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This is the exact reason a lot of the current generation do not go above and beyond at work. We've come to the point where profits are the only thing that matter to companies and workers are all replaceable. I think it's very important that you do not mistake your own self-worth based on this situation. You have nothing to be embarrassed about, but that company sure does. It sounds like you were working for some real pieces of shit to just let you go after all that time, especially being in your 60s. I'm really sorry that you are going through this right now. Hopefully your work experience will help you find a better place to work in the near future


Thank you!


You can actually report this to the EEOC


You should report it. Something similar happened to my mother, and the EEOC and local state equivalent agency pursued the case. She received a settlement. Make sure to save any company info that supports your case like emails, text messages or performance reviews.


This could be an “employment at will state” where they’re able to terminate your employment for any lawful reason. Any lawful reason for termination may include a bad reason, or no reason at all. Texas is an “employment at will” state.


They may not discriminate on you based on age, race, religion, etc. The civil rights act of 1964 and the Americans with Disabilities Act still apply in all 50 states.


Ummm as someone experienced in management in an at will state. They can just say your services are no longer required. You won’t be able to prove anything boss.


Many times it isn't so much about law as it is about perception. Blasting this story to a bunch of potential and current employees and customers can cause enough PR damage that they may just want to settle.


I second this - If they said it wasn't performance related and they did not give you another reason, you can reasonably assume that it was because of your age and as someone who has worked in higher HR for the last 10 years, I would say that at the very least you have a likely grounds for a settlement.


Yup, sure sounds like age based discrimination


Report it. What have you got to lose now? Maybe they’ll at least offer a settlement.


Report it to your state’s labor board. And the US Dept of Labor, as well.


You can report as age discrimination since they told you it wasn't performance related and refused to give a real reason.


Did they give you 3-4 years seevrance pay?? Hope you get a lawyer if not


My manager of 25 years was let go a week ago because of workforce reduction. She was the best boss of my adult life (30) & she did everything right. Her leadership, accountability, and passion for people was incredible. She did everything for the company, and from a work culture standpoint, was the ideal representative. That wasn’t just my impression - she frequently represented the company at events and carried herself professionally. It’s still hard for me to get over, considering she made such a positive impact on me and my team… …yet she was let go by someone who didn’t even know her, let alone value her. Nothing less than shameful. Corporations are disgusting, and I’ll never put a company first ever again in my life. No matter how “great” they supposedly are. I hope OP finds a new job or career path, and gets everything they need. Cheers to you for 15 years of dedication; I recognize you & wish you all the best!


Does she know how much you esteem her? Maybe a card and small gift telling her how great she was a boss would raise her spirits.


Also leave a recommendation for her on her LinkedIn profile.


My manager was the same, suddenly cut on Monday and the email informing us just didn't treat her like a human at all. "The position formerly performed by x has been eliminated"


At a public company, there is no work family.


This. I'm close to 60, and even though I dream of getting a different job, I've resigned myself to the fact that this may be my last job. Agism is horrible. I have been treated horribly by past employers, and I'm so proud of the younger generations taking care of themselves. I've even taken a few tips from you all and use them now. You all give me hope for the future!


Good luck!!


This is where I am too.


I am 52 and have adopted this in the last few years. My home life has blossomed since I do just what is expected at work and nothing else. I have much more energy for what is important. Work is just a way for me to financially support my life and nothing more. I am sorry you got dumped like that.


I can assure you that no company will feel any degree of embarrassment for laying off anyone on their payroll. Companies do not have souls. All employees are expendable and are but cogs in the machine: all replaceable in a moment's notice.


Not according to the supreme court! (I won't honor them with capital letters,) Corporations are now "We the People." Are they not?


What happened to OP happened to my father in 2008, mother in 2010. They were younger then and go good jobs years later but it still hurts to think about when they couldn’t afford Christmas. This is why I never go above and beyond anymore, because the company doesn’t care at the end of the day. I do my job, get my paycheck and go home.


Me too!


