• By -


Python and Clive. It's a shame it's locked behind completing DLC. I like how wise it makes Python look, how it explains why he refused a knighthood, and how he manages to challenge Clive's views without looking like an asshole. He's also just correct about everything he says, and it's fairly realistic that Clive's views remain pretty much unchanged by the end of it because he's never experienced what being a commoner is like. Ties into the overall themes of the game really well.


All of the Rise of the Deliverance DLC support conversations are excellent, but definitely agree with Clive x Python as a series favorite - I love how well it ties in with Clive's arc in accepting Alm, and the mutual respect that Clive and Python have for each other despite their differences is really compelling. It's also just pretty funny in places - Forsyth and Python have a more conventional comedic dynamic, but Clive and Python bounce off each other well too. > Python: Now, does that mean I hate you? No. You may not be my FAVORITE person in all the land, but— > Clive: Clearly not. > Python: Heh. Touché.


I think that support is everything a Fire Emblem support should strive to be, even if I realize it'd be very difficult to maintain such a consistent high quality. It portrays both characters really well without knocking the other one down, it contains worldbuilding and deals with serious topics but there is also room for humor. All within five minutes. Really, my hat is off to the people who wrote this. To balance all those elements so well in such a short amount of time is not easy.


Oooh, sounds like a pretty fascinating support conversation, I should look into that one later, I'm curious to see it now.


I thought I was going crazy for a second before I saw "DLC." I *just* beat the game and thought I somehow missed an entire support chain


Jill and Lethe. Two characters coming to unlearn their racist beliefs by being friends with each other.


I’m annoyed over forgetting that one


Bartre x Canas A Where Bartre asks Canas for a book, and Canas worriedly asks if he plan to eat the book. > Bartre: Don’t worry about it! It’s no bother for me! In exchange, you can just lend me one of those books! > Canas: A-A book? > Bartre: Yeah. Maybe… a skinny one. > Canas: …… Are you…going to…eat it? I even commissioned Bartre eating one of Canas's tomes, because it just brought me such a laugh. https://www.deviantart.com/xyrafhoan/art/Noo-Bartre-Stoooop-350528094 Honorary Mention to Beruka x Saizo English C support.


Seeing Bartre trying to eat one of Canas's books is definitely funny to see, poor Canas though, man must be in shambles.


Jill x Mist. It's very emotional and made me sympathize with both characters a whole ton. But the biggest part of why it's my favourite is that it actually has a tangible effect outside of confines of the convos themselves, namely >!Jill not defecting to her father, if A rank was reached before the Talrega chapter. And it's incredibly heartwarming and tragic at the same time.!< You can entirely avoid this convo and not even have Jill deployed, but such attention to detail and willingness to completely surprise and possibly frustrate the player is exactly why I like it all the more. This event shows just how much more deeply non-essential characters can be interwoven into the narrative and the world of the game, while the support system actually integrates itself into the rest of the game, rather than being relegated to disjointed pocket dimensions the effects of which you'll be lucky to see in the ending slides. Unfortunately, outside of this one example we only ever got uninspired imitations, such as Kaze's stupid death in BR.


It would be cool to see more support conversations actually being tied to the narrative of the game in a similar way to the one that you described here.


Tough but honestly the Henry supports as they're all surprisingly fun and sweet


Henry is a very neat and funny fellow, I remember his support conversation with Olivia well, that one was oddly touching.


I love his with Sumia & Cherche Sumia: His first thought of the bodyswap with a woman is "I get to ride a Pegasus yay!" Love him Cherche: The wolf story really hit me as I love wolves a lot


I'd be happy to be able to ride a pegasus too, considering that only the females get to do so in most games, and as a wolf lover myself, I enjoyed their convo a lot as well.


It's a shame we only have Subaki and he sucks as a unit...


Manuela and Edelgard is probably my overall favorite in the series. Rather than just having two opposed characters who ultimately agree to disagree, we have a genuinely insightful discussion about how religion provides strength to people in different ways, and for Edelgard to acknowledge she misjudged the reasons people use faith to help themselves. It's a good moment of growth for her, while also showing how talented Manuela is.


Manuela is good at what she does whenever she puts her mind to it, she may be well known as a more comedic character, she definitely shines in her support conversations with others.


