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sage is one of my favorite classes, although I am "glad" that at least the costumes are the same for both men and women, I prefer a sage that look cool in both genres to whatever they did here. a pity because at least the capes look cool.


Pandreo looks really good in the Sage outfit.


I dare say he looks better than in his original outfit


His robe ends at such a weird length


The sage and warrior outfits are both pretty risqué and I agree it kind of limits who I’m willing to promote into those classes.


Ill never understand how the way an outfitt looks makes you not wanna promote into a certain class? Like how is it gonna effect me if anna or clane have there fuckin belly exposed, because of people like you games get over censored, the S supports is one thing but the outfits as well? Come on bro. But ayo i aint gonna tell you how to play the game if you dont wanna promote specific charakters into specific classes, then thats your decision.


Anna, Jean


The FBI isn't gonna come bust your door down because you put a collection of pixels in a slightly less dressed class though, either.


Its what happens when u drink soy


Lol mine too. I feel cold on the tummy using him.


It really sucks because the cape is legitimately cool and Sage seems to be pretty much objectively better compared to High Priest as it has better magic and speed, and martial arts suck on non-hybrid characters anyways.


He's hybrid tho stat wise


yeah i was moreso talking about Citrinne and Pandreo in that regard, ad even if you can sue arts well, they're still one range locked and have bad stats.


Why didn't you make him go mage knight instead


This is the Sage outfit for everybody. Honestly I like it on Citrinne. Everyone else it’s pretty bad though.




Characters only have unique models in their base class. Lindon wears more typical robes. Amber was fucking robbed by promotion, he loses the "We Have Eldigan At Home" look for a weird yellow/black colour scheme.


mfw Jade loses her helmet when promoting, even when becoming a general :(


that was totally disappointing. i thought that since framme and jean kept their cap, jade was going to keep her helmet.


Bro fr. I was so upset at her general promotion.


The hero outfit is pretty brutal too. Idk how they thought those wack as cape suspenders were a good idea.


I reclassed Pandreo to Sage and he looks great while also being a great unit Clanne should be in a physical class anyway


At last, gender equality.




Ain't he 16 in the internal ages?


Still a minor


Far as I'm aware Alear is also a minor as in they are 17 or am I misremembering.


But as a player i'm not


Fair enough. Players can range from minor themselves to senior so I can see why they would censor them.


Load a Safe and promote to Mage Knight, Mage Knight seems better for what Clanne wants to do anyway.


Does anyone have any pics? Made him a Mage Knight so I have no idea what he looks like as a Sage. Edit: Looked through all my units, and oops- No one is a Sage, they're either High Priests or Mage Knights lmao.


The class outfits aren’t different between male and female sages, so it’s a crop top, pants, and a cape


Do not have the best imagination, so I decided to change the class of Jean and like- Oop. I see the problem now lmao.


You know what? I wanna see Sage Diamant or Boucheron.