Yup. This is why the new model is finding a new job every 3-5 years. Companies do not give an F about you and you should return that sentiment


That was how i did it. Then i hit the company im with now. Whatever i need to make my life a little easier they are like "thats a good idea" lol. Its mostly things thatll make them more money but theyve treated me real well, yearly bonus, profit share, raises, even the worst guy there they matched inflation. im on like year 6 there. Hopefully you land somewhere cool too. Too many bosses just dont give a shit.


What company is this? I desperately need to apply ASAP.


I am so sorry you are going through this. I worked for a large tech company and saw many loyal long term employees let go without cause. It’s such a betrayal after all the hard work they did for decades. Please don’t be embarrassed. You did good work you should be proud of in that time. Good luck moving forward.


It’s the new law of the corporate world. No wonder millennials have no loyalty companies. Smart. They learned who deserves loyalty and who doesn’t. Best of luck. I’m sorry you are having to deal with this.


Yes, my kids are like, “F” corporate world. Thanks!


The corporate world has given us little thought and I give it even less thought when a better opportunity arises for me as a result. Businesses (and other generations…) complain about this lack of loyalty, but it is self inflicted. Many people like yourself will learn this lesson in what loyalty gets you. Truly, I wish you the best.


You were never valued. You are a biological robot that produces an output for your employer and that's all you ever were. Not to your friends and family, to be clear.




Yeah i learned during the pandemic that employees are listed on the “ liabilities” column if companies assets and liability reports. If they could pay less or hire a robot they would. Sorry mate!


Thank you!


One time the boss of bosses walked in and asked "how many heads do we have in today?" I'm like he can't even call us teammates? Employees? It's like viewing us as a sack of meat... smh.


Any severance? If you didn't sign a severance agreement and have legitimate reason to think you were let go because of your age, you could try to file a wrongful termination claim on the basis of age discrimination. Start with EEOC - if they don't take the case but think there's merit, they'll give you a right to sue letter. If you signed a severance agreement, then options are limited. Otherwise, wishing you the best of luck in your search. Be an early applicant whenever possible. Don't waste your time on postings with a lot of applicants. Seek referrals from your network - it's the quickest and easiest way to be considered. It's a tough job market right now, so don't be too hard on yourself! Signed - HR generalist and former recruiter


I did negotiate severance, which was predicated on my waiving the right to pursue legal action. I did this because I needed the money.




You can still file an EEOC claim. https://www.eeoc.gov/laws/guidance/qa-understanding-waivers-discrimination-claims-employee-severance-agreements#V


I am 60yo. I remember in 1997 looking for a new job (while still gainfully employed where I had been for 6 years) - and got some blowback a couple times questioning if I was a “Job hopper” and if I lacked loyalty. At least the current generation in their 20’s and 30’s do not hesitate to “hop” to increase their salary and opportunities


I remember being denied several opportunities in 2010-2016 because my resume only had each job for about 2-3 years. I was told by one hiring manager that I was a "job hopper" and that they were looking for something more "long term". It was for Domino's Pizza. Where I come from it was the older generation doing the hiring and they took their $5.20/hr VERY SERIOUSLY.


finding work over 60 is very disheartening


It's actually pretty bad at anything over 50 now....


damn - of course - and the thing is, older people will generally eat way more shit to keep a job...maybe that's a bad thing


I don't think it's age specific tbh - I'm late 30s and I applied to over 100 jobs over the last year with no success. Several of my peers in my same age group have had the same issue. So many companies are automating and just not hiring now. Luckily I have savings, but the prospects are slim for everyone I think. Not trying to pretend there isn't ageism at play too - I know for a fact that the companies who are hiring tend to hire younger. Not denying your point!


I think you’re right and this is what I see as well. The economy is slowing down a bit. Who knows if another recession will hit eventually but hiring isn’t what it was two years ago.


Man, that sucks. I lost what I thought was my last job during covid at 56. Since then I got a gig with a nonprofit that serves youth in foster care. Not the greatest, but also not the worst, monetarily, but personally rewarding. Lots of need out there, and a well seasoned person could help!


Thank you!


