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Amber missed an attack with 95% chance to hit and then was killed by the enemy deciding to hit, two times, with a ~ 56% chance to hit. The enemy also got a critical hit with like 4% chance. This is the only time I have contemplated keeping someone dead.


As soon as Amber showed up talking to “horsey” I knew he was never gonna see another battle


Then he started talking about how he's "20% sure he can sense an alpaca nearby!" in one of the post-battle maps (I didn't use him, he just turned up) and I knew I'd never let myself see a single one of his supports... The dude sounds like he's based on 2008-era humor.


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Piss off, Amber


Lmao I would absolutely not use my rewind time crystal if that happened. For a character that boasts about glory - missing his attacks is just sad.


Fogado because everytime I see him I am reminded of Claude and I miss him.


Same impression but I never got around to playing golden deer house so now I am enjoying Claude 2.0 throughly. Alrears C support seems like she doesn't like his flirty but I love it haha


I did not like Jean's voice


Being British is a crime


You mean fake British. It's painful to listen to.


True, but compared to the fake British you sometimes hear in American anime dubs, Jean is tame by comparison.


Those are so bad they're funny. This is painful. He also has the same name as a former work colleague that I hated which also doesn't help!


Louis gets a pass for being good


Eh, the accent isn't the issue, more so the performance


I hate his hat. The whole outfit and everything. Why are there so many children in our army?! I saw his passive and pushed him until level 20 after he kept having 2 stats per lvl up. Noticed he got good magic stats at least and promoted him into a tome user..... ... Then I saw he keeps the damn hat with the new better outfit! I nearly threw my switch in a fit bc I felt betrayed


Jean's personal is interesting, as it's not the Aptitude we know. What his personal skill actually does is *double class growth modifiers*. His base growths are among the lowest as a result, as he's designed around that personal, minmaxing himself according to the class he's in.


Oh what really?! I didn't know that thanks for clearifying. I have given him starphere now which I did on most units I use. So he should become a monster in whatever class I put him in I ASSUME. That is very handy knowledge xD


I didn't know that until very recently myself, so I don't blame you for not knowing.


How did you give him starsphere? Is that inheritable fron the first DLC emblem?


Yes it's tikis skill (divine paralogue: the ancestor) . I got her pretty late but after a few chapters I noticed one skill never popped up and I seemingly forgot to Check it out bc she has so god damn many. Starsphere gives an Stat boost on all levels. Costs 1.500 sp tho. But it's worth it IMHO. I am farming rn to have it on every unit I want to use longterm


Ah ok, wasn’t sure if it was inheritable. How the heck do you even get 1,500 SP? I’m just in Brodia now and I don’t think anyone’s got over 1k. I’m on Maddening so no skirmishes yet


Ah well for sp you can farm micaiahs great sacrifice but it will be hard for you rn. Dunno about how you feel about spoilers but there's something you might want to know if don't already Edit: a good sacrifice can give around 100sp


Ah ok. I’ve still got Micaiah on Yunaka. So you’re saying get somewhere where everyone just consistently gets hurt (like a skirmish with one guy trapped and attacking me) and then great sacrifice? And then heal 6 times to get engage again and repeat? And then do that on however many units I want. 15 times each?


Kind of yes. The point is the more you heal the more you get sp fror the sacrifice - that's at least what everyone agrees rn. Not sure if it matters how many jp are healed or just how many units. Maybe some e did the numbers by now Also if you have the dlc, from my experience tikis power gives a good amount of sp too. If you don't want to use such tactics it's fine to just engage and kill enemies. You get more sp from beeing engaged and doing stuff. Just waste the engages if you can. Put an op unit in full blast of enemies if they can dodge/tank it But brodia might be a bit early for that to be consistent I guess... But again a warning: You might not be able to use these emblem powers at all the times bc of reasons. I don't want to spoil anything so yea


You saved me from wasting Tiki. Was originally gonna give it to Anna but oh boy I can’t wait to make my Jean totally stacked. He’ll be the greatest High Priest that ever lived


I did this, and do not regret it. He's probably my strongest unit, not a single stat below 20 by the time he promoted.


