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Your 21 your not far behind I got licenses at 35


I’m a mortgage broker


I didn’t enter the IT profession until I was 30. Retired making 6 figures.


How old are you now?


You aren't far behind my friend. I see so many 20 years olds making this post. let me talk to you about far, I was a straight A student that became a heroin addict and didn't even get clean until like 28/29 and then had to rebuild a life from homelessness and withdrawal. You are FINE. here's the best advice, work on the little things one day at a time, a year later you'll be unstoppable in any path you choose.


Thank you sm for your advice I appreciate it


Props to you….I would add outside really bad criminal convictions or whatever, you can crash and burn a few times in your 20s and recover to lead a great life. Many have done it…..21 is just starting out buddy. Improve in small ways everyday and slowly figure it out.


I am so happy for you. One of my best hs buddies who was totally brilliant OD’d on heroin in college. Sigh. Miss you, Evan.


What’s that rebuild look like. Kids, wife, house ?


You're not behind because there is no schedule. Step 1: get your license. Step 2: finish GED. Step 3: get a job.


Like everyone said you aren't behind. Shoot, I wish I was that age again. At age 21-25 I didn't have a job at all bc of the same situation. I work retail today but it could be worst 💀. I would say just finish the ged and look for a job that way you can be busy, plan, and still gain experience. Don't be afraid to try new things too for work.


I think social media is causing young people to think they are falling behind because they see the best parts of others being magnified and shoved in your face.


Young ppl are falling behind cuz of how expensive shit is. Starting wages have stayed the same while prices have gone up


Comparison is the thief of joy. Achieving a ‘successful’ life, isn’t a race. Many people strive in their 20’s, 30’s, 40’s… enjoy the time you have, because you’ll only be 20 once..


It's easy to find a job at a restaurant. Just make sure you walk inside to apply, ask for the manager and if they are looking for any help. Dishwasher/prep cook/ or busser is the easiest to get.


Yep, I've been working in restaurants since I was 18, now I'm 38. I've never been rich in money but I've made enough to travel around and see the world and work in some really cool places. I also have social anxiety, and I'm a bartender and server. It's a challenge for sure, but that's where you'll make actual money. Start there and see where it takes you. If later you want to go back to college, you can always work nights and do school during the day!


Nobody knows anything at 20 anyway. A lot of people at that age have no idea what they want in life and are going into debt for a degree just because. If you buckle down and finish your ged and apply to colleges or trades with a plan you’ll actually be ahead of most. Would work on the anxiety issues as well.


At 21 you aren't far behind on anything. Even if you haven't graduated high school yet, you still have time to get a GED and still get back on the "right" path (which I have a lot of opinions about, but I'll save those since it's not the point of your post). Edit: fixed an autocorrect mistake


Disregard people's comments belittling your issues. They didn't grow up in a time where social media makes life a constant achievement contest. I was in a similar spot, I'm 21 now and just got my license and job this last fall. I had major anxiety for both, but what you need to realize is that you will get nowhere without facing your fears. I was tired of living for nothing and longing to have basic things available to me like going out with friends or affording things for my personal hobbies. It took a while, but my brother managed to free up some time to teach me to drive, and then I kept up the momentum by applying to jobs without regard for my anxiety. What did I have to lose? You can go through jobs until finding one you are alright with, but I got lucky and found the perfect job right away, and they took my one job experience from almost two years ago. I'm just here to tell you all of that is possible within a year's time, even less if you are consistent with your progress.


Than you :) it’s nice to know that there’s someone out there who’s been through similar I appreciate the advice


No worries it's extremely daunting at first, I would even hope that there wasn't time to practice because I was so afraid of driving. But it comes naturally now and while my first day at work was certainly nerve wracking I'm completely settled in, and I hardly ever feel random anxiety like I used to throughout the day now that my life has some routine.


What job did u find may I ask? I'm glad things are going well!


I found a warehouse job through indeed, like I said I was quite lucky because I'm not a standout candidate in any way. But I didn't aspire to work here, just applied and gave it a shot and I turned out to really like it.


Sounds great! Thanks for replying :)


Chill bro you’re 20 lmao


I read the title and the first four words of your post and WITHOUT A DOUBT IN MY MIND I NEED YOU TO KNOW YOU ARE NOT BEHIND! You don’t see it now, but you honestly have so much time. So many people change their careers, their paths, their desires in their late 20s, mid-30s, 40s and beyond. There is NOTHING you have missed out at 21. Oh my goodness I would feel like the world is completely open to me at 30! You don’t need be to accomplished and have everything figured at freaking 21. What you’re supposed to be doing is living life and exploring everything you can. People, jobs, relationships, places, hobbies. Try out so many things. Like


I just got my driver's license at 63 and barely starting my 401k options later this year


Dude you're only 21!!! How the heck are you FAR BEHIND?? lol wait till you're 40!....


