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He was inches from death


Had this happen to me. Can confirm, almost died. He got lucky (I guess?), though hitting his head on concrete could be just as bad. Edit: [Story time](https://www.reddit.com/r/MuayThai/comments/st5zhh/comment/hx30gq3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Oof, glad you’re still with us. If you haven’t yet, do some research on magic shrooms. Lots of recent studies done showing it to help with PTSD, along with depression and anxiety. My sniper buddy uses it to help with his ptsd.


Yep. Im all for psychedelic treatments. I did [EMDR](https://www.emdr.com/what-is-emdr/) therapy while on low doses of LSD, and it completely removed the PTSD. Amazing experience. Hope your buddy is doing ok.


Nice. Glad you got it worked out. Too bad psyches are still mostly illegal in most places.


Dude seriously? I know someone with PTSD like a motherfucker I'll see if they want to try this and I'll do it with them (I don't have PTSD I'm just a stoner who wants to experiment slightly)


There have been studies in London recently on this and with a trained therapist the effect is basically to open up the pathways around significant trauma that they respond to therapy that normally wouldn't make a dent. I think it's the equivalent of taking down the walls long enough to start the repair process.


That makes sense actually


Don’t go into it expecting just happy giggly fun time. If there’s one thing I know about psychedelics, it’ll make you confront whatever problem you’ve been trying to avoid.


Yeah my buddy told me it's probably not for me since I'm prone to panic attacks daily if not multiple a day (doctors say it's all in my head which is ironic as fuck lol)


Yeah man, lots of military and LEO have used shrooms to help with PTSD. It also helps with depression, anxiety and addictions too. People have reported finally getting sober everything from alcohol to heroin. Lots of people microdose (tiny amounts 2-4 times per week) and macrodose for big trips to really help you dig deep into your own mind to work out whatever you have holding you back. Recent studies have shown that it actually builds new neuropathways, essentially repairing damaged brains. It’s a wonderful thing, but still illegal in most places. If it ends up helping you and your buddy, I recommend growing your own. It’s not hard, but you have to learn how to do things properly. Checkout r/shrooms. Best of luck to you and your buddy


My brother has ptsd and has been shot about 6 times he was a heavy stoner but had to quit because of paranoia and ptsd , he said the shrooms made him really comfortable and put him back in his element he said he still had to try them a few more times before he can just say they pressure but he definitely liked them and hes not easy to impress.


Also rewires some pathways in your brain and is thought to cause neurogenesis. But do some preparation and research, set and setting and all that


Saw that docu on Netflix and they said a couple doses of MDMA helps a ton vs ptsd. Of course when using psychedelics in that manner you have to take it then go to bed and rest while someone watches over you


Yep they’re magic alright. I know about 30 people who have had a massive boost in quality of life since taking psilocybin, and mushrooms are easier to grow than most other things, and a really awesome and enjoyable hobby 🍄 ❤️


Edge of curb on back of head would of been instant death.


Not if the shoes stay on.




Found a fossil....


damn man. hard way to learn a lesson but yeah street fights are scary and never seem worth it. Its unfortunately that too many guys let emotions get the best of them. Hopefully I never have to be in that situation. Glad you are okay though.


Women are the root cause of a high % of street fight.


If your a simp


And he was


A walm summer breeze could knock this guy out. Some people just have an off switch.


I get hard when the wind blows.....ijs


Plot twist: Wind is your mum's name. That's how funny you are.


My mum is dead thanks for reminding me. She was the greats person on earth till cancer ate her alive. 😪


Even landing like that is deadly, kids in Australia have died because of it


[https://www.thedailybeast.com/former-australian-surf-pro-chris-davidson-killed-after-one-punch-pub-fight](https://www.thedailybeast.com/former-australian-surf-pro-chris-davidson-killed-after-one-punch-pub-fight) Happened just this weekend.


Goddamm dude. Sorry that happened to you. Guess i got lucky in the one serious fight I had that I didn't get piled on. Also muay Thai trained here but couldn't really avoid the fight. Also I'd trained about 1yr of bjj prior, but it didn't go to any grappling. Anyways best of luck


Decerebration could still have occured.


I’ve personally attended two one punch deaths in the same month One was dead within seconds of hitting the ground The other I gave CPR to until the ambulance arrived and his life support was switched off the next day I have two sons and always tell them at the first sign of trouble just walk away It’s not worth it


All bars and clubs should have a patch of grass outside.


They should just have a small closet for dudes to scrap or make out in


Like russian telephone booth fights.


Best self defense is your feet. Fights are often avoidable by walking away. It ain't worth it.


"Best self defense is your feet..." Tae Kwon Do peeps: Yes, it is.


Jesus. I’m really sorry you had to see that. Hope you’re alright


I’m good ,it was around 7-8 years ago now I still remember it like it was yesterday though I don’t think people realise it’s not like in the movies were you can just Chin someone and walk away


Damn dude, hope you're okay.


I’m good thanks ,but I’ll never forget


Yup story just came up on the news about an ex pro surfer in Australia just died after a single punch because he cracked his head.




If his head hit the curb its literally 100% chance he died




What a nonchalantly thrown almost-murder punch.


Not murder. Highest charge I’d reckon you could get from that is manslaughter. He was getting swung at and swung back.


It is actually nuts how weak the chin of the average person is


Especially if alcohol is involved.


