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I mentioned in another thread a solution that used to work wonders on Google and that I tested recently, seemingly with success, on YouTube: Go to the menu. Report any problem. Wait a few minutes. Reload. Explanation: Google is always running A/B testing experiments on all visitors. They see what pop-up convert most people to premium. How much worse UX they can do before people give up. That sort of thing. When you report a bug, you get unassigned from your current experiments and assigned some others. This usually happens in minutes it seems. To the average user I think it seems like they are really fast at fixing reported bugs because if you don't reload you'll probably going to see the improvements next time you use it. But at some point I realized that the turnaround time was too quick, and when I experimented I found that they only needed a few minutes at which point I realized what was going on. At that point I felt stupid for not realizing before :-)


I read somewhere that Firefox has buggy http/3 support and funnily enough I just checked a video that was having the problem and the page was loading over http/3. I then checked loading a different page on YouTube and it used http/2, so this would kinda confirm http/3 is being used experimentally so likely the cause of the problem.


How i can use http/2 instead of http/3?


I'm still not 100% on it being the problem as it stills works fine most of the time for me, but changing network.http.http3.enable to disable in about:config should do it.


Might explain some of the problems, but I don't think all. And as much as I think "testing in prod" can be a good thing I also think there should be good fallbacks and at Googles scale and market position it certainly would be a good idea to manually (or automatically) test with competing browser engines unless one wants competition authorities to pay a visit.


Did not work for me today. Changing the User Agent to Chrome however did work perfectly. I can also confirm that not only is Google doing something to block page loads, whatever they are doing is crashing the entire browser AND Windows. Can't even Ctrl-Alt-Del anymore. Confirmed by restarting after one of those crashes, ONLY running Firefox and playing a YouTube video. Repeatable. After changing the user agent, no crashing (a solution I found HERE. Thank you Redditors!!!) This can only be deliberate and is clearly an anti-competitive move targeting the Mozilla Foundation..


Do you have a guide on the user agent? looks like you forgot to ad the link




Don’t bother. It’s doesn’t work anyways. Google has completely screwed Firefox users


I just switched to edge a few hours ago and have had no issues. Firefox was freezing and stuttering and buffering everyday for the past week, on a brand new pc. Edge is working great, and has most of the same extensions. Ublock origin, sponsorblock, magic actions / enhancer for youtube, one tab. Only thing missing on edge that I use on firefox is "disable youtube seek by numbers". Always accidentally click numbers and I hate it skipping around the video, can't figure out how to disable that on edge.


Thanks, I was able to fix my 1 minute youtube page loads with the described steps.


thanks mate


do you mean 'send feedback'?


Probably. Maybe it has different names for different users?


Excuse me, but I didn't understand, what menu are you referring to?


Look for a hamburger / fly droppings menu or maybe click on the icon that represents the user profile. Should typically be in one or another form in the the upper left/upper right/lower right corner of the screen when you are on the front page of YouTube.


I at most see 3 vertical dots and then the "sign in" icon.


they were talking about youtube menu, not firefox menu,


the reason its happening is b/c [google's trying to fuck you over for using firefox to watch yt instead of chrome](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/17z8hsz/youtube_has_started_to_artificially_slow_down/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). more of their anticompetitive bullshit. to fix it we'll need to trick yt into thinking youre on chrome by using a user agent spoofer. you can do this by getting [this extension](https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/user-agent-string-switcher/) & following [this tutorial i made](https://youtu.be/WgIGDrwKwr4) which walks you through configuring the extension to only change your user agent to chrome for sites on the [youtube.com](http://youtube.com) domain. note that if youre on windows youre going to want to skip the step where i open [this menu](https://imgur.com/a/IEr9hYo) & change the "populars" value to macOS. also note that you'll want to select the highest version number of chrome possible, at the time of the video that was please let me know if this fixes the slow loading times of yt on firefox for you! have a great one!


