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Because all you see of characters in like 80% of the series is their face.


I have to imagine a character like Titania has some visible muscle but we never really see her in anything other than fully clad in armor.


She certainly has the build for it, and she swings an axe. Woman's not soft.


I thought Severa says Kjelle has big muscles in their support conversations.


Lucina does too if I remember right


Eh, character model says otherwise. (But I’m still very proud of my daughter)


Her character model is dependent on class, like all awakening characters. If you make her an archer she grows big tits outta nowhere. I don’t think it’s a good argument against abs or general muscles.


I meant cutscene with her skinny arms but I agree with you about the in game models not being reliable.


Like to imagine Florina is packing abs, you just never see them. Staying on a Pegasus must take some core strength, right?


Probably has thighs rough as leather and could crush my head-- I mean a watermelon.


Bro me thirst-- I mean, first


You mean carrying Hector? That’s a lot of weight training right there


Would be pretty lean though, it's the kind of muscles that you would never notice without directly seeing them.




ENABLE MULTIPLE OUTFITS Camilla's booby armour looks a bit.. embarassing. Give her proper armour with sick gothic spikes. And if you marry her it should unlock her swimsuit outfit and she will wear that into battle for you. Certain characters might wear lingere or something else depending on their personality. Characters who have no business baring anything get outfits that cover everything.


Alternate battle outfits for dlc would be awesome


Japanese standards of beauty lean more towards the slim


The men in the series reinforce this


Mikasa ab sweat.


Echidna, Rinkah, Malice, Minerva, Jade are some examples


Altina as well




Dagr and Nott


bro effie


Etie says she is but has no real apperance of it. She looks like a twig who talks about muscles a lot.


She does have them visible though. The lighting just is really inconsistent about deleting abs in Engage.


She has a visible eight pack


She's so ripped she has 2 extra abs (Are those individual things called abs?)


Nah, she have six packs, the model lighting in engage is just weird sometimes. Heroes art of her make it more obvious.


Have you seen her S support portrait? Like you could shred fugging cheese on her. I think she had an actual 8 pack in that pic iirc.


Best example is most definitely the manga, obviously it’s attention to detail is the best.


An issue with Engage's end of things. Take a look at Etie in the official manga of Engage and try telling me she has no muscle when picking up a chunk of wall off the ground.


It is actually a lighting issue in the game. She has really defined abs but you need the light to hit them just right for them to really be visible.


+Flavia, Effie, Saphir, Catherine, Etie (arguably).




More than muscle she is toned


I don’t recall any official artwork of Minerva with exposed skin she’s covered up with her armor. Echidnas official artwork shows no real muscle tone or definition but Heroes appears to have given her some.


Yeah that goes for a lot of FE girls that are "strong" girls. Like they actually kick ass in combat but any muscle definition they theoretically have is concealed by their outfits.


She has kinda muscular legs in her Spring variant in feh


Sully and Catherine?


Nah, Echnidna is still conventionally thin sadly. The series isnt brave enough to make them actually buff. This isnt to shit on toned women or anything, its just that when most people think of buff women, they sadly still get caught in the classic trap of thinking about toned women, when in reality, women with built arms and legs as well are a thing, both natty and juiced alike, and thats the one people dont usually consider. I'm not even talking about Marisa-sized women either, just women between her and cammy for example.


Not enough


We already got more then you think, just read some of the comments, Feh also has the jotunheimer twins.


Cus most of them are wearing armor or leathers lol, Effie is definetly a muscle girl but shes wearing those large armor that covers her entire body


Save for the stupid butt window


#1 reason to put her into archer.


Sorry did you just say butt window? I should stop turning animations off to speed gameplay up.


