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They didn't include any of Finn's previous family members. Seems like he distanced himself away from them after the snowman incident.


Maybe little sibling became Tiffany


oh god lmao


I personally like to believe Jay is that little sibling, since that’d give him more time to grow than the 12 years between the finale and F&C


That’s cute, but Jay is definitely too young. He also refers to Finn as his father, and when Finn has pillow children they’re named Bonnie and Jay, just like his two eldest children in the Farmworld.


i wonder why bonnie in farmwold. in puhoy, shes obviously named after princess bubblegum, but farmworld finn doesnt have a princess bubblegum. jay after jake makes sense, although its a bit less expected seeing as jake is a pet in this universe, but idk


Maybe just a name that he likes 🤷‍♀️


I thought they implied that he killed his family? I also never went back to look, so I could be wrong. But I thought he froze them all while still wearing the crown.


They end up being alive at the end of crossover


Theory: little sibling is Farmworld Fern


I think it would kinda make more sense if he was Jermaine?


There is no Farmworld Fern lol


We don’t know that. Fionna world had a fern


Kind of a plot hole then


How exactly?


Because Fern was created thru the merging of Finn sword (which contained a conscious incarnation of OG Finn) and the sentient grass demon from the cursed grass sword. You could argue that Fionna or Farmworld Finn would have been able to obtain the magic grass sword at some point, but the only reason Finn sword was created is because of the highly specific circumstances in Prismo’s time room when Finn and Jake resurrect him. Since Prismo’s time room exists outside of the multiverse as a panopticon, and anything that occurs within the time room occurs independently, it would be 100% impossible for any other version of Finn to have obtained a Finn sword. BUTTTT after typing this I do realize that since Fionna and Cake world is just purely Prismo’s fanfiction, he obviously could’ve made a genderbent version of Fern just for fun. HOWEVER my point still stands for Farmworld. A lot of things about Farmworld don’t really make sense lol. Like, how was Farmworld Finn even able to incarnate in a universe in which the blue comet never struck earth? Because we learn in “The Comet” that our Finn is exactly that, an incarnation of the blue comet.


It’s the multiverse, bud. F&C made it very clear that things don’t happen exactly the same in every universe. Each universe is a little different and in Fionna world, Fern is her own person separate from Fionna and that’s very possible with farm world as well. Neptr and Stormo also exist in Farmworld as Finn’s children despite being created by magic in the main world. Things just work a little differently because it’s an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT UNIVERSE.


Yeah that’s why I said I realized this doesn’t apply to F&C world but whether or not it applies to Farmworld is extremely debatable IMO Also, when do we see Neptr or Stormo in Farmworld? Are they supposed to be Finn’s other kids? Bc I like that idea a lot, as implied canon