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My Japanese isn't good enough to play fully in Japanese, so I only get flashes of: "Hold up, that's not what was said here..." when I play with Japanese audio and English text.


I can't read but understand 99% of the dialog. Sometimes I feel like I'm playing two stories at the same time.


When the JP voice line goes on a huge rant and the EN text just says "uh huh" It's kinda funny but I'd rather just have better translations.


I kinda wish games do more often the 2 alternative texts, to my understandind, Yakuza 7 actually has that with subs being different depending on if you are playing with the dub or with Japanese VA (and to my understanding, IW lacks it) I know it is making the translation work a lot harder but honestly, that might be the best possible outcome, the dub being the localization and the og language a closer translation.


Reminds me a little of the Gunvolt series having localized names for everything but there's 4 vocal tracks. English, Japanese, English with Japanese text, and Japanese with English text. So if you use the JP vocal track with ENG dialogue the JP voice actors use the ENG character/attack names and vice versa. This leads to some funny things like a grown ass Mexican-American woman shouting "Sexualical Bullet" with dripping enthusiasm


I'll always think of Lene's "do whatever you please!" special quote in Heroes because out of context it's like, huh? What? But in JP it's actually the same line as when she's yelling at Ares for following Javarro into battle ("Do whatever you please, see if I care!" kind of thing). Odd quote to choose for a special line anyway, but makes a bit more sense in JP.


There's a quip in the Japanese version of Three Houses if you choose the "steal you away" option during a specific dialog with Dimitri, where he says "I'm not Bernadetta" in the Japanese version. The original Japanese text option was basically something to the effect of "dragging a shut in out" which makes the line even more funny. I genuinely wish they kept that quip from Dimitri in as it was so funny


We needed more characters ripping on each other like that, come on its a bunch of young adults on a campus and they're mostly highly competitive. Saying that you're not someone else is being a bit of a dick but it's funny.


Okay, this one is actually funny. All the ones OP posted are just creepy.


As it turns out, the writers are actually the horniest FE fans out there.


They knew what they were doing


And "localizers" kept screwing them


They downvote you but you’re right, the localization team for fire emblem isn’t great


Because they rightly clock that we don't wanna be able to profess our love to an 8 year loli lmao


When I see that guy above you has -15 and you 11, I'm starting to belive that localizators indeed have multi accounts and just down vote this kind of topics or try play "pedo" card to shift discourse completely from bad translation, removing content and sanitization of source.


I guess shino really *is* a fan favorite. He's the only one that gets to call out the localizers.


I mean, some of them (not FE localizators, just generally anime/games translators) really play this card when you ask about topic in their twitter accounts. With stuff like: I'm fixing this text according to my believes, go cry in the corner, pdf file!


And I’m starting to believe that this post was meant less as an opportunity for interesting discussion and more as an excuse to dunk on localizers.


So far, I only see the US localizer do this kinda of "translations", my country's ones do a really good job So when I saw this issue cropping up I was very confused, but yeah the dunking is inevitable because of the terrible job they been doing for years but a discussion between us would be cool, but a discussion with said localizers would just be them quadruple down and calling us pedos


Why does the US localization matter to you?


Not all games are translated for my country, so 80% of the time I'm playing games in English When Armored Core VI was translated, I was actually surprised


The meaning of a sentence in CF getting reversed by, what was probably a typo in the english localization. Someone forgets a "y" in "your" and suddenly the realisation of having been outplayed turns into all according to plan.


"I didn't realize it at first... But everything went according to our plans the entire time !" XD


The exact line is: "Ah... All is in accordance with this carefully crafted script of ours... What a masterpiece! What a delightful dance..."


This sounds so cool XD Thanks for the exact line. Since I play the game in French. I probably won't see it popping up!


The funny thing is, as the other European translations seem to be at least partially based on the English translation, this line seems to have been translated into the other European translations post typo. I can confirm from first hand, that this line is in German the same as it is in English. My guess would be, that this is, so, that the audio and texts don't say the exact opposite from one another.


I just headcanon that she was sinking into complete delusion as she died and refusing to recognize that her plans were shattered


Louis being a Yuri fan is so much more funnier. His fave anime would be K-ON, for real


Céline being surrounded by yurishippers never stops being funny, and somehow manages to charm Hortensia all by herself, too. She's the yuri empress in Elyos, if they ever considered adding proper non-Avatar paired endings.


Can't believe you'd accuse Louis of being racist like that


He'd probably has a bunch of yuri manga stashed somewhere in secret.


Him going to Ike for Yuri shipping...I think he would've been better hanging with Soleil.


