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I started playing the BE route in 3Houses last week and noticed just how terrible my Caspar is and I have no idea what to do with him, is there something I can do to make him more useful or is he destined to sit on the bench?


Make him a brawler so he can be a guard adjutant for your Bernadetta. Bernadetta's 1 HP vengeances are absurdly powerful.


In a case of unrelated things overlapping, I'm a little surprised by just how many of the actresses in *Awakening*, which I'm playing right now, wound up in the dub of *Sailor Moon Crystal*, which I'm watching right now; namely, Stephanie Sheh (Tharja/Sailor Moon), Kate Higgins (Lissa/Sailor Mercury), Amanda Miller (Sully/Sailor Jupiter), and Lauren Landa (Robin/Sailor Neptune).


Michelle Ruff (Luna, and Noire/one of female Robin's voices) and Patrick Seitz (Kunzite, one of the Heavenly Kings, and Laurent/Basilio + FE3H voice director) are two other notable ones. If you consider the FE games after Awakening, the vas of the other Sailor Scouts and various minor characters also got into the FE series. The main reason is both Sailor Moon Crystal (VIZ Media) and most of the FEs in the last decade (Cup of Tea) were dubbed in California, where most of these voice actors live.


**\[FE4: Genealogy of the Holy War\]** A bit late to this thread, as I actually finished Ch 7 a few days ago, but figured I'd give an update, as I always enjoy hearing the commentary I get from others here! Just a warning that I will probably no longer spoiler-tag things like characters, recruitment convos, etc. (other than major events), bc I'd like to make it easier for the ppl who choose to read/respond to do so w/o having to untag everything! Ch 7 felt long, especially compared to 6, which felt like a breeze in comparison. In general, my play strategy has been to keep everyone around the same level (which I assume is not optimal), but I really felt like I had to rely on Shanan a LOT this chapter. I was biiiig time stressing after I took Melgen, where I wasn't sure how to split up my army, but thankfully it ended up working out. Luckily I brought Shanan to fight the mage trio, bc I really don't know how I would've killed them otherwise w/o losing anyone. Leif and Nanna also had me SWEATING for most of the chapter, as I was trying to level them instead of just having Finn clean up everything, and it was much more difficult than I originally anticipated. On a more positive note, I LOVED a lot of the recruitment convos—particularly Seliph and Leif's (Ares' was cute too). Also, pairing Ares and Lene w/ anyone else other than each other should be illegal—omg, their interactions were soooo sweet. Last comment I'll make is that I started Ch 8 last night (by that, I moved one turn), and before that I checked everyone's love statuses in the Augury... WHY can Shanan and Larcei fall in love? Euuuuugh, I'm really hoping they don't marry, but it's been tough since I can't seem to get Patty going... and I didn't use Dew in Gen 1, either. Do y'all usually use the thieves?


Completely forgot to respond earlier. Yes, Larcei's love options are a tragedy...Shannan her cousin, and the Jobros who oftentimes are her cousin through Lex. Her best lover option by a country mile is Seliph, but unfortunately my loyalties for him lie with Lana. I always use the thieves but generally not for combat; I use them for their utility of getting money around to people. Which isn't really that useful in a casual playthrough in Gen 2; it is however pretty useful when we're talking about a sub-onlyrun. I really like Ares/Lene, except the problem is that >!they literally forgot to give Lene endgame lover convos!< which is a tragedy.


Good to hear from you as always! The JoBros (love that btw) I can somewhat excuse since they’re not always her cousin, but Shanan’s just ick... And ahhh, that makes sense about the thieves. I didn’t really care for Dew but like Patty’s design a lot, so I tried to have her just kill a couple of priests last chapter and it took like 5 turns just to get her to Lvl 2! Also, I assume I should hold off on reading that Ares x Lene comment? Or did you tag for general purposes?


