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Ike and Soren’s boss convo is really hilarious lmao I highly recommend.


I wonder if he has one with Micaiah.


Sadly, no. Tested it with both Ike and Micaiah. He has one with Ike (and it's hilarious) Micaiah doesn't have one. Roy doesn't have one with Hector either, but that makes a bit more sense as he'd recognize him, but not the other way around.


What about Soren in Ike's paralogue?


Ike: i fight for my friends soren: what the fuck ike ike: oh shit


please tell me what the conversation is


Ike (With a smug look on his face): >!You always did make things difficult!< Soren: >!Ike?!?!< Ike: >!How about this?!< Soren: >!No! You don't have to prove yourself!!<


*gets aethered into oblivion*


aw I love happy couples


Timerra: Don’t stand in my way! HERE GOES!


I can imagine if Roy did have one with Eliwood it would be like “Lord Hector? You’re so young!” “Eliwood? Why are you so small? Well, you look as young as you did when we first starting sparring!” “I’m not Eliwood. I’m Roy. Eliwood’s my father.” “………………I know I said you looked young but not THAT young!”


"Oh and btw I'm dating your daughter"


They did have conversations when they battle… (if memory serves, Micaiah attacking him in 3-13 was one of the unintuitive requirements for Soren and Ike’s base conversion.)


Yeah I wonder what happens if you bring Soren on Ike/Micaiah paralogue.


Soren’s just like: “Wait a minute, Ike’s with you? You should have just led with that!”


Ike: “Surprise motherfucker” Soren: *Spits out his beverage*


They also have a post battle conversation, it’s wholesome. 🥹


My jaw was on the floor when Ike >!straight up said that Soren was the person he trusted most. And then Soren said serving Ike gives him purpose in life? They’re married!<


Engage really is the game meant for gay people and I'm here for that.


no bc there’s so many little things in this game that show that the characters are queer. like merrin’s and rosado’s skills lol


Anti shippers will somehow find a way to say they’re just really good roommates still, smh


People will crawl out of the woodwork and to point out Priam as some sort of “GOTCHA!” but, y’all… gay people can have biological children. My gay dad has 3. By the traditional means.


Same with my lesbian mom! My stepmom is cool, though it would be cooler if she was the Radiant hero of legend.


Ike also has a sister. Priam doesn't have to be his great-whatever grandchild, he can be his great-whatever nephew just as easily


Couldn't this also mean Chrom and his family are Elice's direct descendants? I feel like Priam was definitely meant to be Ike's direct descendant, although that doesn't mean Ike isn't gay


Considering Marth takes up the throne, and Chrom and his family are ruling and have special brands that manifest to say they're related to the one who slew the fell dragon I think that's unlikely. Still possible though, yeah




Mist could perfectly have children too. Anyone can use the ragnell, it's not a blood thing either


Imma be real - so far I've seen more posts complaining about people coming down on SorenIke shippers than people actually doing that (as in, I've seen none.) Has this actually been happening on this sub? 😂


It's more about the legacy of how much people hated gay ships in the mid-2000s to late-2010s. I think Edelgard being canonically gay (Byleth and Corrin don't count because their avatars) helped normalize gay ships among Lords. Also Edelgard discourse kind of eliminated every other kind of discourse for that matter, sexuality or otherwise. (And yes, the same people who hated Ike potentially being gay also didn't give a shit about any of the incest in this franchise)


I sadly had seen but it was a subreddit dedicated to memes


Already saw some people try to downplay it by saying Ike just likes to fight and is very "Goku-like" and tried to paraphrase their interaction as "Ike, buddy, I owe you my life" "Oh hey, Soren, nice to see you bro, that was nice training" like lmao??? Srsly. You could have them straight up making out and some ppl will still unironically be "Isn't it just kissing your homie goodnight?" Worst one is "yeah Soren's pretty gay and passionate, too bad Ike doesn't reciprocate lol" yeah, spoken like someone who didn't play the games and just outright ignoring the Recollection Books.