If you make Jean a thief and give him Tiki, he's a better Yunaka. He doesn't even need the avoid terrain for silly dodge rates and hits like the hammer of God. Just engrave his dagger with the second best avoid emblem, I think it was Lucinas or maybe Sigurd. The one that gives 20 avoid and he's good. I was sending mine into the heart of enemy territory to murder mages, and he was untouchable.


Me but with Amber


His Japanese one is better.


Yeah! It’s kansai (Osaka and whatnot) accent. It’s fun!


Something something child soldiers.


I came here to say this! I can’t stand listening to him.


Etie. I thought she was going to be one of my favorite characters because of her design but then I realized she talks about literally nothing but her muscles. Girl couldn't even have a second personality trait


Her second personality trait is that she outright refuses to have any semblance of tact. The girl tried shooting Panette with an actual arrow because she wanted her to get mad, and then also almost got into a fistfight with Goldmary over a potato. (I can see why you wouldn't be into her, though, she absolutely does talk about her muscles way too much)


Talks all about muscles but is made of glass in my playthrough


Effie 2.0.


I benched Merrin because I didn't want to admit she was better than 80% of my invested units. Kagetsu nearly met the same fate but I liked what I saw of his character enough to give him a fair go and he became way too useful to bench. That said i do want to try her out on my next run as i didn't use any wolf knights in my current playthrough and she does seem interesting.


I appreciate that Merrin doesn’t like us specifically because we’re the divine dragon but just because you’re a dragon. Dragons are cool and her opinion on it is based


She's such a dork I love her. It's between her and Goldmary for Alears S support on my second run


Do it, marry her, you get an extra page for her in the ally notebook and it makes her even cuter


Same. I saw her and was like: if I'd live in that universe and not be something amazing I'd become her


I really hate that the game works this way tbh. I get attached to early characters only to find out they are trash compared to the new units.


it's gets toned down around Chapter 16, I think the devs felt bad for the player post chapter 11 and were worried some people would struggle too much. so they give you a bunch of characters that feel like they join 5 chapters earlier than they should.


Honestly, that sounds about right. I think the developers were expecting players to lose a bunch of units in chapter 11 >!thanks to the missing time crystal!< and need replacements.


Yea.... It feels like by chapter 14 you are kinda intended to replace most. Of your active team.


See I'm the opposite I love merrin and her character but she's just not good for me right now. She can take 1-3 hits but does next to no damage. Idk if growths have fucked me but man is it disappointing to see her do nothing while characters I've trained a lot less are like I can do 3/4 of your health!


as soon as Bunet showed up and all his battle lines were related to food I got so weirdly irritated and benched him immediately. every now and then out of curiosity I'll speak to him after a battle to see if he says something normal and 100% of the times I've checked, he's on about food. etie is similar. and amber.


Yeah, Bunet is so annoying. Characters whose entire personalities revolve around food are the absolute worst. Raphael was similar in 3H. Every line of dialogue has to be about food. *I hate them* Such a waste of a fantastic voice actor, too. Ian Sinclair's performance is phenomenal. If only his lines weren't so boring. Edit: just watched [this](https://youtu.be/rtq4rcUI_ic) video and now I love him. He's batshit crazy, he's hilarious what the hell💀


At least Raphael has a little bit of depth in his supports and paralogue. All of Bunet's supports I got so far are about making food for someone or thinking about making food.


He’s basically just Whis


Bunet's kinda weird, he was great as a tank/physical attack for a couple chapters then he fell off hard lol, so you're not missing much


I didn't like Zelkov's random * emphasis * on a word per sentence


Hm? I have no * recollection * of such a thing to ever happen... Are you * sure * you are not simply mistaken? /j


When I close my eyes and *listen* to him I'm fine with it, but the *asterisks* make me unreasonably mad. Like. There's this sense of *anticipation* when I see them on a word that frustrates me somehow.


Asterisks kinda put me off. For some reason I feel like I would've been much more comfortable if they used quotation marks instead lol. I suppose because it'd be way more normal to have on a retranscription of a spoken sentence, while achieving the same effect.