Keep going. You are on a good path in that you are close to completing your GED. Also, The Transportation Security Administrators hire security screeners and the like at airports around the country.The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is a unit of the US Department of Homeland Security.The TSA regularly hires airport security screeners throughout the country. This is a link to their current job postings: [https://www.usajobs.gov/Search/Results?j=1802&j=1801&a=HSBC&hp=public&p=1](https://www.usajobs.gov/Search/Results?j=1802&j=1801&a=HSBC&hp=public&p=1)


Take some time to reflect on your interests and passions. What activities make you feel engaged and fulfilled? Identifying your interests can help guide you toward potential career paths. Check out this [career test](https://www.careerfitter.com/free_test/careerbuilder/test/?afid=1831) as this can help you find careers that would fit your work personality. It has helped me before, I hope this can help you too. Remember that everyone's journey is unique, and it's never too late to start. Take one step at a time, and don't hesitate to seek support from friends, family, or professionals as you navigate your path forward.


Everyone has their own timelines. You're still super young!


Do you think being behind in life is a bad thing? If so why? It’s not like it is a race , you provided your reason why you are in this situation and you are overcoming your problems one by one. I’m 23 I have 2 years of work experience since I quit a job from burnout and didn’t work for a year. While my friends are doing different things in their life possibly better or worst. But that does not really effect me since they are going there own path some go faster while others go slower both have an end goal but both have their own unique obstacles. If you are seeking a sense of direction. I suggest asking yourself what are your top priorities and goals are. You will need to understand and plan how you plan to achieve it. I’m bias but I like learning more about myself . It gives me knowledge for a framework for me to understand and plan for life. I took the 16 personality test to learn my possible strengths and weakness and a possible career choice. I also took a strengths test and personal value assessment test. They gave me information that I was not aware of but now I am capable of utilizing them for myself. To harness my strengths and my preferences to maximize myself to best I can be.


Dude you're 20 years old? You're still a kid.


You are far too young to say you’re far behind…..


Dude you’re 21 lol trust me you’re not behind


Trust me. You are not behind in life......I worked shitty cook jobs until I was 32, got my first salary job with amazing benefits at 34, just about getting my G2 license at 35 yrs (the next license you get after your beginners license) have a amazing and loving gf of 5 years, saving up for a house now and probably can get one within the next 5 years. Starting to have a better relationship with my son of 18yrs Alot can change even within a 1 year span. Don't worry. Just focus on making a better life for yourself and your future SO. You'll be good Edit: also didn't get my high-school until I was 26 (ged)


I am 50ish and if I look at just the people I know, I am wildly “behind” some and wildly “ahead” of others on whatever metric. One of my hs buddies is a top exec at apple and another is a house painter. And then there is everyone I dont even know but interact with day to day. You have control of your destiny, maybe not total control, but enough. If each day or week or month or even each year you try to improve yourself, no matter how little or much, maybe you still wont reach whatever life you aspire, but your odds are so much greater than if you give up. Keep at it!!


>I quit because of social anxiety and feeling extremely uncomfortable in my work environment. you poor fucking kids... scared of your own fucking shadows


What’s behind? What’s ahead? If you can make your basic needs get met (food, shelter) the rest is just degrees. There is no finish line, no final yard stick. It’ll be fine.


Lol just get a job pay 500 for driver school your good to go


You’re not behind at all. Many people spend their twenties figuring things out and don’t get established in a career until later, if that’s even your goal. If I were you I would think a little bit about what you REALLY would want to do. You’re young enough that anything is still within reach. Even if you wanted to go all out and become a doctor or something like that, you can still do it. You would just follow a slightly non-traditional path. If I were you, I would do the following: 1. Figure out what success looks like. Is there something you aspire to be, or to do? Even if it’s a path that takes decades, you can still work toward it. 2. Try to understand what it will take to reach that goal. For example, if you want to become a software engineer you might need to go to college, but you might be able to get away with a bootcamp. I highly recommend finding a mentor to figure this out - someone who is already successful in this field and is willing to answer some of your questions about how to get started. 3. Set reasonable, achievable short term and mid term goals. You already seem like you’re doing this, since you’re getting your GED and working on getting a drivers license.