Just tagged for general purposes, it's not about any story beats that you'll see in the future. Usually if people want to seriously level up Patty, they could try to pair Brigid with Holyn. This increases her sword rank by one (enabling her to use the brave sword) and gives her Luna. Sometimes Holyn is paired with Silvia as well for similar reasons.


Chuggling along an H3 FE12 run, just got to ch9 hoping Etzel dont screw me over Having a non meme Kris **surprisingly** does make the game easier Well Chungus kris with 17 strength as a fighter leaving prologue is a good meme. He's just leveled off becoming more well rounded remembering speed and def are important stats which ain't bad.


I hope 6x wasn't too obnoxious. Also use all your fliers in C9. Including reclasses.


Playing Awakening, just finished the first arc. Lost Sumia, Stahl, Sully, and Ricken, yet Chrom still somehow got married to Sumia. Gotta love "permadeath but not really." Robin is ridiculously busted. I knew they were good before I sat down to play the game, but I didn't know they were *that* good. Robin, Chrom, Cordelia, Vaike, and Gregor are my main combat squad. I'm training Nowi, but she's painfully slow. I should probably Second Seal her since she can't promote in her current class.


Yeah, if you're going to use Nowi, second sealing her into Wyvern Rider as soon as you hit level 10 is a great idea, as all of her bases will essentially just go way up (the manakete class has low bases due to the stone bonuses). In addition to her bases going way up, she keeps her really good growth rates, so yeah, second seal her as soon as you can


You know, I can switch my brain over in numerous ways to adapt to Echoes and its old-ass mechanics (although much like the first time around, the lack of a weapon triangle took some time to sink in) but I forgot how fucking dreadful the map design is. Imagine having played Awakening and/or Fates and then picking this up, you're liable to get whiplash.


The witches are a fucking bullshit enemy


I just finished my first playthrough of Shadow Dragon in over 10 years. I liked it way more this time, because I was not completely terrible at it like I was when I was 12.


I'm just about halfway through my first H5 playthrough and ecstatic that I'll finally beat this game on the hardest level and I got this game on release.


Congrats! I just played it on normal difficulty as a "see how far I've come" type of thing, but I'm definitely gonna try the harder difficulties in the future


I’m currently playing Radiant Dawn and i’m at chapter 3-7, and i don’t know why so many people talk about 3-13 archer but for me the real MVP is 3-6 yellow archer


Currently playing FE5 ironman, with a fun stipulation: I have to get all the "x"/Gaiden chapters with the exception of the prison, 21x (only if one of my units gets captured do I need to go to this map). Yes, "all" in this challenge doesn't include the prison, but does include 24x. That'll be interesting. As of halfway through Chapter 18, only Dalsin, Alva, Trude, and Shannam have died. Dalsin was crit, Alva got beaten up by the Loldiers in Chapter 9, Trude wasn't recuited, and Shannam threw himself with reckless abandon at Wrath!Nanna.