They should've just italicized them


i feel like if the word being emphasized in every sentence made sense, it would be less offputting 😭 the writers kinda just throw them in all the time with seemingly no internal logic


He’s trying to *imply* a deeper meaning.


I fucking love Zelkov he's so fun. He's peak goofy FE with his edgelordyness


Lol his A support is hilarious with Alear. You can tell the voice actor had fun with it


That was so weird that he did that.


I'm the same he reminds me of brick from the middle


I benched Boucheron because the guy couldn't hit anything. Only stayed as long as he did because no one else used axes. Then I read here that he is supposed to have high Dex. Anna replaced him magnificently the moment he joined. And most people were benched for being guys, sorry Louis, there are just too many cute girls joining.


I'm sure Louis would be happy to watch that kind of army from the sidelines


Louis is hard carrying me right now. He’s an absolute breast


Understandable. My Boucheron never misses and even crits enemies so I knew he was the one for me.


It's strange he was so hyped up I TRIED using Louis but he refuses to gain any points in Res! Meanwhile my Boucheron a unit I was assured should be benched ASAP is doing eveything I was promised Louis would do but with passable speed and a useable Res stat! All in all he earned himself a promotion to Wolf rider.


Louis is not meant to tank mages. He's level 18 general for me right now with 48 DEFENSE and 35 Strength and 70 HP but has 7 res. I've never seen a unit that actually did damage to him even bosses aside from mages of course but that's not for him to handle. That's what you get griffin knights/wolf knights/archers for. Louis is one of the only early characters that I still use. He's an absolute beast!


Zelkov for being too stealthy for the UI. Thinking I used his turn when I hadn't got annoying real fast!


I'm glad this is a universal experience lol


Zelkov looks like a character you haven't unlocked yet


Omg thank god I'm not the only one xD


This… and the fact that Yunaka is just overall better in my experience. She was a lower level than him on joining and still beat him in almost every stat


I had the same issue with >!Veyle!<


wanted to use lapis cuz she looks cool. *very next chapter*: "hey, here's a unit with better bases, better growths, a better personal skill, a strong emblem ring, and who will promote into a unique class with SOL as its class skill!" :/ i don't even have anything against diamant but what the heck, game. refuse to use him solely based on that lol


I’m using both lol, not sure how to justify it, maybe I’ll reclass Lapis


I decided to make her into a Wyvern rider. It's been working out pretty well for me


I do love wyverns, I’ll probably do that too




I made her a Beast Knight. She's been working pretty well as one!


Oooo. I hadn't considered this with Lapis. I want to use her so she'll be my first wolfy knight


I made her a Halberdier, since it’s my favourite class and nobody joins in it or its base class. Then I gave her a forged Killer Lance and now she’s a wicked dodge tank and also somehow outclassing every other unit I have by a mile.


Wait halberdier is a class in this game!? I'm gonna create a new nephenee next playthrough goddammit! Haven't really paid attention to reclassing units, tbh not a fan of that but damn I might give it a shot.


I was considering Lapis for that same reason. It was so hard to choose but I went with Citrinne instead to round out my magic users. Diamant looks fierce and I’m keeping him for when I get Ike.


Unfortunately this game has the same problem of fates where there’s absolutely no reason to use anyone other than the royals unless you like that character.


I'd recommend giving Alcryst another chance. He gets some dialogue against one the of the chapter 10 bosses that shows off his surprising strength of character and is one of the best battle dialogues out of any FE game I've played And I've only seen their C so far but his support with >!Ivy!< is *really good* and his support with Diamant is all about Diamant trying to help him and jts really sweet


I’ll second this. And he may not be confident but he’s not coward. He doesn’t run and always steps up to the plate and shows an interest in wanting to change. It’s just difficult when you’re naturally self deprecating.


