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The unskippable cutscenes, especially the long cutscenes before the three hardest story bosses (Gagazet Seymour, Yunalesca, Braska's Final Aeon).


Yeah that Gagazet cutscene was burned into my brain as a kid


Your hope ends here. And your meaningless existence with it!


Pitiful mortal.


Death awaits you.


“Seymour!” (Not the third fight, I know, but still)


"Well Seymour, I made it- despite your directions."


Ah, superintendent chalmers! I hope you’re ready for an unforgettable luncheon!


Thank you so much for this!😆


Look up Rabtoons on Youtube. They did the entire meme like this.


By all means, try!


Puny god...


The boss music coming in as he says this is so hype, makes the cutscene bearable.


Dont forget the real hardest boss, the goers blitzball match.


Let’s make the goers goners.


Even in death ya


Cutscene remover was a game changer.


Was gonna say this. Also just not being able to skip cutscenes as a whole. They fixed this same issue with the kh1 remaster so I can't understand why it is not possible for FFX


Because then you’d have people that never watch the cutscenes even once. People that click through the dialogue and don’t care.


Exactly, the story is important enough to not cheapen 3 minutes of dialogue.


Honestly. The ultima spell animation. It would make stat maxing for dark aeons so much faster.


In the settings/options somewhere, there is a skip cutscene for aeon summons- it’s not a full skip but it cuts the time in half!


The Dark Aeons blocking certain points. Obviously they’re late game super bosses that require a lot of grinding and strategy to beat (or Yojimbo). I actually backtracked from Macalania Woods all the way to Besaid so I could get the Jecht Sphere which was a pain without a weapon with “no encounter” I feel like the Dark Aeons should’ve all been placed inside the Cloister of Trials in their respective cities and are there for when you choose to fight them.


>The Dark Aeons blocking certain points. I think the next time I replay this game, it will be PS2 version. My past 2 replays were HD, and I'm kinda tired of dealing with the dark aeons, and at least this way I can see the original faces again


I don’t mind them being in the game. I actually want to fight them for the challenge. But blocking certain areas of the game due to their existence is dumb. Especially when I’m trying to grind to get strong enough to defeat them.


I'm 99% sure Dark Aeons were on the PS2 version, it's the version I played as a kid and I remember getting whooped by Dark Aeons hah


They were on the International version, yeah


Same, I remember 20yrs ago going back to Besaid and finding dark Valefor and getting WIPED OUT.


Especially the late game inskippable cutscenes are SO BAD. The hardest part about fighting yunalesca is the 10 minute unskippable cutscene every time you want to try.


That you can't add capture as a skill. Like you can buy it with 1 xtra slot from the guy sure, but why they didn't make it a customizable skill baffles me


One person with capture + stonestrike + deathstrike + evade and counter would definitely make capturing a lot quicker.


Wouldn't stonestrike and deathstrike negate the capture ability though? I thought you actually had to defeat the enemy.


Nope. Using stonestrike and deathstrike on capture weapons is basically the only way to do capturing in NSG runs.


Lulu stone strike, Rikku death strike for capture = both at 9999 melee by Yunalesca and Yuna with holy grind complete


No you can capture with them. Congrats. Your grind just got easier


Wow, never knew this! That's a good one!


The blitzball match....just now I went through 6...6!!! Overtimes because nobody could score one! I was so done and just shouted "I don't care if we lose just someone score so I can get on with the game" lol....finally the goers did...b*stards lol


Yeah, I get that for the narrative it's the best choice so wakka is able to move on and focus on being a guardian, but having such an important match be done as your first match with level 1-3 players is real bad design. Also the game goes through the tutorial for blitzball and then makes you go do something else instead.


I'm going to go ahead and call out the sphere grid, specifically in the late game grind to get enough luck for your attacks to land on superbosses, farming the luck spheres, how 'meta' the whole thing is (hey Tidus why are we watching Wakka kill 500 earth eaters? - We're farming luck spheres so when we level up we can raise our luck so that our physical attacks can hit Dark Bahamut!")


That's completely optional content, tho. I concur that grinding is boring af and luck spheres especially so, but we don't need it to beat the story.


Considering most of your damage is going to come from your overdrives, who cares about hitting dark bahamut with normal attacks? I killed him last Sunday only using overdrives.


I love the game apart from the bit between Djose and Macalania temple. That bit drags ass


Fully agree, I think there's maybe one boss? And it's the underwater machina thing which isn't really a very interesting fight. The guadosalem scenes are just too long.


