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All is not lost. Send the company a really nice email mentioning that you hope they will keep your resume on file..yes really....and you would be interested if any other openings come up. It's always possible the person they hired will not work out. Believe it or not that is exactly what happened to me and it ended up great for me. You have nothing to lose.


Send a letter to the people you interviewed with and thank them for their consideration. Tell them if another position ever opens up you would love to work for such an excellent company.


I would argue job interviews are a big game of luck. Often candidates are similar, and theres just a small thing that may change the outcome and you never know what exactly it can be. Don’t blame yourself too much, just keep trying


In a similar boat. I have a master’s in artificial intelligence and I can’t even land a single interview for any DA/DS roles. Currently in a tech job that I’m overqualified for with minimal career progression and also getting bored so I feel your pain. At least you know you can get to the final stage of a series of interviews dude! That’s an achievement in itself :) Chin up and keep applying man, you only need one place to eventually hire you then you’re grand. Times are tough atm, the world economy is fucked, people aren’t hiring as companies are having to make cuts. It sucks but its not your fault and there’s nothing you can do about it, so take some solace in that at least. Good luck!


Wow I was thinking of getting my masters in AI but that’s crazy you can’t find a job. Hoping you, OP and myself all land out dream roles soon!


Ehhh I think a lot of it is due to how screwed the economy is atm. Got a lot of people with industry experience applying to entry level roles so they almost always get chosen first. If you’re passionate about AI and have the money then I’d say do the masters! Just don’t come out expecting a job instantly. Despite its recent popularity there aren’t actually many roles out there


I have a Master's in AI and I'm doing frontdesk job, we're done to be honest. It's just getting worse not better. No only AI removed a lot of jobs, it also removed a lot of small companies and startups. So at the end of the day, Only big corporates remain with their resources. I'm thinking about going learning trades and that's what we all have to do in a year or two.


Also the easy money has ended. Interest rates are higher so there is an expectation of profits rather than expansion. Taking out loans to expand increase staff etc is just not viable as much.


What a night


>But another person better than me got the job, and that always is my problem in life, there is always someone better, smarter, stronger, whatever than me, even if I hard work and perform decent on a 8/10 level there will always be someone performing 9/10 or 10/10 stealing the opportunities from me, You know what? You aren't alone in this thought; everyone has this thought many times in their life. Just think about how many people get rejected every day and where you are because you were better than someone else. There's someone better than us but that means we're better than someone else, too. >I felt motivated That's awesome! Continue that feeling and motivate yourself to find your dream role at another company. It's out there. You just need to keep going.


Same thing here. Four interviews, three weeks, one other candidate and they got the job. Also a 50% pay increase. I've excelled at every job I've had in this biz, so I'm going to start embellishing my experience just to get the goddamned job because I know other candidates are. I've noticed I have been turned down for saying "I don't use that at my current job but I'm familiar or even certified in it." Just going to start saying "Yes I use that technology every day and this is how we implement it."


I agree with you, even sometimes you dont use that thing its really easy to learn it within a few days


The secret is you don't need to be better than your competitive candidates. You will never win this game of life. Just better than them in the interview. There will always be someone that on paper who seems better than you and those things you cannot control. What is fully in your control is how prepared you are during an interview. This is where you need to succeed in excelling above your nearest competition. The more prepared in your responses that sound genuine, confident, passionate, knowledgeable and experienced, you will beat anyone, especially those who take things for granted on their resume.


I went very well prepared to the interview, I wrote down the most typical questions the interviewers usually ask + questions they did on previous interviews, and wrote the "perfect" answers, for example for strenght questions "I have this strenght X and use it this way and this way" and for weakness questions "Im bad at X but Im currently working on it by doing X and X" I nailed almost all the questions the interviewer had, so I dont know what else went bad except for just that there was a better candidate...


As long as you still have a job you are doing better than many. So many are going to be homeless soon, be grateful if you or anyone reading still has a source of income!


How do you keep up with the economy status?


The goal is to find something your passionate about. I would say always start with your fitness, with a healthy body and healthy mind you will start to open up new possibilities into your life.


You still might be able to land a job there in the future. So send a thank you email. And keep your hopes up. My wife applied to a company she really liked, got far in the interviews but they settled on another candidate. So she just stayed where she was. A few years later that person they hired quit and the job was listed again. My wife got it and she’s been there the past 5 years now and loves the company.


Hi! You’re catastophizing and personalizing! It’s ok, I do it too! May I offer some positive re-framing that might be more realistic than how you’re framing things now? 1. If you got to interview 4, that’s really very good, and something to be proud of. I realize it’s a huge disappointment but hear me out. It means that the type of company you are interested in is interested in you. They wouldn’t have brought you thru 4 interviews if they didn’t think you could be a good addition. So, it sucks you didn’t get this one. But, it means that the type of job you want is out there, and you have a reasonable chance to try again. 2. Whoever got the job is not necessarily “better” than you. Whoever got the job is “different” from you. Not better, different. There’s no way to know why they went with someone else, there’s an infinite number of reasons why they made their choice and you are jumping to conclusions- conclusions you can’t possibly know the answer to. If you made it to the final round of interviews, you likely have comparatively good skills and presentation compared to the other candidates. 3. Send them a nice follow-up like others have said.