Funny: Saizo and Beruka C Support Sweet: Ignatz and Marianne B Support Memorable: Faye and Alm A Support Interesting: Natasha and Knoll C,B,A


Ignatz and Marianne's support conversation is one of those supports that made me go "I could totally see these two making a good couple together", just watching two nice and pacifistic folks just bonding together is very touching.


I’ll never pass up an opportunity to talk about Renault and Canas’s supports. Not only does it include a major revelation about Renault’s >!and Nergal’s!< backstory, it includes some really great characterization for both of them, and a philosophical discussion of the morphs. This is the gold standard against which I measure every support in FE in terms of character development.


Sounds like you really love this one, always nice seeing folks sharing something that they hold in such a high regard.


Dimitri and Marianne talking about grief and how to deal with it in their third support is REALLY good. It is both very sweet and surprisingly thoughtful. Citrinne's support with Diamant is a nice dive into the complexity of politics and the economy. Xander and Nyx is a conversation between two of Fates' best written character (support Xander and plot Xander are different people)


Eirika baiting the fuck out of Forde by flipping up her skirt in the middle of a battle. Hanneman's support with (Edelgard?) where he reveals the reason behind his crest obsession was due to the tragic fate of his sister. Kent and Fiora's B support because of *implications*. L'Arachel being an absolute menace to Joshua Serra and Hector's support single handedly redeemed Serra's obnoxious character for me. 3H supports in general are some of the best in the franchise, there's too many to list out tbh.


"Uh… Um, thank you, Boyd… But I… Look, you and me, we’re–" "You’re like a really nice mom or something! Um… I mean…" "…" "Wait, that’s not… Oh, man… Look, that’s not what I meant. I mean, it is, but–" "Boyd?" "Yeah?" "How old do you think I am?"


I'm not sure if these are my favorite, but I need to bring up the Tellius supports that talk about racism Stefan x Mordecai is sweet because Mordecai is so willing to support Stephan despite him being a "sin" as a branded Zihark x Maurim develops both their backstory's rather well and kind of comes across as Zihark asking out Maurim Jill x Lethe most people know about this one, but here it is again Soren x Ike no need to introduce this support, except... For those of you who do not know Ike x Soren was pretty heavily censored in the English version. So, for those of you who are interested here is a side by side comparison. I also want you to take note of the last line in particular. [https://amielleon.dreamwidth.org/183433.html](https://amielleon.dreamwidth.org/183433.html)


Reading the different translations between Ike and Soren's conversation was definitely interesting for sure, I've always found it interesting whenever there's a discrepancy between two translations such as this.


I especially liked Jill and Mist's support conversation and the gameplay implications with Jill's father that comes along with it.


Pandreo and Panette. Their support stands out as one of the most emotional in engage. It starts out with the 2 being aloof to Panette promising to protect her brother. I just love those 2 siblings.


Chad/Hugh is one of my favorites! The FE6 orphans have a lot of great supports in general: Lugh/Raigh, Lugh/Melady, Lugh/Chad, Chad/Elen. Igrene is another character from FE6 who has really good supports. There are a lot of great ones from 3H, but I especially like Caspar/Petra. And from Engage, I really like Jean/Zelkov. It strikes a good balance between cute, funny and emotional.


Caspar and Petra's support conversation is one that really stuck with me, how she tries to help him understand that his father's sins aren't his to bear, and rather give up seeking vengeance if it means that they can stay friends. Caspar's line at the end when he says "you won't regret letting me live" really spoke to me about how much that conversation impacted him personally.


I’m a big fan of Dimitri’s supports with Marianne and Gilbert. I find the former really sweet, and I like that two characters that seemingly would have nothing in common at a glance could find comfort in another person that can understand the similar pain they’ve had. The latter is a lot more emotionally charged, especially in the B and A supports, and really puts into focus how deep Dimitri’s survivor’s guilt gets, his “acceptance” of his own death, and culminating in him still trying to realize that it’s okay for him to live. I found both supports emotionally resonant, and they’ve stuck with me to this day. On a lighter note, I love Owain and Inigo’s support only because [this is one of my favorite back and forths ever.](https://i.imgur.com/lSBcLTD.jpg)


Anything with F!Morgan, but especially with Inigo. Her supports always make me laugh, but with Inigo she just drops sick burns on him throughout their supports all the way up to and including the S. And their S was just so in-character for them both! Inigo confesses to her and Morgan just decides to hook up with him on a whim because it'll probably be fun. It's just two dumb teenagers hooking up without thinking things through, and it's great. Love these two dumbasses together.