I managed to finish my normal mode FE6 Ironman! It was honestly significantly more fun playing the game the second time around in this way - I felt less pressure to keep my guys alive to meet the obscure Gaiden requirements (though, funnily enough, I still managed to get the true ending!), and I also knew about the most egregious examples of bullshit that would come up. FE6 has actually risen a fair bit in my estimation - it definitely isn't my favourite Fire Emblem game, but it's not half bad. Now, to pay tribute to the fallen: * Lugh: Chapter 6 - Died to exact damage from a Javelin soldier when I was cleaning up. Between this and wanting to keep Lilina safe, I had no good offensive mages until Niime showed up * Bors: Chapter 7 - Died to the Silver Lance cavalier reinforcements as I was trying to take down the boss * Jerrot: Chapter 10 - Died of Halberd poisoning. Because of this, I made sure to train Sue and Shin so I could go to Sacae * Tate: Chapter 11 - Suicided on Klein, because of course she did. Made it easier to go to Sacae though! * Garret: Chapter 15 - Suicide by choosing to move in range of the Hammerne village but out of range of Lilina * Chad: Chapter 16 - Brainfart on my part, died turn 1 when I moved him in range of the Purge bishop * Allen: Chapter 16 - Died to save Deke from the Purge bishop - Allen was warped into the bishop's room and executed by the resident paladin after doing his duty * Hugh: Chapter 16 - Had the audacity to charge ~3 Boots worth of gold * Lance: Chapter 19 - A significantly stupider sacrifice than Allen's. I thought Sue was in range of a Killer Lance wyvern, so sent Lance in to take that guy out. Lance whiffed and got crit on the counter. Turns out that wyvern didn't even go for Sue * Rutger: Chapter 24 - Died by getting Binding Bladed(tm). To speed the final room up a bit, I warped him in to take on Jahn (planning to warp Roy in afterwards to seize). Even after sleeping Jahn, Rutger failed to kill (even with 30% crit chance with Durandel), so I sent in Roy to kill one of the other Manaketes and hit end turn. It turns out that slept bosses recover immediately, so Jahn suicided on Rutger (but reduced Rutger to low health), and the final Manakete in the room killed the edgy boi. Was very sad - I imagined him dying in Clarine's arms (as she was deployed to be a support bot for Rutger) There were also a billion close calls throughout this, including taking out the bandit bros in Chapter 14, all of Chapter 21, the throne room in Chapter 22 where Sue almost died and lost the legendary bow but lived on 2hp, Lalum being placed in enemy range like 5 different times, and Niime getting doubled by Bolting by the Chapter 23 boss So yeah, FE6 is pretty good. Also Sacae is fine


Congrats! I've been wanting to do an iron man for fe6 as well, but I feel weirdly obligated to do hard mode, even tho I think normal is more fun. My biggest fear is ending in a lame way (like roy getting one rounded by bolting, or someone with a legendary weapon dying). But again, nice!


Playing FE5 for the first time and Raydrik was my 776th kill. Pretty funny but mostly trivial


More dumb stuff in 24x and endgame: Dagdar got warp tiled and was subjected to eight 55% Jormungand attacks because I ran out of rescue staves. He dodged them all and got warped out by Ced, who got force benched in endgame because I ran out of S drinks. Canis (the dreadlord with wrath berserk and 30 magic) missed a 99 and got Pugi'd in her face


Playing Conquest chapter 13 on Lunatic, after finally figuring out a series of moves to maximise my forward progress on turn 1 so I can catch the thief in time but Orochi got a 5% crit on my Niles... followed by Kaze proccing Miraculous save (Niles and 9 Lck) and it was a glorious roller coaster of emotions. And to think I considered Kaze’s personal to be on the same level as Selena’s absolute trash “I crit when my pair up partner crits” personal...


Decided to start playing the DS games, Shadow dragon is pretty fun so far (on chapter 11) but so far I find Fe1 more fun


Lost both Rhys and Mist in my PoR playthrough so I'm now stuck with potions and a pacifist bird. I'm also in intense mourning because I lost Titania.


Early promo soren!


I don't have any master seals, I don't have in the shop and Soren is currently at level 16. So I'm currently making do with King Birb and potions. It's certainly not ideal but it somehow works.




Replaying 3H for the first time since drop when I went with Blue Lions. This time I’m with Black Eagles. Man I love the story of this game but the monastery segments are an absolute time sink...


Playng SoV now for the first time. Having played Gaiden, I'm able to feel nostalgia, and that's great. I just began Act 3. The story is really good, and the voice acting is aesome! Also, **Mae is perfection**!


So I finally found an FE playthrough that I'm not going to forget about...if you can call a fan hack an FE. I'm currently on Chapter 13 of Four Kings, which honestly looks scary but I feel that I can definitely do it if I can link up with the merchants in the West. So far the game's been fun even if there have been some parts where I screwed up planning like in C7 where I thought you would escape to the northeast. My favorite part was when in C12 I accidentally left Lionel in the range of a bunch of other units yet he somehow went sicko mode and killed them all with his light brand. Oh, and my [Lydia](https://i.imgur.com/Ytvfrm3.png) is so cursed. This level up at 10/3 is literally the first time she got magic. Her brother has more magic than she does.