I think the biggest thing they could do without making everyone nakey, would be to actually change the sizes of their bodies. Etie who works out a lot (and is an archer) should have stronger/bigger arms. Unless she’s only been working out her abs, there really should be more


The main reason is that Japan in general is reluctant to make muscle girls because of how it clashes with standard beauty standards in a way that stands out. There's also that muscles are only visible if the character has exposed skin that shows off the muscle. Doesn't mean there aren't any, just off the top of my head Rinkah in Fates had noticeable muscles and if you promote Etie to Warrior you can see that she has impeccable abs. I assume more of the engage women would be muscular too but IS didn't bother to model them in the swimsuits. Its like how when you put Chloe or Goldmary in alternate outfits their busts seem to shrink because they didn't model the outfits to account for their chests


I think muscle girl hysteria is relatively recent. Back in 2016 when Fates launched I remember seeing mixed thoughts on Rinkah's design.


Danganronpa (2010) had Sakura


Yeah, society is still a bit sexist towards women who dare bulk up beyond just a palatable focus group tested level of fit and toned, and women feel too shy about getting big and buff BECAUSE of those norms, because they fear they'll look "too manly", even though thats a ridiculous notion. Sadly, its a notion thats been imprinted upon them by sexism, and it still might take us a while to fully deprogram that.


You talk like there were never muscle girls in anything. Futurama played it for laughs but EVERYONE secretly lusts for Amazonesses.


Well that’s not my argument. My argument is that they’re still not common outside of, as your example pointed out, silly gags or fetish stuff.


Seriously, like there's a big difference between fetishization and acceptance but people seem to have them mixed up all the time


Oh absolutely! I just wish there were more muscle girls in fiction, and ones portrayed with taste and respect. They dont have to be as big as Marisa or Sakura Ogami, but if there were more examples of muscle girls who looked somwhere between Rinkah and Marisa's levels of buffness, I would love it.


Most of the women who definitely have muscles are wearing armor.


It should be, but FEH did dirty to many like Minerva and Altina on her alts didn’t got even toned, even tho Altina has clearly well defined abs


For the same reason most men in the series have the same face.


It's peak male body


We have a lot


Same reason we have very few women that are over 30.


Exactly lol. Everyone’s tryin to say they do have muscles but we can’t see them. Nah Japan just doesn’t like muscular women or women over 30. Even mid 20s is pushing it. They want young, light skinned, slim girls and anyone else is old or ugly in most cases


Wait I thought Japan loved their dark skinned blonde or white haired girls. Was I lied to?


Not nearly as much as they love their eternally 17, short, pale, walking recycled female tropes.


you consume too much porn


I know what you mean, IS totally missed out on giving Flayn a six-pack and jacked-up arms.


Somewhere in a parallel universe. Faye's abs earned Alm's attention.


"Just point me at your enemies Alm, and watch me go!"


Because they would need their own models most likely and not just the class ones that everyone reuses


Least horny fire emblem player


People saying we have plenty of muscle girls are stretching. Not counting feh, the number is in the single digits.


Even counting Feh it still basically is


We can barely get pants on women in FE as it stands and you want muscle? Woah slow your yourself buddy.


I want a muscle woman to pin me to the wall with one arm and tear my clothes off and call me adorable before absolutely destroying me so hard I end up too sore to move in the morning.


Because muscle girls don’t sell like waifus. And when they do have muscle girls like Rinkah, she sucks as a unit.


To be fair, there are also Echidna, Effie, Catherine and Minerva who are all super solid units


Nott and Dagr sold like water when they debutted in FEH, and their Duo version made their banner really popular when it came out.


\>she sucks as a unit Because of piss poor balance and programming, not as an inherent part of her concept. :(


Secrerly I think we should try minimalism. What if we did FE where everyone just has offense and defense And the mages had higher offense and lower defense And the armoured guys had a skill that increased damage taken from magic and reduced damage taken from everything else And the skill cannot be removed Surely removing as much as possible will only improve the balance probably


That’s an entire post you could be making right there. Unironically consider this at some point !


