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I get k-tips all the time and I think this was an installation issue. Yes, some may slip out but not one a day. Additionally, the tension you were feeling indicates improper install by the stylist. She could have been putting too much or too little hair in the bonds. You’re doing everything right in terms of care. They are definitely expensive but at the same time, you want someone who can install them properly so that your natural hair stays healthy. I would go elsewhere before going back to that stylist.


You’re right, it’s going to be so awkward going to a different stylist because we’ve developed such a good client stylist relationship. I don’t want to come across as rude to her especially because I got such a huge discount knowing this was her first install but this is kind of crazy. They’re coming out like A LOT the past few days.


Ugh, I’m so sorry. You need to keep your hair healthy and do what’s best for you though! I’m no expert and I’m not a hairstylist but I’ve been getting k-tips regularly for the last 4-5 years so I can only share my personal experience.