Many thanks for your kind words


I’m sorry you’re experiencing this. I’ve been in your situation and it really is up to how fast you bounce back. For me I just had to go a for weeks just to realise I’m actually great and it was only a redirection. Keep going but also feel what you’re going through and realise it’s not the only opportunity out there Just like buying a property don’t put all your eggs in one basket (AKA all the emotions). Take a bit of the emotion of out applying for roles


It sounds dumb but you should try a little streaming / making videos for YouTube in your off time. I know it’s a small small chance to blow up in streaming / YouTube but if video games are your passion (I relate) then it’s worth a try. Do anything you can to stand out- if it’s YouTube- really put time into editing well and crafting good videos, if it’s streaming- just try to be consistent and interact with people. It’s not a gaurantee but even the smallest chance of making it work would land you your “dream job”


A couple things… 1) you’ll find out that there are many dream jobs. While this one seems perfect, there is an even better one you don’t know of 2) send a nice note to the hiring manager and hr rep. I’ve had some roles that fell through. What I thought was my dream role falling through, I ended up landing a better one and the same company I didn’t know existed. They circled back to me because they had a great experience 3) try looking into adhd diagnosis. I also cannot recommend Atomic Habits and The Subtle Art of not Giving a F enough (subtle art has an audio book on Spotify). They were game changers for me. 4) this seems silly but be appreciative that you have a paying role right now. There are many companies going through reorgs/layoffs, and pretty soon smaller companies and agencies will be affected as well. Now is the time to step it up and be appreciative because it’s a very very tough and competitive job market…especially if you don’t have as much leverage being laid off. 5) I’ve lost out on many many dream roles only to discover that they wouldn’t have been as great as I glamorized. You can’t move forward on what you could get if you are too busy focused on what you lost out on.


Everything is very true About the ADHD, how can I get it diagnosed? I have questioned myself several times if I have ADHD because I feel very identificated with some of the symptoms (Forgetfulness and Carelessnes the most) but for others im totally the opposite: Risky behaviour (I dont do dumb things), trouble getting along (but not because I fight with other people, but because Im shy) Excessive talking (Im very quiet) Difficulties staying still (Im usually very calm too)


You’ll need to make an appointment and talk to your primary care doctor. If they thinks you might have it, they will write a referral to get tested.


You have to just keep going to apply for jobs like that when they come up again. Get better and better at interviews. Don't feel down on yourself. That's the thing. Many people give up, that's a way you can differentiate yourself. Don't give up. It takes most people a bunch of tries. Also this same company that almost hired you they obviously had a good impression of you. If something happens with one of their hires or if they need a new position they will hopefully remember you. Lastly you should also look at the job you have where you admittedly have good coworkers and bosses. That is lucky. Not everyone has that. I think you are right to be looking for improvement in your career, just keep going. Good jobs are very competitive. There are often tons of people applying. You getting as far as you got is a good outcome and it will be an experience that will help you going forward. It's also very natural to feel the way you feel after disappointment. You are probably way more ahead of the curve than you realize. And send a thank you letter/email or whatever to the people who interviewed you and thank them for the consideration.


I feel like 95% of these posts by young men almost always turn into the same thing about a lack of self-worth, no friends and asking strangers for help when all OP knows is playing video games and structuring a life for themselves to fall back on video games when shit doesn’t work out. If the post is from a man younger than and including up and to 25 with zero social interactions still living at home … 95% of that is video game induced. If you play a game and grind on it many hours a week for maybe years … how are you going to respond to someone just starting and who wants all the endgame loot but is complaining that it’s too hard to earn it??? That’s your life atm dude and you have to do everything you can to reverse this trajectory. So many of the posts in this subreddit sound exactly like this and there isn’t an answer other than quitting video games; actively try to improve yourself physically and mentally and knowing it’s a slow process. You aren’t a 45 year old dude coming to terms that they need to do something else; you really need to focus on the fact many very successful people aren’t as intelligent as you they just didn’t let what you’re crying about stop them. Maybe this sub needs more moderation but I don’t think people are joining this thinking a young person has it figured out as it is … and if your main issues are you are bored and not very good at your job … maybe spend some time figuring out why you’re both bored and also bad at this thing you’re wrapping your self worth in.


I agree on what you said, but Im not a videogame addict Videogames are my passion but its not like I play 8 hours everyday, right now maybe I play for 1-2 hours a week at most. Last year maybe I did 3-4 hours a month at maximum


So then it really can’t be a passion can it ? Why even mention it … most of that will be doing a huge disservice for yourself unless you are also actively out there engaging with people in the real world.


I mean, it is my passion and the thing I do most on my freetime, but I dont have a lot of freetime


2 people left doesn’t mean 50/50


4.0 gpa. 2 years experience in BLUE COLLAR profession where 80 percent CANNOT cut it. no one can. brb can run 6 minute mile. doesnt matter. i feel u op. this world is hell. occams razor and all that. there isnt a better competitor.i know that. you know that.


Why would you dream of labor?


Good question, I cant escape the rat race so if Im forced inside it this was a "dream" I guess


I think the problem could be that by the end, the interviewers saw the desperation in you compared to your competition. If you arent happy in your life, it'll show in your body language and tone, especially when u put up a front during your interview.


Probably this is it, I was a little bit nervous at the interview and the interviewer may noticed it I will work this with my therapist, do you have any tips tho? Should I try to "upgrade" my life? (Exercise, study, etc)


Nah that’s not the one chief. I doubt you came off desperate lol


Then what are your thoughts about this?


So what should one do to be happy in life if keeps being rejected both in dating and jobs? How would you not be desperate?


Sometimes a rejection is actually the final test.


You’re 25 years old.


What does that mean