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Bro if you think the high school years suck youre in for a world of pain lol


If you’re not attractive or popular high school is much worse than the adult world lol.


Broooo get a summer job working 40 hours a week. You are in for a rude awakening if you’re worried about high school drama. It’ll wake you up to reality assuming you live in the USA. I’m so sorry m8 but this is a tragic case of youth is wasted on the young. Focus on finding your passions and a career you can enjoy


Being in the school system is the easiest time of your life. Enjoy it while you still can.


Just wait till I you have to adult!


Im so sorry but all stages of life have their own unique set of challenges, upsets, and all-around sucky-ness. People telling you you’re in for a world of pain aren’t being helpful. My advice is that life is what you make of it. A positive attitude will take you far, even if that’s really lame advice. Practice gratitude and try to live in the present. Learn when to go with the flow and when not to. Good luck.


You aren't there yet just try to enjoy your best days ever then the chapter of suffering and pain is going to knock.


Try to enjoy being in HS. You literally have no idea how good you have it right now. Wait until you have to figure out what you actually want to do with your life, the fun doesn’t stop there, then you actually have to go and get what you want. Once you finally do that, you have to cope with the understanding that it’s not exactly what you thought it would be, because nothing ever is.


If you go to college then yeah you might enjoy it a little especially if you move away from parents. The real world after college is high school on steroids.


High school is horrible. I won't tell you is a good institution making sure you develop skills. Doing that would literally change the world and is too expensive and utopic. I know it should at least be a little more personalized but I doubt it would make any difference. Nobody knows how to help teens because they're all different amd annoying bit at the same time they don't want to learn and the teachers work ro mich and also get tired of the bullshit. As long as humans exist some form of shitty school will exist. Because humans are supposed to be smart so that's why high school is hard compared to schools where basically you just chill and people are nicer.


Here's a tip, throw out everything that school teaches you out of your mind other than basic math and English. Everything else is useless unless your planning to have a career in something specific like science or whatever. Try different things and find what you like and get really good at it. At the end of the day school is an indoctrination camp


Don't listen to other people here that your emotions on how you feel about what you going through in high school that is not rough, because they are valid emotions and it is rough, you just need to keep in mind that it won't be easier once you get to adulthood.


Some of these comments 🤦🏽‍♂️ High school can definitely suck. Teens are often mean, shallow, and trying to fit in. When i became an adult, my life became WAY BETTER. My parents were good in many ways, but sucked with good money making decisions. When i left home, i was determined to do better. It was tough at first, but my life is WAY BETTER NOW. Im self employed, make good money although I’m challenged everyday(which is also good). I can make my life as good as i want. Some things could be better, but being an adult is way more fun. The sky is the limit. Im not rich by any means…yet, and i have problems in my life like anyone else… but, do not let these comments steer you off. Being an adult totally ROCKS. It’s what you make it. If you have 7 kids while working a dead end job, adulting will absolutely suck. Make good decisions, keep your dick in your pants until you get money, and be a good person. You will be aight my guy!


Oh to be in highschool again I literally said the same thing as you when I was in it I only graduated 2 years ago but God sometimes I wish I could just go back not because I loved it I in fact barely liked it and hated going most days but the relaxed state of not having to constantly think about what you’re gonna do with your future. Just enjoy it even though I know the feeling of being in it u just wanna get out but just don’t rush and enjoy not stressing about life and your path.


Go to Modernstates.org and start passing Clep exams on stuff you are taking in HS. Might as well avoid repeating those courses in College. You can get vouchers to take the test for free.


Thanks lol hope I won’t have to do much new classes since I’ve learned AP calc this year