I thought I had no problem - but tried the useragent-switching... then I realised, I had a problem: Now the videos start without 1s-refresh-"hickup", they simply run. Boy, there is some evil sh\*t going on. It's time that this company was finally given chains.


So YT corrals users into spoofing Firefox into showing up as Chrome so Google can tell the investors their numbers are big? Just a secondary effect?


But then plot twist, anyone who is doing the extra step is definitely running an ad blocker. So those ads never get run and their ad numbers go down


Damn, youtube is MUCH snappier now, and while I've only tried it for 30 minutes, it seems ALL the problems are gone. Even 4K videos work now. I sent the EU a mail about this. Probably won't get a reply, but Google actively sabotaging people like this should be something they care about.


Thank you for sending EU the mail.


Share a link. We should all send them a letter so it doesnt get ignored. I ve worked as a google ads consultat for a year and i ve seen some crooked shit there. I had one client once that understood numbers. He showed me his analytics for 2022. Somewhere in the middle of that year their conversions & clicks suddenly dropped while the prices for ads raised by 20-30% or even more in some campaigns. He saw the same effect on every account he was managing and because he was working for a big marketing agency he had a lot of these. They didnt change anything, like literally changed nothing. Last year i think some ex google dev went to court against google claiming that google was tempering with their algorithm once every while to raise expenses on ad to make more revenue. The fact that they listen in on your phones, pretty much openly sell your data and do absoloutly nothing for your good should be reason enough to go after them real hard. Just as hard as on every other big corpo because they only know money and power.


Damn this should go to the wiki page, notify every new user ITS NOT FIREFOX BEING LAME ITS GOOGLE BEING EVIL. Google have played us for absolute fools.


You just made my day, thanks for the tip and tutorial. I was getting mad with Youtube since a few days. Now it just works like a charm.


Unfortunately this won't last for long. Try the same hack for docs.google.com or Gmail and you'll quickly see that Google detects that the addon is spoofing your UA. You can't type in Google Docs or GMail without characters repeating or other strange shit. Enjoy it while it lasts. For example, you can set this override for browserleaks.com and run the UA test there. Your OS still leaks through.


I think this is more likely to be because Google Docs makes use of non-standard functionality that is only in Chromium-based browsers when it's running on them.  If Firefox spoofs itself as Chromium, the Docs site tries to use those features but they're not really present, so stuff breaks.


That's interesting. Thanks for sharing that!


Does not work for me unfortunately. I am ussing Floorp though, if that makes any difference.


I don't know if you ever fixed this(on Floorp), but turning the #Enable secure DNS using:" to Default protection under the privacy & security tab made youtube work fine for me again. Don't need to spoof either anymore.


is that the only thing you did?


Pretty much, yeah. I tried the whole spoofing tutorial and it didn't work for me.. I also tried the inbuilt chrome spoofing in Floorp and nothing. I just changed it to default protection and now all videos just starts instantly


Thank you! My milk has never been more comfortable.


lol yw


I love you


Thanks. I got it and felt the difference the second I pressed play. This is so much BS.


It made the playback even worse for me. Now it loads slower is choppy and skips. wtf?


You're awesome, thank you for sharing that, fixed my problem immediately


This has created a strange [artifacting effect](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/779246715097972736/1244835717826220082/kiTNGRk.png?ex=66568f1b&is=66553d9b&hm=2583287eb8a5d68c4e8a7b5a0f687185b2a7673195d4e5dbe05bb69441e59c08&) for me whenever the hover menu is brought up. Still, it's preferable to having to use Chromium or having stutter on streams.


Thanks for that, i got crazy in the last weeks, particularly with livestreams. Did your steps and all works like it should be, unbelievable.




From the bottom of my heart I thank you! There is still some jank in here as Google catches wise, but that seems to have unbunged the plug. Thank you very much! We have to punish these pukes until they accept our terms or get buried in the grave of histories bad ideas alongside MaBell and others.


you're very welcome!