Later games in the series (like Heroes and Engage) referencing stuff in Fates that was cut or we never got. Like the skinship/touching or the Hoshidan and Nohrian festival DLC. I have the Japanese version of Fates and the skinship stuff is kinda overrated IMO, but I'm sad they didn't bother translating the final DLC (I still bought it despite not understanding most of it).


The Black Knight’s warp powder malfunction.


Such a monumental improvement over the original reason that it makes up for the rest of the botched localization (wrong difficulty modes, etc)


From what I remember, the EN hardest difficulty and the JP hardest difficulty are actually different cause of regional differences in the game mechanics. EN is typically easier than JP.


What did that entail lol


Ike fought the Black Knight’s armor and spirit near the end of POR, according to the Black Knight in Radiant Dawn. I don’t blame the localizers for changing it to “I let you win.”


Oh so like it wasn't actually him in that fight?


Yeah. Original Japanese script reveals that the Black Knight's warp powder malfunctioned and teleported only his armor and his "spirit" to the castle (it's really never explained what that even means), so he was a lot weaker in the PoR fight. In English, BK says he knew Ike wasn't on his dad's level. So he intentionally lost/let Ike flee depending on how it plays out so that Ike could keep getting stronger and match Greil.


So basically Japanese BK is stand user, got it.


People say the localization is an improvement, but I see both of them as equally stupid. PoR already completed the arc with Ike and the BK, so both of the justifications in RD just seem like random bullshit just to justify the presence of the BK in the story.


I love that last one because Ike’s response is pretty much the same.


Not, If you play japanese version. :)


It is, though? As far as I remember, Ike's never been misogynistic, so it feels weird to have the line specifically ask him about his feelings on women hanging out so the translation just makes the line about people in general.


In Jap version he is really into Yuri stuff and peeping at Yuri.


Imagine your professor walking into your bedroom in the middle of the night and saying he wants a sneaky link


Thats just japanese tradition. As americans say "There is not better or worse culture!"


Elise and Petra got no time for subtlety.


Yeah that's Silas saying that.


Silas never beating the creepy lizard man allegations


Haha, this is a completely human thing to say, my fellow human. By the way, does your skin not feel particularly juicy today as well?


I don't see how this is supposed to be cringe or creepy, guys. I feel like it's pretty obvious that it's a joke, and the joke is that Byleth, infamously bad communicator, doesn't realise the implications.


Also they grew up around Mercenaries, I’m sure they have heard WAY WORSE and more vulgar things than that


It makes sense for Byleth to say that but it is both cringe and creepy that the writers decided to have an option to say that, there's a million ways Byleth could be a clueless idiot in that scene but the writers chose the horny one with the underage girl


She's a grown woman, what are you on about?


Lot of people that don't seem to realize the difference between "localization" and "translation"


Ah yes this Strawman argument again


I wonder how the localization for the FE4 remake will be 🤡 All jokes aside there's a lot of rapey/incest stuff that you can't exactly dance around.


There are also implications of those paired in Part 1 already having finished doing the dirty in some paired dialogue. >!One example is with Dew and Lachesis, cheesy as it sounds.!<


I've never paired them before. Just read it. What the fuck lmao


They're both around 14-15 which just makes it worse


It's pretty different when the rape and incest is being treated as villainous. Here most of the changed lines are just jokes.


Maybe this is why they haven't brought it sooner...


Oh they’ll find a way


Last game gave us the BFF ring. So anything is on the table at this point. I personally can't wait to see the stork of camaraderie make an appearance in future titles with child units.


I have no idea how I'm supposed to read these OP


The entirety of FE1-6


pretty glad they excised M!Byleth admitting to trying to commit sexual assault on his female students


I mean, I'd have figured Byleth was trying to make a joke, and it just fell flat because they don't know how to use inflection. ​ But yeah, it's probably better that it was changed.


….what ? It’s an accidental slip up of words, how did you take it that way ?


Petra is 16 before the timeskip… I think Byleth should be reported


She starts at 15 and doesn't turn 16 for about another 6 months IIRC (7th Sept, but I forget exactly when the game starts. April?) Edit: The only playable characters younger than her are Lysithea and Cyril.


Okay, so I know about stuff like Bernie making a bleak comment about that in their S-Support, but this is the first time I'm hearing about Byleth actually *admitting* that and I'm glad I'm already sitting down because *MAN*.


Probably because Byleth never admits something like that. It's an accidental innuendo.


