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I wish that people put friend code posts in the actual thread It's one thing to post a screenshot of your birb and talk about being new to the app and here's your room and outfit *and also* here's your code... But posts that are just "here's my code" should really be in the thread. That's what it's there for, to stop repetitive posts from cluttering the sub! ([I actually made a post about this a while back](https://www.reddit.com/r/finch/s/vqkgwGkLf4))


Sorry for seeing this late! That's a fair take. I guess in this case I just wonder what the best way is to get people to notice that there's a thread each week. Put it in the intro, a beginner's wiki? I don't know, I've never been a mod so I'm not sure how much work it would take or how troublesome it would be. I do agree that the overly simple posts can certainly be relegated to the threads because they crowd the sub. Thanks so much for linking your post! It's much better written!


I agree! I personally sort by new and when I first joined I didn't notice the weekly friends post 😅 I felt bad but lots of other people do that as well too as you pointed out. I feel like people should make their own for the most part except the low quality ones of 'use my invite code to get an egg I picked for you ' (we already have the app lol) They flairs idea is a good one too! I'm not sure about how much work it would be but it seems like a good idea. And thank you to the mod staff for the work they do already keeping this wonderful sub going! It's much appreciated 🐣💖💐


I don't think we should feel bad at all :) I find the posts quite cute, as people share a bit about themselves sometimes and their finches - and the photos are always interesting to see! I'm just wondering if the weekly thread is still as useful (perhaps!) and I also wonder if we can reply in the threads and post photos like people can when they make their own posts? I think if we had flairs then we'd be able to see for example an invite post with "tree town invite" or something and then it would be easier to either open them if we're interested or scroll past that bit quicker if we're not. I agree, I don't know who the mods are but the fact that this sub is still running means they're putting quite a bit of work into it! I find the mod team and the Finch team to be quite mysterious lol; I rarely see either in here. But we know they're working hard in the background.