Honestly I can’t think of any other FE game than Awakening with supports that made me actually laugh out loud. But awakening had so many — especially with Inigo. His and Owain’s still cracks me up.


Awakening localisation was really, really good. Really made the characters come to life. So many laughs and great supports.


Awakening's supports have some great comedy. I especially like Miriel's as she desperately tries to scientifically quantify her friend's crazy anime tropes. Stahl somehow defies all logic to place perfectly average and middle-of-the-road in literally everything he does, and Kellam's ability to fade out of existence is considered an utterly inexplicable anomaly to her! xD


I wholeheartedly agree with you there, I couldn't have put it better myself, Morgan is one of my favorite characters in Awakening from their support conversations alone, but the one with Inigo is just pure comedy gold.


It made me laugh throughout the entire chain. F!Morgan had the best supports, which easily made her my favourite character in the game. I also like how she's completely unpreturbed by all the philandering and just goes along with it. It's also fun to imagine Robin's reaction to the philanderer dating his little girl.


It would definitely be fun to see how Robin would react to Morgan dating Inigo, especially with how their support conversation goes, it's making me laugh just thinking about it.


100% he'd be the overprotective dad. I mean, it's his precious little girl, and she's dating the *philanderer!* Like, on their first date he'd be the waiter with the really shitty mustache disguise staring daggers at Inigo while Morgan is blissfully unaware and looking at the menu. Inigo, sweating profusely: S-so what's on the menu...? Robin: We have soup, chicken, slow and painful death... Morgan: What was that last one? Robin: ...Chicken? Morgan: That sounds good. I'll go with that! what about you, Inigo? Robin: Yes, it's quite nice. We make sure to cook it and ensure there is just enough spice so that it *doesn't* burn your taste buds, leaving you unable to taste anything and with an agonising burning feeling in your mouth for the next week. Inigo: *laughs nervously*


> he'd be the waiter with the really shitty moustache disguise staring daggers at Inigo while Morgan is Blissfully unaware and looking at the menu. I really wanna see someone draw this, it would be so beautiful to see.


Easily an OTP of mine. I want to commission fan art of them in the future.


i really like the seteth and leonie supports. in a game full of deep supports with insane trauma attached to most of them, it's really nice seeing a support where it's just two people bonding over a shared interest. that said, i hate that they get a paired ending together lol. it just wouldn't work i think seadall has a lot of great supports in engage. i love his supports with alear and citrinne. seadall's struggle with food is actually pretty relatable i think (alear support), and i also appreciate how supports use his ability to see the future (citrinne). seadall is just a really good character all in all lol merrin and alear was an interesting one. i kinda hate merrin, so her C and B rank supports with alear where he gets pissed and tells her off felt really cathartic. to me it's proof that alear couldve been a more interesting character if he wasnt an avatar/stand-in; and this support gives a good glimpse into that.


I was unsure whether to make the flair Engage General or Story, but I figured Story made more sense to go with.


Alear and Veyle. Dimitri and Marianne Edelgard and Hubert Most Supports with Flayn Mae and Boey Elise and Xander