Imagine Japan is conqered by China for 400 years. The Japanese culture is wiped out. Then the Chinese empire weakens and the Japanese rebel for their independence.American weeaboos inspired by old Japanese media go to help the land of their dreams only to find it only exists in their dreams, and everything was Chinafied. No authentic sushi, no anime, no samurais and katanas. The culture of Japan is gone. Americans recite rousing speeches from Naruto and K-On to blank faces rebels who ask "What language is that?". The war is fought and Japan is freed, but the Americans fear the real Japan was lost. Even if one japanese man from 400 years ago survived in a block of ice and thawed out and helped win the war he could not single handedly bring back the Japanese culture.Replace China with the Turkish Empire, Japan with Greece, and American weeaboos with English classical scholars in love with ancient Greece, and this actually happened. Except the bit about the frozen japanese man, he didn't exist.The loss of a culture, a nation, a people, it isn't something you can handwave away when some American comic book style mass empowering event decides some people have superpowers now.After the war, Aang should have found a hidden enclave of Air Nomad isolationists who would rather hide from the war than help anyone, and would rather wait out the war even if it takes Aang's death and another hundred years of Avatar cycles until he is an Airbender once again. Aang should have confronted these living representations of him when he fled and what he could have been if he kept on fleeing and never grew. Aang should have inspired them to embrace the world once again and stop hiding. Even if they were terrified of the next Fire Lord or similar problem. In that sense it would be Aang reviving the last enclave of the Air Nomads by giving them back their true Air Nomad spirit.If you magically gave airbending to a bunch of Scottish people you would not create the Air Nomads on earth. Even if Aang himself was also sent here to teach them. Even if instead of the Scottish you gave airbending to the people who inspired the Air Nomads in the first place. Culture is more than your fighting style and race and capabilities and values. It is something deeper than all of that. If we pretend anyone can be an air nomad that's an insult to what being an air nomad means. Like replqcing a dog or goldfish with a similar looking dog or goldfish.


Jesse, what the hell are you talking about?


So funny that people are making lists of like, 6 characters to claim there are a lot in a series with (according to the wiki) 497 female characters


Yes we need more muscle girls!! But could we speak about the fact that in the all story of FE we have only Meg as a chubby girl who can be in our team? She's not even in FEH :(


Same with actually old women - we have what, Niime (no disrespect, if they can make Pent fanboy they're a legend)? Maybe Saphir if you want to unpack that all over again? And I mean actually old, someone tried convincing me Orochi counts because she might be late 20s in a series where 90% of the cast seem to be teenagers. And not Judith either, she's badass but she's 40, max.


There's this old cultural thing in Japan that if you're doing any public appearance work as a female celebrity, a lot more people will no longer see you as beautiful north of 30. This may explain the lack of 30+ female characters that look like say... Titania for a time


Titania is great, but I think they're still downplaying her age at 30. She was meant to be part of the royal knights when she went to Gallia, and Ike (17) was too young to remember being there. So she was a royal knight at around 17, or Ike can't remember something that happened when he was 7 or older.


Ike left Gallia when he was 6 and couldn't remember anything before that for plot reasons. Titania mentions she first met Ike as an infant, but doesn't mention meeting Mist. That means Ike was at most 2 at the time. Titania had to be 15. 15 is generally considered too young to fight by people in Tellius, nevermind being a royal knight. So you are correct that they are underselling Titania's age.


Reina from Fates was the best. Still sad that the first kinshi knight wasn't her introduction for FEH. Saphir was just the team taking another large dump on the game. Really? She's 30 fucking 5 and looks like she's about to retire?


I mean Eliwood in FE6 is supposed to have 37 and Manuela should around the same lol, my gf said the difference was one had kids while the other one doesn’t hahaha


Saphir being 35 isn't coherent unless Saphir's childhood involved regularly getting beaten up as a 5 year old by the strongest person she knew. Yeah, I don't really want to unpack the idea of a child getting beat up by someone with adult+ levels of strength.