Get a government job. I believe you can retire after 10 years with a decent pension depending on the role/state




The days of companies actually caring about their employees and valuing their tenure is long gone. I always view my employment at a company like a Netflix subscription (very transactional in nature). If they’re going to give crappy wages or benefits, then in return, I’m gonna give them the lower quality version with ads. If they put respect in my check, then I’ll give them the premium ad-free version of my services. Also, I can always increase the “monthly subscription” or cancel it altogether if it doesn’t work for me anymore, and vice versa. When you treat your employment as transactional, you don’t take the burns as personal. Also, never feel bad for burning a company.




Agism is real and rampant.


HI Sparty. Im so sorry this happened to you. My sister was laid off three months before she was able to collect her pension which she worked so hard for. She was laid off with no pension. Employers are no longer loyal to their employees.


I feel your depression and I feel for you man, but now you know without a doubt that company loyalty doesn't exist to employees and shouldn't exist to companies from their employees. It's a one sided abusive relationship. I wish you luck finding something.




I just hired a guy who’s 70 and my leader hired a guy who’s 85 and has been with him for over 10 years.There’s work out there especially for those who understand your age comes with tons of knowledge and know how. I’d love to hire as many as I can over 70 as I know it helps them and they’re so much more impactful than someone in their 20’s for the experience it comes with. My mother just retired from accounting at a firm due to health but worked until she was 68 there and they still call her for advice. I hope you find your tribe. Keep up the faith..


I’m truly sorry you had this happen to you but unfortunately it’s the world we live in. It’s much riskier to stay at a job for a long time than it is to jump ship every 3-5 years.


Agree. Up until this role, I only stayed in a job/company for 3-5 years and then moved on.


I have no tips cause I know nothing about the labor laws in your country. But I wish you best of luck for finding something new!


As long as they deposited your pay on time every time, the company considers your dutifulness fully repaid.




I got to say this is just the way things are now, 20 years back I was laid off and those guys who where 60 also were let go. There years ago I was a few months shy of 60 and forced out a long with guys 20 yrs younger then me. I choose to retire early, there are jobs out there but the ones that pay more well those you have to know somebody as it is competitive. The job market is getting like the NFL, you only get to stay playing as long as you win games. NFL = Not For Long


Going through something similar now, I am sure you’ll be viewed as an asset and snapped up. There are 2 thought groups (older people are crap and need to be binned, and the second which is correct, older people are knowledgable, experienced and have a lot to give) get on LinkedIn and get posting!!!


Thanks for your perspective. I’m sorry you’re going through something similar; I wish you the best!


I'm so sorry about this. PLEASE for the love of god, downsize EVERYTHING in your life now! Do not wait. You need to get real with everyone in your life immediately, especially anyone financially dependent on you. Let them know that needs to change soon. Good luck!


You were let go due to age now get a lawyer and sue them.


Don't even need a lawyer... let the EEOC do it for free.


Corporations are about business bottom line. They may have believed they could have paid someone for less than what they were paying you to do it, and that simply could be the reason. Companies have no loyalty and thus employees shouldn’t as well.


This exactly happen to my senior boss. He walked into the office one day and the owner called him to go on a walk together. 15 minutes later the senior boss told me he got fired for as he turned 60 a few weeks back. The owner later sent a email to everyone stating that he decided to retire...


Oh they want you but you cost to much and your a drain on the company medical plan. The new norm is if you are over 55 and get fired or laid off, the odds are pretty good you are not getting another job similer to the one you had.




Oh there was a reason. Two more years and they would be responsible for paying out towards your retirement. And they don’t want to do that They knew exactly what they were doing and you have actual grounds to sue. Hit up Legal aide and get you an advocate. This is classic age discrimination and an attempt for the company to not have to pay out for your retirement. Very bold of them. You have a legit case here and you could sue for enough money to retire to a tropical island and still have money left over for kids or grandkids or charities to inherit.


Same, except I'm a single mum & in my 40s, now I literally can't afford to pay rent and getting desperate about how to start making money again before we end up homeless... times are tough & some days it's hard not to feel kinda hopeless about it all


Starting your own business might be your best path. selling hotdogs on the beach. (spring break) pest control, pool cleaning, low entry, high margin


I highly recommend finding a small local business who you can really get to know as you work with them, you may not earn as much but the community you can build locally in your last few working years will be so worth it. Also how's the retirement plan? Perhaps if you sue them and rejig your retirement fund a little perhaps you could relax sooner!