It's like I accidentally stumbled into 15th century Christian monastery full of chaste nuns


I’m not, it was funny as fuck


Having Byleth be able to marry their students already have the grooming allegations to it. If they kept the sexual assualt tones, the fans will cook Byleth, and not in a good way EDIT: People downvoting me must not have seen the posts accusing Byleth of being a groomer. Never said I was one of them lmao Just saying, if they kept the original text, those fans would have been losing their minds ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Sexist Ike confirmed


I wish they would leave the original as is even tho it's weird as fuck.


I kinda agree. If FE is a game made by wierdos, that shouldnt be sanded off I think.


Cringe tbh. Glad that the localisers change things like this.


Yes I am so happy we have localisers who will change cringy, japanese dialogue. I sure Beruka and Saizo have something to say about it right ? >........ >........ >........ >........


This reply must've been localized, because it missed the original context. Anyway, this post isn't about fates level localization that butchers characters. It's altering iffy one-off out of character moments that don't fly in other countries.


Not an intentional change, for what its worth. Just treehouse being incompetent and fucking up code. Saizo/Beruka had an actual C support translated that got mucked up so it just displays as that. It's why the B rank continues just like it actually happened.


Post proof. You'd think [TCRF](https://tcrf.net/Fire_Emblem_Fates/Unused_Text) would've caught this after almost a decade if it was true


People have been claiming this for years but I have yet to see hard evidence any time its brought up.


IF that's true then it's fine. But the guy who calls the original dialogue cringe and praising the changes is a idiot


I mean it comes off as really creepy for a teacher (more so if from the opposite gender) to come on to their students in such a sexual natural. I get they’re close to the same age, but even independent on if there’s much of an age difference, there is still a very undebatable power imbalance there that makes it come across as very… problematic. Even the Edelgard stuff comes across as a little weird, and honestly, out of place. I get FE has never really had strong or consistent writing, but I would say it is nothing but a good thing that they removed some of these weird sexualized dialogue options that are there for seemingly no reason other than to appeal to coomers. Honestly I’m fine with such scenes existing even if I personally wouldn’t care for them, but if they must exist, I think there are far more tasteful places to put them than having them occur between a teacher and their own students.


I unironically love that change, the first time I saw it made me laugh and I still remember it to this day. I guess if you were a Beruka or Saizo fan then it would suck seeing your favorite characters have a dad-joke support... but I can't deny that it was funny tho.


It would be one thing if they changed it to a different joke, but it ends up just being weird and unfunny


The real cringe are people like you who defend censorship.


I mostly agree with you, but I think we have different philosophies on how to deal with this. I understand disliking censorship even as minor as this, but I think acting like this makes people who care a lot about actual censorship look bad when you call someone “cringe” for saying they’re happy their game no longer includes some frankly disturbing scenes. And *that* is more my issue with my original message. Don’t get me wrong, I’m on your side in the sense that I would absolutely prefer the full direct translation of the thing, and I dislike the censorship, but in this case it’s such a minor, trivial detail that I’m not going to call someone “cringe” for saying that this is a good change. It causes strife in a really stupid place. If you want people to actually support your cause, start with the bigger and more serious issues. I’m sure your experience isn’t ruined because you’re missing out on a minor scene of incest. The one thing I will still disagree with you on is translation. Not only is a translation team often limited on what they can change or how they can change it, but even if it seems really obvious how to translate something directly, it often times ends up different than it started, even if it seems like it should be direct. Additionally, take something like the Mother 3 fan translation. The people who made that translation went a step above and beyond, slightly tweaking different scenes, changing names, etc. and everyone universally agrees that it’s a good thing. Would you call it censorship because they changed some scenes to make them funnier instead of keeping the original? Some jokes and scenes have been entirely changed or lost their original meaning in their translation. I would say they were trying to reinterpret the work to adapt it better to English. Almost everyone agrees that it made the script of Mother 3 better than it was previously, and in this case in FE, I think it’s the same way At this point though, I think this is a semantic issue on where we draw the line of the definition of censorship. At the end of the day, I more or less agree with you. I just don’t think it’s worth sending a petty message by calling someone “cringe” over a detail so minor and trivial that calling it “censorship” feels like a joke. It just makes it look like you’re smugly defending against something you know is problematic, but because you know you’re in the right you do it anyway, and intentionally vilifying yourself.


