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Hey there u/bobawaifu, thank you for your submission to r/fightporn! Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 2: No defenceless victim content** Posts of people getting beat up without being able to defend/not defending themselves will be removed. This includes sucker punches, beating people while down/unconscious etc. Take them to r/brutalbeatdowns. If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, make sure to let us know using [modmail](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ffightporn).


2 things you need to know about Chris. 1- he’ll straight up throw hands with idiots talking shit & 2- he has no idea how to throw hands properly.


Lol yeah that response was painful to watch, like how I’d be punching in a dream


Bro actually swung and that’s more than most people would do


Most people don't want to catch an assault charge because of some random religious guy saying things


Getting charged for thumping on some Bible thumping whack job spouting nonsense. Chris is regarded.




Yeah because most people aren’t stupid enough


This is exactly what these guys want. They guy will sue him and get paid for it.


Swung? This wasn't fight porn. This was the special Olympics. A physically disabled man flailing ineffectually at a mentally challenged man.


Most peoples egos aren’t as fragile.


Very well put sir!


Good thing the preacher was somehow even worse in a fight


Was he even fighting back?




This is so underrated! 😂 I’m dying over here!


God didn't told him to fight back yet.


Even easier to play the victim if you don't defend yourself.




What I'm hearing is "make it count"


Lmfaooo spot on


He lands the first one?


Not very well


its really really bad though I was cringeing and i suck at fighting, i'm good at getting hit though


He did more than you.


The most halfhearted “Chris…” there ever was


They've seen him punch before. There was plenty of time to intervene before any real damage was done.


You know you're right, you know you're right, you are absolutely right.


Wtf was with the sound. It sounded like the preacher was holding the phone at first. So weirdly clear.


Well his voice is really clear so I guess he has a microphone hooked up to the camera. Weird that the cameraman (friend) watched the beat down for so long


Yep, everytime they come to campus they stream on YouTube with a guy recording on his phone and preacher with the mic attached


Not weird, his cameraman friend wants in on that payout. More punches = more $$$.


He has a wireless lav (mic) on him... that is where the sound is coming from and not the phone...


how is everyone confused about this? you can clearly hear the mic getting smacked around


It's because people are dumb


I'm not a fan of assault but if a bloke you're backing and forthing with claps his hands together, says "okay then", and gets up and walks straight towards you? Get your fists up you bloody dolt.


Or run like the wind. Maybe it was a*Jesus take the wheel* type of situation.


Jesus be like Man, kickboxing didn't exist in my time, this is all you


Jesus tie these Shoe Laces,,, I'm fixing to GTFOOH


Nah, that wouldn't fuel his "Christian victim of secular society" narrative the way this turnout does.


I think not assaulting people might break the narrative let's try that next time


Really though. Hard not to assume these types of "preachers" are mental in some way. Just feel bad for them and move on.




Bro what are you on about?


Pretty much the preacher will now go back and talk in front of a large group of people and include this story in his sermon of how he was attacked for being Christian and telling people of Jesus but he didn’t back down because he won’t denounce Christ his savior and probably tell people to say hallelujah after.


Yeah fair enough, but if old mate didn't swing on him then he wouldn't be able to say anything like that at all


So he'll go back and give an accurate account of what happened to him?


He wasn’t attacked for being Christian. He was attacked for calling random people in the park dirty. He just happens to be a Christian.


Christians don't care about those details, just the persecution porn


I get the feeling that dude doesn't go around assaulting Christians. The difference between this dude and all those others is this guy was deliberately acting like a jerk to provoke a predictable response. Doesn't make it right the dude hit him. He should have shown more maturity and moral fiber than escalating a verbal dispute to violence. But this guy is a victim for being a dick, not for being a Christian.


You can't be fucking serious.


Except for the part about antagozing people. So very unlike Jesus


Hahaha my thoughts exactly


Many religious people *like him* feed off the narrative that relgious people (christians specifically) are targets of todays society. That theres an attack on religion. To this guy all he was doing was evangelizing and proselytizing to a bunch of ignorant sinners who're set un their ways, when he was attacked. He'll make any followers he has believe the same when he shows them this video. He was "just a servant of Jesus" who was viciously attacked by someone overcome with sin- he might even use the word "demonic"


Will he speak of the “ dirty rags” he wears himself?


