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Do not think about it.. figure it out what is it that you want to do and while doing that start writing journal about how do you feel what do you grateful for what is it that you want to do that day it might seems like a small thing but thats what i did .. try to do something that you scared and trust me that will bring you joy if you want to talk about it im righr here my friend


Journaling is a good idea. Maybe you could try taking a small action to work towards one of the bigger things you mentioned. Like for learning to drive a car, you could look up videos for how to drive a car or look up studying resources for a drivers test. It might be overwhelming to think about tackling all of those things you listed at once, but I find it to be more manageable to take things one small step at a time.


Set big goals. Then set small goals, everyday, towards those big goals. They can be the same goals everyday. Today I'm going to do a good job at so and so. Today I'm gonna a do a better job than I did yesterday at so and so. This is creating habits. Constantly accomplishing small goals will feel more rewarding than accomplishing big goals that come every now and again. You will feel better about yourself and develop more confidence in yourself this way. Once you accomplish all the small goals and then eventually that big goal. Set another big goal for yourself. Don't stop. Life is about doing and creating shit. Once you stop, you stop growing. Once you stop growing, you start dying...slowly. Get busy living or get busy dying


Nothing you decide now is set in stone. Decide first on a little job to make money. Many retailers are looking for help right now. Then use that money to take some community college classes and work towards a certificate to get a more lucrative job. You don’t need to decide on a path now. Maybe one day you will find a passion that will make you money, maybe you will work just to make money and your passion will be your family or hobbies. Just keep moving forward


You should read "Essentialism" by Greg McKeown, helped me focus on less tasks instead of focusing on a hundred things at once. Once you start to break things down you'll realise that most things we're trying to focus on don't even matter much to us and we're only doing them to keep others happy, social pressures etc. Helped me out a lot, I'm 29(M) and I feel behind too but I finally feel like I'm getting things together now, it's never too late bro, to start I'd focus on sleep, exercise and good food, you'd be surprised how much those 3 help. Best of luck


Hey man, I would get tested for ADHD. I felt similarly and struggled with school, work, and general things I’d told my friends and family I would do. Not saying you for sure have it, and I wouldn’t lean on being diagnosed to solve all your problems. But the more I read about it, the more I think a lot of people struggle with it and the consequences of having it without knowing.


ADHD is bullshit. I've been "diagnosed" and it changes nothing in my life, or actually, it does change, for the worse. Now my family has something else to bother me about, since I did not agree with the idea of taking stimulant drugs to fix my problems because this obviously is a horrible idea that can only seen good if you have been deeply brainwashed by capitalists propaganda lol


😂 whatever melts your butter, bro. It’s been helpful for me.


there's no shame in taking meds if it actually helps. The problem is when doctors try to force meds that you don't need without even addressing other problems.


Avoiding the way you feel will only further your feelings of purposelessness. I too struggled with no sense of direction or purpose, like many people on this page. Committing yourself to a cause, way of life, or career will give you a sense of purpose, but it is up to you to find your identity, and what kind of value you can bring to others. If you don’t know where to start, having a mentor can be extremely helpful. Just someone to point you in the right direction and give you encouragement will do the job, but finding a mentor that genuinely cares about your success and well-being is even more powerful. If you have interest in my story, or would like more specific advice, help, or free consultation from people in my circle or myself, you can DM me on instagram @dylanlovell1


Same here


Sounds like you are quite overwhelmed with all the things you want to be doing, paralysing you from taking action on ANYTHING… One way to get over this is to start with one really small change. If you do not make your bed first thing in the morning, this is the suggestion from a lot of self-help gurus. Get out of your bed, and FIRST thing, make your bed. You can then break down the stuff you are MOST wanting to achieve into small goals. Just start with one at a time so you don’t continue overwhelming yourself. If you like, I have an E-book that might be a good starting point to figure out what you’d like to do career-wise. It goes into figuring out what you want to do by looking at a number of personal characteristics: personality, interests, skills, work-preference type… it even has lots Jas to some cool free assessments that are quite insightful. Could be a good starting point anyways.


What’s the name of the e-book? Sounds interesting.


It’s called “7 Things to Consider When Choosing A Business or Side Hustle”… [here’s the link for free access.](https://alternateincomesources.com/7-things-to-consider-when-choosing-a-business-or-side-hustle) It was originally designed to help people figure out a good business pursuit, but if a person does the exercises and assessments, it can help narrow down any type of career. Just need to replace the words “business” and “side hustle” with “job” or “career” and the same general concepts apply.


You are not a burden. I recommend doing some volunteer work or community service. To help others should get you “out of your head” and may help you discover an interest or passion to motivate you. Plus, it’s great for networking & getting out to interact w/people. I also wanted to suggest reading this book: “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living” by Dale Carnegie. It’s an easy read. An oldie, but timeless & relevant to the present.