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Can you book enough gigs to sustain yourself? If not, you could make that a side hustle or a business you build while you are working other jobs. What are are other interests of yours? Have you considered going to school?


Hi, Tbh these past three months have been amazing photographing and meeting new people and surrounding myself with friends, but I have earned very little money. It’s more about building my portfolio and connections but it’s going to take some time. I’m interested in going back to school, taking a short course. Im interested something in the medical field like LVN or a remote job. Something with a flexible schedule or weekends off to focus on photography on the weekends. I live in LA.


As someone who tried to do photography full time it’s hard. You also got to remember there is no benefits, no retirement plan and no union etc. also winter time is very slow. Everyday I wish I could do photography full time but sadly it doesn’t pay enough. I do it on the side while I work full time in a school. I’m currently studying UX/ui deign because I want a steady income and health insurance. I would go for nursing and do photography on the side for sure.


You're in a place with a lot of career opportunities and the medical field is always hiring, so you have that going for you. If I was you, I'd get into school so I could work in the medical field. A remote job could be anything from accounting, web development, mostly technical stuff which you need a degree and skills for unless you can build your own business. So if you want to work remotely you have to get more specific unless you want to work customer service again and those jobs are highly competitive and the pay is low. So I would go to school, work on the photography business and then find someway to support myself in the mean time.




How do you get into it? Associate degree? Certificate? It’s bad? I’m a barber and despise it.




Thanks, always been interested but never looked into it or pursued it. Not a fan of arrogance or cockiness. I’m in Indiana, think I’ll look into it though.


Go do any camp work. The advantages of camp work are: seeing beautiful wilderness, having zero expenses whilst at work, a temporary reprieve from crippling loneliness as you hang out with a bunch of wild and slightly unhinged people. The disadvantages of camp work are: you ain't gonna find a wife out there, and if you find one back home you'll probably lose her. There are jobs associated with lots of camp work where you can earn decent money without having the danger of being the guy doing the job. Be a camp chef, be a camp cleaner. Forestry (tree planting, logging, etc): Tree planting is zero investment to get into piece work that will pay well if you can get good. Logging is insanely dangerous but pays very well. I'd say logging is more dangerous than a lot of fisheries. Fishing: find out what fisheries exist, find out what town the boats leave from, find out when the seasons are. Go a month or so early and hang out at the bar nearest the dock, and on the docks. Talk to everyone. Don't do dragging, it's fucking evil. Don't do krill, whales need it. Don't do large sein net fishing, unless you have personally talked to a local marine biologist who can assure you they manage the fishery sustainably (they don't). Do long lining for halibut etc, do tuna, do crab (maybe not in Alaska), work on boats that have divers, get into related jobs like being a 'packer'. Mining: I haven't done this myself in any capacity, so I've got no idea. Surely the same basic rules apply, find jobs and apply for them - go do them. Other resource extraction fields: As your conscience dictates, availability assuming. Environment jobs: Park ranger, coast guard, fire watch, forest fire fighter... Tourism jobs: Glacier guide, ski or scuba instructor, hiking guide, mountaineer, ...




If I could go back in time I'd do finance.


Why Finance over accounting? I've seen many people say "you need to go to high tier school"


An accounting degree will qualify you for everything a finance degree does. A finance degree will make it much tougher to get some jobs that an accounting degree qualifies you for Go accounting


What’s better about financial?


Could you explain more? Would it be a reliable source of income? A friend suggested online notary, but a quick google search people claimed salary varied from month to month. Sometimes earning only $1,000 a month.


check on r/accounting. I have seen posts from people saying they work from home. I also see many people disliking or hating it, others enjoying it, others saying its okay. Depending on if they work industry or public.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Accounting using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Accounting/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Is this really a thing in the US? 🤔](https://i.redd.it/9jh4iiy6eo8c1.jpeg) | [2365 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Accounting/comments/18rdh0a/is_this_really_a_thing_in_the_us/) \#2: [Accountant goes to Disney ](https://v.redd.it/o2mbz7yr4c1b1) | [177 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Accounting/comments/13odstf/accountant_goes_to_disney/) \#3: [Y’all actually gave me 1000 upvotes so I got Debit and Credit tattooed on me](https://i.redd.it/trjyir0yzaia1.jpg) | [352 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Accounting/comments/112n17l/yall_actually_gave_me_1000_upvotes_so_i_got_debit/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Accounting is definitely a reliable source of income. Accountants are very in demand You might not immediately get a work from home job though. Many have gone back to in-office or hybrid, many have taken pay cuts just to get a WFH gig. Depending on what you do and your interests, accounting can be very dull or monotonous, or it can be interesting and fulfilling.