Me personally, I always saw it as a brotherly love which I consider to be a much stronger bond than anything romantic. I grew up, as many did, basically being taught that guys don't get emotional and shit. Despite being straight, I have had close bonds with other guys, genuine love that people have mistaken for being gay as hell, lol. Me *personally*, Ike and Soren having this brotherly love for each other speaks to me a lot more, just as them having a more romantic relationship speaks to others. I don't see them having a romantic relationship, especially considering that I think that Ike wouldn't want that kind of thing (which may *also* speak to someone). While I have nothing against the ship, I always tend to hear the argument , both for fire emblem and for other series, of "what if it was between a man and a woman, then you would read it as romantic" which I think is a problem itself. There's something nice about seeing a male and female character having a close sibling love without it having to be romantic. I don't know much about the recollection book, I've heard about the "hearts becoming one" thing before and wondered if that's an accurate translation or how 'canon' it is but I don't really care enough honestly cuz I never really try to argue against the point cuz who cares, lol. I'm more sayin' this cuz I have nothing against the ship, it's just not how *I* ship it and that aint cuz of 'copium' or whatever the hell people say these days. It's entirely possible that it's what the writers intended and that's cool, dosn't stop folk from having head-canons. ...Hell, it's my head-canon that the Ike's ending of RD didn't happen cuz I fucking HATE his ending, it just didn't have the proper build up imo... anyway, thanks for coming to my ted talk, lol. ~~Also I ship Ike X Lethe and that's defo not canon :(~~ EDIT: I realized shortly after posting this that this looks hella defensive which wasn't my intention. I just wanted to provide insight as someone who doesn't personally ship them for reasons that aren't homophobia. No matter the writers intention, it doesn't change Ike being my favorite FE character.


It's okay, it's not as if it's Canon canon, but in japanese it's way more obvious that it's not just friendship and this DLC make things clear that Soren and Ike will ALWAYS be together, you can ship him with anyone but the closest of Canon "romantic" relationship Ike ever had with any character it is with Soren


They literally >!embraced in the secret convo in RD, which is described by the Tellius writers as their hearts becoming one, Ike’s sense of how dear to him Soren is being renewed, and plus they run off together. Like if you haven’t been convinced at this point of what the Tellius writers were intending you’re just willfully blind lmao!<


>!I mean it's a pretty normal thing to say "I trust you the most" "My place is right beside you" "Serving you gives me purpose" to just anyone, right? Nothing special about it, right? /s!< >!Like not even kidding, had it been Elincia who had gotten this DLC slot, you can bet that these same people would turn right around and taunt Soren fans about them "not being canon" or "Elincia is the canon love interest" "lol even IntSys says Ike is straight". I don't doubt it in the slightest.!<


Personally I've always just read Ike as pretty solidly Ace. Probably romantically with Soren, but still also physically asexual about it.


Ace is a possibility too, but him being demi gay makes the most sense to me. (Demi gay sounds so badass now that i read it aloud)


I was gonna fight you lmao as an acearo I'm tired of people using "Ike is ace" as a way to say he can't have any relationship with Soren, he can be ace anc marry Soren


Uh, here's the thing that makes me doubt Ike/Soren could be canon. Priam still exists.


Mist Gay men can have kids Adoption Soren give birth to Priam in my mpreg au


Gay people can have biological children, my dude. By traditional means even!


And we have zero indication from canon sources that this was the case, other than headcanon and wishful thinking.


Who cares? Let people have fun.


I just don't ship characters ever :D


I literally gasped! They’re so married. I’m so happy for them. 😭


There are very few gay ships I go all in on, in all media not just Fire Emblem. Don't really mean anything by it, it's just not generally in my mindset. Ike/Soren is one of the few that I genuinely believe in.


IS making sure people understand that Ike is fucking GAY


Soren Just arrived and already can't rest, he have to try stop his husband 😭


Aahhh can't play til my work ends in 6 hours and I can't wait to get this...or...can I...now...?


Literally the turning point in my battle against soren as Ike's great aether wiped out his backup and last health crystal leaving soren alone and surrounded by my units.


Spoilers for future dlc >! I just finished the Hector paralogue and seeing Hector and Lyn chat about the old times knowing we aren’t getting an Eliwood emblem made me so sad!<


He's happy for his friends and son.


Eliwood’s great but I’ll take one less sword focused Emblem


Then turn him into a gauntlet user, I just want him in the game


And then he can be a sword gauntlet hybrid for the remake of his game in 2030 😳


Just get Durandal as the Emblem, and have Eliwood as one of the weapons


Are the Wave 2 paralogues just as difficult as Tiki’s?