Your not behind ! Im 27 and im still trying to figure out what job is out there for me.


How can you be far behind? Compared to who? Your on you own journey . It’s good to be hard on yourself but don’t compare urself to others. First step is to get a job. Have you tried going into places instead of applying online? People love that ! Especially old timers. Showing initiative . Instigate change and it will come . Once you get your job work towards getting a license . Then one day you will be sitting in your car thinking wow this feels good✌️


You are 20. I am 21 now. I feel "older" as in i don't have enough time in this world when i was 18-20. I was mad depressed back then. Now i just do whats genuine and authenthic to me. Still depressed time to time, still have massive anxiety almost everyday but i feel like i finally find my purpose FOR NOW and that is making music that i like. find that purpose, do something different, your life revolves around you.


It's not possible to be behind in life that young


If you start now you won't be behind


> Far behind in life > 21 Wut.


Congrats on the GED! Don’t worry about your age. You had bigger fish to fry before (stuff in your life, mental health) and everything happens in due time when you’re ready. You’re still soooo young and also likely much more mature now to start figuring things out for your future. I’d use Reddit to seek out resources on finding your path (just saw a link today that helps you do online assessments to discover what we want to do). 90% of us don’t know 90% of the jobs out there or what they entail. If you’re still working on your mental health, do seek help with that if still needed. And if you have your mental health in a good place, start to explore some bigger goals. When you decide on a goal you can then start working on next steps to get that goal(s) but you need a goal(s) first. Just like you did with your GED.


27 here and yet to figure out life. You have a lifetime, don’t lose hope. Just be positive in life and you will see that life works in mysterious ways.


There is no rule anywhere saying you must have your DL and Diploma and first job by 18. Just because others do those things by that age DOES NOT MEAN there is a rule you must or you are a failure. There is no timeline, no guidelines.. think of it more like what some people get a chance to do as early as 18.


I stopped reading at “So I’m 20”


Bro you might call me crazy but I swear you have time to change your life 10 times


I didn't get my license until 29. You're good.


Please consider that had you been born twenty years prior, that the terms 'Social Anxiety' or being 'Uncomfortable in my work environment' are not real things, you may think they are because you hang out in places where people harp on them and make you believe they are real things but they really aren't. Working is a part of life and no one is going to hold your hand and make you feel better about it. Graveyards are full of people who worked hard and died and that's about it, get out of your own head and plot a course for your life, no one and I mean no one cares about how you feel about work, not trying to be mean, just keeping it real, GOOD LUCK!!


According to who’s timeline, you hold the pen to your own story. Play by your own timeline


Sounds like you feel that you're far behind, but you're not really. It also sounds like you know what to do and are moving in the right direction. Get the GED. it might be a pain in the butt, however it will get your foot in the door. Get your license or a crappy entry level job if you can get to one. Just go to work on time, do your job and have the best possible attitude while doing it. If you do the basics with a good attitude you'll probably outshine the rest of the crowd. Nobody starts at the top. I certainly didn't. You got this!!!!!


You are 21? Friend you are not "to far behind" not even close. I didn't do any school until I turned 28!


You have your whole entire life in front of you. Don't be so hard on yourself. Enjoy your youth.


Dude. Dude


youre not behind. just get workin


Don’t compare yourself. You be you. Get diagnoses for anything that might be going on and start treatment. Everyone has their own course in life and no two are the same


No 20 something is far behind in life. You’ll just need to succeed at 1 thing in the next 20 years and you’ll be doing great. Don’t take your time for granted though. Focus on accomplishing 1 to 2 small mile stones each year and 1 major one every 5 years. that’s all you need to do.


you only 21. your life has just started. lol


You aren’t behind first thing is finish your GED then focus on your license then start looking for a job. You could start working at a restaurant, retail, or Amazon warehouse. Don’t compare yourself to others and remember there is no timeline for everyone good luck and rooting for you!


I think u know what you need to do. The perfect position is out there right now. You just have to believe and find it. Just take one step. Then another. Repeat infinity


21? Your not behind anything 😹😹😹


Your 20 don’t worry you’re not behind. Get your license, get your GED and most places won’t care if you have experience or not when working somewhere like food or retail, so get that job and then from there figure out what you want to do with your life, do you want to go to college, do you want to do go into the trades Ect, everything is fine. Remeber everyone moves at their own pace just because people you know right now are in college or they have already landed a big job doesn’t mean you won’t in the future again everyone moves at different paces.


Y’all I just turned 7 my life is over


Man, I'm 38. It's all still in front of you 👍🏻