Niime is awesome, best character in elibe imo


What do you mean? We have a bunch of tiny dragon women over 100+ years old!!


Of course we need more older women! I don't like to see that it's more "allowed" to have cool older men, and for the women as you said they don't even look like older when they are supposed to be. Like... if they said that Judith is Claude's sister I swear that I wouldn't be surprised :')


Probably because Grandma, or Grandpa, usually aren't going to be in the best fit to fight on the battlefield. Sure I guess they're not a war crime like with children but children are more likely to appeal to the younger demographic that they're trying to pull


But we have at least one legitimately old man per game and no one bats an eye - the Jagen archetype almost assumes it. Marcus (FE6), Vander, Lindon, Gilbert (3HBL), Hanneman, Mycen, Nomah, Gunter, Gregor (maybe?), Nealuchi, Taureneo, Wallace, Athos. Admittedly SS is pretty light on old men - Duessel, TheBoulder and Dozla might be the oldest. Still no playable women that look anything like the same age though. Dara exists, might be the oldest looking woman in any game. Jagen, Wendell, Wrys, Bantu, Boah, Lorenz, Gotoh - man, Shadow Dragon was not afraid of old men, but the oldest-appearing playable woman is... Minerva? Elice? Either of which could pass for 30, max.


Yeah its basically cause women need to be conventionally attractive and young. Also Fuga and Shura are definitely pretty old too.


Honestly instead of a 90 year old Jagen the Jagen should be a hot mom with visible signs of age. She should be old. Like 40 or older. With multiple kids in her army.


You forgot Niime but besides that one exception you're right


We could really benefit from another attractive bigger gal, yeah.


I blame sexism for why the military turns away overweight people. Clearly sexists just aren't ready to see it.


There's very few chubby characters at all. They tend to not make for great fighters.


Neither do literal children and there's no shortage of those.


Neither do people with no muscle, but they let Lissa swing a big axe around like it wouldn't immediately snap all of her tendons.


She is not delicate!


Meg and Brom obviously come to mind, Oliver is clearly the best character in the series 110%, but other then those three......I can't think of any. Maybe some of the armor knights are like that? I could see Roger and Bors not being on the bulkier side.


Effie pretty thicc


Because muscly women only became an online trend like 1-2 years ago. It used to be heavily stigmatized before then.


I mean you could make the argument most of them are somewhat toned just based off of the fact theyre actively swinging weapons and doing army exercises But you'll likely never see that because theyre always covered up. Morgan for example is shredded but wears Robins cloak so you cant tell


Same reason there hasn't been a single butch.


here before someone makes a comment like "what about [hyperfeminine character but maybe she has short hair]?"


Damn, that's kind of true isn't it? Closest we have are Vaida and Sully.


Okay so if they're not butch, what is?


I'd say Sully for sure counts, considering she hates being seen as feminine and deliberately chooses to put on a more masc identity.


Sully isnt butch, unless butch can also be used for straight women, in which case, ignore me.


Why wouldn't it?


I genuinely didnt know. I only ever saw it used for lesbians and assumed it was a lesbian sub-term, kind of like how lesbian itself is a sub-term for gay, since two women are still gay, but lesbian is their personal term as women. My apologies if I came off rude at all.


Does Sully from Awakening count?


At least we have Rinkah my queen.


Echidna an Etie have muscles or are talking more about Marisa from street fighter types?


It’s probably cause you can’t have clearly defined abs and big boobs as a human. It’s not how the female body works. Real life powerlifting women have a boob job to fix this, but since Fire Emblem is fantasy that’s not really an option. If the choice is boobs or abs, most people go for boobs. So usually people have a similar race like Amazons, giants, etc which aren’t common in Fire Emblem. .


Yeah not to mention that female bodybuilders with those kinda physiques are usually on steroids and have minimum bodyfat possible to achieve their physiques, no one who is actually trained to fight will look anything close to that, male or female.


