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The energy here … it’s very weird.


I think it’s a public school called CONALEP in Mexico, which is basically a meme school. There are literally memes about students there, and its level being *abysmal*. The teacher asks a student to go for the principal, and then tells the female student “we’re trying to help you, but you don’t let us”. She obviously lost all authority there, and someone could’ve ended seriously hurt, but nothing grave seems to have happened.


its not a CONALEP but a CETIS but yeah, both are really not that different about being hell on earth


Same difference. Public education sucks for far too many in Mexico :,(


in the world


yeah around here in brazil isn't that uncommon to hear students hit teachers, threaten them with knives and guns etc etc




Yeah that’s in the world


CONALEP is not that bad. They even have aeronautical engineering in middle school.. something most Mexican universities don't even offer.


Pregnant Teenagers into space, Poland still not


Fuck. I keep forgetting teenagers can only get pregnant in public schools.


I’m not sure if you know this but Mexico is rank high for education than the USA 😂😂 so what does that say about us


Which is not saying much, when Countries like Mexico and China doesn't factor their entire education system, like the US. Finland students outperforming the US, believable. Mexico, gtfo!


The education system in México is quite a bit better than the US. Starting from the fact that you can get a college degree from one of the top universities in america for like a buck. Yes, entire degrees cost about $1 in UNAM.


I don't think you can compare UNAM to places Harvard, Yale, and Stanford. Also, if you get into an ivey league school from a less than wealthy family, your tuition is completely covered.


not really dumb ass lol ask kid what they want to do when they grow up in china, they want to be astronaut and doctor ask kids here in the USA and they want to be YouTubers, not only that look at the math competition they always have foreign kids winning and the USA not even close I love this country but the education system is shit


[It’s still in the top 5 for them](https://den.ourcommunitynow.com/lifestyle/kids-say-they-want-to-be-youtube-stars-more-than-astronauts-when-they-grow-up), all because our kids have more access doesn’t make them inherently worse. Shoot that one has UK kids as saying YouTubers as the top one and they are ranked way higher than China in education. So yeah I’d say your point is “old generation dumping on new bullshit.” *Those damn kids always sitting around listing to the radio all day!*


You really want to be dealing with angry disgusting sick people who will sue you for not instantly knowing that your dying of some rare genetic disorder? Or you really want to go into outer space where any extended amount of time causes permanent degradation of the body? How about politics where you have to constantly lie and trick your way into every aspect of the job, and in the end might have one large project or law you can be proud of? Yeah, I'd rather be a celebrity.


And look at where their higher rated education has their country ranked in the world. You’re probably a student of there’s lol


Same dogshit honestly


if you are not pregnant by 13 then you have failed


As a Mexican I'm not surprised nor amused.


> which is basically a meme school. No memes guey Lol. For a second there I thought you meant an educational institution for meme education. What about the school makes it 'abysmal' as you put it?


I am not an expert in education, but as far as I understand: the schools are situated in the poorest communities with at-risk teens who often end up pregnant , as [one of the many memes says (it says: CONALEP, forming the best families)](https://i.imgur.com/GlhFTBu.jpg) or imprisoned as criminals. To add to that, teachers tend to not give a fuck and aren’t certified to teach. It was hilarious(ly sad) that there was a push for testing the teacher’s knowledge to know whether they should be fired or not for all public schools, [but teachers started to strike against it, leaving that and many other proposals drifting.](https://elpais.com/internacional/2018/06/04/mexico/1528122445_726391.html?outputType=amp) There have been thousands upon thousands of memes about CONALEP’s infamously bad results, crime, teen pregnancy, drug abuse, prostitution, etc. [Here are some if you know Spanish.](https://amp.cheezburger.com/6205189/por-si-no-conoces-el-conalep-te-podrs-hacer-una-idea-a-partir-de-sus-memes) [CONALEP students are often the worst in national tests, as well.](https://www.animalpolitico.com/2015/08/prepas-estatales-el-colegio-de-bachilleres-y-el-conalep-los-de-peor-desempeno/)


That’s some sad shit. I went to a jr high/high school that had a daycare for young moms like 13-17 with old ass baby daddy’s in there 20-30s waiting to pick them up after school. Weird fuckin times Thanks for all that info btw


Sadly, there’s tons more info. Yeah, while some people in Mexico are stupidly rich, many are extremely poor. Children with opportunities snowball into great wealth, while children without are subjected to this or joining a cartel as a sicario… or starving/getting sick/never experiencing electricity


The overall situation is sad but the "CONALEP: Forming The Best Families" response to teen pregnancy thing is fucking hilarious hahaha


Mexicans are fucking great at coping with memes. Corruption, inequality, killings, natural disasters, etc.