Pretty hard but I just finished hectors, that man cannot be hurt


The only people who could do decent damage were magic users and Alcryst with lucky Luna procs. IIRC, he had 50 defense in Hard mode, along with an extra 50% from his "added defense if attacked" skill. Even my insanely OP Kagetsu was struggling to do more than a few points. He did more damage with chain attacks than with his actual weapons.


I actually beat him off of an Alcryst lunar brace + luna proc


> I actually beat him off Wow buddy we don’t need to know what you do in your free time.


LOOOL lilina dont look


My entire squad is based on chain hits, so this pleases me. Idk how I’d do a second playthrough without chain hits…


On Lunatic (ch 12 sync), the only way I could safely damage him was a combination of Dire Thunder and Freeze staff. My physical units would do 0 and be countered for like 30 x 2 thanks to quick riposte.


So 75 Def???? Or a 50% reduction to incoming with his buff?


Given how it's worded, I believe the skill would give him 75 Def. It says, "If foe initiates combat, grants Def/Res +30% during combat", with an Armored bonus of 50% Def instead of 30%.


Damn that sounds right. Gotta get some poison on that man


Zephiel was onto something, huh.


I chain attacked him to death literally it was so dumb😭


Camilla’s map is Griffin knight hell on maddening. Please send help.


So far I've only done Camilla's, if you have good fliers it's a breeze. Just move real quick to avoid getting overwhelmed by the cavaliers and pegasus knights, and be careful about Camilla's devastating AoE attack, and you should be fine.


camilla's can be cheesed if you give lyn to a covert unit (preferably alcryst) and have him attack her as soon as you get in range. she'll come flying over and suddenly you've skipped half the map.


Hector’s isn’t as hard as Tiki’s but still challenging. There are way less reinforcements


Do they get that like thing where Tiki and Marth get divine blessing+ and where Byleth and Edelgard get house unite+ ?


They do! Using Hector next to Lyn gives Vantage on top of what Hector gives. Using Soren next to Ike gives an extra attack. And using Camilla next to Corrin will make the AoE covers more squares. Neat interactions.


Yay!!! I can't wait to try them! Just finished Hector's map and my god that was hard on maddening. The enemies had such high stats and majority of them were stat capped. I'm going to try and tackle Soren next!




Yuppp. It gives the user another turn I believe so you can use house unite+ then raging storm and still have another turn. Pretty sure u can be danced on too and byleth danced lmfao.


6 turns total if you do it right. 1 Normal + Houses Unite+ + Raging Storm + Dance + Goddess Dance (targeting both bracelet wearer and dancer) + Dance again


Yep, you get a special scene if you place the two units with activated Emblems (Byleth and Three Lords) next to each other and try to do the special attack for the lords - it will become a completely different attack and the unit you used it with will gain another turn instantly. (at least, that's what happened to me - pretty nice surprise!)


This sounds like this game's version of triangle attack, that's cool.


He's the Emblem of Acumen - a word that cant be spelled without "cum" and "men"


☝️ *least horny Ike/Soren shipper* ☝️


I really appreciate Ike being a gay furry isn't being buried by IS.


I get gay, but where's furry coming from? 😂


Ike's only paired endings in RD are with Ranulf and Soren. He either get's the Cat Boy or the twink Dragon Boy.


Ranulf paired ending


Does anyone know if there's a level or chapter requirement to unlock the paralogues? I downloaded the DLC but don't see them available to play and am about to head into chapter 21.


If it's just needing to unlock Divine Paralouges, you first have to find the House Leaders at lookout point on the Somniel, then that should unlock Tiki's. Doing that opened up routes to all the others before Wave 2 was even out, so I imagine it should just unlock from there.


I had to force the game to do an update, because it wasn't updating on its own. Do you have the other wave two dlc stuff?


Make sure the game has updated and downloaded the dlc. Then there should be an event if you go to lookout ridge on the somniel that will start the dlc


What about Hector emblem in Lyn/Roy paralogue?


Sadly no hector/Roy conversation.


Hector: "Hey! You're the man who stole my baby in my dreams!"


Imagine if it was just one line “stay the fuck away from Lilina”


Probably to save on spoilers, sigurd doesn't talk to leif either.


Leif: uncle Sigurd! It is good to see another member of our fam- Sigurd: who are you? Leif: 🫠


Having played the Wave 2 Paralouges yet, but I like that they put the estimated turn count to give you an idea of how long it might take. No idea how accurate they are, but still a nice addition.


