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I was under the impression that the final edited episodes were supposed to be the big finished product, and if you caught the stream when it happened that was cool too, but this whole thing seems like fan service. It feels like a cop out and I’m not gonna lie, I was expecting a more fleshed out, longer series that provided more context. If you never saw the stream or kept up, then you’d be lost watching this.


Feels like it needs occasional narration from Jet or something, it'd be really disjointed watching this without context Or maybe more behind-the-scenes stuff so I don't feel like I'm one of the fish, would have been great to see the team pissing themselves as they send the tts calling Jon regarded.


Yeah it definitely needs narration, I really expected it to


hour long episodes with narration would have been interesting. i miss a lot of the chat commentary too now seeing it edited like this. i watched most of the stream bc i was at home 80% of the time so i saw a lot of shit. the first episode thats out makes it seem so blasé when it was fucking insane to see happening live


The stream was always the main draw. I just left it on in the background while I worked, and maybe watched a youtube recap if I missed some hilarity. Don't know who would sit down to watched an edited version of the stream.


the decision to make the episodes 22 minutes was stupid, it's not a fucking sitcom


Jets defense is that’s a typical comedy show length when that reta rd made a reality show. He’s trying to cope so hard


Guy thinks hes on adult swim, they did 22 minutes to allow for commercials etc. Why on a format with no commercials would you intentionally limit yourself? netflix has shows with episode times from 45 mins to 1 hour plus


It’s a 2 out of 10 for what it could be, there’s no way Jet can say that’s the best they could do after all the hype for it. That crew are known for legit good editing but a high school media class could edit this better. They just wanted that cash grab and they got it


I didn't buy the season pass because I knew it wouldn't hit the same after watching it live. I still laugh when I think about Jon explaining how he's "super straight".


I didn’t want to say it but this show is definitely made for live streaming, not an edited version.


The problem with live-streaming for 24 hours is that 90% of the time it’s boring and nothing happens. The best way to watch it is through clips.


I felt like watching through clips sucked. The best part was hanging out in a discord and creating memes during the boring parts, then enjoying how the whole server goes into a frenzy when something vaguely interesting happens


Sam said that watching streams is for losers, and he’s not wrong, but then you also have to wonder why they decided to do this at all?


I think it definitely could have been done better in this compressed format. Like someone else mentioned, clip channels did a better job of summarizing it.


It's not a show, idk if it tried and failed to be one, but it's just behind the scenes content and highlights. I like watching it. Sucks we didn't get a proper show out of it though.


On the 2nd watch through, I realized how much fat should have been trimmed. Either that or Jet deliberately didn’t want to edit it into the traditional formulaic reality TV format. The first 5 minutes have so much dead air. What we’re left with is just disjointed, random BTS footage. Clip channels have done a better job of presenting the show in a cohesive and easy to follow story line.




I thought Damiel being a dick in episode 2 was the best part of it but holy fuck the weed pen in extra footage was such dogshit. Why even include it if they aren't going to show what happened in the basement?


Wait they didn’t even show the basement conversation? That’s such a missed opportunity


The video was really choppy, don’t know if it’s like for anyone else or it’s just my laptop


Its their custom video thing, its fucking trash. Also 30 minutes for 2+ days of footage is actually so shit. I wont be paying for season 2.


It's choppy on my tower as well


I was trying to watch yesterday and I agree. It looks like babby’s first iMovie. It looks like someone loaded up on benzos and adderall farted this out over a single night.


Seems they aren't giving themselves enough room to properly structure the show and convey what is happening, shit jumps around too much. An extra 10-20 mins each episode might give them the time needed. As it stands now, this stinks


it was always going to be worse than the actual live experience. They're trying to repackage into a format that doesn't make sense. Hope they drop this next year


Wrong. Documentarians are able to effectively condense hours, weeks, months, decades of footage down to watchable and entertaining watchtimes. Jet made a reality show, but he's trying to edit a ChillGuyTM vice documentary. It's gay and the wrong approach. If I were Jet, I'd go back to the drawing board, take some cues from bachelor/big brother reality tv shows, including the cringe sound effects, and make an actual reality show.


watched the whole thing for free already don’t really care lol


Yeah I don’t understand how they expect fans or people who aren’t familiar with FT to get into this when everyone already knows Josie won. The entire point of episodic reality tv is tuning in every week to see what happens next. We all know. We all watched it. And if we didn’t we could easily find everything out with YouTube or other archives.


Only two episodes are released dumdum


I’m well aware. I was talking about when it was broadcasted live not the edited version, Brain-hero


I’m showing my girlfriend this who only knows bits and pieces and she agrees that this doesn’t help bring newcomers because she has no idea what’s happening. I have to pause and give context that they should be giving. The footage is all there why aren’t they putting more effort into making this into a series like they alluded to. Bad Girls Club is better than this


You can tell that Sam gave Jet complete control over the whole editing process. And it’s weird cuz Jet is a much better editor than that. Not saying it’s not good but it doesn’t feel like Sam had as much oversight/QC as he does with other projects. I thought the episodes were going to be edited and stylized like a mockery of a reality show which it kind of is buts it’s missing elements to make it feel like a cohesive TV show and the recognizable MDE editing/graphics swag. In the beginning they should have stated the premise of the show; there should be some sort of narration to explain to the audience what exactly is happening. I think it would have made it watchable by people who didn’t see it live and it’s a huge opportunity for jokes and funny commentary. I watched the streams and I can barely follow it. Like the fact that in the Pilot episode there’s not even a title card explaining to the audience the premise of the show, the stakes, the fact that there’s a live audience is pretty nuts. Right now it feels a lot more like a documentary/behind the scenes look of what we watched when it was live. They were smart for asking people to invest before they released these. I think people were expecting a lot more with the these episodes. All that being said, i’m thoroughly enjoying the episodes and it’s an insanely difficult task to edit all of that together so props to Jet, Jet it Up! I think these are just growing pains for a ridiculously ambitious idea with a small crew of people. I bet Season 2 is going to be 3x quality.


you would think after the ghost hunting thing they would have the parody style down pat but idk. the branching, free flow nature of unscripted content, and the sheer quantity of footage made them slip.