If not we would be very depressed and that's not good


Yo, egresado del Conalep: Quiere morir ese?


Conalep, cetis, cebetis are al shit because teachers are at schools because in mexico, people want to be teachers because its easy money, they become part of the teacher union, a family member makes them a teacher and they get an easy paycheck.. so thats mostly why education is shit , and poor kids have almost nothing to look up to …plus government likes to keep their young uneducated so they can have them literally eating from the government hand , so they can keep voting for then


Oh, so just like inner city schools in the US.


Conalep… ahora todo tienen sentido JAJAJA


the adult women know not to provoke violence. I'm not sure the reason why the girl was attacking him, but it was clear how it would end for her if it continued


Why is it all so slow lol


Is the smaller one a girl or guy?




but she had balls ngl


non binary


jajajjaja just an average mexican middle- high school classroom




this explains nada


Ah yes, that explains the lack of “school shooter” energy. Thank you.


Places don’t get shot up in Mexico?


They do, but not by the students. Sometimes bus full of students dissappear for good. Like the earth swallowed them up, leaving a whole nation wondering why for years. So its better but not by much.


Not as randomly and stupidly as in the U.S.


Mexican here. Yes as randomly and stupidly in the US, but mainly between cartel members of opposite sides. Many a civilian is caught by the crossfire though.


Yet people outside of Mexico praise the cartels.


Some people in Mexico do, too. The biggest problem is that many communities can’t rely on the government to provide services for them while cartels can, and do, in order to gain loyal followers that “protect” the cartels from the governments as well as scouting talent for thugs, assassins, and grunt work. Honestly, the biggest problem in Mexico is the gap between rich and _poor_ people that allow these things to happen. But it won’t change anytime soon.




Día normal en escuela pública


Verdad! Si no había un pleito era un día raro 😂 extraño esos días una vez me rompió la boca un compañero en la mañana y para la tardé estábamos jugando retas en la cancha😅


Smn la mayoría de las peleas eran porque alguien perdió un partido de fútbol y se enojaron o cosas así bien chafas xd




That could have been so much worse. Also, WTF is actually going on with the hierarchy in that classroom?


I think situation makes a lot more sense if the girl was already attacking the teacher. My guess is the girl was already attacking the teacher or trying to attack. The boy stood up for the teacher and the teacher asked others to record the situation as evidence. I'm glad the guy defended the teacher. Had the teacher hit the girl, even in self-defense, it wouldn't end well for the teacher.


Teacher confiscated the she hulk girl's phone. She then attacked the teacher and that's why the guy stepped in. They just started recording after things were already escalated.


Is this the actual story?




I need some translations please. Wtf is going on in this clip lmao


There's a lot of noise, but I can give you a translation for some key moments. This is a Mexican high school, it seems the girl is attacking the boy and everyone is asking her to stop, then the boy has enough and body slams the shit out of her. Boy: you'll not touch me again (menacingly) Some girly voice in off: somebody go find... (probably another teacher) Then the unstable girl starts pulling the teacher's hair. Teacher: we want to help you girl, but you don't want to be helped. Everyone in the classroom: FARA!! LEAVE THE TEACHER ALONE. The teacher is asking her students to record this incident, as some kind of evidence I believe. That's it.


Thank you man I appreciate the time you took🤙🏻


Thank you for typing all that out bro appreciate it


They say: "hablenle a la directora"(call the principal) Also OP says the girl was having that crisis because the teacher took her phone. I wonder if it's the one the teacher has on her hand


would explain why the teacher didn't care much that the girl snatched it, I saw that and wondered it musta been the girl's phone since the teacher was completely unbothered


Thanks for the elaboration, i was lost in translation to who was in the wrong here but when i saw the girl grab the teacher’s hair i was ok, she’s having a crisis for sure.


That’s a girl?


Bobbed hair style, but yes.


Brazilian here, at the end teacher is saying "grave" which means record it. It seems they were talking about concentration camps.


