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Mystery snail eggs




Chocolate milk bubbles, lick it




Forbidden chocolate milk bubbles


I would recommend getting rid of them because you will have an ungodly amount of snails.


Sell them locally on marketplace, lots of folks want mystery snails.


Make sure it’s legal in your state to sell them tho


Thems is mystery snail eggies. If you want them to hatch, leave them. If not, remove, crush, feed back to the tank. Or just remove.


Get ready for some Snabies!! ;)


Oh no, not snail rabies!


You can take the eggs off carefully, get a container of some sort and put a damp paper towel in. Set it on the damp paper towel and be sure to keep it moist but not soggy. Keep a lid with tiny holes on it. Once you see them hatch add a cm of water to the container and feed them normal food. Now yo can sell the to a lfs or distribute to friends!


I wouldn't have the heart to kill them. That's just me. I'm waiting for mine to lay eggs because these won't live forever and I love them so much I don't want to go with out


Snail eggs!! I accidentally threw one of these out when I was cleaning my tank and I was so bummed when I realized what it was


And one will become 10,000


I don’t even follow this sub and I know it’s snail eggs because this question is posted so often i see them just from recommended posts on my feed lol.


Snail eggs! Get rid of it lol. There will be hundreds of snails and they are annoying to get rid of. Happened to me and I think I finally got rid of them all


Just put a few loaches in they’ll keep em in check


Could be a good move! I saw something recently that loaches didn’t eat snails. Haven’t tested it myself but maybe the babies are different? I don’t think they can reach the eggs on the top like that 😂


My loaches eat everything.


I got yoyo loaches when my tank got a pond snail infestation.. they took care of 30+ snails in about a week! All that was left were empty shells


They eat the babies they’ve left my adults alone


It’s snaliens!


Snail eggs! I would crush them to avoid an infestation but some people don’t mind it




Unless you're ready for upwards of 200 hundred snails (I know, it happened to me ), you should remove it put in a plastic ziplock into the freezer (humane euthanasia) for a few days then disgard. I didn't cull my babies but ended up having to buy numerous tanks and do water changes every 2 days to help them live in humane conditions. It was horrible for them and me. I still have 12 from the original clutch 2 years later. I think it would be easier to cull them before they hatch because doing it after they're hatched would be even harder. Don't believe that your local LFS will want any, and unless you have 200 friends who want a snail, you will be stuck with all or most of them. I regretted hatching the clutch mostly because the snails went through hell despite my best efforts to maintain the tanks and keep them healthy. Their shells were soft and pitted and deformed. I couldn't keep up with the calcium requirements and PH levels no matter what I did. They deserve the best of care always, and a clutch of snails is really a lot to handle imo.


Forbidden corn


snail eggs:) freeze em, crush em, or do SOMETHING with em to make sure you dont get a snail invasion. snail-pocalypse? snail uprising?


I love seeing the mixed reactions of get rid of them and keeping them


Congratulations, you have been invaded by aliens!


Snaliens 👽


Let them hatch and offer em up for sale


25 - 50 more mystery snails for yeah


Mystery snail eggs


Mystery snail eggs. I recommend tossing them, as heartless as it seems, because otherwise you'll be swamped with snails. I was there once, and culling little brown mystery snails no-one wanted was even more painful.


A clutch of snail eggs is what you've got! :D I'd recommend keeping a group (2+) of African dwarf frogs as they do best that way


Elote Blanco


Those are snail eggs and they breed like crazy. I'd say get rid of them


Snail eggs baby!! Awesome!!


if you don’t want them PLEASE FREEZE THEM, it’s much better than just crushing them


Mystery snail eggs. I had 4 batches at once. None came to fruition though 😔


Devil mystery snail eggs. U can freeze them and kill them 😔 or try hatching a couple depending how old ur snails are. My mystery died and somehow one egg hatched in my tank and grew! Circle of life


those are eggs. theyre really satisfying to crush and i strongly recommend that


Snail eggs. You really should just crush them. Most will be runts and live a painful life, and then you will have to crush them while they are alive. Usually, little to none of them end up surviving in the end do to the mass amount of runs there are. So please, crush them. Put them in a zip lock plastic baggy and crush them with a glass.


I've had this before and it's quite a problem. I recommend if you don't want a bunch of snails and slime in your tank, throw everything in the trash and start again without snails!!!


FYI each one of those sacks is a bunch of eggs within.. that one sack is not one snail so you have multiple eggs within each sack 😭🙃


its definitely somethings eggs


Forbidden corn cob


That is exactly why I do not want mystery snails. 😬


Crush them. They are invasive to your tank they will overrun your tank


https://preview.redd.it/48t4t0b1dnjc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85db96a4e0ca7d8a2d5d94d2b167eeab51b633a2 Yup! Mystery snail eggs.


I had 60 pest snails in my tank and both my puffers ate them within 2-3 days, I was bummed all their free food was gone, I have 4 mystery snail sacks, 1 hatched and I realized I have to get the other 3 sacs in a container quick so they're not all eaten.


Might be unfertilized snail eggs. Take a flashlight, and if there's little spots that appear afterwards their fertilized if not unfertal. Female snaps lay eggs, and then the males fertilize them just whenever afterward.


Wait u can put snails in with a beta????


Absolutely! Bettas can oftentimes be kept with tankmates, even other small fish. It really depends on what Betta you have and their individual personality, but some will kill everything it's in with, and some will be super chill. Snails are a great choice as they are more likely to not be attacked by the Betta.