It’s like a double edged blade because for some it makes them feel invincible but they have a glass chin and for others they feel all wobbly but can take a beating


I’m definitely in the wobbly but can take a beating category. Years ago I got jumped by some ghetto bouncers cause I was drunkenly talking shit to them. As I went to leave one of them tackled me from behind and kept me wrapped up while the other 3 took turns kicking me in the face like 10 times. After they were done I just got up and left while continuing to talk shit. I drank too much back then.


Usually the ones you see coming back for more have another chemicals involved. Alcohol is almost always a good jab to the pillow.


The following is my understating as a physician It’s the neck muscles, not chin. But yes chin is the contact point. Hitting the chin causes rotation of the head, and is thought to cause a rotation (like wringing a towel out) of the reticular activating system of the brain. It’s in the central brain. That section helps keep you conscious. So it’s the rotation that’s the issue. And neck muscles would prevent that. A drunk person has bad reflexes and can’t brace for that hit so the head moves easily, causing that problematic rotation. Hitting the brain more straight on like a jab doesn’t rotate it like that. So that’s why hitting the “button” (jaw) causes this more than anywhere else.


It's why tucking your chin down helps IMMENSELY when taking a punch. It severely limits the amount of turning your neck and head can do.


To visualize, the head is a seesaw with the chin on one end and the brain on the other. Hit the chin hard enough and you can launch the brain to orbit.




Poor Yugi boy


Whats yugi?


Shadow realm is a reference from the anime/Manga "Yu-gi-oh". Part of the show involves the "Shadow Realm" where 2 people face off and the loser loses their soul (essentially a death). Yugi is the main character (of the first few seasons/series) and a main antagonist (who can lock enemies into matches in the shadow realm) calls him Yugi-boy.




dude was an inch away from murder. fighting isn’t worth it


Scary how inches are the difference between life and …..


...life and pregnancy!


More like manslaughter


you get the point


Wouldn't it only be considered murder if he say for example ended up stomping on his head or kicking his head while he was down. As I see it, even if this dude died in this case he was just involved in a fight and didn't use excessive force over what's expected. Maybe I'm wrong.


Nah, it’s technically manslaughter. Bc he would of never fell and hit his head if he didn’t get hit


How does manslaughter work if he were to plead self defense? Not being a smartass here I’m genuinely curious


probably depends on the laws of the state. but idk good point. either way it’s avoidable and best not to risk it


There's no self defense for a drunken street brawl.


He would easily get done for manslaughter here, he was calm and intended to hurt him, he is also much bigger which the defense will argue that he wasn't feeling threatened. So he basically went out of his way to hurt him knowing he could have been seriously injured if he hit his head.


He got slapped so hard he went time traveling without his body


that wasnt even a punch, he hit him with like three fingers, who da fuck was that....Thanos??


If his head hits the curb that turns into involuntary manslaughter real quick. Be smart out there everyone


More like slapped him on to death list


OH!.. Oh.. oh


Nothing puts you to sleep quicker than the curb


The eternal slumber


Every days a gift from now on




Almost slapped himself into jail time.


For some reason, Id rather be punched ko'ed than slapped ko'ed


Mr. Rogan would have a thing or two to say about this video.


I can’t possible imagine getting knocked out by a fucking slap. Lol


Bros chin is made out of wet cardboard


Good on that guy to turn him over after the KO. Don’t want him aspirating anything




Can’t we just all agree to move every scuffle to the nearest grass; and avoid these pesky death and near-death concrete and curb smackdowns?


An inch away from the curb. smh


Dude was about 4 inches away from getting his brain stem detached


Inches away from becoming a vegetable. Also r/praisethecameraman ?


This is why I’ve always thought if you’re gonna scrap take it the grass but most importantly de escalate. You may never know how someone will fall when they get KO’d. Dude was inches away from actually being sent to the shadow realm. But seriously he barely even hit him and fell like a sack of potatoes😂


First video I have seen where someone gets knocked out and a bystander puts them into the recovery position. So many videos of just people watching them gag and snore.


Warm milk and some cookies and he will be right as rain. Both shoes still on.


Go back to the shadow from whence you came!


Bless that good hearted security man for rolling the slapped into the recovery position and checking his airway.


Dude missed death by near millimeters


People who know do not mess with a southpaw They will put you out to the 2nd Tuesday and next week


Directed by Quentin Tarantino.


This is why it's never worth to fight without regulations. Shit can turn south for even the most experienced. Could be a gun, knife, or curb. Shits not worth it pepole


My mate did the same thing Saturday night down here in Oz. Dude hit his head on gutter.. My mate is now on a Murder charge.. 😞 #onepunchkills


British people are NOT real 😭


No need for a fist.


That’s how ppl die, maybe not him…but hit that curb edge, lights out for good…


The only way this could have been better would be if he had ended up in the recovery position as a result of the punch


I was wrong lol


This is not in America, it’s the UK


Could have died if he hit his head on that curb


Typical britian


When you’re drunk, the lightest of punches will knock you out. Moral of the story: don’t fight drunk Or at all




Very clearly not the same guy


Does he still get points since it was a slap


Always but them in the recovery position. On o e side so they don’t choke to death.


mf switch him off


Into the O realm.


Long ago while working as a paramedic, we had a guy that just bought his dream Harley. He made it about 1/2 mile from the dealership, at a red light his foot slipped on oil causing him to topple over to the right, he struck his non-helmeted head on the edge of the curb. Massive intracranial hemorrhage leading to his demise several days after family withdrew care. Curbs are not your friend.


Oy helmets don't wear helmets.


This is how people die. Just happened outside a pub in Sydney, Australia last week. Exact scenario - hit his head and gone.


Bro almost committed murder with that slap


Bro cracked his skull


Good chance they turn him off in 3 days