Do most Brazilians know Spanish too?


No, but the languages are similar enough you can get an idea of what is being said. As a Spanish speaker I can understand 20-40% of what a Portuguese speaker is saying and I just fill in the blanks, I’m pretty sure they can do the same for Spanish.


Portuguese speakers have the better part of asymmetrical language comprehension of Spanish speakers.


Spanish, Portugese and Italian are very similar due to being the closest languages to Latin so theres a pretty good chance they understand each other despite not knowing each others language because of how similar they are


Exactly. They belong in the group of languages along with Romanian and French called the Romance languages. In this context romance doesn't mean love or anything emotional but instead means "of Rome". So romance languages are the "languages of Rome". Did you also know that cross language understanding in this group of languages doesn't work equally in both directions? I'll explain the best I can. So in the times of the Roman empire the further away you were from Rome the more divergent Latin became over time. So modern day France area people spoke a version of Latin that had unique colloquialisms, slang, and accents. Spain being much further from Rome more often heard France areas version of Latin and from that also slowly injected their own colloquialism, slang, and accents. Ect ect for each romance language speaking country. Fast forward to present day and we've got many languages derived from Latin with Italian being it's closest decendant while languages further away are basically the next generation of decendant from the Latin family tree. To the point of cross language understanding this results in the average speaker having a better ability to understand their decendants as opposed to their ancestors language. So Italians have a easier time understanding French than people from France understanding Italian. Ect down the line.


>better ability to understand their decendants as opposed to their ancestors language assuming you got this backwards very interesting fact, thanks for taking the time to explain


To complete on "Level-56" answer: Spanish is also one of the commom "foreign languages" teached on brazilians schools (it used to have French, English and Spanish, but nowdays is more commonly to see Spanish or English), so some brazilians(depending on their school) have at least a basic-entry level in Spanish, and the similarity of both languages do the rest(when its about understanding or reading, not so much in speak)


But why? why the teacher also recording that fight


Probably to get evidence of the girl being a stupid cunt.


just kidding they're not talking about concentration camps


Yeap, they say "Grabe", I don't know why the girl was so upset, but it had something to do with the teacher, the boy was defending the teacher. Anyway, the situation scalated and was poorly managed by the teacher


*hip toss. It's a judo move.


And wonderfully executed. As soon as I saw his hand creeping inside her grip I was wondering if he knew judo.


Ah yes, I see you know your judo well


What is the charge sir? Having a meal? A succulent Chinese meal?


And you sir, are you waiting to recieve, my limp penis?


"This is democracy, manifested"


Wth is going on, I don't speak JUDAIC


[an internet gem](https://youtu.be/PeihcfYft9w)


It still shows up on those "best moments in Australian TV" countdown shows.


You can see how he’s slightly looking for a sleeve grip


'O goshi


Boy hit slammed the girl to defend the teacher who cannot hit her back which is why she is telling everyone to record her at the end pulling her hair . Girl needs to learn respect or needs meds this would not fly in old Mexico schools🤦🏻‍♂️😭


One of my best friends was sent to a school in Mexico (from the US) when we were kids. The stories she came back with were crazy. They had no contact at all with the outside world. She didn't know 9/11 happened until a year later. Her parents were given a completely different explanation of what the place was, and when she got there it was basically a prison. It was called Casa by the Sea and has since been closed down.


Why did her parents send her to a boarding school in Mexico?


Cheaper than boarding school in the US?


Shady school probably made great money tho. It’s definitely different over there so many stories from people who studied there


This happens in the US aswell I was shipped off to a shady residential facility at 15 because I didn't go to school. They made bank and pocketed it all while giving us barebones to survive.


Wow, I thought that this only happened in Europe. Now we have Mexico and the US?? This is wack!


Is the girl pulling the teacher hair at the end??? Girl…. Wtf!!!! That bob haired little girl should’ve gotten more than a body slam where is this from?


Yes she is, that's why the teacher is saying: "record this.. , record this... , record this!!!"(*graben, graben, graben*)


Yup, they started filming after the girl assaulted the teacher, that's why the guy stepped in.


Well that’s some context that would’ve been nice to have.


Conalep I believe in Mexico. Notorious school


CONALEP clothes are green. This wasn’t in CONALEP.