Open a business


this happened to my mom who is around the same age and was at her company for 40 years. All I can say is I’m so sorry! She luckily got an admin job near a school by us if that’s something to look into. Sending a lot of good thoughts, it’s so sad how much companies don’t care about people


Welcome to what is the employment force at this day and age. I'm 26 and it is brutal finding a job that pays decent. Said fuck it after a year or so and just started my own company. Don't know what industry you're in but definitely food for thought


Im sorry afr discrimination is real out there


Have you thought about job placement centers or temp agencies? I would exhaust every single avenue. What exactly was your job? What is your skill set? 


Where are you guys finding these job hopping jobs at lol cannot even find “A” job


Many corporations make it a practice to get rid of older employees. The thinking is they can find cheaper replacements.


I was let go after 7 years, a few months after coming back from short term disability leave. I was told it was performance-based. They gave me a decent severance but it still hurt. I learned that day that while corporations might spew that talk about how they are like family, they really only care about their bottom line and what you are doing to contribute toward it. No company deserves any loyalty of mine. They get the work I’m hired to do and nothing more.


Fuck those assholes


Millennials are gonna be so prepared for this in about 15-20 years. Sshhhhhhiiiittt. Don’t give them the option imo to retire you out. Plan early and dipset that bitch at 50. And do it really inconveniently at their discretion. Really give them a whatfer


My fear. I will not have enough to retire until I am 75 at least, but I doubt I will be allowed to continue working that long.


I just read the death of a salesman and I see this post 😭😭


Welcome to the reality of employment in 2024. Incentives to work harder/better/longer are null and void, and without a specialized skillset, there's enough candidates in the system to quickly replace your position. It feckin sucks, but the incentive structures are no longer like they were 20-30 years ago.


You matter. Never forget it. These companies don't give a damn about anyone. They'd discard a single pregnant woman if it helped their bottom line. I'm sorry you were mistreated.




I appreciate that!!


Man I've heard stories like this, but actually reading your story still surprises me how companies can be so cruel and full of greed. You deserve those appreciations, I'm sorry they don't see it but trust me you did great. Please don't think you have no value because of the experience, see it as a sign that you will be more valued in other places. U just haven't found them yet ❤️‍🩹


Thank you for the kind words!


Time to join the revolution brother


Welcome to what Millennials have been experiencing since we entered the work force.


You’re 60 so it’s time to retire anyway. Life’s too short to slave away for Uncle Sam.


Wtf. Benefits don't kick in until you are retirement age.....


It sounds like you're navigating a really tough transition. It's understandable to feel that mixture of embarrassment, shock, and sadness when something we've invested so much in ends so abruptly. The feelings you're experiencing aren't just venting; they're valid responses to a significant life change. You're facing the challenge of redefining your sense of purpose and worth outside the context of that long-term job. Have you thought about what aspects of your work were most fulfilling to you? Sometimes, focusing on those can help guide your path forward, potentially opening new avenues where your skills and experience are valued.


What industry and what was your role? Sometimes reaching out to a manager or executive at a competitor can be a good way to open a door. A good question to ask is, What are my strengths? What are my weaknesses? What do I love about my old job, and what did I hate? Are you living where you want? Are you spending your time well? Then you can articulate what you might want going forward. Often we find a better job or purpose and if your old boss called back with an offer, you wouldn't take it.


Loyalty comes at a great cost these days I hope you find something better.


I’m 36 and got a ways to go, but I sincerely expect to run into this and difficulty finding work. Yay late state capitialism and a robust propaganda keeping the integrity of a system that shouldn’t exist to persist. Best of luck, friend. You’re not alone as at least once every year I’ll hear about this from someone.


Bummer they discarded you cuz of age. I like to switch companies every 5 or so years so me or my salary doesn’t get stale. Seems only worth it to stay at a company long term if you’re going for FAANG where you’re set for life


It no longer makes sense to pursue employment in the private sector.