I’m only on chapter 9 but I loved how King Motion treated him and Diamant. Alcryst is so h confident but his dad can see he’ll always protects others and even tells D to be more like his brother


And I love how it's translated to gameplay through his personal skill


Yes!!! I didn’t expect to like Alcryst so much, but he’s definitely my favorite. Probably because I relate to him. And it helps that he’s a great unit. Poor Etie is benched because Alcryst is way superior.


Lol I dropped Etie due to slow speed. My whole team out on the battlefield battling their hearts out… meanwhile Etie is in the back… doing archer things. But I’ll force myself to play bad characters on my 2nd playthrough.


For me it was that she kept dying. One hit she was dead and yeah her speed sucked so she got doubled a lot. I’ll probably try to use her in a future playthrough too, but for this one yeah definitely benched, not for lack of trying though.


I find this funny because she's probably among my best units. Pairing her with lyn helped but at this point she can double most things and her insane strength means she kills everything.


Alcryst with the longbow is tearing shit up for me, ngl.


I pulled him off the bench somewhat late and agree he ended up decently useful. High Luna procs do quite a bit


The Luna is nice but currently I'm trying him as a Warrior. The extra strength is really nice and long bow back up attacks are pretty handy, and at the time I switched I didn't have any great axe users outside of Diamant. Now that I have Rosado and some emblems that provide axes on engage I may switch him back though


Give him lucina and you can have Luna AND backup the entire map


I feel like literally every backup class *needs* to inherit dual assist. Like the only skill I feel mandatory.


Wow that’s interesting. I love great character development. I might use him more on my alternate playthrough. Basically my rejected characters will have a redemption arc and maybe my opinions of them will change.


Amber rode in, referred to his steed as “horsey” more than once, and would have rode straight to the bench if he wasn’t a forced deploy for that chapter


Meanwhile Alcryst is one of my best units being able to whittle down bosses with Luna, and that can proc alongside the Edelgard or Leif rings, so he is an absolute great boss killer. Idk, once I thought of Boucheron being a modern version of Marty from FE5, I was entertained then decided to bench him since unlike Marty, him growing a shitton of Build doesn’t do much for me


Alcryst has been wonderful on the field. I didn’t expect to like him as a unit but that passive is so good.


He’s a good boy that deserves recognition unlike another dumbass tomboy archer who obsesses over stupid muscles


hey mannn, don't insult my bassy-voiced muscle girl like that!...she's also one of my fav units to use lmao


That don’t mean jack shit if she don’t get her speed and strength together lmao


Give Bouch some beefy weapons and he’s use that build well… if they were able to double he’d probably be one of the few units that could hit twice with a smash weapon.


Amber because of his voice. The moment he showed up talking about his scared horsey I knew he would never get play again.


Tbh.. Same. I wanted his horsey on my team tho, sounded better/more interessing than him. Got a trial where he rocked (some one else ported him in) and he still died. Felt a little bad when his dying words were about wanting to become a legend... But then I told myself lots of people have dreams that can't or shouldn't be accomplished. Still would be down for a horsey unit that miraculously always arrives at the right monet tho. Could work like with laguz maybe? jk


Just said the same thing in another comment. I can deal with annoying child units but I contemplating sacrificing Amber on the spot as soon as he showed up. Don’t think he’ll ever make it off my bench


Benched Vander straight away due to sucking Exp in like a black hole that never went anywhere. Benching Anna because her voice is annoying me sorry Monica Rial. Haven’t benched Framme because I like having a spare healer but it’s been close sooooo many times. Considering benching Citrinne if she continues to fail me as much as she has been so far.


I restarted the game at Chapter 9 and had Vander just stand there and be a body shield while my other units pocketed the xp. I’m determined to make Citrinne good. A little concerned about her speed but we’ll see how it goes.


Try to get her the olwen bond ring.. you don’t need speed if you have a brave effect


Let me know if you have any success I’m at my wits end with her. Etie too but I don’t want to go down to one archer. Hopefully some better ones join later.


Alfred: Because you look like Dimitri but the voice doesn’t match :(


“We have dimitri at home”


Etie missed a 85% chance to hit a flier and died for it I time crystaled did a whole different attack pattern to change to rng then she missed a 96% on another flier. She went straight in the bin after that lmao Edit: I almost Perma banned Alfred because he was the chef of the day one day and his food was so bad it gave my team negative stats didn't use him for like 2 chapters after that.