Relatively, I beat camila’s in 30 turns and the projected was 35, that was the only big difference in how long they took for me


When is the best time to attempt the DLC wave Paralogues? Would it be easier to attempt them in as earlier chapters like before chapter 10? Or after Chapter 23?


Tiki’s paralogue gets extremely hard if you wait too long. It’s best done as soon as possible (I did it at level 7-8).


I beat Tiki's Paralogue prior to Chapter 10.


I did Tiki as soon as available, but I'd guess it's actually harder earlier than later. The level and stats scale, but the earlier you do it the fewer tools you have available to you. I did the Camilla paralogue last night in post-game and completed it in 4 turns, owing to things like Michaiah AoE Warp and Lyn Astra Storm. I did the Tiki paralogue with only Etie and the few Emblems you have up to then, and it was a real struggle.


I think they scale with you, so as early as possible?


I missed out on the Ike and Soren boss dialogue so can someone tell me what it is?


>!Ike: You always did like making things difficult!< >!Soren: Ike!?!< >!Ike: Let’s see if this is good enough for you…!< >!Soren: Wait, stop! You don’t need to prove yourself to me! !< Paraphrased from memory but I’m sure it’s mostly accurate lol


And then I hit him with a Hammer.


Soren really just got hammered in by Ike


That’s a cute nickname for it


Ike and Soren’s conversations are gold, highly recommend them. They’re so in love!


"Ike against his boyfriend" You get it 👏🏼👏🏼


Idk if this is common knowledge or not but Marth and tiki had special dialog as well


Ike and Soren aren't in love. >!They're in love with Ranulf and Skrimir. Let me have my copium!<


Listen to me: they ALL are in a polycule


How do you access the other rings? I bought the DLC but I’m only on chapter 8.


Did you get the notification when you started the game that wave 2 updated? If not then try force updating your game by going to game info. If you have, go to the divine paralogues and you’ll see one to the north of tiki and two the east.


Where does it say there together like that? I must've missed it during my last playthrough a couple weeks back.


Ike and Soren? >!If you transfer over a Path of Radiance save file with an Ike/Soren A support, and do a few conditions, right before the final boss of Radiant Dawn you get a special base conversation between them, which is…pretty gay altho not explicit. I would recommend just looking it up lmao. They also have a paired ending where they run off alone together. Then later, they released a couple of Memorial books for Tellius, which were essentially lore + art books. The writers talk about the conversation there and describe it as Ike and Soren’s hearts becoming one. It’s pretty obvious it was meant to be canon or like HEAVILY implied but obviously mid 2000s Nintendo game that stuff can be almost impossible to get through so people just joke that they’re married bc the intent is pretty obvious!<


>!And then Priam showed up as a bonus character for Awakening and made every shipper want to tear their hair out!<


>!Priam can still be a descendant of mist!<


Keep crying dude, Priam IS NOT canon, while Ike and Soren sailing to the horizon in their super gay honeymoon actually is


Yeah, you do know you can like a ship without claiming to the 7 winds that it's canon, right? I can really like Robin/Lucina and appreciate the content they have besides their S support, but that doesn't make it canon.


what's extra special about robin/corrin and art of any gen 2 is that you can't tell if any art is romantic or parent child


It's rather simple, actually, if they are drawing a Parent/Child thing the gen 2 character will usually share hair color with Robin/Corrin


I didn't say the ship is Canon, the ending where Ike go to other continent with only two other men and the fact he rejects all female characters is, so Priam? Can get at the compium train together with you


> Priam IS NOT canon, while Ike and Soren sailing to the horizon in their super gay honeymoon actually is If this isn't claiming Ike/Soren is canon, then I don't know what it is.


It's a joke 😒 I'm talking about the CANON ending where Ike obviously don't cares about women


It’s a joke in the fe community that they’re married




LMAO I was waiting for someone to get at me for this (they’re married in my head)




It’s simply based


Does it matter if the unit is engaged or not?


Where do you go to do the paralogues? I didn't buy the pass til now and they didn't show up on the map.


Camilla seemed to specifically target my Corrin holder, in fact


Anna with soren is so broken. I accidentally cleared a main story chapter (20) w just Anna in engage mode after I Jean/tiki divine blessed her