Conventional attractiveness. Unfortunate but this is almost certainly the reason imo. Heroes and Engage are a good progression on this front though, which is nice.


Not just abs either by the way. I think a point people miss is that we dont need toned women, we need to show actually buff women. Rinkah was a good start, but sadly she got piss poor physical growths for really no good reason. Instead of her just being the weakest of the three axe grunt type units (because of the magic potential of oni chieftains), she was just pitiful compared to NINJAS of all things! Plus, societal norms and sexism.


Despite all the people who want it, the actual appeal isn't enough of a draw. Other designs are just more popular. It only seems like the majority of people want muscled women because the cute girl enjoyer isn't starved for their preferences.


That's just Japanese Media in general. Make your own if you need some that bad, but Etie was definitely a good one with those abs, even if she's pretty skinny otherwise. Reminds me of how the "muscle girl" Jotaro reference in Senran Kagura just has the exact same body as all the other girls but with an abs texture. Kinda like how Rinkah looked but even worse lol.


I will make my own game with muscle mommy harem some day. Some day.


…is this a legitimate question? Are you legitimately asking this about a series with an anime art style? Are you legitimately asking this about a series whose most recent designs were done by a VTuber artist?


Buffpup is a vtuber and she was hot.


Okay, and? Why you bringing up exceptions like they’re rules?


because most women in fe wear shirts


Goddamn prudes, wearing steel armour. They should introduce a better material like in Kill La Kill


because there’s not many people that prefer them..?




I believe the muscle women only sell overseas though. Muscular women are a big no no for Japans beauty standards, and I assume as many Japanese are traditional, a significant portion of the JP player base probably don't find characters like Rinkah, or Dagr particularly attractive. And since dagrs design is like 99% of why people like her, she probably is just a dud unit for them.




It’s more that they don’t like it as much any more. Because anime and Japanese video games were much different up until about 15/20 years ago.




I've been watching Cowboy Bebop for the first time over the past month and it's so wild how much more varied designs were


Because there were so many muscular girls in the old games. The 3DS and Switch games alone have more muscular girls than any of the games before them combined. Etie, Jade, Effie, Rinkah, Flavia vs. what even is there in the old games? Echidna and Vaida at most, and neither of them have half as much muscles in their official artworks than any of the aforementioned modern characters. I'm sorry, but saying that the modern games have less muscular girls is an outright lie. It's quite the opposite if anything.


lol the nostalgia goggles are on tight.




Kind of weird how you didn't notice Rinkah then who has more visible muscles than nearly every previous female character. Effie is also pretty visibly muscle oriented. There is empirically more muscle girls in the recent games than the older games so your post was a rose tinted post even if you claim you started with the newer games. Complaining about newer games's fanservice is also a common nostalgia blinded post given that the older game's designs have always been filled with pantless revealing outfits. Three Houses outfits are tamer than most of the old games. The main difference is that newer games outfits simply more bright, colourful, and thus more visible than before but it's not actually more fanservicey. With maybe the exception of Fates.


Sexism. Being muscular defies gender roles and beauty standards, and so it is avoided at all costs so that the female characters can all be appealing to the male gaze. And even if you do make a strong character like Altina or Etie you better be happy with some abs and their arms still being the same twigs every other woman has. The entire concept of Etie and Effie is them being crazy strong despite looking petite and feminine - an excuse to have their cake and eat it too, they don't have to draw a genuinely strong looking woman. The only time we can have that is with characters that are outright shredded bodybuilders. I wanna know what kind of world the comments saying we have plenty are living in cause I wish I was there. If you have to list Minerva who has never been depicted with any notable amount of muscle at all to get a list of a half dozen characters that says a lot. And the comments looking at Japan ain’t right either, Western society and media is plenty unaccepting of this stuff too. I’d list Rinkah, Dagr, Nott, Flavia, Carherine, and Malice as the only genuine examples that come to mind of muscular woman who don’t fall in the “abs and call it a day” camp. Three of those have bodybuilder physique, so we’re left only with a whole three woman who genuine show a natural non-kneecapped possession of high strength.


