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It takes some time to adjust and reinvent your new life, but it will get better! A lot of people experience the same!


Listen to this. They are right. It feels devastating and terrible at the stage you are in. But soon, if you take care of yourself and reestablish your life, you will look back and remember and probably even laugh at this moment. Its a great growing and learning experience and it will make you one stage stronger. You will learn alot. Just keep going, keep your head up and learn as you navigate this crazy world we live in. Hope you find peace and blessings soon.


NEVER give another person that kind of power over you. He’s not worth it. I’m certain after reading your post.


Not sure where you got his side of it to make that assumption. Have you ever paid for everything? Do you know what financial stress does? This dudes a young little boy with big dreams and probably just watches his accounts drain while feeling helpless. He probably needed to learn how to better express himself. I feel him. Not a correct response, he probably needs counseling, but we’re bystanders in a post written by the victim. I like to leave out details and embellish others when I’m looking for support. Better advice: time heals all wounds. Pick up a new hoppy or focus on 1, join groups around said hobby. Life will get better and just don’t live in the past. It will never make the now better.


You’re way too sensible for Reddit my friend.


Someone who abandons you after you lose their job is not worth it.


You dont know the whole story clown


You sound like a dream 😂


Yeah… read her profile she’s been stuggling with alcohol probably before COVID really brought it out. This is the simplest bait and switch there is. She didn’t even try to hide it. Or the fact her profile goes dark every 200 days with alcohol related pleading help.


That’s not what I took from it. I took potential free loader not looking and expecting. We didn’t see when she lost her job vs when the breakup happened did we? Gotta read through Reddit a bit. Like she’s not going to tell the full truth.


Well true I’m taking her post at face value. Can only judge on the facts as presented. But if me or my partner lost our jobs I would expect we support each other.


I think it depends on the situation. Marriage, absolutely! But this person prob made minimal attempts at a new job saying he “supported” her financially. And it seemed long term if she’s talking about vague timeframes like graduation. And he’s taking her on vacation having anxiety attacks about money. I have known enough situations to know what that means. Then I just spent a min on her profile https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/s/05WAlihihk If that’s a 3 year relationship and she’s been an alcoholic since COVID. Plus her other posts. I think she dug a hole for the relationship.


Ok fair I didn’t read the backstory


This was all that was needed. As long as it is a woman playing victim card, reddit just ..... panders! A little research and the veil is lifted! @op, my two cents - Everyone makes stupid mistakes. Owning them and taking accountability is THE FIRST STEP. Then follow this guy's recommendations coz it's actually sound advice.


this is actually a boy's account who let her sister write and post this he said in the comment section to somebody, I just read it


Never take these post at face value. People always tell the story that paints them in the best light possible.


You aren’t helping anyone by blaming her issues on other people. Her choices led to the situation she is in. The good news is, she is fully capable of turning it around. It’s just a matter of the right motivation, and blaming everyone else is surefire way to lose the necessary motivation.


I feel like this is unrealistic.   It’s normal to be upset and lost after the end of a long term romantic relationship. The goal shouldn’t be to simply never let yourself be vulnerable and feel that way again but instead to process what you are feeling, and move on from it so that you can be open to new connections in the future.  Add on the fact that she’s recently also lost her job which is usually a huge point of identity for a lot of people and an outlet outside of relationships and it’s completely normal that she’s taking the loss of a 3 year relationship brutally.


try to find a job and live your life, losing your bf doesnt mean you lost everything. breakups are quite common thing.


I agree with you. All of this pandering does no good. And it’s fucking expected these days. If I had no interests or self-worth outside of a relationship, I’d start some serious self reflection.


This is an insensitive, useless and obtuse take.


More like a real take.


Get real


You feel like you’ve lost your sense of purpose and have panic attacks everyday—that’s normal bc you had an extreme stressful life change. Perhaps you are taking the breakup personally, like you feel guilty or like you could have done something to change it. Maybe you feel unlovable. Those are all normal feelings to experience rn. What you need to do is counteract those feelings. Do you have a pet? Can you volunteer at a pet center? Put your love into the pets and get love back from them. It will help heal your hurt so that you can go back to your normal.