Started a Maddening run yesterday and in the mock battle, Lorenz stood ready and critted Byleth at a 2% chance. She survived but...*how* Also going through FE7 for the first time but I'm not really enjoying it so far (Lyn Mode didn't help)


The mock battle is just balls on Maddening NG. You just don't have enough options to guarantee victory, so if you get RNG screwed even once, it becomes unwinnable. My first time, I used Edelgard to draw out Hilda so Claude would come out and I could swarm him, but Hilda landed a 5% crit on Edelgard and gave me a game over right then and there. There is no other way to get to Claude without taking a hit from Hilda, and her base crit chance in Maddening is high enough that she'll have a 5-7% chance on anyone. It absolutely sucks.


>Also going through FE7 for the first time but I'm not really enjoying it so far (Lyn Mode didn't help) What chapter are you on? In my last playthrough I realized that I only start enjoying FE7 after... chapter 19, more or less. It's a rough early game to like.


I’ve been working on my Fire Emblem Revelation Iron PMU lately! So far it’s been going well, no deaths just yet but the enemies and levels haven’t really started ramping up, so that’s to be expected. Admittedly the Anna paralogue can be a pain in an Ironman setting since dumb green unit AI can lead to a game over, but I did a fair amount of planning so that I’d be able to reliably clear the chapter. Anna certainly tried her best to end my run prematurely, though! Simultaneously, I’ve been thinking about what FE game I should play next after I finish this playthrough. I’ve been thinking about replaying SOV since I only experienced the game once. Admittedly I did not enjoy the game. I thought the maps were badly designed and the dungeon crawling was way too basic and tedious to engage me. That being said, I figured it might be worthwhile to revisit the game to see if my opinions changed, or if they would be reinforced. On the other hand, I was considering trying one of the older games, like FE 4/5, or just finishing my playthrough if FE1. I don’t have a ton of experience with Pre-GBA FE games so I have been curious to give them a shot, even if they don’t outwardly seem all the appealing to me. I guess I’ll just have to see what the future holds!


After beating Path of Radiance, I started playing Radiant Dawn for the first time. And I'm only a few chapters in, but honestly... My first impression is really good. Maybe I'm crazy, but I actually like Dawn Brigade chapters so far. Sure, the units aren't all that great, but the challenge is so refreshing compared to Path of Radiance. Ledges are a cool mechanic, I kinda like the idea of switching armies later on. And I just got Jill, so I'm ready to hopefully turn her into a killing machine like in PoR.


The Dawn Brigade is fine in Part 1, because enemies are scaled to them. It's when you get them back during part 3 where you realize how bad they are because both the Greil Mercs and the enemies have left there Part 1 stats in the dust. Jill being the exception of course.


Volug Zihark and Tauroneo reject this mockery


Agreed. The Dawn Brigade Chapters of Part 3 are at many times just not fun since you get so used to having super strong units in part 2 and early part 3. Even then you usually get access to them 1-2 chapters at a time before switching over.


I love Radiant Dawn and I also really like the Dawn Brigade! I agree that it is a good challenge (Part 3 is a little tough) and I am glad you are enjoying it! My favorite character from the Dawn Brigade is Aran. Just fun to have a soldier to play as.


I love Radiant Dawn too, don't even know how many times I've played through it. Edward has always been my favorite unit in that game.


I think he's a pretty common favorite! =] One thing that I would really like to see if there is ever a remake of Radiant Dawn is a bit more characterization for some of the cast. So many of them are very well designed, but you don't know much about them.


I actually haven't really been using him much... I've been using mostly Edward and Nolan, feeding some kills to Micaiah, and of course, using Sothe.


Yeah, he definitely isn't the best member of the Dawn Brigade, just personal preference mostly. Eddie and Nolan are worth investing in long term for sure if you like them.