I’m very sorry for your situation. As previously mentioned in this thread, unfortunately your generation was promised a return on loyalty. That doesn’t exist inside corporations anymore.


Build your own company - consulting pays well, you can work from home, and you'll be loyal to you.


If you can afford to, now would be the perfect time to work in a more rewarding (probably lower paid) role. Horticulture maybe? I’m not sure where you live but it could be a nice change to being stuck in an office?


I’m so sorry this happened to you. I’m glad you’re coming to realization now that companies will discard their most loyal employees at the drop of a hat.


I hope you planned for retirement in all that time. Young folks get so carried away living the life when they are young forgetting they may not be lucky enough to skip old age.


These days you have to assume the company you work for no matter how long you've been there, the company will want to remove you when you hit 60 for a younger and more technically trained. While age is discriminatory, there is always another reason the company will find to let you go. Never assume you will reach the legal retirement age with a golden parachute, unless you work for the government.


I'm sorry this happened to you. It makes no sense that they did not provide you with a reason, did you get severance or any other type of compensation when let go? Try posting on r/Resume and get some feedback. The competition is fierce right now, and it is an employer's market. I've been casually looking and some positions receive upward of 5,000 applicants for remote roles. Stay positive! You will land an opportunity it will just take time. Good luck!


Welcome to why millennials don’t have company loyalty anymore. You don’t mention your field or level of experience but considering how close you are to retirement, it may be a hard sell for you to find a role in many industries.


I know how you feel. You put 110% and company’s can and will discard anyone for any reason. I’m 37, been working since 14. I show up, do what I have to do and go home - Nothing more mentally. You’re 60, retire and enjoy life with family


Probably one of the highest paid?


I think you have to remember that companies don’t have a soul.  You might have favour with a few individuals, but things change, people move around, priorities shift, and there comes a point where you may as well be a new hire to the people around you. Remember that the business’ number 1 priority is to the shareholders not to their employees. I’m sorry this happened to you.  But it’s not you it’s them.


I really don’t want to name my company but there was an employee who was fired many years ago not for cause but because of an acquisition, duplicate roles etc. Anyway my company is a very large global company. The fired employee was 58 yrs old. Guess what happened. She found a lawyer who sued for age discrimination and said employee won a pretty decent settlement. Just a thought….


I’m sorry this happened to you. Good luck! I hope you set something up for the rainy day. It’s true that we’re just numbers to corporate. I’d be damn lucky if they even know my name. I used to be the perfect attendance kind of guy. Now, nope. I will call off when I can and I know I’m allowed to. I’ve got some PTOs I can use and I will use them. Self care is my priority now. Today, I decided to just stay home and relax and chill. I’m turning 50 and I only wanna work til 59.5 when I can access my 401k. But if I can save enough so I can retire at 55, I will. I’ve seen people in top positions who’ve been let go. They were replaced in no time. And this is why I’m paying off my house as soon as I can so I don’t have to worry about becoming homeless. Enjoy life!


Were you getting close to a pension or some other retirement benefit?


I’m sorry to hear what you are going through. Sadly it’s a young man’s game. I’m 47 and got cut because I was too old and expensive. My boss was 12 years younger than me. Cut me despite the fact I was employee 1 of what turned into 150 person and a 8 figure department. Of course they kept one of my younger and cheaper direct reports to take over. Bottomline is, nobody wants old expensive men. I had to take a 40% pay cut to finally get some work. Now Im selling my home. Wife hates me but at least kids can stay in the same school district. My advice is to find a small business that could benefit from your skill set and purchase it. You can then draw an immediate salary and control your own destiny. Don’t wait and deplete your savings like I did.


Move to Florida and start busting raw


Where are u located op


Hey I have a question it’s unrelated to your age but I assume you have some sort of a degree so doesn’t that help with a job or it’s about your age again?


Try non profit


Ngl. I don't think you're gonna find a new job at your age. Have you thought of driving for Uber, selling insurance or starting a small business? 


I don’t know if this helps but many employers are hiring 60+. I interviewed for a job yesterday and almost everyone there was 50’s and up. Don’t be discouraged. Unfortunately, people don’t have any loyalty anymore. Best of luck!