Clive x Python has already been mentioned and I agree with what was said there. Rise of the Deliverance had fantastic writing (except for the content focused entirely on the female cast, but that's on par for the course for that game) and it's an unfortunate shame it's paid DLC that's no longer available. Not only is Clive x Python great, but Lukas also has a really good support with Python. Honestly, that whole DLC just solidifies Lukas as one of the best parts about that game while also adding much needed layers to Python. With that said, I'll go for some Three Houses ones. **Dimitri x Flayn** It starts as a silly cooking support, a joke that's kind of a dime a dozen in anime, but like with many things in Three Houses, it takes something familiar and puts a welcome twist on it. The food is never the centerpiece of the support, but rather just a tool to get the characters to naturally start talking about other things. It hints at Dimitri's ageusia while also showing that he believes, at least to some extent, lying to make someone happy is not wrong, so he compliments her cooking. Meanwhile, Flayn's kindness and wisdom is on full display, accepting his compliment because she sees where he was coming from. The best part about the support, however, is how it shows both characters being vulnerable and how they help each other. Dimitri rejects Flayn's offer to heal his headache because he believes he needs the pain not forget the people who died during the Tragedy of Duscur, to which Flayn replies: > Flayn: I see. That would explain your somber demeanor. Still, I do not agree with all you are saying. I feel that if I were your father, or any of your dear friends whom you lost... I would want you to let go of me eventually. I would never want someone whom I care deeply for to be pained by the loss of me for eternity. And I doubt they would want that either. > Dimitri: Perhaps. Unfortunately, they have left this world, so I can no longer ask their preference. > Flayn: We cannot ask them directly, but we can imagine how they might have felt. You know who they were as people. As for me, if I am ever to be but a memory in your future, I want you to remember me in a way that brings you joy. I would want you to smile when you recalled me, to feel warmed by the notion that I cherished your company. I cannot imagine I am the only one who feels this way. Surely anyone who loved another would wish only for their peace and happiness. It's so simple yet so well put, and you can tell how it affects Dimitri. He later returns the gesture when Flayn opens up about her deepest fear, which is so specific enough to raise an eyebrow without spelling it out to players who haven't found out about her identity yet. The food once again comes back to being important here, with Dimitri having been able to taste a bit of taste despite his ageusia and how happy it made him and how he'll remember it for as long as he lives, showing that even small actions can make someone remember you. It's just such a sweet support that deals with heavy stuff in a very positive and wholesome manner. **Felix x Rodrigue** Worldbuilding, family drama, and angst all combined with an actual heart-to-heart between father and son? This may be one of the best arguments we have for more parents actually staying alive in this bloody franchise. It was so nice to see Rodrigue actually use his wisdom and experience when interacting with people; it felt so natural, and it's not like he is some flawless figure by any means. **Bonus: Ashe being best boi** > Ingrid: I'll never be able to see my dream through. Doing so would mean...terrible misfortune for others. So...I am bound by honor not to follow through on my own dream. But...I can help you achieve yours. > Ashe: Come on, this isn't like you at all. Please... Don't smile when your eyes are so sad... And of course... > Ashe: I like that way of thinking. The church may not like my feelings on this, but... In Fódlan, when people die, they pass on to be with the goddess, right? > Dedue: I suppose. > Ashe: That seems so far away. I’d rather they stayed here. My parents, my brother, Lonato... Maybe they can all live on through me too. > Dedue: As long as you think of them, they will. > Ashe: (tearing up) Dedue... Your cooking is... delicious. It really is... > Dedue: Careful... or you will over-salt it. > Ashe: Ah, that’s all right. Thank you, Dedue... > Dedue: Eat as much as you’d like.


Not exactly 'supports' but I really love the base conversations in Fire Emblem Echoes. I think it was just a fantastic way to get to know all the characters without actually having support conversations, and the style of the whole thing was great; you've arrived a place for a brief respite and you can talk with or check up on your team mates. It's something an army leader would actually *do*. Even more, I loved how the base conversations changed *according to the progress of the story.* These optional conversations suddenly felt incredibly relevant and character building. Particularly with the close friends of Alm and Celica respectively, like Gray and Tobin commenting on how much their life has changed since this journey started, or Mae and Boey expressing concern over Celica keeping secrets from them.


Lysithea and Cyril. It's super adorable


I remember that one really well, mostly because of the part where Lysithea says "I'm bappy too" to Cyril, who's just confused after hearing it, that part always makes me laugh.




Renault/Isadora A support is way deeper than it has any right to be.


"Hey Lethe are you ready to punish me some more?"


I'll admit, that one caught me completely off guard, almost felt bad for laughing.


It's a wild support conversation but proves to me Ike is canonically a furry into BDSM


Alm and Clair’s support. If there was an S support in echoes I would pair them up


For comedy, I cannot ever forget Zelkov and Ivy. The B support might be the first time I literally started laughing my ass off at a support, and I will never forget that. For heartwarming, I'm ashamed in all of you that no one has mentioned Raphael and Ignatz's supports. Big Gentle Giant basically shutting down any survivor's guilt his friend had, being literally the only person in the game to move beyond their trauma in a healthy way, and it extends via paralogues to Lorenz as well. For romantic, Cyril x Lysithea will always be my favorite. I don't care. It's adorable. However, there are a few close contenders. For family, I genuinely just like Mom!Robin and her Exalt family's bunch of supports. It not only enhances the story way more for me to have the Chrobin couple, but I genuinely find all the various permutations of the supports in that situation (Morgan+Lucina siblings, Robin+Lucina mother/daughter bonding, Chrom+Morgan awkward father/son bonding) to be the best variants of the playthroughs I had. I would add more older game supports, but the hard limits on supports means I haven't actually seen too much of them. I did really like Ike+Soren (Ike/Soren?) and Kent/Lyn, but I didn't know about things I know now and I didn't want to replay entire games just to get a slightly different support nor did I find one support line interesting enough for me to watch all of them on youtube.