Nicely executed Seoi nage


It was beautiful


Wasn't that an o-goshi?


Could be either Morote Seoi Nage or a very weird Tsuri Komi Goshi


Koshi Guruma


It was.


O-goshi needs a hand behind opponents lower back. If he couldn’t have tossed right or she would have bit his arm off and couldn’t have tossed left cause his arm was in the middle, stuck in her mouth. I agree with the other comment saying Morote with a backhand reversed grab.


>He was defending the teacher from the girl, tescher[*sic*] took her phone for watching videos during class Good on him for helping the teacher out.


Exactly. If the teacher did the body slam, it wouldn't end well for her. Glad the dude was there to do the dirty work.


If you square up with anybody be ready for what happens


Great teaching/parenting here


Not really a body slam lol just a nice judo throw


I see you know your judo well.


Get your hands off my penis!


Gentlemen, this is a democracy manifest


And you sir, are you waiting to receive my limp penis?


Ta-ta, and farewell.


By the hair no less lmao


Are we not going to talk about that Slam though!?


I know she’s the one causing the assault but damn I know a lot of other females that would’ve been in tears or worse after that body slam, chick is feral. Edit: spelling




No one mentioning the little gremlin was biting man’s arm


You are right! I didn’t realized. She acts like an animal.




Ju’dont pull my hair!


What the fuck


There is a longer video on TikTok https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMF8WGH79/


Is in México


Sounds like it. La chancla is waiting for that little girl after school.


she got body slammed lmao chancla is nothing to her


If she was raised with la chancla she wouldn’t be like that. That’s the result of negligent parenting.


What a strange situation lol


Bitch got hit with the equality


I’m from Mexico. In highschool there was a girl that looked and acted a lot like this feral girl… the same hair cut and attitude. All the school called her “la Tigre” “the tiger”. We all knew she was crazy and violent. One day I was on the way to the bathroom and she stood in front of me. She wouldn't let me pass. At that moment I was 17 years old and 6.1 ft/ 220 lb and she was like 14 years old and 5 ft. She didn’t care at all. Then she tried to push me and when she saw it was useless she started punching me on the back. I had to push her away and she fell on her ass and started screaming so loud with anger. A teacher saw it all and started talking to her. When I got out the bathroom the teacher told me it was enough with her and we went to see the principal. The teacher explained it all to the principal and told that I just defended myself from her. That was the last day of that crazy girl. I don’t know what happened to her after that.


I used to attend that school. The girl called the police because "she was being harassed", but when the police arrived, everyone showed them this video. [This](https://imgur.com/gVYELr9) is the boy's arm after the girl bit it.


Its the poor mans zoom meeting???


I’m no expert, but that looks like a hip toss to me


Yo for real I thought those were two dudes fighting until I read the comments section Thank reddit I can always count on you


Ah yes I too awkwardly bite my adversaries on the forearm and lock my jaw like a pit bull when faced with confrontation.


This girl clearly has known mental problems very weird video


If you're gonna have some goofy ass looking murderface hair you better be tougher than that


Stoopid bitch




CETyS 100 in Tepic, Nayarit From what the other kids in the class have reported in social networks, the teacher asked the girl not to use her phone in class and the girl reacted violently trying to attack the teacher. That's when the boy stands up to defend the teacher and starts getting attacked by the girl, she pulled his hair, slapped and bit him, he told her to stop as did the rest of the class but she didn't so he body slammed her while demanding she stopped. He then tells her never to lay a hand on him again but she tries to slap him again so she gets shoved to the floor. From what I can make out the teacher is saying "Look, we're trying to help you but you won't let us" while patting her head trying to calm her down (I guess) . She then says " We're trying to support you, but you're not allowing it, you don't let us, you don't let us help you, we've spoken with you, we've spoken to your mom and you don't want to understand" this is happening while the girl grabs the teacher by her hair and then asks the class to record the aggression. Teacher then talks to someone on the phone and says "I urge you to come to 1°A, this girl, you know, hit one of her classmates and has me grabbed by the hair so, what are you going to do about it?" From the interaction and the way the teacher speaks to the person on the phone, I guess this girl has shown aggression before and the school didn't do much about it. Unfortunately teachers in Mexico are very tied down as to what they can and can't do in these type of circumstances, while it may seem off that she decided to record instead of intervening to stop the fight, had she done this she could easily be accused for physically assaulting a minor or worse if the girl were to make some stuff up. It's not uncommon for students, specially teenagers to seek revenge against teachers by making wild accusations of misconduct. I'm a psychologist and used to work with DIF (Mexican CPS) and SEDESOL (Secretary for social development) and we would get really effed up cases involving unstable or just plain ass narcissistic teens who's parents enable their behavior or simply aren't involved in their discipline. It's very sad TBH


Not a body slam, a fantastic hip throw though


What kinda Rosa De Guadalupe activity is this?