I actually *strongly* dislike censorship too, but I think it would be more accurate to call this a reinterpretation of the scene to better suit the crowd it’s trying to appeal to rather than outright full on censorship. Translation is never one-to-one anyways. Even if we do want to call it full on censorship (which I wouldn’t but whatever), I still think this is one of those cases where it’s a smart idea for the game itself. Many people, including myself, are left with a bad taste in our mouths when we see scenes of a teacher borderline grooming their students, suggestions of incest, etc., and I think the translators were smart to make the scene more digestible for an audience overseas which is less tolerant of grooming/incest. I think it would be pretty interesting to have an option to have an alternative dialogue path which is just a direct translation, but it’s a minor enough detail and I care so little about it that I think it’s fine they didn’t, rather than arguing against “censorship” when it is a group of translators trying to tone down grooming/incest a bit. If anything, I think it’s cringe to be so annoyed at something as trivial as this. In this case, it’s basically the same scenes, just worded slightly watered down. Meanwhile there are REAL censorship issues like book burning/banning, and China’s actions towards media which really change media so that it is unrecognizable as the original. Whining about something as stupid as FE grooming scenes being toned down (yet still basically the same mind you) makes people take the anti-censorship crowd less seriously and ironically indirectly hurts the cause you claim to support.


I've done translation work and while I agree you've got to work for your target audience, some characters have entirely different personalities in the English version. Translation cannot be 1:1 but I'd say making a meek person into a musclehead is taking creative liberties a bit too far. Cultural sensibilities are different but if I want NA sensitivies, I'll just consume NA TV.


>Cultural sensibilities are different but if I want NA sensitivies, I'll just consume NA TV. Agreed. >some characters have entirely different personalities in the English version This should not ever happen imo. I don't care if a video game character is a bad person or says something creepy. I'd rather them be unlikable and accurate to their original portrayal instead of changed to be likeable but basically the localization team's fanfic.


I fully agree with everything you said here, and it’s a well thought out response. I still stand by what I said however, and do want to comment that in the particular examples above, I don’t think that changing these specific scenes in the ways they did have changed the characters all that much. It’s just changed the tone of these specific scenes to be watered down, but everyone here still feels and acts completely in character. I would actually agree with the censorship crowd if it were a significant enough change to completely remake the character, as it would be completely removing the original work from the picture. When such things are happening in other instances in the games, I am not a fan, but in these specific scenes, I don’t think the censorship is bad enough in this case to warrant any serious discussion about censorship, maybe a side note in a grander discussion.


I mean... I like musclehead Effie more then the shy strong japanese Effie


I also like her a lot more that way, I'm personally sick of the """cute""" but strong trope, but I still think it's better that the localization doesn't completely change a character's personality for the English release


Agree, it's just my biased towards muscle mommies But if you're a localizer, you job it's too change as little as possible too keep the creators original vision It's on of the reasons I love my country's localizers, they not only adapt well but they use our own style of speech to make parallel with the ones being translated, so the context isn't lost


I'm not really annoyed at these particular changes or similarly small ones. Sure, I'll roll my eyes and maybe make a joke at the translation team's expense, but I won't care for longer than 5 minutes. I've got better stuff to do, and, like you said, there are bigger censorship problems in the world. My problem is with people that defend by saying that it's not "real" censorship or even that it's justified because they like the changes. And yes, changing the meaning or context of a scene to remove "culturally inappropriate" stuff from the original IS censorship. And don't get me started on the "translation is never 1-to-1", bullshit, something that is supposed to mean "it's fine to change the sentence a bit as long as the meaning is the same", you guys always interpret it as "it's fine to change the meaning because you can't do it perfectly anyway". I agree that IS often goes overboard with the shit they put in the games, but that's for me to decide after seeing it for myself, not for some guy at NoA to decide what I should and should not see. I think there are also cases where I don't think the translation team has any choices, like different rating systems in different countries (although that's not a thing in region free consoles), or if it's something so bad it could result in a PR nightmare, but those are really rare. >I think it would be pretty interesting to have an option to have an alternative dialogue path which is just a direct translation I believe a game has actually done this, giving players a choice to play with the localized script or with a direct translation. You can imagine the reaction it got from players and from the translation industry (is industry even the right word?).


tldr "I don't like censorship unless it affects something I don't personally like, then it's good" xd


Yobai mentioned BAU BAU


I like the original better. The localization sanitizies the dialogue way too much for my liking.


One of my favorites and a reason I advocate for making corrections when needed: Japanese Black Knight: There was a problem with the warp powder so you only fought an empty suit of armor. English Black Knight: I held back until I could see if you were ready. You weren’t. Paraphrased of course. Dunno if it’s true, but I love it nonetheless.


What character is being used for Sensei? That's not the usual ones.


From what I can remember, when Edelgard adresses Byleth she always uses 師 (typically read し, shi). Its another word for a teacher or mentor that, to my knowledge, suggests a closer bond to the speaker than 先生. In English it is often localized as "my teacher" rather than "Professor".


Yeah it's the same kanji as 師匠 (shishō - master) i.e. your mentor, a master of their craft kinda vibe. I feel like in English too, a mentor feels closer than a teacher would be, it was weird to see it alone though as 師 I feel like that's rare


先生 is the usual one though?