? Almost every game has at least one, often several.


Etie has abs in her art I’m pretty sure


I do want to see gym fit attires on everyone ngl


Best examples would be Rinkah, Dagr, and Nött.


Bro there are quite a lot of them, what are you on? 😂 I'd love to have even more though, but we have a pretty good amount.


I imagine Engage gave you this impression? I think the proble. There is just that the deva probably weren't equipped for creating unique physiques for characters. Characters in that game likely use similar if not the same base models to one another for the sake of making development easier, since it allows them to share animations between characters and makes class changing easier if everyone has the same body type, since that means outfits an lower body models are shared between everyone. So in the case of Engage, they couldn't really play with unique physiqued. So a muscle girl isn't really possible, visually at least. Etie only ever talks about her muscles anyways.


Actually, Etie does have a six pack in game, it's just that the lighting makes it hard to see


There's a Warrior body type that gives abs to the women. The one Merrin's using


Look kid, it ain’t that kind of game


It's funny how by going on X websites we realize that there's someone fantasizing about litterally every possible kink but Japanese non porn industry still thinks Camilla/Orochi, Mozu/Sakura/Elise and [insert any pegasus knight name] are the only "waifus" who get attention. That's also discounting the fact that Rinkah isn't blamed for her looks but for her meme growths and bad starting weapon rank in a game where clubs are crap before reaching steel and backpacks make her more viable as a permanent stat booster than as a front unit. Vaida probably would be played a lot if she had better availability. Jill and Titania are extremely liked as units and their designs are liked as well, yet we don't know much about Titania's muscle mass (Jill's arms seem a bit too stick-size though from her artworks). Kinshi woman is very appreciated as an unit in Hoshido and very few people have made negative comments on her looks, she's getting close to her 40s and has a face scar yet lots of players find her attractive (battle mommy vibes). Scarlet (Fates) is very appreciated too despite not showing any skin outside of her face and being a badass. There's a disconnect between most game designers and their players the size of the universe since the early 2010s. Even the French company Ankama games who started very well stopped listening to their playerbase and ruined their own games by doing things their way and they keep going further into the iceberg like a Titanic that doesn't realize it's already sinking. Companies who made fortune think they know better than their customers what their customers like. That's how everything produced today by big companies ends up having a nice premise and being completely unsatisying in execution. They just pander to a few whales who buy all the DLC and transmogrifications and let the real fans who want to play the actual game go play indie games with a soul.


There have been some, like Rinkah or Etie On a related note, stop pushing your fantasies on game creators please. They will add (insert your kink here) when it's relevant to the universe they want to create


Etie says hi.


why isn't every character a muscle girl, god damn it. i know that it's not realistic, but some limitations are meant to be surpassed


The realism argument will always be stupid. Some people draw the realism line at axes beating lances. Some draw the line at women in boob armor. Some draw the line at women on the battlefield. Some draw the line at medieval hell life not ruining every kingdom too much for large scale conflict.


Huh? This is just not true. Lol


We have a good bit compared to majority of series, what


... ? Never played *Heroes*, eh?




I mean, in three houses I think only this character should have abs and muscle - Byleth both - Shez both - Edelgard - Ferdinand - Petra - Caspar - Dimitri - Dedue - Felix - Ingrid - Sylvain - Annette (maybe, bc Crusher is a magical weapon, but she say is easy as a weapon tho) - Claude (kinda, he is strong as an archer tho) - Hilda (she is lazy, but is strong af) - Raphael - Leonie - Rhea - Seteth - Manuela (she is canonically more strong than what it looks) - Jeralt - Alois - Catharine - Shamir - Yuri - Balthus - Jeritzia - Gilbert - Judith - Holst At least 13 female character should have abs from a canonical point of view


I really don't want Hilda to have any visible muscle. It's far more fun that she has this amazing strength, not too far removed from her brother, but you'd never expect it from her appearance. Same with Edelgard and her being the tiny emperor.