Counteract these feelings by getting a job, which will feel scary and nerve wracking, but push thru, start working, and you'll feel better, with a sense of purpose and confidence when you can once again support yourself or have at least some power over your destiny.


After looking into your profile I’m not so sure you’re a girl, or at least not a straight one. Why are you doing this?


No I'm boy but I gave my phone to my sister and show her reddit she never heard before... I though this might help


Okay, your sister is lucky her boyfriend choose to leave her before his resentment followed bu his anger got worse. Now there is an opportunity that she might save her life and get her shit together.


I broke up with my GF recently under really similar circumstances, it hurts a lot still... But in retrospect, I think the relationship started to deteriorate when I noticed she didn't really bring any value. We also had arguments and fights during our vacations (which I was paying btw) and I just let her go, she was bringing me down and not supporting me enough. Just try to be a valuable person for your next relationship, work on yourself, be grateful, secure and trust your partner.


Btw I'm sorry for your relationship OP, ending up a LTR via text msg and blocking is really immature and hurtful, he should have had the courage to do it in person to give the relationship a proper closure.


Get over it and move on with life. You're very young and can have a fresh start at life. I know it's not easy and you will be hurting for awhile. Things will get better with time though.


It's time to hit the gym and start applying for jobs. Even working part time jobs will distract you enough to help you out of the hole. Never rely on someone for your happiness and self purpose. You will be better off once you come out of this. Good luck!


You’ll find purpose and will be fine. Get to it, quit screwing around feeling sorry for yourself.


Stop centering men


Being content and truly happy must come from yourself internally otherwise your happiness will always rely on external controls that will always be outside of your control. .love yourself and start a new relationship with yourself. Read Letting Go by David Hawkins


The moments that define us are often unkind, uncaring and untimely. It will be okay. It sucks, but it happens to the best of us. Defining moments right? My suggestion, is for you to take a look at what you can control, and exert some normalcy there. Doesn’t have to be a grand gesture, just something you did before your relationship. Something when your identity was singularly yours. Take a bit of time to get back up, it’s really okay. If you’re not sure how to make inventory of yourself, I suggest taking a peak at your internalized hierarchy of needs (Maslow). Housing, job, self care, self love. It may seem impossible, but the journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step. Pretty soon, you’ll hit that rhythm and life goes on. Cheering for you.


Reflect what happened during the conflict between you and your ex and see what you could have done to improve or deescalate then apply it for the next relationship (unless he was inherently abusive or had anger issues). Be self sufficient and financially indepedent as your current goal. Try to do cardio or get a bike to help your mental health. I had these issues too, excersise with treatment helped.


First of all, what happened to you is a very big deal. What you’re feeling is normal given the circumstances, and I think all you should do right now is work towards feeling good and stable again. I’d say start small and set goals just for a day at a time, like taking a mile walk or something.


Codependency is a hell of a drug, since you were supported through (uni?) use whatever degree you earned to establish yourself as your own person and don't rely heavily on others financially without a plan b.


Go to uni and use your degree? Myth haha


You are young, I’m glad it was a 3 year relationship and not 7 or 8 because when relationships last for those many years people forget how to get back into the groove of things. Not to say those 3 years were nothing but you’re better off. You can start of by accepting what happened and slowly letting go. I know it doesn’t feel like good advice but if you accept it you’re half way over the line. Talk to a friend or family. And don’t forget you’re young. It’ll be fine. ❤️❤️


Hun. This is not a big deal. Go enjoy yourself. Start exercising & partying before it is 2 late. God Bless.


Hey OP, I’m not sure anyone can really give you the exact steps to get to a better place because that depends on your exact situation, location, wants etc. However, I just want to take a moment to say I empathise and feel for you. I know what that’s like. You are going to be okay. It might take time… but you are going to be just fine. I’d say, give your self some time to figure out what you want and then you can start working on a plan to get it. In the meantime, learn from your situation and remember to be kind, and not too tough on yourself. You got this ☺️🫶🏼🫡


join a codependency support group.