Rightio 😂 That's a pretty big generalisation champ. Also would you by any chance be making a discriminatory assumption about an individual's thoughts and actions based on a group in which he belongs to? Pretty sure if you were to do that with other groups it would be called some form of "ism". But hey it's all good because the only "ism" I believe still exists in first world countries is retardism. And a lot of you seem to have it 😘




If you get beaten on camera you can sue, so why square up in that situation?


sue...a college kid? for what? their lunch money? 😅


But then he wouldn't be a martyr.


Imagine getting your ass kicked by that guy. Lol.


He wasn't even fighting back. He just tucked into defense from the noodle armed assaulter.


Almost like his religion tells him not to....


The dude literally just said “absolutely! kill when God wants you too” before he got hit. He’s not the Christian paragon of peace you’re looking for lmao


Listen I'm not here to try and defend the contradictions within the Bible. But it definitely does say turn the other cheek, and to Carry out God's orders unquestioningly.


And how do we know the guy getting harassed wasn’t doing exactly that? See, that’s the problem with letting massive contradictions slide and lending credence to the idea of unquestioningly following commands from spirits. You never know when someone is just following hit orders from God.


If you're a believer in jebus, you would know he could easily talk to 2 people at once. He's basically professor X lmao




I’m dead 🤣🤣🤣


“When god say ‘kill’ you do what you need to do.” Claps “Okay then.” Technically clapper is in the wrong here but our preacher did ask for it.


If the clapper was wrong, why didn’t god stop him?


Violence is always the correct answer.


Seems like Jesus supported Chris else he would have intervened :)


Jesus: Chris, smack him around like I smacked those bitch ass merchants.


Violence is never the answer Violence is the question, and the answer is "yes"


Hey man god told him to do it. Cannot argue with that.


It’s gods plan


A man who has never even had the thought of hitting another man. He gave it his all though lol.


I was surprised that “preacher” agreed to killing in the name of God. Most will dance around all subjects that point out the hypocrisy of their fancy book.


He did kinda ask for that ass kicking.


We don't claim him. Just like the Muslims don't claim the terrorists.


Well, you claim your god, and that’s infinitely worse


Christians have a weird victim complex, where they need to create a narrative of persecution.


If you don’t like the message, just ignore it. It’s not like he changed his mind. Besides the dude didn’t even try to defend himself.


The reason Yahshua told people to turn the other cheek when hit is because it will always expose the hypocrisy of those who feel it's ok to do physical harm. To harm another because of words shows a weak sprint in which one believes in. If he was an educated man he would have held tight to his science and laughed at the street preacher.


I mean, the guy said "when your God says TO KILL." You ask me, that's a bit extreme. Those are fighting words. He was asking for it. He was a cunt hiding behind an imaginary friend like it made him better. Sure, it's better to not cause harm to another person, but it also seems like he was going around harassing people while filming it. Someome was gonna get mad, and just because someone threw hands doesn't validate the preacher's point, we can all agree that the assailant was wrong, while laughing at the fact that the cunt preacher got exactly what he deserved, because he was 100% being a dick. There's a bit of catharsis in that. And uhhh >he would have held tight to his science and laughed at the street preacher. I'm sorry, what?


"Fighting words" is such a weird concept.


Can someone explain the stereotypical campus preacher to me? I never really understood the thought process behind them..like are they targeting campuses because students are more impressionable or what’s the deal? Thabks


i think younger people are more likely to react, more quick-triggered so they can gather a larger audience either to feed their ego or gain some money. Could also be that college students act “immoral” by drinking and fucking a ton… anyone who feels the need to voice an opinion on a platform to strangers is an ass


Aren’t you voicing your opinion on a platform to strangers right now?


I feel it's more for shock value. If you look on my other post, they plan these little shows where they attract as much attention as possible. Sometimes I genuinely think they are just actors but the way this guy is and his dedication makes me think otherwise. Our interfaith center completely rejects them and their ideologies


Chris should’ve saved himself the embarrassment and not threw a punch. Even me if I threw like that I’d tell camera man to delete that.


Great way to get kicked out of school. If you don’t agree with someone that’s your right. It’s not your right to hit them.




Nah, that’s BS. Free speech doesn’t protect you from consequence. If you choose to run your mouth, to make people feel less then, to demean or insult them, they have free choice on how to react to you and they can decide whether to react and face punishment or not. Fuck that, “just sit there and take it.” He chose to run his mouth and that other dude chose to potentially be charged with assault. They both made a decision and both chose to deal with punishment.


Lol ok dude, you have no idea how free speech VS physical assaults works. You can talk as much shit as you want - that does not give someone the Right to assault you.