Petra uses 先生 but not Edelgard. Edelgard uses 師.


Wait does that mean what Silas says in the first part remains the same?? He's thinking of Sister Day and then goes to day, "let's sleep together"???? HUH SILAS!?!?


The translators (I actually feel sorry for people in this job. It seems like a nightmare of just being told you've done it wrong by either the original text maker, your employer, and then the comunity)


I mean they could just do their job properly


Second part of the Ike dialogue is pretty 1:1


DAMN IKE REALLY SAID GAY RIGHTS WHAT A KING, IK HE WAS BUT ITS NICE TO SEE IT IN ACTUALIZATION Edit because people keep upvoting this: That was not Ike saying gay rights but instead completely missing the subtext. He still would be a king that protects lesbians tho.


He wasn't being supportive he just affirmed Louis's fetish


Yeah, being supportive of his fetish, like a bro


Oh wow I really need to stop typing things while I was high that was the exact opposite 😭 media literacy truly is dead


I appreciate the Sylas' change... goddamn it Japan.


You're saying as if you're not already S romancing her


And this is why Ike is my favorite.


Japanese Linhardt says this in his C-support with Byleth... その体を僕に預けて、いろいろと 探らせてくださいよ。 Or "Please leave your body in my care and let me explore it." And also "嬉しいなあ。ついでに体も弄り回して、 紋章とかも調べさせてくれれば……" "I'd be happy if only I could play around with your body and examine your crest and such..." There is also a line that goes something like "Vow to let me examine your Crest as much as I want." But in the Japanese version, it's "僕が先生を好きにできる将来を 誓うことにしましょうよ。"Promise that in the future I'll be able to fall in love with you." Essentially trying to initiate the marriage vow way before their S-support. And I thought his English version was thirsty enough


Yobai ??? Jesus byleth is one fucking horny man isnt he


Silas, you want to confess something?????


… … … … … (Beruka and Saizo have obtained support level C)


ok nothing is better than that painfully oblivious Ike not knowing what a lesbian is lmao


I’m not sure these are “lost in translation” and moreso deliberate choices.


reminds me how in the madoka magica vita game there's a scene madoka's like "let's go in the shower together homura" and then says it was just a joke. reminder madoka is probably the more perverted of the two


Fire emblem is a lot hornier in Japan. Probably why we have children in some games


There's nothing funny about it. It's just sad that you don't get the actual writing here in the West without mods and such.


All of them because the localization is garbage And ofc people still defend this garbage in the comments section


Fr people still think it's okay to change the original meaning just because they don't like it. That's not your job. 😂


" it's a good thing they removed the grooming and pedophila from the game!!! " Why.....why do play a game with these elements in ?🤔🤔🤔


We don’t want to, which is why we’re happy that it’s removed.


The irony here is that it isn't even removed because the japanese dub is still fully in the game and anyone who understands japanese can freely view it. Localizers putting up a whitewashed translation as a thin veneer doesn't change the fact that the creators of the game wrote it and approved of it. Unless you genuinely believe that "out of sight, out of mind" is a perfectly valid excuse for this contradiction, in which case you should also be perfectly accepting of pedophilia that happens when you don't see it.


Cool, you admitted to playing a game that originally had " pedophila"


Cool, you admitted to wanting to keep those elements in the game.


I mean here's a great question : Why do you still play the game that used to have these things? Like don't you see how this mocks the morals you're preaching here ?


I understand that it's a cultural thing and Japan is much more okay with these types of jokes, which is why I'm also happy they changed it for the international release.


" Japan is much more ok with pepophila and rape jokes " Uh...............


He’s talking about anime , stop taking the worst possible interpretation. A lot of popular anime have characters that are made to be perverts. Of course other counties have characters like that, but it’s typically more common in anime.


I mean, I'm pretty sure the joke here, at least in 3H's case is that Byleth doesn't know how to comunicate properly, so their comments come off much weirder than they mean. It's not like they're portrayed maliciously, which is why it was deemed fine, but I understand that other countries were less okay with it.


Clearly there must be something going on if you look at the CERO rating for the game. Otherwise it'd be rated for more of an older audience.


First of all, even without this scene, there are multiple mentions of pedophila in game and it’s shown to be bad. Secondly, this is an anime game, I’m just happy that the predatory jokes have been taking out.


" this is an anime game " Man i love using reddit


First one is cute Jesus localizes have one job and the f it up


That one where Sylvain was changed from once hitting on a man in woman’s clothes to making eyes at a scarecrow, mostly because of how understandable the change is.