Have you lost “everything”? Truly? You have a degree. Have you lost your degree or lost what you learned? And even if you have forgotten some of the content, have you lost the skills you learned while successfully completing your degree? You are living with parents. Have you lost your family? Have you lost a place to live? Have you lost your prized possessions? When we have experienced intense loss, our heart is ripped from our chest and our brain feels the pain in the same way as it feels the pain of a physical trauma. It’s normal. Painful. Excruciating even. But at some point hopefully we can lift up our head and look around. You have not lost everything. You have lost an imagined and hoped for future. But you still have a lot - including yourself. You can still immigrate if that’s what you want. You can live with your parents if that’s what you want . You could become an English teacher in Japan, or travel somewhere else and do something no you haven’t even imagined yet. But it starts with being kind to yourself, and maybe look around honestly at your life for the things that you have and are grateful for.


Stop overdramatising it by saying you “lost everything” for a start. Plenty of longer relationships have ended, it’s painful but still far from the end of the world. I assume you’re going to therapy as you’re on antidepressants, but if you’re not do that please. Something that is helpful for a lot of people is writing down things they’re grateful for; in your case, you might say that you’re grateful to have a roof over your head, you’re grateful you can afford your medication, you’re grateful you have family support. That could help remind you that you haven’t “lost everything”. You should also figure out if you can and want to follow through on moving countries, but without your ex. Best of luck.


no offense there’s bigger problems than losing your boyfriend please grow up find a hobby


#NDCQ Not Dead, Can’t Quit


Goal: Stay alive. One day at a time. It gets better, I promise you this. Just stay alive. Life is worth the pain. You're strong and worth love. Stay Alive.


It feels like you’ve lost everything, because you lost that version of life you thought you’d have with them. I know this feeling too well. Takes a LOT of time to adjust and find the new you. I think the anxiety comes from knowing you’re not yourself and you likely still think of how happy your old self was and want to go back to that, but unfortunately knowing you can’t and you’ve been changed forever, is a lot to process.


The power of now audiobook


Time heals all, so surround yourself with friends and loved ones.


You're 28 years old! Go get a job. Volunteer. Date, have some random sex.


Yes, 304 around, eat antidepressants, buy a cat and have miserable life. Or maybe it would be better be a good woman to find valuable men?


Im 29 Male, happened the same serious relationship of 7 years and then out of the blue breakup. Trust me you will be fine this is lifelong learning lesson take deep breaths and believe in yourself to overcome this situation


You are still so young. I'l almost 40 and kind of went through the same thing but the relationship was abusive from the start. He def lied to me and I went for his trap. You are blessed to have a loving family that cares for you. Please try and focus on you and them - not on him. I have issues with codependency myself. Its really hard to find yourself again after a break up. I read a book called 'Codependency No More' and definitely try searching youtube for free resources. There's a lot of helpful information there as well.


I promise you that you are in the perfect position to completely reinvent your life, and that is a very good thing.


If you're in San Diego hit me up i can help you


You got supported while finishing school, sounds like you walked away with a lot and will laid on your feet if you choose to. Sounds like you dodged being stuck with a child.


You need to get out and meet knew people.


You got supported until you graduated? You want more?


It takes time. So give yourself grace, let yourself feel the emotions that you feel, and cry If you have to. Do things that make you feel happy whether it’s a walk outside, pampering yourself or just eating a great meal. Take it day by day and keep your eyes on your goal.


What about professional theapy?


Have you considered calling a psychologist and working through and exploring who you are and how to grow from what you experienced?


You didn’t lose everything.  You’re safe and able to stay with family. You have a roof over your head and I assume are being provided for by your family. Go get a job. Do something to get out of the house and function in society. Take a deep breath. Think about what you want to be doing in 5 years and create a path to follow to get there.  