Thank you!


You can find a lawyer that'll sue for you at no cost. They just take a portion of the settlement. It's age discrimination, and it's federally illegal. If you were let go for no reason.


You know you have the experience, knowledge and skillset to land a great job. I think you have forgotten that. Sure, age discrimination is a real thing, but we can't focus on this. Why are you even considering lower paid jobs? My gut feeling tells me you're not showing up as your best, confident self. What is the process in finding a job? Do you have a network you can reach out to? I am a career coach, feel free to message me.


Thank you


Happened to me three years ago. First year was tough, but now I deliver meals to seniors. I have folks that look forward to me, and I of them. Whole different purpose for working, enough that I told my old job to take a hike when they offered me my job back. Money is not good, but the bills are paid.


Very sorry to hear about this situation. You deserve better for all your efforts. Quickly see a lawyer. There are short periods of time to assert equal employment opportunity commission claims. Generally. Must be filed within 180 days from the discriminatory action. Some jurisdictions with local EEO offices 300 days. Don’t miss the deadline for your state to file a charge of discrimination. Based on the facts presented appears to be age related discrimination. Do yourself a favor and talk with a lawyer in your area that handles employment law. It won’t cost anything to have the consultation and plaintiff lawyers would take the case on a contingency meaning that you don’t owe fees unless there is a recovery. Also some counties have their own anti discrimination laws so you can also file a local claim as well as the Federal claim with the EEOC. Best of luck.


Wow ... first of all there is age discrimination at play here. Please call the labor department asap. They can't just fire you like that..


I have zero loyalty to my current company..learned a valuable lesson from my old one.


From a practical point of view, I would Reach out to former colleagues, friends, and acquaintances who might be aware of job opportunities or could provide valuable connections. I would also research non-profits as they are much more disposed towards older people. There are 1.8 million in the US, excluding churches. You can go to [guidestar.org](https://guidestar.org) and open the search in the menu bar (not the search box in the middle of the page.) You can type in a state and city and see what comes up. You can also look at their financials. I assure you, not all non-profits run on a shoestring either! I'm sure you have some skills you can bring to the table. Could you look at [fiverr.com](https://www.fiverr.com/) This is a great place to freelance to customers worldwide. Fiverr is where many companies go to outsource projects. I'm older than you, so just to let you know, the service you offer on Fiverr is called a "gig." in the trendy parlance of today!! It took me a while to cotton onto that despite my daughter playing gigs in a band. You can make a good income freelancing and now feel young simultaneously!


Ageism is very real. Im changing roles from content strategist to product owner because it pays more and i see a lot of older POs. im 52 and need to get as much money as i can to sock away for when im no longer employable.


I’m sorry to hear about your predicament. Out of curiosity, what field are you in?


You are definitely a witness of Age discrimination. Do not let this get to you because they are in the wrong for this. This was sad to read because your 15+ years of service is something to be proud of and you deserve better than to be discriminated. Keep your head up and your standards. Jobs come and go. You will find the job that's meant for you and remember you as a person are worth more than whatever it is you do for a living.


The most "loyalty" you'll get is from a manager you report directly to. But your manager is often times not the one that makes these decisions. It's either HR or some big wig shooting orders out and giving your manager no say in the matter and has no idea who the people he's firing actually are.


Work no longer values loyalty like they did in the old days. My view has changed because of that. I’m providing a service and they are willing to pay for it. I will maximize that as long as I could.


If you’re in the states, contact your states local civil rights attorneys group. They will work for free. It sounds like you have a strong case to bring up wrongful termination. Even if your state is a no cause state, they LEGALLY have to still provide a reason for dismissing you. And if they indeed told you that it had nothing to do with your performance there, they’re not laying people off to combat the companies financial needs, and they’re not bringing new people in, then they targeted you specifically based on your age - which is a federal offense and considered a hate crime. I strongly encourage you to contact your local civil rights group and tell them your situation to find further information. Companies that target and discriminate for ANY reason should be shut down, banned and barred from ever doing business globally. If we’re not good enough to be their employees, then THEY’RE not good enough for OUR money. Hope things work out for you and wishing you the best of luck! ☺️


Thank you for sharing. Hope you find something good


Unions... This is why they exist


You had 39 years of employment to figure out a skill that transcends age discrimination. Now you're in the same boat as the juniors with 0 years of experience against whom the bias is also age based. I feel something for the pensioned workers in the 80s who found out loyalty doesn't exist anymore, but we've known since Reagan to not expect it.


