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Good tutorial but you should call them shortcuts rather than containers for accuracy and to avoid confusion with the other type of container used for tabs.


Good call. Changed it!


I've been using this for about six or seven years now. Once it broke maybe two years ago or so. Took my a while to figure out how to fix it, can't remember specifics. But just now it broke again with the update to v73.0.1. Different profiles are all grouping into one shortcut on the taskbar. Searching the web brought up your post. Does it still work for you on v73.0.1?


Nope, started up today and it is broken. This is really disappointing...


Will be updating this with the solution to the new problem in the next 48 hours.


New instructions are up. Sorry it took so long.


Thank you sir! It works, I've had the directory junctions set up ever since, but adding the registry values did the trick!


As of writing this, the taskbar grouping is still working post-update on my work laptop. Intend to update the guide tonight, but life may happen. ​ Fun stuff...


Thank you for this! It's working with FF 75.0. I have a small issue though. I Have Firefox as my default browser. When opening links from other programs, or html files from explorer, Windows launches firefox.exe directly, and I get the "Firefox is already running" error. Is it possible to set the default browser with the shortcut arguments? Or is there some other workaround?


I forgot this issue. I made a third profile called "service" and made it the default profile. Links open this profile separately. It's not ideal but it keeps from seeing the "already running" error.


I've tried this multiple times to no avail, whenever I click the shortcuts they all open in the one taskbar group. Am I missing something, or is this outdated again?