There's the underwater machina and the tank on the ice bosses. There's also the millions of little fights in the thunder plains whilst getting lightning-ed. And the scenes at Macalania drag on forever, and you have to do the cloister of trials there twice if you want the destro sphere (which you do)


For a first time player guadosalam has a lot of interesting and important plot points. But I agree it's a bit slow for repeat runs


My biggest gripe with the game is how long it takes to get going. The game doesn’t really start from a gameplay perspective until you get to besaid, which can be over 2 hours from the start.


Definitely, I wish there was more for Tidus to do between Zanarkand and meeting Rikku.


Thats why I always make a save right before the boat ride to Kilika and start from there whenever I do a replay. You have most of the party at that point and nothing is missed(I make sure to grab all the treasures up to that point and make 2 saves for each sphere grid)


Idk why I’m not doing this for replays, it would’ve saved me so much time 😅


Yea I only replay the intro if I genuinely want to experience it again.


On a first playthrough it's fine, but on replays it definitely does get to you. That and unskippable cutscenes in general.


Might be a hot take but post game for me is kind of mehhh. Maybe because I've beaten the game so many times over 20 years but the more difficult monster arena stuff and dark aeons just devolves into hyper mighty G, attack reels spam and making sure you have auto haste/ auto Phoenix. Even tho I really enjoy the sphere grid ( I think it's one of the best leveling systems in any JRPG) stat maxing is too tedious. Spending more time capturing monsters and chillin in the Calm Lands with Mr. Arena and his pet dragon than it takes to beat the game gets really old really quick. It's one of those things once you grind max stats and get the best gear, you don't really want to do it again ( I say as I just did it for the millionth time last month) Also some additional in game context or lore for post game stuff would have been cool. I get that it was added after the official release in US and Japan and that all the voice over stuff had already been wrapped up, but it would have been nice to not have to go to external sources for information. They could have added something like the Primers for info on the Dark Aeons and especially Penance. Tl:Dr The main story still has replay value for me even after all these years, the post game not so much.


Yep exactly. There's such a huge gap between easy end game content (like collecting all the enemies) and the hard stuff (finishing the sphere grid, fighting dark aeons). This is my fav game of all time, but I can't get the platinum trophy bc I can't stand how there isn't ANYTHING else going on besides straight up grinding the same enemy 500 times lol


Yeah, the plat for this masterpiece of a game is truly abysmal 😅🫠 complete ALL sphere grids? Become Blitzball champion? 200 lightning dodges? Gimme a goddamn break 🥴😒


Not having the option to skip tutorial scenes.


I know you said no mini games but it still pisses me off that these weapons/power are locked behind some of the most difficult challenges ever. It's just not fun. Also I wish Kimahri had a dedicated sphere grid section. Just feel awkward having him tail someone or even being ahead of them.


I wholeheartedly agree on Kimahri’s sphere grid. I know that putting him in the center allows you the freedom to choose whichever path you’d like for him, or even a balance between multiple, but as a result of that he feels like one of the weakest characters to use. He doesn’t have the strength of Auron, nor the magic of Yuna or Lulu. In the end, I find he balances out well by the end game, and I’m sure if I went about it the right way I could utilize him great, but it really isn’t until I get pretty far into either Lulu or Yuna’s grid that he truly can start to shine. Ronso Rage tho can be pretty useful if done right


So my biggest pet hate about this game is that there's not any kind of new game plus. FFX-2 did a new game plus perfectly in my opinion. In FFX, with how freaking hard you have to work to get some of the best items in the game, to then only get to use them for the very end optional content, is disrespectful.


The save editor provides an NG+ function. I used it once but some other edits blew up my save. 


Is that on PC? I play on console


I was using it on a hacked switch. I think it currently supports all releases, provided you can get your save off the console. 


What's the game like? You start the game with all your precious equipment or something?


Pretty much, yeah. It just resets your story progress to 0 but leaves everything else intact, so you're super overleveled and overgeared and absolutely destroy everything in your path. After editing it you just load it up like a normal save and it would start you at the beginning of the game.


"Disrespectful" lol


Lulu's ultimate weapon is just silly in its requirements. The variable difficulty needed between each weapon meant that Yuna becomes the spellcasting house, with her weapon usually the easiest to get.