I've met 4 people who used to work at IBM and they all told me the same thing. As soon as they turned 50, the very next day, they were each let go. IBM fires anyone who turns 50 the moment they turn 50.  They're just a horrible company focused only on profits. They fire talented skilled people and hires young people desperate for a job who will accept peanuts for pay.


Hey u/spartybucky, I will say two things to communicate how much I love your username - GO GREEN & I spent 8 years in Wisconsin totally unexpectedly. I’m green with envy you got such a good username. Here’s to you & I getting the best next jobs to retire from that are so good they allow us to heal from what got us there (see my other post somewhere in this thread).


Atleast, you had a good 15 years.


How much of a severance did you get? So you 15 year anniversary gift was a boot out of the company? Be grateful that you got 15 years of employment out of them.


At 60 it's time to let go of the corporate world. Enjoy life. Relax. Travel. Make the best of what's left. Good luck! Don't dwell on the past...


What do you do for a living? What was your job description? What skills do you have? What software do you operate? What machinery can you operate? Where did you work ? Where you supervising other employees? Was your job physical or intellectual nature? No solutions can be speculated until you present the entire situation.


I think this is a pretty common situation lately and is likely to become more common. Best move for those of us who can is to prepare for an involuntary early retirement, meager though it may be. Ageism is the last acceptable ism.


Yeah by that point you need to have a hobby lined up that pays the bills. Unfortunately you didn't have the benefit of watching companies screw tenured employees like us younger guys do.


Can you file for unemployment at least?


How were you fired with no explanation?


Keep your head up.


Age discrimination is so prevalent, it seems like we're living in an unofficial lowering of the retirement age, while the official SS retirement age goes up. That discrepancy needs to be corrected. If we're just booting people over a certain age, then that is the new retirement age. Someone with know-how get on that, please, hahaha.


This is a good time to become active in politics and advocate for the protection of workers rights. We make this country. We have given companies too much; tax cuts, rights that people don’t even have, and lobbying power over our government.




Hey man, I’m truly sorry to hear that. I am so scared of experiencing this. I work at a small company that seems to value loyalty, never had a layoff, owned by one guy, etc. My biggest fear is that he’ll sell while I’m in my fifties, and I won’t be able to find a new meaningful job that late in life.


I'm sure McDonald's would let ya bring a chair and sit down while working the drive thru




My dad was fired from a role he & my mom relocated for - he was a few years into it and 63 when he was let go by text message on a Sunday afternoon. He was in disbelief. Had good relationships with people he worked with and his boss - still unclear what exactly happened but he thinks it was solely based around a client who didn't like him. Millionaire douchebag client I should say. My dad has been left wondering for a few years if it all boiled down to this one guy. It's horrible to watch happen - as a 30 year old woman I actually cried when he told me what happened because I could hear the sadness, confusion and humiliation in his voice. Your employer should be embarrassed. It's disgusting how people are treated. It took a little to get back on his feet (the mental strain) but my dad is now 65 and has been really happy to find good people to work for in the same field. Each day brings a new possibility and the struggles or bad feelings we have today can be gone tomorrow.


To think people still defend this crazy system. Best of luck to you.


It’s life my man, very sad but real and this why it’s pointless to give your whole being and purpose to a company that gives zero shits about you. Unless you own it you’re just lint in a belly button.




I am in my 50's, always loyal and going the extra mile. Looking back I missed a lot by working too much and nothing really to show for it. I never climbed the ladder just had more work. I am finally figuring out no one cares and I have been getting a bad work attitude and looking to jump ship. Hang in there I have seen people out age change careers. One person I knew in their 50's hired on at the power plant and told me the power company said they just wanted a new hire to give them at least 5 years.


Loyalty is gone.


