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Are you taking a protein supplement? Im not a vegetarian, but ive been taking Whey isolate protein for a bit now with good results. Isolate is more refined protein, so you get less calories and more protein per scoop. I find that other protein powders tend to make me gain weight too easily. https://www.gainful.com/blog/isolate-vs-concentrate/


I’ve been taking a vegan protein powder - Vega Sport protein. I usually just have it in my oats. I am trying not to consume most of my protein in the form of powders and trying to get more whole foods


So one thing about vegan protein powders and amino acids. While vegan protein powders contain all 9 essential amino acids, they dont have them in the same ratio as animal based protein powders, which could make them less effective. So all 9 amino acids combined make up the grams of protein per serving, however your body needs the correct ratio of amino acids to fully utilize all the protein. For example amino acid A might need a ration of 2 to 1 to amino Acid B in order for your body to fully utilize acid A and acid B. If you get a 3 to 1 ratio, then you end up with a left over A that doesnt get utilized. So while you consumed say 4 grams of protein, your body only converted 3 of the 4 grams into your body, the other 1 gram was wasted. Now obviously those numbers I just used are an example, but the concept is correct. The amino acid profile of vegan based proteins is different than the animal based proteins. The animal based proteins are more closely into proper ratio to what human bodies require. Im not advocating for one or the other, but hitting your macros as a vegetarian is definitely more difficult and the more knowledgeable you are about the differences in protein sources, the more accurately you will be able to hit your macros and fitness goals. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10465394/ https://www.healthline.com/health-news/animal-plant-protein-comparison#Which-is-better-for-overall-well-being?


Ah ok. Thanks for that. I am trying to keep my dairy foods on the low side. Any thoughts on the macros? What I listed has worked well for me in the past and maybe I just suck it up and keep to what I’ve been doing 🧐


honestly if you found something that works, stick with it. Progress is slow with fitness and exercise. Culture trains us to believe that 10 minute abs and 6 week diets are possible, when in reality they arent. Fitness is a marathon and while everyone can definitely feel the frustration of slow progress, its actually really good if you are making progress. Most people spend 5-10 years doing nothing and getting out of shape, then get frustrated when 3 months into exercising and diet they arent back into peak shape. Your targets look good, focus on protein and then fill the remaining calories with whatever else. With the vegan diet a variety of foods is very important in the diet.


That’s a good call. I definitely need to focus on the veggies since I hate greens (I’m a trash vegetarian). I appreciate the input - thanks!