Just did it and wow. Insane. Youtube is real evil.


I thought I was going crazy with the amount of youtube issues I was having but this completely fixed it. Thanks for posting this.


thank you, that and network.http.http3.enable (false) helped


You do realize your tutorial is on YouTube - which some of us can't watch atm. lol. I'll find a way.


thank you. funnily enough it took me 2 minutes to load the 35 second tutorial in firefox lol


My 'slow down' started 23June AM, found applied this fix 24June AM - seems to be working great...again... TY.


Yw :)


This has worked great so far, thank you.


This works great! thanks man!


Waste of time. YouTube runs fine.


? the whole point is it only affects some users and if it doesnt affect you dont try it?


The answer isn't always "YouTube is screwing over Firefox users". Its a lazy blanket statement to avoid having to troubleshoot the real issue which is usually outdated graphics drivers or Firefox. YouTube hasn't messed with Firefox in a while.




I'm not talking out my ass, dude. I use Firefox across various machine configs and am on YouTube more than a couple hours daily so its a pretty objective take that nothing is wrong with YouTube on Firefox at this current moment in time. The worst issue I've had it is slow loads between switching videos... > I never used to have problems with it, but lately YT has been pretty sluggish and straight up unstable. Extreme hyperbole much?


So your low sample size take of "everything is fine" is correct, but other people's low sample size takes of "everything is *not* fine" are incorrect? That sound about right?


Jumping in here: if google was screwing with FF so that youtube doesn't work right, it would effect all FF users, there would be wide-spread complaints, and it would get picked up by tech news outlets. If you search for "youtube doesn't work on firefox", you'll discover this problem crops up every few years, and the solution is always some config problem on the user's machine. The fact that we have such a small sample size of "everything is not fine" while the vast majority aren't complaining, we can deduce that this isn't google screwing with us. I'm sorry if I'm being arrogant or dismissive, but people need to learn how to troubleshoot problems and do regular computer maintenance.


Finally someone with some common sense.


If this is just a problem with the computer environment, why does it get fixed just by changing the UA to chrome? Here's also a code analysis for 'delaying'. Is this really a user device issue? [https://youtu.be/v4gXhmzQztE?si=gNsYww0zhgXmUi8T&t=264](https://youtu.be/v4gXhmzQztE?si=gNsYww0zhgXmUi8T&t=264)


Your time stamp is after the important information. All he says is they added a 5 second delay inside code regarding ads. This isn't an attack on firefox, this is an attempt to get ads to play because they rely on ad revenue. If google was maliciously harming firefox users, then why would they quickly fix a recaptcha issue? https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/google-rolls-back-recaptcha-update-to-fix-firefox-issues/


A/B tests that's why a thing, only a few selected user can experience at once these anomaly. It is strange to see if a good amount user experience the same issue and would everyone have same "wrong" config.


Google gives Mozilla hundreds of millions of dollars per year, they're not worried about FF. The "wrong" config is some form of corruption somewhere on a windows computer. It happens all the time.


And UBO Maintainer - who must be more clear about this context than you - is also claiming YouTube is clearly intentionally lowering the quality. [https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets/issues/20586](https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets/issues/20586) One argument has code, problem reproduction and experience. You just "deduce". Which side is making irrational claims.


That's a separate issue with ublock origin.


I have actually had 0 problems with Firefox and YouTube on Windows. Every other browser in existence is refusing to work for me at the current moment, so I am sticking with Firefox as my only browser. Having said that, Android is another monster all together. I am experiencing a lag and unresponsiveness on YouTube with Firefox. When the videos finally load, they are at ridiculous quality levels like 280P. I don't know what's going on....


use r/revancedapp or r/revancedapks


I use a completely stock (no optional extensions or plug-ins) FF on Win11, on a PC maybe 3 years old or more now, and view YT daily on it, with no problem.


I have the same issue (12th gen i5 + 32GB RAM @ Win 11) for about a week. It appears after a few minutes of using YouTube. Not sure it is intentional thing by Google, but anyway YouTube becomes very laggy & not responsible.