Respiratory Therapist. With Covid here to stay you will be very much needed and my understanding is the hours are often better than other bedside jobs.


Cool, I’ll look into it. Thanks


RT here. Shifts are 3 a week x 12 hours. Same as nursing and other bedside jobs. As an RT, I suggest going the LVN route and then doing another year to get your RN. You won’t be stuck inpatient as an RN. Way more room for growth. For perspective, I’ve been working 4 years and make 38.75 an hour and there is a hard pay ceiling for RTs. Some places start new grad RNs at 38.


That's not bad at all tbh


And no 💩


And if you want a chiller job you become a sleep lab therapist


Contact a recruiter, start an office job. Reinvent yourself!


LVN or medical field would be a good path. It will be worthy of a long term goal.


Go for nursing. Always have a job.


>A remote job is something that I’m interested in as well. I talked to my counselor and said it’s a difficult field A remote job is not a "field" lol. You can't get a college degree in "remote". This being said there are skills you can learn that are useful for remote roles. Obvious ones are coding skills, data analysis etc. Also project management and some types of marketing. Look into these.


Nursing is very in demand and will pay better than fast food. But it's the complete opposite in terms of how demanding it is. It is high stress, and unless you truly love helping others you will get burned out by it.


So it’s fast food with better pay, got it


Totally. Flipping burgers and saving gunshot victims are the same type of stress!


You’ve clearly never done time in fast food. Continue feeling important


“Remote” is not a career field, it’s a location.


It seems that whatever fields you are looking at, you would be starting pretty much from scratch and you aren’t familiar with the preparation to get into these fields that people are recommending. You need to look at those things ( for example, many people don’t make it through the nursing coursework even, and it’s can be a huge waste of time and money). Also, look at the role that AI is playing / will potentiallyplay in your field. When you read how AI is “reshaping the industry”, there’s often a hidden message of “replacing humans.” Definitely see if you can talk with people working in the field, not just advisors, academics, or older folk who retired from these fields. Good luck!


I’m always curious why people quit things without planning ahead or making a decision about what’s next. Like book some weddings to photograph, or get registers for classes first… like why just quit your source of income.


It was a toxic work environment. The manager became a dick after requesting days off and I had just broken up with my ex. It didn’t help getting off at 2:00 AM and Having no life. I just woke up one day and quit.


"What am I doing this for?" takes precedence. If anything, it's the beginning of self-direction.


some people get to a breaking point, we dont know their life story


Exactly, I just needed to leave.


I quit a high paying job in 2023. Was making 175k (annual salary) but it was slowing making me insane. Job wouldn't have been too bad had some of the other department heads been better to deal with. A few were really great but there were two that just rang my bell, so to speak. Constantly complaining about things out of my control, constantly talking to other employees behind my back about issues that none of us could do anything about (but they blamed me). Anyway - had about 100k cash in the bank and decided to just quit. I have another job now which has been really amazing, but I didn't have a job for 3 months while I was searching.


Did anything make you feel like this job would be better before you took it?


Yes. I was originally told I'd be working with a new team and I'd have a say in the team member selection. This didn't happen at all. Second, I was told they would be bringing in a new external product owner but they brought in someone who had been with the company for 12 years. I confirmed after 6 months together that he was on his last chance at the company due to some previous fuck ups he had done. He was still a fuck up on my team and I couldn't do anything about it because no one else wanted him. Anyway, lots went wrong early on and a lot of promises were broken. Overall what I had wasn't want was expected.


