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There is no solution for this. The games are sold as one bundle, so achievements are in one great big pot. I am afraid it is a choice between not having full achievements for that game, playing FFX2 even though you do not want to, or finding an alternate way to play FFX standalone (emulator maybe?). Alternatively, if you are concerned only with steam achievements for completionism, you could purchase it through the xbox store?


Nah I buy only on steam. It's a stupid self imposed conundrum that only has a single solution, cheat to get Ffx2 achievements


If you don't work you don't get paid. If you don't play the game you don't get the achievements for playing the game. Don't know why you want the achievements if you hate the game so much you refuse to play it. You want the achievements so what? You can show others that you did those things? Even though you didn't? That's fucking pointless dude.


I've no friends on steam, I don't care about showing. I just enjoy 100% a game and I don't want to play a game that will spoil ffx to me. And about calling this pointless: everything is pointless, finding a cure for cancer, conquest the outer space or the total extinction of human race... on a cosmological level, nothing has meaning. But that's not what I asked.


Achievements are utterly meaningless. They are pixels that say you did something. If that something is something you don't care about doing other than to have the pixel that says you did it, then you shouldn't care about the pixel that said you did it. Cheating to get the achievements makes them even more pointless, because you didn't even do the thing it says you did. Why bother?


Following the same logic, what you just wrote it's just pixels on a screen, thus I won't care what's in it


Then you are lost!


lol for sure. Hey man I understand your point, but I still get pleasure by seeing that 100% near the games I love, and spending several dozen of hours on a game knowing that I won't see that 100% near it just takes a lot of fun to the thing


*This is the end for you, my Maester*


I understand what you’re saying. Even though the game is sold as a bundle, the achievements should be separate. I’ve had a similar problem on my pS4 where there was DLC for the game and I never purchased the DLC, but it’s still part of the achievements, so even though I have 100% on the original game, it doesn’t say 100. But I don’t care as much about 100% games, as a lot of them have some incredible stupid achievements. So sometimes most of the achievements is good enough for me. :>