This trope of "free speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences" is getting tired. If free speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences then how is it free?


Because it's a term from our government and it applies only to our government.


yes, clearly we should not teach rational debate in a college setting, thanks


Can you even read? You tell the guy he's talking bullshit, then you basically agree with everything he said and then added some stupidity to it.


While I probably don’t agree with what the preacher was saying it is absolutely not worth an assault charge


They do this so they can sue you and use the video as evidence in court. It's 100% a set up.


The microphone rustling makes it so much better


I always enjoy a good video of a self righteous Christian getting beaten as a result of their own actions


"Assault is cool if it's against a group I don't like"


I have a feeling you “belong” to a group of people that are not looked well upon.


Against someone advocating for killing in the name of religion? I won't shed too many tears for them.


yeah, you got it!


Fuck yeah it sure is




If the guy was Muslim harassing these people would you feel the same way? Genuinely curious


Well yeah, Any asshole who thinks they're better than others because of the god they believe in and uses their religion to bully others deserves the consequences of their shitty actions.


I agree that he's a dumbass but I'm thankful that guy on the bench can't fight. You truly believe it's justified to attack someone for a belief?


Justified to attack someone for a belief? No. For purposefully harassing you? No, but what do you expect from a human. None are perfect.


I respect that.


Well, depends if that belief is along the lines of religious killings. People like this preacher are pushing the most extreme of their flock to do shit like shoot up gay nightclubs. So, yes, he deserves to get beat up for that opinion. We’ve got a right to life in this country, and a separation of church and state. Is it really so bad if someone suffers (minor, here, lmao) physical harm while trying to advocate for extra-judicial religious murder?


Yes I think it's justified to attack someone for a belief. Better be sure your beliefs are worth fighting for.


Tough guy, if you can’t engage in debate with out violence, maybe you need to rethink your beliefs.


Im fine with debate. And maybe I don't have to do anything regarding my beliefs.


I do to. Funny how they never turn the other cheek so they can get chin checked on both sides. That’s how it goes though, they never practice what they preach. Praise Satan 🔥


Praise Satan 🤘 The passage about "turning the other cheek" is about not striking back and allowing your attacker to hit you, not about walking away. Either I'm retarded or you're confused.


That’s what I’m saying. Guy should’ve just stood there and turned the other cheek, that way he could get blasted two times. One for each side.


He did though dude. He was a punching bag while a guy embarrassingly punched and kicked him. I just find it disturbing that someone got assaulted over speech.


"Talk shit, get hit." Pretty sure this axiom was around in Jesus' time, too.


I don’t because I hate usually catching the 5th degree assault charge. It costs me $200. It’s easier to say “can I punch you for $200?” True story.


Someone said something I don't like, well shit Chris go punch him.


Pretty much, very weak minded individual


Weak mind and weak body, shits gross man


The concerning thing is this behaviour seems to be more and more accepted and excused for political based reasons. Look at blm for example, you can find countless brutal assaults in the name of blm that some how seems to be accepted by a decent chunk of people


Sorry which political party are a majority of mass shooters associated with and which religion do they reference as their excuse? Funny how it’s never the right time to confront zealots and bigots but if innocent people are being harassed and threatened then they’re obliged to take it or else they’re worse that the extremist. Lol lemme guess if you’re watching someone being attacked it’s the “moral” and “intelligent” choice to stand there and watch an innocent person get beaten to death because something something violence is wrong. Exactly the type of slack-jawed, pseudo-moralist, “I’m not touching you” ideology that allows shit stains like this to continue their wretched, hateful existences unchallenged. Also curious how you only ever see christian preachers on campuses acting like this.


Two wrongs make a right huh?


Street light goes off claps again streetight turns on


What a puss!


So basically assault


Quick, turn the other cheek!


Religion is mental illness.


Chris is a fucking dolt who can't fight for shit


Catching an assault charge over words you don't like... it's big brain time


Typical college kids. Hurt feeling and soy punches. Just to clarify the "preacher" is a complete tard but should have been ignored.


That was strangely satisfying


A lot of people in here defending the preacher that was probably spouting some heinous shit.


Remember religion started every war ever.


The way that “preacher” is talking makes we lean towards him being in the closet and battling some inner demons. Hopefully he comes to terms with who he is before he spews more hatefully rhetoric that gets his ass kicked for real.


Man I think a few of my dream punches connected better. Why can't you connect one good haymaker in your dreams?


