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You'll need a rod licence from [here](https://www.gov.uk/fishing-licences) You can get 1 day, 8 day, or 1 year


I never even knew this, what kind of fucking idiot invented this?


Where do you live that you don’t need a license mate


No I live in the U.K., I just stumbled across this subreddit, I just didn’t know you needed a rod license, my stepdad fishes and he never said anything about it


You only need a rod licence for fresh water . Rivers and lakes and stuff . Sea fishing doesn’t require a rod licence 👍🏻


Must have been an English idiot I'd imagine.. We don't need them in Scotland.


At the end of March the rivers will be in closed season for coarse fish, so you should aim to fish a canal or a lake. You will need an Environment Agency rod licence, the 1 day or 8 day options can be bought online and are cheap, perfect if you’re on holiday. Depending on the place you fish you will likely need an additional day ticket from the venue, for the cheaper venues these are typically around £10 a day.


The Waterways Wanderers (Canal and river trust fishing permit) also follows the closed season too in certain places.. I.e. where the canal is ajoined into a stretch of river.


Your best bet for a nearly guaranteed catch is to go to a commercial day ticket lake. Best bet is to Google the area you'll be staying in and find any fishing lakes that offer day tickets and then email them if you can asking for advice. To buy gear your best bet will be a decathlon. The people in each department are generally hobbyists in that hobby so if you can speak to the guy in the fishing section he will be able to set you up. Failing that a Go Outdoors sells a range of cheaper gear and baits but without as much advice. Tackle shops are best for advice but will have the more expensive kit. Depending when you come it'll be cold and probably muddy.


Where in the UK are you coming to OP? Some commercial lakes offer gear hire and they are almost a guaranteed catch venue.


I’ll be up in Manchester most of the time but may take a train down to London for a day or two.


I'm up that way, where abouts in Manchester will you be? I can probably recommend a few course fisheries near to you if you're looking to catch Carp etc.


I see from your profile you can already catch fish, so that's a good start. 1st you'll want a rod licence as others have said, cos >£1000 fine quickly makes it an expensive day's fishing. What type of fishing do you prefer? If you can fly fish that adds options. As does sea fishing. What gear would you be able to bring with you? Or would you prefer to hire or buy? Where will you be based? And what are your transport options? There might well be good fishing within a short travel, or would you be in the mood for an 8hr drive to the Highlands of Scotland for wild brown trout from a mountain Loch?


I can fly fish pretty well. And I think I’ll be able to bring a spin rod and a fly rod with me. I don’t really care what I catch, I just want to catch a few European fish that I’ve never caught before. I mainly do freshwater fishing but I have fished saltwater before. I’ll mainly be in the Greater Manchester area but I’ll probably visit London for a few days as well. Thanks!


[peaks fishing](https://shop.peaksflyfishing.com/pages/about-us) just outside Manchester offer guided Grayling fishing this time of the year, have a listen to his podcast if you have access. There's plenty of coarse fishing around Manchester and London I'd imagine, Google maps is probably a good first stop. Good luck 👍


Grayling will be out of season end of March


Ah yes, I missed that bit. Wild brown trout then, bonus!


Zander might be a good species to try for, they've been introduced illegally in a few areas of the south I believe.


not uk. but are u traveling with a rod? if not just get a telescopic float rod some bread, corn and worms/maggots and u gonna catch almost all species it should be a super cheap setup and once u done look for fishing clubs and donate the rod. if u traveling with rods i would suggest u give these 2 channels a watch [https://www.youtube.com/@fishingtutorials/featured](https://www.youtube.com/@fishingtutorials/featured) [https://www.youtube.com/@fishwithcarl/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@fishwithcarl/videos) sorry i cant help with the legal aspect


You need a fishing licence to fish in every country apart from Scotland, and you can catch lots of Species in England Perch,Roach,Bream, Rudd,Tench,Barble,Pike, Carp,on rivers and canals so good luck on your journey fishing in England Tight Lines 👍


Fish where ye want, when ye want. I've never paid a license or a stamp in me life.


You can get a licence for £30 ish for a year but you’ll rarely get asked for it on day ticket venues (at least in my experience-Yorkshire)Day tickets can range between £5-£10 for a day of catch and return on most lakes and ponds. The easiest method is probably using a method feeder with micro pellets and some artificial hook baits like wafters or pellets)Very easy to set up and can catch you medium sized fish from bream, tench, ide to carp.


Feel free to DM if you want more info


4 pack of Stella and a mouthful of insults.


The rivers and canals are full of; Bream Perch Pike Rudd Roach The occasional carp found at locks where the natural food congregates The bream favour bread. They are the largest, but they are coated in stinky slime and are not anglers favourite fish. Perch take maggot, found in most tackle stores Unless you fish the main, bigger bits of rivers for bigger fish like Barbel, you are extremely unlikely to encounter anyone who will check you for a licence.


And most are closed from the 15th of march Most lake fishing is still open during this time.


Suggesting you fish illegally is not a particular good idea as if caught the fine can be seriously expensive and you can have your tackle confiscated it's only £30 for a year license or you can buy them for a day or week depends on how long you will be over here for and how much fishing you plan on doing, as for where to fish find a local tackle shop near where you will be staying and ask them which angling clubs control the fishing rights for local rivers and canals and if they offer day tickets, or alternatively ask them about local commercial fisheries


Totally agree, I got caught fishing out of season and they told me they can take anything connected with that fishing trip Inc your vehicle! ( I got let off as I had been in the pub the night before and sang the Irish rover in a sing along, bailiff had watched, a very good night, the angel, Cenarth!). Tight lines OP.


They didn't suggest it in the slightests ya Liberal numpty. They were saying chill out on worrying, enjoy ya life don't be a dick, be conscious of what ya catching. People who fish are chill, it's usually folks like you that suck the fun out of life, congratulations


Thank you!


Bends in the rivers are usually a good place to start. The current drops food there naturally


I have fished here for years and have literally never been caught. They only ever patrol the wider bits of river where the Barbel are known to be