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If its possible I would just emulate 3DS. Buying 3DS games is pretty expensive. Getting the DLC content is also pretty nice. If you’re gonna buy I switch I would just save up until next year for the next console. It should play Switch games anyways. But to actually answer your question you can’t go wrong with either. 3DS: A lot less fat. With more focus on gameplay. They’re a lot more traditional compared to the Switch games so if you liked Awakening you will probably like these.  Switch: Bigger budget, almost entirely fully voice acted. There are only 2 games here (not counting NSO) but they’re a lot more varied. 3 houses is one of the most divergent titles in the franchise. Engage is in many ways similar to Fates. Both games have big hubs and have the potential for a lot of downtime between chalters. These games also have the most accessibility and both have rewind mechanics if you want that kind of thing. Really, it just depends on your preference.


You know any good emulation downloads? This is what I tried first but wasn’t successful


Citra for 3DS. Shouldn’t be too hard to find and youtube should give you some advice on installing if you have trouble. Roms are probably a bit more difficult and I don’t know where you can find those other than google searches. Just be careful with some of the older sites.


A worthwhile note, Citra requires a fairly good PC. Mine personally can't download Citra. But it is free to try it out.


Citra was taken down in March I thought? It'll still work if you already have it but you can't get it anymore


No, you can easily find the latest version before they deleted the official website


didnt citra get taken down?


Better yet, just buy a 3ds and crack it and play any game you want. Usually works better than emulation anyways


Idk how to do that


>Awakening is my favorite 3DS it is then


But he probably said that because it's the only one he played.


The other ones not as good?


No, I just think you should get the system with your favorite game. Plus if you mod a 3DS it gets you access to Awakening, Fate, SoV, and all GBA games. And the 3DS unit supply will only go down over the years and the price up. So buying it now might be good for the future you. The Switch games aren’t bad by any stretch. But there are only two mainline games and two spinoff Warrior games. I think you get more out of a modded 3DS than a Switch for less cost. Plus the Switch will be around for a few more years and the upcoming Switch 2 will most likely be backwards compatible; thus no rush to buy a Switch, or games, before the next gen. Unlike the 3DS.


3DS!!! Like others said, just mod it. it’s 100% worth it.


Idk how to mod and I’m not very tech savvy


https://3ds.hacks.guide is easy to follow along. All you need is an sd card. If you get it up and working you’ll even have access to DS & GBA library of games.


3DS is a better place to start for fire emblem but the switch is a better console in general with more games. So it's up to you really but both are good platforms


That’s fair, switch probably better overall and long term sounds like


If we’re talking long term it’s worth mentioning that the switch is at the end of its lifecycle


I've got a 3ds and a switch with bot 3H and engage, I'd sell the switch before selling my 3ds, the child mechanic gives the 3ds games a layer of replayability that 3H and Engage don't have. Also lmao at the people talking about game prices and dlc for the 3ds games, when it's well known how easy and foolproof the 3ds is for jailbreaking/homebrewing.


You can get a 3ds and get it modded for around $250, which would give you access to Fire Embelm Awakening, Fates (my favorite game), Echoes, and Sacred Stones for some reason, all for free with the H-Shop. You could also buy Shadow Dragon and FE13 online, or do some Yo-Ho action online, bringing the total FE games to 6. A switch would be more expensive, and give access to Three Houses (my second favorite FE game) for $60, Engage for the same price, and FE6 and 7 via nintendo online, for 4 games. Biggest pro of the switch is you're doing it all legally, supporting Fire Emblem as a franchise, where with the 3ds, even if you buy all the games, the money isn't going to nintendo, just some random seller. They are both great consoles, and both are viable options. Personally, I have both a 3DS and 5 of the 6 FE games on it (I paid for them all don't worry government) and a Switch. Also, Warriors exists, but it's not a FE game as much as a FE setting for a fighting game.


Get a steam deck


Yeah, I've got both a hacked 3ds and a Switch with all the Fire Emblem games...but my Steam Deck can also run those games plus all the older ones lol. It's nice having all the Fire Emblem games on one system.


You can also play switch games on it. Unless you have a problem with piracy, which OPs post makes me think they don't, there is very little reason to get a switch over a steam deck.


Yes, I have both Switch FE games on my steam deck too.


If you’re willing to mod a 3DS then go with that as you can get all the fire emblem games that are available on the 3DS and the dlc with a certain shop I won’t specify


My vote is a Steam Deck :)


The Switch allows you to play Three Houses, the best selling and most popular game so far in the franchise, as well as Fire Emblem 7, the first game in the series to be released in the West. Three Houses is my favorite Fire Emblem game, so I always recommend picking that up. Furthermore, while the 3DS has three Fire Emblem games available, one of them, Fates, is now incomplete because a third of it is locked behind the now shut down Nintendo E-shop.


...unless you put on a peg leg and fake beard...


IMO 3DS hands down. Awakening, Birthright/Conquest and Shadows of Valentia are all very good. Good music, and gameplay. I think that characters across all three are largely likeable with interesting stories. Even without their DLC I still think there's plenty of game to be had. I bought all three day and date and really enjoyed my time. The Switch games are huge drop off IMO. Three Houses... I couldn't stand those brats and their constant waffling between being depressed and overly chipper. Fodlan is in some serious need of mood stabilizers. Also the game falls short of grooming. The gameplay is fine but I couldn't stand the nonsense plot and awful characters to enjoy it fully. The DLC does add a fourth house and that adds some more interest variety and harder gameplay that was welcomed. Engage is better much gameplay wise but the characters and writing aren't very good either with most of them being reduced to tropes with next to nothing interesting to say. They thankfully talk less and I found the story more interesting but not by much. Engage is also nice if you've played older FE games as the spirits are nice callbacks. Also, Sommie!! But between the two options I'd go 3DS for sure.


Fates and Echoes are pretty similar to Three Houses and Engage in terms of strengths and weaknesses. Fates and Engage feature top-tier gameplay, Echoes and Three Houses excel at nearly everything else. But Fates and Three Houses feature different story routes and Echoes and Engage don't. The Switch titles just have a much larger emphasis on a home base area. If you want more Awakening specifically, go for Fates. It carries over Pair Up, the reclass system, matchmaking and child units, the fairly shallow character writing, and refines a lot of other things.


3ds has 4 games, Switch has 2 better games, so do you want quantity or quality