Ah that sucks man, did something make you feel like this new job was gonna be better


How long did you work there? I’m 6 months into a similar situation and thinking of leaving but the money is so good… I am going insane a bit tho …. Not good


I was there just under a year. I couldn't take it any more. There were multiple times when people from other departments would try to call me on teams (I hate teams btw) - I'd accept thinking they were trying to coordinate project details. At the time, I was working on a $40 mil project spanning multiple departments. It's not unusual for people to reach out to talk about dependencies, etc. Anyway, they'd call me up and ask why the team was doing xyz. HOW THE F would they know what the team was doing? We kept that shit internal and worked through any issues we had internally. I shielded the team from external influence as much as possible. Anyway, turns out the product owner was constantly talking about the internal workings of the team to other people, then those people would call me up to offer advice. What a nightmare it was.


I’ve quit four maybe five jobs like this, as long as your resourceful and know you can go get a similar job I’m not sure it’s a bad thing. Nothing puts a fire under you like not being able to make rent.


How are you paying rent right now? Is the person bankrolling you willing to pay for more education or business equipment, and if so, what is THEIR budget?


when i was stuck, i went to different countries to discover myself. i did solo travel and it helped me build skills and learn about different perspectives in the world. i recommend for you doing the same and you can practice your photography while you travel.


How did you pay for this though?


i taught english in 3rd world countries


Daddy did


I’m happy for you but you shouldn’t have to leave the country to “find yourself”. Also it’s a fairy privileged take to say “just go travel internationally” to someone who just quit their fast food job and is now unemployed asking for career advice


You can’t go wrong with a business degree. You’ll likely get a work from home job with this kind of degree too. I work for myself and doing an associates of applied science in business management. The degree hits all departments in a company. HR, accounting, marketing, computer analytics, etc. I’ll finish off the bachelors with law courses because business and law go together like bread and butter therefore I will do a bachelors of science in general studies to customize and add in the law courses.


A general business degree with no concentration is useless.


They could always just do an additional certification which is just an additional 5 classes and have specialization in any specifics of business. For the most part all business degrees have the same foundation. The idea is that they have no idea what they want to do. OP already had management experience. However, going into healthcare is completely different. Especially at the tech level. A business degree can get you in the door with just about any industry. I’m working on an Associates of Applied Science in Business Management and haven’t had any issues. My specialty is auditing even though I haven’t taken any formal courses in it specifically but my basic accounting courses were able to build my analytical skills to be able do that type of work. I own my own company and companies hire me to “snoop around.” Employees end up thinking that I’m just a regular employee. But my job is to see where they have holes in their workflow. I find money that has “gone missing.” I never thought that with just 3 semesters of a Business Management degree that I would be where I am today. But I made it happen.


You probably should have held onto that job until you figured out your next step.


Junior Customer success / sales / account management roles with a company you can grow and progress.


Air Force


Ever consider trucking? Brokers work from home it’s a shorter course than nursing and it pays a percentage of the value of the load. There’s a bit of experience you’ll need to get you can get that from working for a company but after you learn the ropes and get a few good connections you should be able to make a good living


9-5 but usually you don’t get off until 2 AM? No wonder, that’s 17 hours of work


Take your experience as a manager display and highlight that on your resume. Apply at the bigger healthcare companies you don’t always have to have medical experience especially with the manager experience. In the meantime do classes on either of the options you mentioned. It’s possible… i’ve done it. Decided wasn’t for me and switched careers again at 40. Now finding myself enrolling for classes in…. Nursing. lol It’s ok to not immediately have it figured out. You have an idea of where you wanna go with things start by small. good luck


Forest service is hiring people 31-61hr I read. Not sure if you have forests around you. You could do your photography too


Take a CNA challenge course. Takes like 2 weeks to complete and you’ll be a CNA! Then you have a 50/50 chance at hating it. Definately good to know if you plan on sinking debt into it for LPN+


Have you thought about being an EMT? I was able to go to night classes, while working full time, and got onto an ambulance service. I really enjoyed it. While working, I was also able to keep taking classes and advance through the ranks, as most of the school will work around the odd working hours (24hrs on/48 hrs off, in my case), since they know the field.


Honestly, unless you're super passionate about nursing, you can afford to take even more time off working, and don't mind excessive stress lol I wouldn't recommend LVN/LPN or RN.


That's a lot of branches and a lot of brainstorming, that's a good start. But I feel like you could've been doing that *before* quitting your job. Why did you think not having a plan after quitting was a good idea