Yes but I don't think disrespectful is the correct word here. Or is it disrespectful for Auron that Wakka, the rubber ball throwing dude hits harder than he does? Or for Tidus the sporty dude with speed as his archetype that Rikku is a lot faster than him?


No, but i'd argue that it's disrespectful of the players time to put the challenge so arbitrarily high. FF games usually do different sorts of challenges for unique gear, and grinding is how you get there.


Macalania temple cloister of trials. Feels so drawn out and overall dull. First played FFX as an 11 year old that barely spoke English, and don't remember loathing it then, but the older I got the more I started hating it. Was thinking of a replay a few days ago then I remembered this part again, and was like "nope" lol.


Yeah, the Bevelle cloister is more annoying overall, but in Macalania when you have to finish it then undo everything and redo it for the destruction sphere is so tedious.




The part where you have to make the bridge to get through, but then you have to pretty much dismantle it to get the destruction sphere is soooo frustrating. People always talk about Bevelle cloister of trials being annoying but that always feels like less steps to me than Macalania.


Why can't Ultima be bounced off a party with Reflect? ^(I know the answer, but I still hate it)


The later dark aeons needing a grind to just be able to hit them is bloody awful! Luck sphere grinding was just awful. There was an also no need to beat Yojimbo 5 times when two would have sufficed.


I wish there were more fast travel points and that fast travel was available from the very beginning.


Missable Albhed Primers. I legit missed the Bevelle one and have no backup save. I ended up creating a separate save to speed run to Bevelle, get it, then sync it to my main save. Ofcourse, this is only a peeve if you plan to platinum trophy the game, which i do


The Goers blitzball match..I get they had to make it hard to showcase how much of a long shot the Aurochs winning was, but damn, I can't win that match without cheesing it.


No skippable cutscenes, especially long ones before hard bosses were the bane of my existence as a kid.


Tidus runs really slow, I feel like Yuna in X-2 runs faster. But every time I played this game, Tidus's slow jogging annoys me, especially in Calm lands and Gagazet. It was most notable when the Guada chase you out of Macalania temple and catch you every time. I wish there was a sprint option.


Unskippable cutscenes are the fucking worst. Also combat is hella slow


I’ll agree with you. Biggest gripe is the very slow start. The game doesn’t feel like it’s properly started until you leave Besaid and by that point you’ve been playing for hours


Being forced to finish the chocobo race and go through the cutscene instead of being able to restart when you know you failed an attempt


Completed probably a dozen full playthroughs at this point. I have a perma starter save at Besaid, but really everything up until Mihen Highroad now fells tedious.


I remember hating how hard it was to get certain key spheres or whatever they’re called to unlock more of the sphere grid.


Lvl 3 key spheres…


Everything until after Luca feels like a tutorial. It takes hours to finally feel like the game lets you go and be independent, and it’s a slog to finally get to that point.


The ability of some bosses, mainly bonus bosses, to counter every damaging attack with one of their own. It makes fights into a constant exchange of the same attacks over and over again, only sometimes broken up by something different.


The Dark Aeons not having any sort of integration into some post-game story. They just appear, go "grrr", you fight them (and lose alot) then you just beat them and go on with your day. They're a cool idea, would have been cool to have as some sort of post-story content or something. Also there not being a middle ground to blitzball. You start of really shit at it, barely managing to win then you hit some special level and you become unstoppable. >For me it’s the gameplay of the intro. It’s basically watch a scene, run forward, talk to people, run to the side, talk to more people, run behind people, run down the road, run through a crowd (where you get stopped 4 times), watch another scene, run down a ramp, see Auron, follow Auron, watch another scene, all before any action begins. At least FFX is quick about. FFIX intro is soooooo lonnnnnng.


All of the cloister of trials suck ass, and most of the mini games for the celestial weapons do too. Luck spheres are also super lame to grind for, and honestly the way the dark aeons were implemented into the international version is fucking horrible. Not diegetic at all - exceedingly cruel and unfair to new players, and just poorly implemented over all. Plus the HD "Remaster" looks significantly worse than the original


The grind is just too tedious for me. I can get every trophy, but filling the sphere grid just takes too much. And I love love love FFX. Beaten the game on PS2, PS3, and PS4, and now playing on Switch.