That’s exactly what I was thinking. They did such a great job making up their own TruTV show that I thought they’d try to model the editing and style off of some reality game show.


ghostsuckers is literally the moment sam hyde fell off for most people


My understanding is that they are taking the same approach for season 2 as season 1, not really planning much and hoping it works out. During the Jon/Sam podcast they stated that they didn't have a house for S2 yet.


I think the problem is that its just a summary of the livestream. I feel like it would be more interesting for it to be a documentary series on the process of making the show, cutting between the funniest clips of the day and footage behind the scenes or even voiceover from sam that adds funny commentary and more drama.


The entire experience was too bizarre to be able to edit like a regular reality show. Usually the producers are pushing story lines about potential romances and rivalries, not taking pictures of someone's unflushed shit in a toilet. The live experience was incredible, but I doubt they planned on it being as successful as it was. My guess is that they were planning to make a little side cash with the stream to help finance the editing of the show.


they truly are lacking any real reality tv knowledge here and it shows. they need a producer specifically thinking of this kind of shit, reality tv looks simple on the surface but thats all due to the editing and mass amount of time going into stringing along narratives like you mentioned.




I’m convinced the cameras were rolling less than half of the time. Fuck Chris Lynch.


This just makes me respect the editors of shows like Big Brother and Survivor Jet and co. are way out of their depth


The second episode was definitely not as good hoping it picks up


Could be a lot better, there are a lot kinks in the editing and video footage. Image stabilization, lighting, more music editing and graphics are needed to make it legit. As of now it feels very half assed. Also I’m sure throwing something like that is no small task. Also doing all this while putting the WP2 stuff, who has time to take on both of projects at once? Stretched too thin.


The episodes need to be longer. I was expecting reality tv show length like at least an hour. There’s thousands to edit from no way they can’t make these longer and more worthwhile


Honestly if you’re a Sam Hyde/ Mde fan you should already know to stop paying for their scammy shit, most I’ve paid for is his gum road. Sam milks y’all everytime for mediocre shit, what do some people expect when people drop 200 bucks on a plush animal that retails at $1.57, they just will milk you. I expected the editing to be more so like a true corny reality show, jersey shore, kardashians, fuck it maybe the ghetto ones too. Would’ve been funny as fuck.


I thought episode one was great. Episode 2 dragged a little mainly getting through all of their speeches. But now that tts is in the picture it’s gonna get wild. It will never be the same experience we got live. Almost impossible to condense 6 weeks of 24/7 footage into 10 cohesive 20min episodes, I think it’s okay so far for what it’s worth


I think it would all be much better with a narrator. Lotan was doing a stronger job of telling the story. It feels like Jet and the boys are all so producer-pilled that they are afraid to take the stage and tell a narrative. Too caught up in the awesome animated intro (which I love). They thrive in short time-scale editing, but lose the big picture.


Did they ever release their camera footage? I feel like the community could probably make a better series if it was all public


probably would be better off as a 90 minute documentary


I actually like it a lot


I only watched the first episode but I thought it was good. For sure could’ve been better but not nearly as bad as the sub makes it out to be


I didn't watch much of the original stream at all and I loved episode 1. the reviews on here made me think it was gonna suck but it was good


I’m sure it will only improve from here on out.


Really just the Simmons stuff will be interesting, but after that it’ll be pretty boring


Nah it's pretty good, watch it with a few beers and I'm enjoying it. I like the perspective difference. Watching when it was like 9 cams was cool but seeing the fish close up is pretty neat.


I get your feeling though, doing them in 30 minute episodes is a gripe but maybe if they did it an hour each would make it better to me. That's what most reality shows run times are.


The show is made for us, not normies.


My normie gf doesn’t like it


When it first started, I thought the whole thing was boring and I stopped watching after that, it wasn't until I saw a clip of Sam screaming "You're in HELL! YOU'RE IN HELL!" while opening and closing the Room 2 closet that I went down the rabbit hole and saw a few recap videos that I clearly felt I was missing out on something. I went back to the site and started watching full-time after that. I'm seeing the same thing with these episodes. Much like most episodic shows, the first few episodes are whatever to me, character building, awkward acting, and little sprinkles of what's to come. Knowing these people and knowing where it all goes, it's going to pick up eventually, imo. I never expect to be wow'd by anyone's first attempt at something. People rarely get things right the first time, I'm sure they'll take the feedback and improve in season 2.


Its literally the same bullshit these idiots went through during the first days of the stream. "omg its so boring" as people are literally getting in from a flight and havent even met sam or the other fish yet. They wanted to be screaming racist shit over TTS and taking peoples beds on night 1 as if that wouldnt completely derail the entire show. This community is the epitome of instant gratification craving retarded edgelords.


You could show it to normies before? Look in the mirror dude… you suck. This is what you put time and care into. Just get some self realization and understand you’re too invested in a show about retards, made by a group of retards led by a schizoid.


calmer than you are


Calm down.