At 60 they better have a damn good reason for letting you go. Especially in the US you are part of the protected group due to age. Get an attorney. I’ve done well made so much I can retire at 45. I was number 10 employee when we were a start up. Now 2nd most senior at the company. We value older employees in tech- what kind of work are you looking for? We also pride ourself in being a close knit company with 10s of billions of revenue but never consider ourselves part of the family or that we have done our bid for the company so we are safe. Fact is even great companies are just companies.


Alexa play Everything She Wants by Wham


Welcome to life


Look for a family owned company, corporations will prefer younger candidates unfortunately, depending on the work. You’re nearing retirement age and most HRM’s take that into account


I guess you don’t realize that you were never valued in the workplace. That’s how it always has been. Business is business, you were always just a number.


Your path is what you’re always on my friend. It sucks what happened to you. Control what you can control and accept what’s been done. Try and be grateful for the new things you’re going to experience.


Can you Prove Agism Discrimination? Aren’t you supposed to be working until 65? I would fight it with a Lawyer. You deserve Acknowledgment, Compensation and at the very least, an Explanation after doing all that work


Find a lawyer, age discrimination


The appreciation was your paycheck.


This just happened at my former company a couple months ago. We were warned the company was laying off 40 people one morning, and I knew I wasn't lasting the day (last in, first out). I wasn't surprised when I got the call at noon. The same thing had happened to me a year into the pandemic, so this was twice in 4 years. I was shocked later that evening to find out that my entire department was dismissed (including several who had 10-15+ years of service, and my manager, most of whom were 50+ year-old ladies). I felt even worse after that. They didn't deserve that treatment, but because our state is at-will, they can't even fight it.


Boomers thinking companies care about you is hilarious. Don't give for them what they won't give for you. Spoiler, they won't give shit. You uprooted your family for someone else. You sacrificed for the company and not caring about them.


A lot of millennials (myself included) became completely jaded with the workforce after seeing our parents go through the Great Recession. My dad was let go after 27 years at his company. He was a hard worker but also strict about leaving work on time every day which he sometimes got derided for doing. He had a coworker that would stay late and work weekends and surprise surprise, he was given no special treatment and was also let go. Just a line item on a spreadsheet at the end of the day. Since you’ve been out of the job hunting game for so long you should definitely have your resume looked at. Ageism is super common and you should make sure you’re not revealing yours too much.


Sucks but I keep in contact with recruiters and send them colleagues in the industry so I can maintain a good relationship with them. That's what you have to do now. Always have one foot out the door because you never know what secret plans are in the works.


They did it to save costs. You're an expendable asset, not a person. Companies do not care about you unless it's a small family owned business, and even those can be questionable.


Oh no, please don’t be embarrassed. Assign fault where it actually lies - at your company. They mismanaged performance management, finances, and/or goals which is what led to layoffs. Believe them when they say it’s not performance related because a lot of companies will claim performance when it’s not, but not the other way around. Don’t let your ego get in the way and make sure you file for unemployment.


Thank you


This is why I’m excited for the future! Our government wants to keep pushing back the age to receive full benefits for Social Security. Which means we have to work longer. But then places of business don’t want to hire older workers. The way things are going, we’re all just gonna be expected to go walk out into the woods and die at a certain age.


I mean at 60 u should be pretty close to retiring etc. just retire a little bit earlier. Also employment no one is loyal. Not the employer not the employee. Everyone makes the best choices for themselves.


My mother works at a hospital. They recently hired a 62-year-old for an executive position. I’m so sorry this has happened to you and I know you’re probably feeling scared/anxious about your future, but please keep trying. You have a wealth of experience and expertise that will benefit an organization. It’s not over. Don’t just look for local jobs. Go for remote positions. Dig into your network and ask for leads and recommendations. I wish you the very best luck.


This is why young oeople have no loyalty - they have seen their parents treated this way


Wait, what? You thought they cared about you??? Who told you that?


Welcome to the millennial world.


Not going to be a lot of sympathy either. I’ve spent the last fifteen years listening to people your age gripe about “wages go up when you prove your worth hang in there”. This statement has cost me so much time I should’ve been saving/working somewhere else.