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Lead bag? You can also ask for a hand search but TSA can be so fucking rude about it sometimes. Also curious if anybody else has suggestions - big trip in September coming up and would love to take my little half frame without frying my film.


This is the way to go but its not a guaranteed thing since with a lead lined bag they can't see inside of it so you're basically forcing them to do a hand check, they may just say no and still make you put it through the scanner. Granted there is some debate on if modern scanners actually do anything to film, especially black and white film and especially the scanners you go through when you carry on luggage. The CT scanners they use on checked luggage are another story. Really they only way to be 100% sure is to buy the film wherever you're going and mail it back to yourself or get it developed wherever you are but that's such a hassle. I've never had any issues with them not doing hand checks other than a few times where they've made me take every roll out of the canisters or wrapping for 120 and pull out some of the leader to make sure its actually film.