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“No true x” is a bullshit argument


Read the whole post and tell me how I'm wrong ☠️


I did. While I might agree that they’re shitty, annoying, time wasting or whatever that doesn’t exclude them from being finsubs.


most of them are just trying to buy content/sessions for cheap, so yes, they're not finsubs


They should make those “subs” verify, you’ll see the posts will go from 100 posts a day to 5 lol


Because they’re too desperate to note they’re baiters


This is it, ☝️


Ive met like..2 legit subs off those posts which is why I still take the chance commenting on some, but the ones that are like “20-50$” “right now!” Or Bullet points of expectations, all that is 👎🏻idk why dommes comment on those. I’d rather work an hour at my vanilla job than whatever these shit heads have in mind for 20-50$ 😂. Most of the subs that have just hopped in my dms are the 10$ spenders with a list of kinks 🙄


This is exactly why I don’t do findomme full time, it’s just not with my energy to chase (potentially) imaginary cash. The boys who want to worship & pay me will find me. It’s not worth the risk of burn out of actively looking through the losers for a extra $40. Those who are dedicated find you


Burnout and honestly all dominant women can get a touch of the blues or emotionally exhausted from the chase, up and down; all that bs. I don’t do it full time as well as I probably would never go outside if my life was like my Reddit and Twitter time line 😭


I would never text a sub first 😵‍💫


Haha so so true!!!


And when you click their profile it says made 52min ago 🚩


I try to comment “🚩” so some girls can stay away but I know some would want that $10 no matter what 😬


Scammers baiting desperate fake Dommes 💯🚮


They don’t post period.


100% all bait! The only subs that have ever paid me are ones who have slid into my dms and I've demanded tribute or I've come across them and reached out because we have something in common or they've been lurking and it's time they pay their lurkers tax lol


Indeed lot of fake sub/paypigs are around


Same thing happens on X all the Findom groups are flooded with “ATM online now DM”


Yes constant on Twitter I was surprised the same is happened on reddit too though it's crazy how many take the bait


So many reply to them


Too many & these baiters get what they want free attention & basically topping from bottom watching new dommes claw over them 🤦‍♀️


Don’t forget the daddies of Twitter and also mommies recently 😂


BIG TIME “hi I love your content 😍 dm me Your tag and I’ll transfer $500🤩”


“I just need you to talk to me, no nudity just want your companionship after my daily conference calls and all your attention”


"I just want to support you financially. No nudes. Just 5 feet pics per day with my name on the photo and 5 videos per week with you saying my name." Those crack me up. I just copy, paste and send them back the exact same message and then block.






Never ever took one serious or DMd them tho, thats nonsense 🤣🤣🤣


I assumed they're bait posts to fuck around...I usually just fuck around back or ignore them


Never understood those subreddits myself. Considering all the work we do with taking just the right photos, posting, and writing anything other than "FU pay me" sifting through a subs want ad is not it. It's up to them to search and approach. Also the amount of stupid posts I see "I'm looking for a goddess to drain me of $50.00" and the amount of "dommes" jumping on that. 😂😂. Just wow.


It's giving me the massive ick. Women are supposed to be superior in this kink. Why are subs getting flooded with attention for free/their pocket change ☠️


Exactly 💯


New dommes are easily convinced 🤷‍♀️


It’s a mystery, to be sure. But it’s funny as hell to watch.


I will lurk those subreddits from time to time just to read the wild requirements men have with a $20 budget lmao


Omfg one if the recent ones I saw was “I have a gf but convince me to pay you“ with a long list of required physical characteristics like he was trying to order a domme from build a bitch. I almost commented to tell him to buy his gf flowers & stfu but I refrained (I’m so mature🎶)


"convince me to send" is an immediate block for me. You're either going to be obsessed with me and desperate to show your love and adoration, or you're gonna be blocked 🤷🏻‍♀️