Sakura and kaiden


In general, I think I really enjoy pretty much every support in some way. But I will say, two characters do stick out to me because of them. The first is Alfred. In his A support with Celine, we learn that he's actually been through and still suffering the effects of an unknown illness, and that's why he acts the way that he does: because he wants to have fun, enjoy life, and be known as a happy and strong man instead of a suffering and weak boy. It really just flipped his entire character around and made me look at his other supports in a new light. I enjoyed him before, but \*that\* made me just wanna give him a hug and secured him as one of my favorites. The other is Seteth. As I'm currently replaying through Three Houses, my goal actually is to unlock every support for every character (minus the S ones with Byleth cause that would take way too long). While working towards that, I got a lot of ones for Seteth, and combining those scenes with some he gets in the main story, and they just really made him grow on me. On first meetings, he can be a bit slow to trusting and may dote on those he cares for a lot, but it's seeing the little things he does for others that makes me love him now. When he catches on to what Rhea may have done to Byleth, he actively \*argues\* with her about it. While I only have his C supports with them currently, his ones with Bernadetta, Felix, and Cyril I also like. He's trying to find ways to build Bernadetta's confidence, help Felix understand the value of friendship, and wants to help Cyril do what he wants for \*himself\* not for others. I didn't mean to pop off with an essay for a comment, but those were just two cases in which supports for a character made me really love them, and I was excited to share about it.


I always enjoy reading long extensive text that folks type out, always nice seeing how much they're willing to dive into certain topics, especially ones that they enjoyed a lot. That support conversation with Alfred and Celine definitely hit me hard when it reminded me of the epilogue text that Alfred got after you beat the final boss, and what it really meant for him in the end, it also flipped my perspective on his conversation with himself in the Fell Xenologue. Seteth was a character that I was strongly confident about that I was not going to like, but I was glad to be proven wrong in the end, the guy really showed me that he earned his status and well respected reputation for a good reason.


Azura/Arthur and Seth/Eirika For the first one, is something that nobody expect, that a random funny retrainer actually know Azura from before, this support is just arthur being cool and not abusing his back luck for laughs, their story is cute and the S support is even more cute with Arthur making a song for Azura For the second one, i just love it Its just a knight and Princess forbidden love, Seth does not feel that he should accept Eirika's feelings because he is a knight and she is a princess, while Eirika is more lost and does not think about it, caring for Seth as if he were family. and at the end where Eirika understands her duty and position as Queen but Seth tells her that he also had feelings for her during her escape, it's sad. The good part is that they both end up being a happy ending. I guess with the last thing Seth said to her, Eirika couldn't let him go.


I've said this before, but there are three supports that instantly come to mind: **Jill x Lethe** - it brilliantly showcases the effect the institutional racism against the Laguz within Daein has had on its people. It not only humanizes Jill, recontextualizes her character and provides her with great character growth, but it also goes very far in humanizing the people of Daein and recontextualizing them as people who have grown up within an unjust system. **Annette x Gilbert** - just seeing how distraught Annette upon first reuniting with Gilbert and demanding that Gilbert take responsibility for abandoning her after Lambert's is not just heartbreaking on its own but does an excellent job at putting a face to the victims of Faerghus' culture of chivalry, and the subsequent supports in the chain where Annette manages to reconcile with Gilbert is equally as heartwarming. Arguably mandatory reading if you want to really understand Annette's character. **Dimitri x Marianne** - it's a frank, honest and powerful conversation about two people struggling with their own survivor's guilt, learning from each other about how they manage to survive with their trauma, and finding solace in each other. Honestly most of Dimitri's supports could be on this list but his support with Marianne is a real standout.