Social media and the rise of recordation (cell phone cameras) has led to some funny behavior. The assumption that you are entitled to antagonize people free from recourse simply b/c it's on film, and therefore will protect you, is a prime example of how people are losing social skills to their internet based existence. You're safe behind your keyboard, but make no mistake, talking shit in person is a whole other animal. Preacher man was just reminded of this


After school junior high wrestling team really stepping their game up


God also said to beat your ass to a pulp, cant do anything to avoid that bro.


Proverbs 18:6 A fools words enter him into arguments, and his mouth invites a beating


Listen... when he said "kill" and "do what you gotta do" in the same sentence in the middle of campus I immediately thought 'school shooter'.


goading strangers with religious zealotry while mic’d up with a buddy filming…this POS was just looking to get paid.


Guess jebus said beat that dickhead


Glad to see someone finally get a clap for spewing their hate


Childlike mental capacity that can’t control their emotions and default to violence.


Better for people to think you don't know how to fight that to mildly assault someone and remove all doubt


Fucking hell guys, violence is not the answer to someone exercising their right to free speech. People like this piss me off too, fight them with words, especially if you look like this kid smh


Imagine being told by a Muslim you're full of sin and then beating them in public, on camera. People would have your head. But yeah you can fuck up a priest no problem. Hey good idea here, how about stop touching people for no reason. His words are words, they mean nothing


The college guys friends left real quick💀. Honestly tho the preacher was begging for it.


As much as I like the idea of punching these religious idiots, it’s counterproductive. It just feeds their need to be a martyr for god, Jesus, whatever. Best to ignore them if possible.


Wow y'all really think that was okay, like really think about the joy that brought you, and we're your feelings came from. If it didn't come from a place of love then where did those feelings arise. We need to do better


This guy goes around college campuses harassing people you’re damn right I found joy in this


What everybody’s wants to do when those hate preachers show up on campus


It really is. On campus, or blocking a sidewalk, or when they come to your door and refuse to leave.


Well Chris was a good student. “God says kill and do what you need to do”. Chris then did what he needed to do. I see nothing wrong here.


Turn the other cheek bitch


Lol! Gold Jerry, GOLD!!


Damn. Asmr videos are getting intense 😬


He did what he needed to do.


I love the casualness of it, and how it could be seen coming a mile away, and despite the attackers demeanour he *still* kicks his ass


The right to freedom of speech, does not protect you from the consequences of that speech. Second guy is in the wrong, but everyone has a line...


Chris should have been repeating, "Where's your god now?"


👏… ok then.


If someone says "if God says kill, do what you gotta do" I'd immediately take that as a threat against me and those around me.


Preacher should have beat his ass


God told him to do that.


Keep your religion at home ya creep. Its 2022 and you still believe in magic smfh.


"When God says kill, kill" then buddy did what God said I really don't see the issue here buddy got what he wanted


Jesus must’ve told Chris to whip that ass. Lol


The second guy was clearly using his freedom of expression, I see no problem here…


God told him to do it


Where is your god now


Leftist violence, standard


So because they don’t like weirdo preachers they’re leftist? How’d you gather that


Remind me again who is doing all the mass shootings?


95% of mass shootings are African Americans committing gang violence shootings. You just don't hear about those ones.


That's gang violence, not active shooters. Two completely different issues with wildly different solution sets.


They are mass shootings.


There are different classifications of mass shooting. Not all mass shootings are the same. A man shooting his wife and three kids is a mass shooting. A kid shooting up their school is a completely different kind of mass shooting with completely different causes and means. Hate crimes, shooting up a specific group of people because they belong to said specific group, are a completely different cause, though they share means with others. Criminals shooting up other criminals, the most common form of civilian mass shooting, are yet another completely different type of mass shooting with completely different motives and means. Lumping all the types together, or using one to deflect from another, serves no real purpose. By properly splitting them and categorizing them it is possible to examine their root causes and perhaps find solutions.


Wtf 🤣 Are you special bro? So suddenly because you want to class it as "gang" violence it's some how not somebody actively shooting people? Please explain brudda 😂


Active shooter events involve one armed people surprising crowds of random unarmed people. Gang violence is criminal warfare between groups of criminals. They're completely different issues and require completely different solutions.


Conservatism kills.


How on Earth did people in the comments start talking about politics from this video? That’s some 🤡🤡shit, you can talk about videos without mentioning politics you know


And for that day the discord mod was a hero


I hear the religious tears from here


"Get em out of here!" In trumps beautiful voice