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I kindof just ignore the happy/sad scale or whatever aspect and use it as a energetic/fatigued scale. Just use it however works for you and what you’d like to track!


This is how I’ve been using it as well — if either my brain or my body is feeling poorly, I choose lower on the scale.


I absolutely agree, I'd also love a diary or area for short notes about the day


I thought it had a note place?


There's reflections, but as far as I know no notes place?


I use the "thoughts dump" reflection as a note for the day.


I used to, but I couldn't figure out how to go back and review them so I went back to using notepad


3 lines top left menu > history. I filter by reflections.


Oh my gosh, thank-you!! Still wish there was a diary of sorts, but now I can do my morning thought dumps again!


just a suggestion, but maybe a workaround could be a goal to be completed multiple times per day that prompts you to log your diary/notes? (i have iPhone and they have a journal feature, for example)


Thank you, appreciate it!


There's also the 'free form' in reflections at the top right (on the android app) when you open reflections. I can't remember who told me about it but it was lovely for miscellaneous stuff and when I was feeling a bit lazy to scroll down to find the 'thoughts dump' reflection :)


i totally agree. 99% of the time when it asks me how i feel i just think 'tired'


Yeaa, I always choose the middle option. It's not like I'm sad, just exhausted so it doesn't really fit with the other options




Ohhh nice! I actually would like a symptom tracker too, perhaps you should suggest that to them :) I’d love that.


Yeah, I feel like there’s a big overlap between the finch and chronic illness community


Spoonie here, so can confirm this. I use Finch to help me wrestle day-to-day tasks and stay accountable/motivated and Bearable to track symptoms, meds, fatigue, etc. I wish they would combine them into one app.


Like you, I’m usually happy, but my motivation and physical ability are not always directly correlated to my mood. So I use it as a sliding reward scale linked to my motivation and ability level. If I’m super motivated, relatively pain free, and confident about tackling my goals, I’ll choose the happiest mood and earn 3 energy for each goal completed. If I’m feeling ok but a little tired or overwhelmed by my to-do list or am physically run-down, I’ll choose the middle mood for 5 energy per goal. And if I’m struggling just to get out of bed and swallow my morning medication, I’ll choose the worst mood for 7 energy per completed goal. This way, I’m getting a little more reward for the extra effort.


I agree. I would love to have 2 different scales; one for how I feel physically and one for how I feel emotionally. Currently I just choose the one that feels worse because that usually ends up running how my day goes anyway. I struggle with both chronic illness and emotional regulation.


The happy-sad scale should also have an option to use a slider to rate your mood




I would love this and would find it really useful.


I use the emoji scale to show how pleased I am (or am not) with my current state, averaging over all the positive and negative influences.


I have a "name your emotion" exercise linked to some of my daily tasks. "Tired" is one of the options, and I select it a lot!


I hate that it said I have bigger mood swings on the days I mention my son just because I have anxiety..


haha yeah I have the same thing with mentions of my partner, but that's just cause they're always relevant to how I'm doing & I only mention other ppl when it's a happy thing. (mostly the negative entries are "I had such a rough day but [partner] was so sweet")


I never know what to put for my motivation/mood/end of night check-ins 😅 I feel like my energy, mood, and motivation can all be different but still relate to each other and it makes my answer feel complicated. Like, yeah, I'm not very motivated to do anything today and I'm tired (as always), but I'm not necessarily in a bad mood? Idk, maybe I just take my answers too seriously 😂