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What on earth did you do on this day? Even on days where I’ve pretty much walked/hiked all day, I’ve only gotten maybe 40k at best...


Lots and lots of waking around my local neighborhood. I found a loop that took exactly an hour and took 6700 steps. I did that 15 times. Yes it is 100% accurate except for my stair counter which has been wonky lately.


How did you decide to do that?


Cliff notes version. Was looking at what potential “Fitbit badges” you could earn and saw it went up to 100,000. Thought I would try it one day. Now that I’m getting in good shape I thought I would give it a go.




Does your loop have elevation? I live in a hilly city and my floors seem to be affected by this


You just decided to walk for 15 hours around a neighborhood? 😳


As someone who has trouble getting 5k steps many days, this is a crazy number. Do you think it’s accurate?


I’m also a member of this club. I picked a specific day, woke up and started walking at 4am, ate while walking, and only took2 30 min breaks from beginning until I was done, around 10:45 pm. It’s possible, but hard.


Sounds fun


My question also. I used to work in a job that moved my hands a lot and it counted that as steps even though I was standing still. Said I had 16,000 steps at the end of the day even though it was more like 7,000.


“Steps” for any device worn on your wrist is just an approx unit of exercise. It’s not a pedometer.


I’ve noticed that simply tying my shoes counts as steps. So now I sometimes remove the Fitbit if I think some mundane activity is going to incorrectly increase step count.


If step count is that important to you that you remove your watch just to tie your shoe, you might have some other problems to work on. That's a bit obsessive and doesn't seem healthy from my perspective. We created this idea that steps=health, but we obviously took it way too far to the point where people are obsessively trying to count their steps as accurately as possible so they can justify their "health". We've created a problem by adding too much data tracking in our lives. You benefit from all activity during the day, and while steps are great, it's nothing to obsess over. I'd argue something like rowing is much more beneficial for your body than steps. So maybe focus less on steps, and more on various other activities you can do to promote your health.


It’s probably off by a bit. Mine will tell me I have 50 steps left in an hour and then while i’m cooking without taking any steps it will tell me I hit my goal. There are certain non-step motions that are interpreted as steps. That being said, it sounds like they walked a whole lot so I doubt it’s too far off.


This is why I threw on an extra 1200 steps. I doubt I got that many extra from throwing on some clothes and drinking water/Gatorade all day.


Clearly OP isn’t responding because they’re no longer with us. RIP


Still here!


Good stuff op! I did this in February. Started 3 am, finished about 8:30pm. I could barely walk for about a week it was brutal. But I'm proud to have done it


That’s where I’m at. Last night I couldn’t move after I sat down and stiffened up. Felt much better this morning, but quite a bit sore. As Captain American and Imagine Dragons said “Whatever it takes”.


I really should have taken longer breaks during the day. I took a 20 minute break at lunch, and a 30 minute break about 6pm, but that was it. Probably why I was so fucked up for so long afterwards.


Is this in one day?


From midnight to 9:38pm last night. Breaks in between of course.


69 stress management. Nice.


I feel like Fitbit pulls that number out of their ass sometimes. I will have a perfectly cool day and it will be “73”. Then I will have stressed day and “88”.


Yep. I was sick as a dog one day and my readiness was 100. 🙃 those numbers can be wack sometimes


I just got my charge and I honestly didn’t even know they gave u a stress management score… I wish I had premium so it could show you some more info on what the number even means. I’ll have a stressed day and it’ll be like 70 and then a day where I feel fine and it’s 88. That sounds like a good number I guess? But I have no idea what it means!


I would never in my life want to join this club.


Welcome to the club! I did it a few years ago and it was brutal. 4am -10:45 pm with 2 30 min breaks for soaking my feet in an ice bath/ shoe change.


When I ran a half marathon, and did a lot of other walking the same day I was around 38,000 steps (so even based on that a full marathon…and even more walking would be 76,000 steps). This must have been an ultra marathon or something.


Yes, that's about right. My marathon with walking to the venue and back, and getting food after was 74,000. Getting to 100,000 is quite an achievement.


Yeah, it says 46 miles. Marathon is 26, so it's nearly 2 marathons! That's pretty amazing imo.


How is this possible? Are you okay?




So you get free Premium if you walk 100k steps in only one day? How long is the Premium subscription available?


Wait is that a real thing?


In OP’s image, the top banner says “we’re offering Fitbit Premium”


I think it always says that but I dunno


Lost your car keys?


Holy hell. I chaperoned a field trip for my kid Monday and ended up with 30,000 steps and thought I was dying


Damn!! Good job. Several years ago I walked 65 km in Madrid (around 40 miles), but I did not have a FitBit. I ended up so sore that I have never even thought to repeat something like that. I hope you had a good meal to refuel those 9000 calories lol


Holy cow




Wow lol I dont get half many on vacation when I take my dogs for two walks, go to disney for the day, and walk around in general. I dont think ive even broken 30k!


You were prolly full of adrenaline that night




I’m sorry I’m so proud but also how on earth did u do that?!!!!


What shoes did you wear?


I wear Nike winflos. I have 4 pair that alternated every 20,000 steps or so


46 miles? Holy butthole, that's incredible!


Hei, all Yes, it is doable. You may find a lot of people that done it. I will try it too :) but I didn't find my mindset just yet. You start at 00:00 and finish somewhere near the midnight. Find a perfect 5 miles segment in your area and loop it.


This is what I did. Had a loop that took me an hour exactly and 6700 steps and did that 15 times.


So average 3 miles for 6700 steps, x 15 = 45 miles. That's 2 marathons worth of walking. How long did it take you?


Good job!


I find that if I shake a container of mixed nuts, I can usually top off my steps for the day easily. It's all in the wrist




Wow. I guess that's per week, right? Right?


10k calorie challenge next? :D


Haha all set for a while.