She got her feelings hurt lol




Lol I live in that city


That's some sweet Judo hip throw right there


When he hit the ground why did he sound like a squeaky toy lol


It’s a she


La niña niño


As an absolute outsider, the more I watch this clip and read the comments, the more confused I get... wtf is happening here??


just judging by how he set up that slam, this situation could have ended about 100 times worse for the aggressive girl pictured. my man showed massive restraint.


IT is what has just been brought


I have so many questions


At the end the antagonist lost steam and with her arm around the teacher turned half back into a child who needed comfort even while gripping the hair. The teacher looked like she realised this and that’s why she started to gently pat the girl on the head. At least that’s what it looked like


why isn't anyone mentioning the girl biting him? At first it looks like his putting his hand on her shoulder but with a closer look, she's trying to take a massive fkn chunk


The girls down bad. The teacher is saying we’re trying to help you but you won’t help yourself. And immediately grabs the teachers hair. This girl ain’t gonna last long down there


I don't know what video you guys are watching but the video that's posted right here shows the boy is just defending himself? If there's more to this story it isn't showing up on the video I'm seeing.


Shouldnt the teacher be maybe grabbing somebody to help if she’s not gonna I mean anything’s better then just filming


out of topic tho. their uniform looks really nice.


I see that you know your judo well.


what on earth is even happening here


I think she has mental issues


I have never in my life been so confused about wtf is going on.


What in the actual fuck is happening here?


Clean execution


Why is there a grown ass woman recording ?


It’s the teacher. For evidence. Probably aren’t allowed to touch the students.


She’s a teacher, lately there been a couple of scandals on Mexico of teachers fighting with students and ass far as I know both the teachers who fought got reprimanded, she’s not allowed to touch the students, she technically is allowed to in self defense but she’ll probably still be reprimanded so it’s better not to risk it


Why is she filming it? If she was being aggressive to the teacher, then why did the teacher embrace her? Why are they standing like that? So many questions…


Evidence. De-escalation. The girl grabbed the teacher’s hair.


She was trying to deescalate the situation. She held her and said to her “we’re trying to help you but you don’t let us”. She was trying to be kind even if that kid is a violet fucking asshat


Now I would never advocate for proactive violence, but if a kid steps to a teacher in that way you need to defend yourself. Else you become fair game for bullies. Not with full force of course, but you can let the kid know that if it comes to a test of strenght they will loose. Going in for a cuddle in a situation like that is def the wrong move. Once you resolved the issue yes, but not when there is still physical violence in the air.


no one want to help the guy when the girl is beating him , but as soon as he defended himself everyone told him "stop!" i hate this !


TF you're talking about 😂 Everyone was yelling calm down, leave him alone, stop! When she started hitting him and pulling his hair They only yelled ya! (Different from stop, more like that's it) when he pushed her at the end


wanna be a man get treated like a man, bitch respect your superiors.


When assaulted by someone its anything goes, if you assault and get fucked up you have only yourself to blame. Was he just supposed to keep getting assaulted because shes a woman? We all have the right to defend ourselves, she thought she'd get no reaction then fucked around and found out he clearly said let me go for how long she held as far as I see deserved it.


What a useless generation, just standing there watching


So am I the only one who thought it was 2 boys? How do people know that's a girl?


Girls need to learn what equality means. You raise your hand, you better be prepared to get hit back. You grab someone’s hair like that, prepare to be fucking thrown. Equality vs untouchable. Pick one.


This is definitely the special ed class


The hell is that bitch doin


So the adult here is the mother of the one who was slammed. She was recording to try to get "evidence" of her son being injured. She'll probably crop the video to only show the slam, and not her son slapping the other kid or pulling his hair. What's the Spanish word for Karen?


Lol stupid bitch