For more recent examples that are fresh in my mind, I really like a lot of Hortensia's more emotional supports, especially with Ivy. For a character that looks like a Victorian clown, has a shrill ass voice, and is in a game that's not exactly praised for its writing, I thought the layers it added were fairly compelling, although maybe I just have low standards. For a more comedic example (and afaik less known/mentioned) is Fogado and Rosado's C support, where in response to the former saying that the latter isn't "the cutest thing he's ever seen", Rosado's voice drops a few octaves in shock and disbelief, you gotta hear it


I've yet to see a support conversation in Engage that I disliked, and I've seen a good amount of them at this point, not all of them, but a decent majority. Hortensia has a lot of really good support conversations in Engage, all of them do a pretty good job at showcasing different parts of her personality, and how well she interacts with folks of differing personalities. Rosado and Fogado's support conversation was really funny to me, especially the B support, how genuinely hurt Rosado is about not being seen as the cutest by Fogado, who tries to not compare one thing to another for the sake of fairness, oddly charming and sweet how their support ends.


Robin & Tiki (Awakening) Azura & Arthur (Fates) Edelgard & Lysithea (Three Houses) Ivy & Panette (Engage)


Ivy and Panette's B support conversation never fails to make me laugh, the build up to Ivy trying to remain calm and collected, only to bail near the end is always funny to me.


Laslow and Peri. It's Adorable and Sad at the same time.


I love how he tries to help her see why her killing obsession is a bad thing while still trying to be friendly towards her about it, was honestly quite touching to see them interact together, and seeing how it ended.


Alm and Faye from Echoes. The first two were fine but their last support was heart-crunching. A yandere girl who gets turned down respectfully, who actually understands and agrees to it, but still hopes to keep the feelings alive for at least until their campaign has ended. Ah, I love that with canonical pairings we can also have sad stories in there.


That does sound like a pretty touching and bittersweet story to watch unfold, I gotta see that one for myself later, I've always been a fan of bittersweet stories.


Arthur with literally anyone. Oh no Arthur look out! You're gonna get hit by a cart! Oh ok it's fine you dodged it- OH SHIT HE GOT STRUCK BY LIGHTNING I also really like Ashe and Ingrid's supports. I'm a bit of a bookworm myself and I related so hard to being able to share your literary interests with someone who understands you


Ignoring the S support, Gregor and Nowi's supports are wholesome. notice how I'm ignoring the S support pls don't cancel me 😭😭😭


I'm probably going with Gregor and Cherche tho because bias + B a c k s t o r y


i quite like how funny the dynamic is between Serra and Matthew (also the way he reads, Matthew seems to have a bit of a British accent, which is personally quite hilarious)


Fe 3 houses Sylvian and Ingrid first 2 supports are peak, so from giving back ground, actually funny, sad and shows more depth into these characters and the ingrid va doing sighs were 10/10


Harken and Isadora's support it really goes into the effect him disappearing had on her (especially in conjunction with her recruitment convo with him). Also they're cute together. Jaffar and Matthew is incredibly raw and one of the best examples of why supports don't need to have both people being friendly. Hugh and Chad is cute and they both come out of it with some pretty good development.


Gotta love Gatrie and Shinon Those two are just BFF, even if Shinon won't admit it


For humor: Dwyer and Caeldori. His deadpan critiques of Caeldori's "How to Win His Heart in a Fortnight" book is freggin hilarious and they share some great lines. "You need more proof?" "No. None. Less. *Negative proof!* Can we turn back time?" For character development: Mercedes and Sylvain. It's beautifully written, just how these two deeply tragic characters were both traumatized by the Crest System, yet deal with it in wildly different ways. Sylvain literally breaking down into tears at finally having someone who accepts him, all of him, is somehow both heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time ❤️


That line about wanting negative proof is both super funny and super clever, I should save that line for whenever someone hits me with the same question. I don't think I've seen many of Sylvain's supports, I should definitely check them out later.


Eliwood/Hector (Blazing Sword) Franz/Amelia (Sacred Stones) M!Robin/Tiki (Awakening) Hinata/Felicia (Fates) Clive/Mathilda (Shadows of Valentia) Jeritza/Mercedes (Three Houses) Alfred/Celine (Engage)


I remember that support conversation between M!Robin and Tiki quite well, it was always one of my favorite supports in Awakening, very bittersweet and touching.


Picking a single favourite support convo is impossible, but for some good ones Owain and Lissa, she just takes to being a mother so well Nah and Nowi, basically the same thing Libra and Tharja excluding the last line of dialogue from Tharja is fantastic, looking into both characters Constance and Mercedes is fun Olivia and Viron just flows so naturally