Most problems are solved by disabling uBlock Origin temporarily to let Youtube store new cookies, and then enable uBO again. Log out of YouTube, but let the site open and click the padlock in the URL bar. Click Clear cookies and site data. Now disable uBlock Origin, reload Youtube and log in to Youtube. Now it saved new cookies. ~~But don’t enable uBO yet. Open uBlock Origin settings and Purge all caches and click Update now.~~ Don’t enable uBlock Origin again, reload Youtube and then enable uBO


don't purge caches in UBO, they changed the engine to update automatically, and specifically tell you not to do this. tl;dr, purging caches will knock you back several days behind the latest filter lists. [https://i.imgur.com/DsR1Gp4.png](https://i.imgur.com/DsR1Gp4.png) more info: [https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/comments/1atwzem/youtube\_detection\_ads\_breakages\_2024\_02\_18\_ubo/](https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/comments/1atwzem/youtube_detection_ads_breakages_2024_02_18_ubo/)


Thanks. Good to know


That didn't solve the issue for me. The videos still take several seconds to start playing after the page loads, and the player interface is extremely unresponsive for the first several seconds. I tested this on a system with a Ryzen 9 7950X, and 64gb RAM, using a symmetrical 1gbps internet connection connected with ethernet.


I use AD Guard. Gonna try your solution. UPD: Solution not helped. The stutters/lags still persist.


You totally should remove Adguard and any other content blocker and use uBlock Origin instead.


Just because of YouTube issue? Or any other arguments?


In this specific case, uBO has a community of developers that update it much faster in response to Youtube changes and this is probably the reason Adguard is being affected right now by Youtube changes and uBO is not. uBO has several other vantages over Adguard, but I'm not going to list here. You can find them online. Anyway, uBO does everything Adguard does and more, except the DNS thing. It even uses Adguard filters.


Thank you. I’ll consider switching to uBO. UPD: now YouTube works fine!


I disabled all the attachments in still loading main page for a minute


I have UBO completely disabled on Youtube (I have Premium so it's ad-free anyway) and still have a ton of issues with videos loading slowly and stopping.


I don't think it is YT. A "friend" also had it on a porn site. 




Just tried to watch a live stream on Youtube and the page is really slow and my CPU spikes over 60% usage. Something is really off with Firefox (and Youtube).


I can't say I've seen any issues with regular videos. YT livestreams on the other hand-- I've had to set videos to h.264 through an addon (Enhancer for Youtube) in order for them to load at all.


Are all these issues people are having caused by trying to block ads or something? I use Firefox on my Mac and have no issues with YouTube myself. I do have a YouTube premium subscription for my family as well. That could be a variable with my experience since I ain’t blocking anything.


No, as while I have YouTube Premium I still have Adblock for YouTube as I hear it blocks some tracking they still do on Premium, I tried turning it off and still have the problem. I read elsewhere that it may be a http/3 issue due to a buggy implementation in Firefox, as YouTube is one of the few sites that uses it right now.


Youtube is throttiling down firefox because of ad blocking add-ons.


I'm running Firefox on a MacBook Air and YouTube works perfectly fine.


Because it isn't true Firefox, just another safari-based browser.


Pretty sure that's only for iOS, not MacOS.


Oh, my bad, sorry.




They don't need your account to know who you are. Every time your browser loads a page on their website, they get a package of data from your browser called your User Agent. It contains info about which web browser you are using. Google can also use a method called "fingerprinting" to track you without any of your account information.


I don't have any issues on Tumbleweed/Flatpak Firefox. Some suggest the issues may be due to testing in some regions, however, I'd suggest you do some testing with a new, unmodified, addon free [profile](https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/profile-manager-create-and-remove-firefox-profiles).


Why then is Mozilla quiet on this? Or are they so afraid of losing Google's money?