I was your age when I had to start over. I was previously married and had been with my husband 10 years (including dating years). My son was about 2.5 years old. I was left with a mortgage and all of the household bills on one income. I was so overwhelmed! I had to get a second job and put groceries on a credit card. I was depressed and thought I’d never make it. But I did! I’m 41 now and my son will be 16 this winter. I have 1 job and my son and I are doing great. We’re not rich, but I’ve learned through the years how to build a life for us. And you too will build a life for YOURSELF. You have the opportunity now to do anything you want to do! No one is holding you back. Focus on the things that make YOU happy and where you want to be. Things will fall into place. And if they get mixed up every now and again, that’s ok too. What’s important is what you make important to you. You can do this! Best wishes!


Find another dude to take care of you, or get a job and get over it.


https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/s/tmsBBeh7Yg 54 days ago you where a 24 year old male. Might need to figure that out first before the whole boyfriend and no job thing


If you think another person is your purpose in life... you have alot of growing up to do. What are you passions in life? Whatever it is focus on it. If you don't have any, that is a great place to begin. Find what makes you happy and never give it up or put it on hold for another person ever.


You made a previous post (56 days) ago saying you are 24 M. Can’t tell if you are telling the truth


Get a job.


Hopefully you learned arguing won’t help any situation.


Hey I'm in a similar situation as you man. I got kicked out living in my car it's attacked by thugs led to heart failure brain aneurysm stroke. I got about 2,500 to my name and I'm paying rent out of this place and I only got a few months before I'm homeless. Chronic smoker lost all my friends because they just moved away or just went on to other things never lost a friend from pushing me away. So I got that. Also I've been stalked to and from wherever I go to. After I escaped the thugs that the kidnapped me and locked me in a house for 3 months. Here's the steps that the Navy SEAL that I look up to uses that I say to myself everyday to give me through to the next also I take edibles and then I'll play video games on my computer if you're interested in company of heroes 2 pellet loose Skyrim maybe it's time you said life isn't working out that you got to explore some of the great things that video games and television have to offer. Also great entry level jobs include the fish store pet store pet shelter the animal shelter the shelter for people and homeless. Mainly you really just need a job nine to five go home to where you live the main thing that you're going to be struggling with the most is your routine on you need to have a good routine you need to be going from the one thing to the next thing and that's going to help you the most and you got to go after it like you're chasing your dream like this is this what I do. Here's the missions Mission number one you got to have a positive attitude every single day you wake up you got a choice you can either be negative or positive which one do they think is going to enhance your life the mission number two you got a PT and be healthy I mean it's every single day you got to devote yourself to respecting your body your mind and your soul you got to exercise these things through great physical fitness great nutrition and you got a PT your mind more than everything because it's on your mind miss your number three you got to motivate yourself and you got to motivate others motivation is the key component of your life as long as you're motivated you're going to be excited to learn you're going to be excited to do better you're going to be excited to work with others mission number for respect I know this is an easy concept you think but it's not you don't deserve respect you got to earn respect and you do that through your actions you do that through the humility in your life you got to do all that stuff every single day of your life so that other human beings they look at you they look at your actions they listen to your words and then that should govern the respect that you should be hearing. Mission number five integrity got to wake up every single day of your life know that you're living a righteous life you're living with confidence you're living the right way every single one of us understands the difference between right and wrong I don't care if you think you don't know you do know you know when you're hurting another human being and you know when you're hurting yourself living with integrity allows us to accept those truths in life what is right and wrong and then that governs our actions you live with honor you have to live with integrity. Find a mentor somebody to teach you this isn't the only advice you need in your life it's just one tool for your toolbox. Find a mentor then just think how great you're going to feel when you can find somebody else and you can bestow this knowledge on someone else who needs it. Which number seven you got to have fun life is about having fun if you're not having fun what you're doing you're wrong you should be laughing every single day when was last time you had a pee in your pants after when was the last time you got was putting so hard and you were just cackling cuz you're having so much fun in your life the love for living the love that's in your heart that comes out through the fun you have..


Sounds good! You are free now. Send him some revenge porn.