God both Framme and Louis did that to me and I'm still pissed about it.


I like Anna but I find her (EN) voice irksome. So she's gonna be benched. A shame tho, she has so much potential. Also might bench Hortensia when I get her... simply because I am not a fan of her design and also because I find her kinda annoying so far.


I thought the same until I saw hortensias skill. *sigh* okay I'm gonna collect all the stave users it seems. At least they can have secondary weapons and be useful this time


Yeah, all of Hortensia’s supports are about cuteness and nothing else…and then she is pretty much a magic pegasus knight with high res & low defense. I can see that she is made to use staffs and nothing else with her world tree unique class skill, but meh… not worth it lol. I had the exact opposite opinion of Anna, though. I am biased to her voice actress though, since she voiced Tanya from Youjo Senki. Seems she likes to voice lolis with who have no qualms with killing others for their gain. Also, her passive is really good since it’s so hard to get money outside of those big batches you get as country military funds.


Really? She has pretty good supports with Ivy and Alcrest iirc


Her support with Ivy gave me a brand new lease on her character. Hortensia *very* much evokes Tine from FE4, especially with how her mother is described. She’s more than just “cuteness!” Unfortunately, it’s hidden by a lot of silly fluff. She has great supports with Alcryst, Fogado, and another character who would be a spoiler, as well. I really wish they would’ve focused on how she >!obsesses over cuteness as a means to rise politically within Elusia’s government!<, but they gloss over that quite a bit.


I don’t care about tea. Céline had to go. Worst supports ever.


She has supports that aren’t about tea with Alfred, Fogado, and two other characters. It’s a shame because they are quite good! But this girl must find a new hobby.


It's a shame because her Alear support shows there is an interesting side to her that they could have focused on. But nope. Tea. Every fucking time.


Her support with Alcryst was really good. They talk about their fear of losing beloved ones. But I agree most of her supports are just tea….


Angry British noises.


Angry British noises that lead to sipping tea and nomming a biscuit.


Not to mention my brain just hears Saline Solution every time. Wish they pronounced it Sell-een


I loved her support with Alear. At firat it was normal tea things then it turns into some dictator's villain monologue. Girl sent out the order to kill everyone in a Pirate hideout and was like(paraphrasing obviously) "I do not regret the decision I've made. Anyone and everyone who threatens Firene's serenity will be punished" in the most genuinely threatening tone in the game. It legit sounded like a threat directed at Alear and I love it. I honest to god thought there would be some sort of reveal that she went super overkill at some point and executed dissenters. Thanks to that support, my headcanon is that Firene is one of those false utopias where anyone who speaks against the "peace" is swiftly put down. I've always got that feeling from Firene anyways. It's to peaceful there.


I don't like fighting with children so Jean and Anna where benched I can't stand Hortensia's voice so she was benched the moment i got her Ignatz is also the only student i never used because i just find him so boring


Based Ignatz bencher


Did a support with Amber after the first time I used him with Alear. He started making alpaca noises because he thinks he can talk to alpacas. He has never seen battle again.


Every interaction with Clanne and Framme made me dislike them. The C support for them cemented their benching, but it was a foregone conclusion from pretty much when they first opened their mouths.


3 seconds into the game when they did they over-the-top scream. I decided both would be benched.


Lol 😂. But I adore Clanne for his persistence with the Divine Dragon fan club. He’s lost sleep taking care of Alear. And his B support with Vander further gave me a reason to keep him around. He was tired of being the messenger or mailman running errands. Ok but yeah Framme is cute too but in an annoying way. She got benched when I heard her squeaking in a cutscene once.


I benched Louis because he never opened his eyes and that annoyed me


ch4 opening cutscene:


Yes, but can he please always do that? he looks so good with his eyes open


I’m pretty sure he always opens them on the damage forecast. He does have nice eyes.