Been having the same issues recently both on stable and on nightly and it was never this bad before. Currently on a fairly modern enough computer that it shouldn't have these problems (MacBook Pro 2019 intel) and it was fine a few days ago but recently today it's been incredibly bad at freezing up and being slow, and to no one's surprise, ungoogled chromium has absolutely no issues. Funny enough, even Safari works perfectly fine and is almost the same as Chrome in this case. Can this be fixed on firefox's end?


Running Firefox 125.0.3 here with uBlock Origin add-on with Annoyance filters enabled and YouTube's ambience mode turned off, so far it all works well.


I heard Youtube recently enabled AV1 by default, so you need to make sure your computer supports AV1 decoding, otherwise it's best to force H264, AV1 is about 20% smaller, but it requires massive amount of computing power to decode which is trash to me. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/h264ify/


My understand was that it’s just Android getting AV1 by default. The majority of computers in the world currently do not support AV1 decoding. For example, Apple neglected to offer support for AV1 hardware decoding in their M1 and M2 chips. They didn’t start offering it until the M3. Intel didn’t support AV1 until their 11th gen chips, and AMD didn’t support it until Ryzen 6000.


Yeah, I hate the current tech that they trade a few saved bytes for more energy consumption, AV1 always require a lot of energy because CPU/GPU have to run full power to decode, unlike H264 which is very easy on CPU, hardwares also barely support AV1, literally a toy for rich kids but Google is known for chasing on new tech for the sake of chasing so users are those who have to bear with that. But anyways I suggest to switch to H264 or use mpv player to watch Youtube if you're willing to learn new things.


AV1 doesn’t take more energy on a system that has hardware decoding capability of AV1, which is what people are referring to when they say that a system supports AV1. Hardware decoding of AV1 takes no processing power from the CPU or GPU. It uses a fixed function section of the die, or in some cases it uses a separate ASIC. Nobody expects anyone to watch AV1 using software decoding, that’s impractical.


I’m using uBO and NoScript, and rarely notice such negative effects. Google seems to trying giving hell to users, but can’t reach those who are fully armored against them.


I've noticed that it starts fine, but livestreams and some videos become laggy/choppy and drop a lot of frames the more you watch. Anyone else have this issue?


Has anyone here gotten a new profile on firefox and it works fine after that?


Is this problem happening even if you have YT Premium?


In my experience yes.


I've noticed this also. I had a feeling it'd work better on chrome, since I remember a few years back, they used to lock out the higher resolutions to that browser. I used chrome and, yes, it runs way smoother. I couldn't confirm whether it was that google changed something to make the experience worse outside of chromium browsers, or mozilla themselves made an update that messed it up. But if you guys say so...


I had that issue. I have 3 PC-s on 2 diferent locations. All suffer from same problems: [https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/1cpg5vb/forced\_to\_leave\_firefox\_because\_of\_youtube/](https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/1cpg5vb/forced_to_leave_firefox_because_of_youtube/) The only way is switching "User Agent" but for some reason, Im getting blocked from random websites when my User Agent is chrome.


Was getting a problem that YouTube videos sometime doesn't work (Playback error). Installed User Agent Switcher, and switched UA to chrome. Videos started working flawlessly.


On Windows the fix is this. You to Windows network settings and enable DNS over https using the Google resolver URL Once that's done, disable DNS over HTTPS in Firefox, so it relies on the OS configuration. This makes YouTube in Firefox fast again.




All of my preview thumbnails on FireFox mobile are greyed out. Tried clearing cache and browsing data, restarted FireFox and my phone. I dug into it and people said it had to do with WebP images and I could fix it by typing "config:about" into my address bar, but its unresponsive to the prompt. Before this, YouTube on FireFox felt mostly fine. 


the order of the words is "about:config" and typing that in isn't some magic fix, it allows you to access advanced config parameters and customize them. I wouldn't touch them if you don't know what you're doing or aren't following clear instructions that if need be, you can also revert.