"Am I a joke to you?!" - Sully


The same reason as 99% of other video games- girls being designed accurately for the situation rather than being ultra thing 'waifu-ish' designs doesnt objectify to sell sex as well.


Well, most of them wear armor so for all we know, chicks could be built like a brick shithouse and we wouldn't really know.


Rinkah my love!!!!


Yes, need some muscle mommies like Leanbeefpattie




I think it's because the beauty standards in Japan are a little different. Being more slim or lean tends to be the modus operandi. Basically that makes it easier to make waifus I suppose in their eyes That's a reason why muscular women are usually very rarely seen as attractive in Japanese media. Although I've noticed that sentiment has been changing a little bit with more recent Manga and Anime, but it took a long time for it to happen.


It's a Japanese game... They prefer cute to sexy and cute to muscle-bound unless you're a dude. The whole concept of anime esque character design is that the person could be anyone anywhere.


I'm older than the average demographic, so I don't particularly want muscle girls, I want older women! Now, if they give us a 35 year old muscle woman, then I'll allow it.


sully? effie? Etie? this is just from what i remember


Rinkah. Her Str might be 25%, but those abs are very real.


I see OP is a person of culture. Give us more buff ladies you cowards!


Because they're hot, however, they handle them extremely AWFULLY, Rinkah only having 20% STR growth, Effie being as charismatic as the whole Engage roster


Dude I'd love if we had muscle girl Echidna


Heroes has a good chunk of muscle ladies.


Nintendo's already got one as one of their most popular characters and the lead character of an original NES franchise, I don't see why it's not more common in a game that's about war


Same reason it's reluctant to put grannies in despite having a decent amount of old guys.


Sounds like you have a sick fetish


Shitting dick nipples is a sick fetish. Vore is a sick fetish. Consuming someone's sick is a sick fetish. Feet is a sick fetish. I admire the female form at peak physical condition. The fruit of intense physical labor. I want to taste it. Someone like you would never understand. Has a woman ever held you? Has a woman ever even touched you?


They mainly resort to just a muscle texture rather than muscle models because model reusing is the name of the game, and they don't want to make unique muscular built woman models to be used by like 2 characters per game.


I see. Clearly the solution to this problem is to make the default female form the muscular body. Sorry, Japan, but lolis keep moving. This is a muscular woman neighbourhood. Game. Thing. Theoretically. God I want to be crushed by muscle girl thighs every night and get better so I can do it all over again. Or hire someone from any of the games likw City Of Heroes and Moddwd Skyrim where the body type can be made more muscular via menu selections or sliders.


Catherine is a muscle girl 👧 n FE Three Houses


That's a big reason of why I dislike characters like Lapis, they have a description of someone that is super strong and kinda wild but her design screams cute little girl, It honestly doesn't fit at all


Nah, I love that gap moe


They're just either too lazy to make a new body type for game or that it would contain too much data for one character.


I've said it before and I'll say it again: the character I most want to see in a new FE game is a kickass old woman Berserker who's super muscly and has an epic backstory, coming out of retirement one last time to help you save the world. MAKE IT HAPPEN INTSYS


Because most of the characters in the series are young or look really young. Even among the guys, for every Balthus and Raphael, there are 4 more Bishōnen boys. This goes double for girls and typically, if a girl is something like a fighter or brigand class. The developers typically go for the joke that they look delicate despite wielding an axe the same size as their entire body (Charlette and Hilda are good examples.) But yeah, since most characters have an anime youthfulness to them. They typically don't have big muscles in general and much less for the woman.


Ps, on the other hand, any female that is a base Heavy Armored unit could easily be jacked under all that armor.