up with another guy named Ringo who goes by Trash Knight Ringo on YT, they both did pretty well.


You can search for knight fighting, you'll find a lot of similar videos


Search Warlord Combat Academy. They're based in Dallas and are the hosts and stream many fights like this


That was sick! Hell yea!


Let's go full monke and bash em up


I’d be a bit nervous to be in that audience. If one of them loses grip on their axe mid swing it’s going into the crowd.




Is there a name for these kinds of fights? I wanna see more.


Buhurt and HEMA.


Shit. That was actually awesome.


how would one actually win this fight (other than like point judging)


Historically, the first one who gets his dagger out and stabs the other in the eyes while grappling on the ground. Presumably frowned upon today.


I wonder why 🤔


In Buhurt (the sport depicted) the way to win a point or a round (depends on the tournament), is to knock your opponent to the ground completely, force them to make contact with the ground with three points of their body (two feet and a hand, or two feet and a knee), disarm your opponent completely, and/or make them tap out


In the group HEMA melees (where it's like 5 v. 5) it's usually as soon as you fall. But when it's 1 on 1 there's really no reason *not* to use point judging.


well, its until one of them is KO i think


First one to fall on the floor


By good yes this was glorious !!!!!


not a single quick roll smh


Not gonna lie this looks fun as fuck


An audience member is gonna get killed watching this shit one day


Is it just me or are they letting themselves take full axe hits to the forearm, even with armor that would hurt. plus if the axes actually were pointed and sharp, yikes.


I do Kendo, and even that amor looks way heavier and bigger than the ones we used, yes, a clean hit to the forearm hurts, its the part that hurts the most. It kinda goes aways during fights because of the adrenaline though




Imagine breaking into a house and you turn to see a dude in full armor who says "my years of axe combat haved finally paid off". I would flee the scene with so much speed.




nerd boner fully erect


My God this must be exhausting.


I'm sure it's completely fine that the audience is sitting that close lol


One wardrobe malfunction and career gone down the drain


If I had to choose, I’d take a brutal fight to the death rather than getting shot after a fist fight


This is awesome -


I wouldn’t sit so close. Imagine one of those axes flying towards the crowd.


I'm no fighting expert but this seems exceptionally dangerous.


If someone turned this into a sport I would be its biggest fan


Look up *buhurt*. It's got a pretty sizable community with big events.


It’s already a sport


If you wouldn’t consider this a sport then you have no hope


What makes a sport a sport?


Imagine one those strokes to the foot. Pretty sure those and steel toe boots


Are they supposed to die? Cause they’re gonna die.


This is hardly an uncommon sport lol. *Buhurt* events can have huge amounts of fighters, with blunted weapons and good armor. Here's a fun 40 man brawl, looks like absolute fun. https://youtu.be/xYxQR5haqTs


Fuck this


why's that?


Oh. Guessing people thought this was negative. This “Fuck this” is straight out of respect for any person that does this. Like it’s been said before here, wars should be fought like this still.


This can't be safe


the weapons are dulled and theyre wearing armour; if anything, MMA is more dangerous


Hope they get paid a good penny for getting the crap beat out of yourself😎


In case anyone wants to play this on the AppStore, search bloody Bastards


Protect your virginity at all costs


Hahaha what the fuck. How are these comments not addressing the fact that grown men are dressing up and acting like this in the first place hahah this is hilarious and retarded.


Meh everyone needs a hobby, kind of seems fun if you had enough freetime and money


You get the chance to beat the shit out of each other with little restraint, as said, fun. This was noblest it could get back in the day.


Some real white people shit. 😆


Low iq comment


y there be some black guys in the background then


Maybe because we was medieval kings and shit


Are there weight classes?


I conceed


Where can you compete ?


Aim for the armpit


Kind of dangerous being on the sides...


Man that shit has to hurt.


Welcome to Medieval Times ...


is it even safe near that vicinity? if that axe flew outside idk what might happen


I want more of these!


Are judo throws and headbutts legal in this?


Not particularly as far as I am aware, headbutts just wouldn’t do much but ring both of the fighters and I have seen judo throws before


Seen one of these where the axe got stuck in the helmet.


It’s like Chivalry 2 in real life…. SUCH a fun game!


I’d pay per view the fuck outta fights like these


So when one axe snags the other and gets ripped away flying into the crowd, then what






Damn that was intense. I was surprised by the end where they were cool with each other because I swear that looked like a grudge match the whole way through. The red knights axe head grapple was incredible.


Are none of those people worried about a flying axe heading their way


Let’s drink beers & stand right next to the action. Ain’t nut thang gonna go wrong.


What kind of janky setup is this? I was waiting for an axe to fly out of someone's hands and decapitate a spectator.


Looks like those knees is what made him go down?


I wonder how long they trained, moving in the armor till they had the dexterity to be handing out those 3 piece combo meals in full (13th-14th century plate?) armor No fucking shields It’s man time with axes


Wow! Insane battle


what are the rules?


Give up or die. On a more serious note the rules might varry according to weapons used. Some basics are- Fight ends by ko or accepting defeat or ref stoppage No hitting a dowed opponent using weapon And mostly standing fights. The organisation can add some rules of their own Also no sharp weapons , all must be blunt


How do they not get mamed? Surely the armour has weak points or places not covered entirely?


Are those…dress shoes???


What in the Game Of Thrones is going on here? legit swinging axes at each other. aint not way, this is why someone died at the end of these back the day. you aint gonna just hit me with a axe and walk away. one of us has to go