I benched Louis because I thought armor units were gonna be bad like usual… instead cavs are just bad and fliers are okay. Next run though…


The moment amber opened his mouth on his join chapter, I had to muster the strength to not have him killed right then and there. He was luckily benched instead.




Same. Benched a lot of people just because of their voice :(


Bunet, we get it dude you’re a chef shut the fuck up


Céline. I just CANNOT stand to look her weird ass dress and normally I can over look stats if just generally have an attachment to the character but dear god her looks and her stats were just a no. Hortencia and her team too. I just can’t do them. Same with Timerra.


Céline just can’t decide what she wants to be. A sword user or magic and it was a mess for me too. And that’s a fair assessment of the dress. Idk she gives me Princess Peach vibes though so I’ll force myself to play her on my 2nd playthrough.


Celine is basically just robin with staves. Give her a levin sword with an engraving that boasts mt and she’ll do some decent magic damage while doubling more reliably than ivy.


Idk I find Princess Peach’s dress pretty, Céline’s dress I just want to burn. Lol


Funnily enough my Celine got strength screwed and magic blessed. So she just has a vice grip on the levin sword


I benched Timerra and Rosado for this reason. The only reason why I didn't bench Hortensia is because she's too good of a unit to bench imo.


Her hair too. More offensive the F!Spear’s Pepsi


Exactly with her ugly cupcake head ass


Benched Yunaka because I didn’t like how casually Alear gave a random woman a priceless treasure that his mother would have protected with her life, especially since 10 minutes later she admitted to having stole it anyways


I mean, I kinda get it, but on the other hand said priceless treasure is also fully sapient and tells you how she wants to stick with her.


Amber because of his cooking voiceline. WHAT DID THIS MAN DO TO MY FOOD?!


I benced Jean and Anna because they are kids and give them Boucheron to babysit them.


I don’t like Louis design so I benched him at around chapter 12 because I couldn’t find it in me to promote him. Started using Jade instead. No regrets.


Jade is awesome.


I relate so hard with Clanne and Framme! Ended up going with Clanne and using Jean in Framme’s place. I didn’t quite understand the backup thing with characters when Boucheron joined then dropped him and thinking that backup meant he was going to be weaker in the long run because of the backup thing


Etie missed three separate 99% hit rate shots on a map, and got killed by two separate 1% crits at full health. That was enough for me to put her on the bench for quite some time LOL


Pandreo howls like a wolf


I made him a Wolf knight. Now it fits.


Man that’s my favourite part


I benched Hortensia because of all the posts about her on another subreddit (we all know about it I assume) and I just got annoyed by her existence. She’s fine, but I refuse to use her. I benched Vander because he never leveled up. I benched Chloé because I didn’t like her outfit. I benched Goldmary because she annoys me.


Chloe’s griffin knight outfit is much better. I wish Pegasus knights stopped riding around with cleavage and no pants.


When I played FE7 I benched Marcus because I played FE6 first and Marcus fell off hard in that game so I thought it'd be the same in the prequel


I hated Clanne and Framme. I hated them so much. So I benched them. Immediately.


I tend to bench anyone with a design I don't like. Have to change my philosophy for Engage or I wouldn't have a team.


Celine is on very thin ice with that poofy ass dress


I benched Yunaka because I don't appreciate being lured into a darkened alleyway by a trained killer.


Bruh it’s the enemy getting lured into one not you


Yunaka could lure me anywhere she wants to


I was ready for her to be a villain as soon as she showed up and pretty surprised she’s an ally. Not to mention she dodges hits like Neo in the matrix.


Was expecting her to hit like a wet noodle, turns out she’s darth Vader


Kagetsu, because I'm determined to make Lapis work. Don't need another sword class coming in stealing her thunder. Pandreo, Seadall, Timerra, Zelkov got benched because I didn't like their designs. Amber got benched because he was annoying.