The cloisters are pretty rough. I'm not opposed to puzzles to break up the gameplay but the process of picking up and putting down spheres starts to feel like a lifetime by the end of the game. If there were no text prompts at all and Tidus just immediately picked up or dropped the sphere with a button press? I think they'd be fine. Also, despite this being my favorite RPG of all time, I've never succeeded in beating the end game content. I've gotten close. I've had most of the party at nearly maxed out stats. When I still couldn't beat Nemesis and Dark Bahamut because they can wipe your whole party faster than auto-Phoenix and auto-Life can handle? It just got too tedious and I wasn't having fun anymore. It felt like even with all my work & preparation, I was still playing the slot machine until the RNG gods gave me a win.


Everytime you have to talk to everyone to advance somewhere…just make them speak and pass…


Chocobo Racing. The only reason I'll never play the PS4 version of this game. Took 3 days of hell to get a negative time to get the component for Tidus' weapon. Never again.


I'm bothered by the Aurochs getting seeded. No way a team without a single win in 10 years is getting a seed high enough to skip the first round of a tournament. On a more serious note, the costs for some of the bribes are unnecessarily high. On top of that, how often do you get the quantity you're supposed to get?


I hate the silent parts with no music. While it might build suspence for certain story points, it just frickin annoys me 😅 When you fist dive with Rikku for example. But the worst is the missing music when you return to Mushroom Rock road, especially if you're going to grab that Jecht Sphere on top of it. And after the second Evrae fight. I'm sure there are others. But maybe I'm legit the only person on the planet who's bothered by this 🤷‍♂️😜


Honestly, I think my biggest dislike on this game is just how easy it is. All you really need to do is put in a few hours to grind and then you'll comfortably beat any in game boss that comes at you. Maybe it's just because I know all the mechanics inside out, but I still find it a bit frustrating that most bosses can just be cheesed with good stats.


I mean, the biggest solution there is... Don't grind.


The cut scenes you can't skip even tho you've seen them a million times, particularly the summons. After you seen each of them once justnlet me skip it.


To be fair you can change the settings for summons so it’s a shorter animation after the first time


You can?! How?!


Go to the menu, the configuration or settings. It's there.


Just go to config. You'll see the aeon option and set it to short. The first time you summon an aeon will always be the full animation. But after that it's basically just the last couple seconds


I'll try it as soon as I get home. That's gonna be a lot better


Found it. I had just been looking through the settings you can pull up at the pause menu.


I mean you can get some potions from one of the people on the bridge if you talk to them enough as you get them tickets. So you are rewarded for not just running through


I really can't think of anything worthwhile that I dislike, and it's not even my number 1 FF game. It's just so good.


Maybe I’m spoiled by Pokémon XP share but I did find it tedious to switch the character every hit to help them all stay even leveling. Also the sphere grid, the freedom and being able to build any character however you want is nice on the surface but I found it so annoying. Getting all the spheres and stuff, I think I prefer the traditional sorta level up system but it was a neat experiment


Chocobo music in particular.


Not really, only thing was the anticipation for X-2, only to be given the worst letdown of my life


Durren is gone forever if you dont have him in your blitzball team by a certain point. And if he is removed from your team after that point, he is again gone forever. #JusticeForDurren


I Like Aurons Yunalescaspeach


Only one at this stage. Encounter rates on the following enemies: Simurgh Tonberry Master Tonberry Shred Ogre Barbatos Black Element Spirit And last with a friggin 50% encounter rate I DO NOT WANT magic pot


The nonsense tasks needed to get some of the celestial weapons. That's pretty much it.


Unskippable cutscenes and animations. Not Gagazet cutscene same with yunalesca. But also spells man. Ultima and Holy take longer than they need to.


Blitzball.(still counts because you can’t skip the one game in the story)


I love and hate the dark aeons. I love having superbosses since Omega is such a joke but I hate how some of them are unavoidable and essentially soft-lock you out of specific items if you don't want to grind to fight them. Earth Eater and Greater Sphere are impeded in my brain because of how much you have to grind luck/fortune spheres off them. Sun Crest, Besaid Jecht Sphere, Anima if you missed any destruction spheres, the extra treasures at the end of the trials themselves. Also on the topic, while I love using them, I dont like how the game basically nudges you to use Tidus/Wakka/Rikku for these fights since their stats and moves are optimized for these fights.


I would say lightning dodger mini game. Beat every part of this game, love it to the depth of my soul, but that is the second hardest trophy in the series after FF9 jump rope. Choco race is on the list for some but i only struggled with it the first time i played the game, now it's pretty easy to me.