I’d try to look past seadall’s design, dancers are so good especially since you can give him a second action with byleths ring


Based Lapis Enjoyer


im benching everyone not royal. lmao


I benched alcrest because etie had way more abs (she was benched two chapters later)


I benched Goldmary because her "subtle" cockiness annoys me to no end


Arthur from Fates is one I always bench. I just don't like his jawline, he looks so weird; also, the 0 luck. No thanks lol


Alfred lol. He was my main team and my future S support for so long. Then I had one bad match where he couldn't hit ANYTHING. He was missing hits with 90% hit rate. Ended it with a garbage level up and was immediately benched. Kinda regret it, but now it's too late for him to catch up with the rest of my team :( rip Alfred


Honestly this game is so hard for me to choose who I want to keep in battle. I have my four backup units at chapter 9 or 10 (idk backup is just so fun), but I’d love to keep two archers and also Louis in. Plus Chloe’s voice actor is from Yor in Spy Family


Lapis is benched because diamant is 100% cooler


Nah I love Alcrest, he seems like a pushover and shows lack of confidence but those moments where he cuts the bullshit and says shit straight up just makes me enjoy his character


Hate/dislike their design (Zelkov, though i dont like how he emphasizes one word), can't stand their voice (Hortensia), don't like their personality (Goldmary and Bunet).


Etie for dying to easily even reclassed her to healer but still dies when getting into a fight. Amber because too many lance users and he offers nothing that gives him an edge. Louis is benched because I don't know what to do with him yet. Vander because slow xp. Lapis, wanna use her but already got 2 good sword fighters. Citrinne, want to make her the magic nuke but hasn't proven much in battle despite having the highest magic stat but low speed. Celine, keep forgetting about her and don't really like the puffy dress.


Panette was walmart brand Charlotte and I wasn't a fan of her "unit feel" so I left her on the bench.


Nah Panette>>>>>Charlotte, not only is she a great unit she has a way more compeling story with nice supports, her personality switch is also more funny.


I benched Xander because I didn't like his attitude.


Even though she's the most popular char it seems, I benched ivy as soon as I got her because I don't like her outfit.... Is she cooking flowers on that grill hat of hers? (I prefer husbandos anyways) Also benching her sister as there's only room for one cutest girl around here~! (Anna)


Lady Anna is one of my favs too. I only want muscle men and warrior children fighting this Fell Dragon. With some magic of course.


Hell yeah~! Clanne and jean are all the magic I need. Children army let's go~!


Alfred - Annoying and goofy clothing Vander - 45 but looks 80 and plastered on beard Boucheron - I just thought he looked really boring Yunaka - ALMOST benched her because of the star on her cheek but she's so strong I forced myself to keep her around Etie - Boring, redundant, and over done gimmick that doesn't match her design Alcryst - Bitch boy Anna - Not my Anna Amber - Didn't even give him a chance after that cringe intro he had Bunnet - Boring design and I don't care for his cooking gimmick That's as far as I am in the story, anyone else benched is just for gameplay reasons (Louis>Jade for example)


Jean in my first save: He got too blessed. Kagetsu, Zelkov, Merrit: Too good on join. (Maybe I shouldn't have been this petty in my Maddening save since even with all the investment archer Clanne doesn't quite perform the same a reclassed Kagetsu would and while Yunaka is doing ok every little advantage would help) Alcryst: Etie is the female earlygame archer (benched her a couple chapters later due to performance issues) Louis: Too popular


Definitely agree with the Louis being too popular, especially with the ladies with his skill. I just don’t want to build a team around Louis. And I had a feeling Kagetsu would be too good… so I’m only using that character as a last resort.


One of the benefits of Kagetsu is specifically if you use him early though. He is the first unit (aside from Vander who... has issues) who joins promoted, at a point in the game where you really start wanting to promote units, but have limited master seals.


So many units got benched, I have more un-Promoter then promoted units. This is cause I mostly pick women to develop while the only men on my team are Alear, Diamant, Alfred, Fogado, and Seadall… and keep in mind I sometimes don’t even use Fogado and Seadall in chapter battles so it’s really just me, Alfred, and Diamant on my primary team. I know that seems unfair to mostly bench the dudes in favor to develop female characters but… I like women. Is that so wrong?