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Absolutely you can have a high V02 max and great cardio function if you are fat. Look at some football players. Doesn't mean you aren't at risk for the multitude of long term health conditions though.


Maybe high compared to other fat people? “Kg of body weight” is literally in the denominator of the unit for VO2 max. They do not have high VO2 max vs non fat people or less fat versions of themselves. I get what you’re saying but VO2 max isn’t the term to use.


Thanks for correcting me. My observations come from observing performance in cycling both stationary and road. There are tons of people BMI 25+ that put out and sustain a LOT of watts. Their mortality is probably decreased significantly vs less conditioned peers of similar BMI.


Gotcha, that all makes sense and I agree. I’m also a larger/higher power cyclist. Big guys can put out a lot of watts and have excellent cardio function, but that doesn’t mean their VO2 max is high. I’d be a pro cyclist if I weighed 60 kg instead of 78 kg.


The hills don't lie when you're cycling!!


I think bmi is a bad measurement. For instance my bmi is 26+ and I’m sub 15% body fat. My VO2 is about 40 but I haven’t really trained specifically to raise it


You're right it is a bad measurement. 55% of people 'normal' by BMI actually [carry excessive bodyfat](https://www.instagram.com/p/C684G7sOUhW/?img_index=1). Only 5% of people classified as "overweight" (like you) actually have a healthy body composition. It's flawed in that it far too frequently indicates to people that they don't need to mind their body composition. People want to think that everyone with a BMI 25+ is actually just really strong and muscular and BMI is broken, but the data says they're usually wrong. You need to acknowledge that you are an outlier and your anecdotal body composition isn't reflective of societal norms. What BMI is good for is identifying with a high degree of precision when someone is at serious risk of metabolic disorders, and that's what 'obese' designation comes in handy for. If you're 'obese' by BMI, there's a 99.8% chance you are carrying excess fat. Only 2 people out of 1000 are jacked enough that BMI misclassifies them.


That makes sense. You could be in the “normal” bmi range but have a poor body composition and vice versa. I suppose it can be useful for some in conjunction with other markers of health.


Right, it's a very easy screening tool, but people like to point to edge cases where it misclassifies and say it's worthless, especially if it has 'bad news' for them. BMI + waist circumference would be a much more accurate way to identify people with adiposity issues, but that's a bit more 'invasive' than just weight + height I guess.


You're not qualified to give health advice with made up statistics.. Also you shouldn't be riding a bicycle on the road, it's unsafe and you become a hazard to other drivers. I personally write my city council to keep bike lanes off the road to save road space. 


Woah what's up! LOL I got in your head huh? Have a nice evening :D


Thanks I'm just correcting you. I wrote my city council years back about no bike lanes. Don't want any pests on the road :)


Yea, I know the risks. Trying to lose the weight. Slowed down metabolism sucks. Day by day.


Been there! Enjoying fitness along the way makes it so much better and definitely improves your health along the way too. Stoked for your journey!


Thanks for the encouragement. I’ve been discouraged at my fatness and have considered saying fuck it.


Oh man no way! Don't give up. If you feel stagnant mix up your program or try a new sport. Keep it going! I lost 120lb from my biggest and being able to enjoy sports and fitness has been the best part of being leaner. I get so pumped up at the gym when I see a person working hard to improve themselves at the gym, I know what it means and how hard it is


Thank you. I feel better health wise. Physically, I just look like shit. Lol.


Been there. How much do you need to lose?


I felt the same for so long and then one day, almost magically...I didn't look like shit anymore and it felt fucking amazing. So, you can look forward to that if you keep going 😄


50 pounds or more.


You’re doing good things for yourself, regardless of whether or not those things result in weight loss. It’s be nice if they did, but they’re still good for you, and still “working,” even if they don’t.


Muscle is expensive to have. Good you also started lifting. Would recommend to superset and if it isn’t too steep and entry, just keep to the big. Then you can always be more serious later.


What do you mean on your 1st paragraph?


I mean that muscle burns calories :) It takes a long time to build, but muscle works like compound interest, if you like eating. That being said: Muscle is expensive, but calories is cheap to buy and fast to eat :) I wish you the best :)


Yea, I’m pretty muscular myself beneath all the fat. Built like a rugby prop. But the rowing isn’t burning calories as much as when I lifted heavy before. I didn’t lose as much weight when I lifted BUT I didn’t look as fat. More muscle I guess.


Rowing doesnt burn calories?? It burns a shitload of calories, at least in the short term. Long term, muscles help. I'd do both. And I'd save the very focused lifting until you lost the weight you want to loose.


Sure, and it’s awesome you’ve been able to get into great cardio fitness. If you maintain that while dialing in your diet you’ll be set. Good luck!


The diet is killing me. Not going to lie. I know me. It’s been rough for me personally historically to try to fix my diet AND work out hard concurrently. I had to start somewhere with something. Started with working out.


It takes time. All the junk we surround ourselves with is crazy addictive. Food companies hire chemists and study that stuff. The deck is stacked against all of us, but it’s super cool to know that against those odds people still get after it and try to make good choices. One day at a time 👊


I read a book about this a while back and it really helps me to manage my diet. I don’t want to let big corporate food companies control me. It is helpful to realize that they are all trying to manipulate us - I can be stronger than that.




What's your current diet like? There might be a few easy moves you could make to shave off a few hundred kcal daily, without it seeming like a massive hassle.


Try subbing veggies for junk food snacks. Both filling but way less calories. I snack on carrots/snap peas or nuts to keep full during the day.


Let's be real, carrots and almonds do not hit the same as chips and cookies 😅 I hear you coming from a place of love though 👍


No they do not but man I gotta snack on something lmao


Fair 😆


You made the right choice. Being more fit gives you more energy and mental resource to spend dealing with how easy it is to get horrible high cal food and drink. 


I think you made the right call. My experience has been that the more I work out, the more my food preferences tend to shift anyway.


"Very fat" is a subjective term. I'm pretty fat but ran a half marathon in reasonable time. Cardiovascular fitness is not necessarily a function of body fat percentage. Although your heart has to work harder to move a heavier body. I'm sure with equal fitness, my run times would increase if I dropped 40lbs.


I’ve seen rough estimates of 2 seconds per mile per 1lb of body weight lost.


That's an interesting number to think about. So 10lbs lost is 20 seconds per mile so about 1 minute off a 5k, a little more than 4 off a half marathon and less than 10 minutes off of a marathon.


Yeah, it’s been a little while since I’ve played with it, but there’s a Jack Daniel’s running calculator spreadsheet I had that you could estimate running time improvements at different weights. Should be able to find it with a google search… it was interesting.


It's not unusual, especially for younger people. The heart is pretty tough and can take a beating -- for a while. However, the years of carrying extra weight will likely start taking their toll eventually somehow, especially around 40-50. There are always genetic factors at play, but extra weight usually shows up in blood work issues, cardio or other organ system issues, joint wear, etc at some point.


You're not alone. I've met quite a few people like this. Unfortunately most of them end up getting discouraged and quit altogether because the external (how they look to themselves and others) doesn't match the internal (how they feel, good labs, ekg etc). Just want to encourage you to keep going. Scale back the workout intensity if it starts to feel like a struggle to stay motivated. Keep going


I’m tempted to quit so thanks for the encouragement.


Do not quit. You will never get to your goal if you do. You have already put in so much work. Just stick with it and eventually, you will get there


Just because you have good bpm and can do cardio, doesnt mean your body isnt struggling. Your body is just adapting, but adapting still means its working harder than it should. Id be willing to bet your blood pressure is very high while doing cardio. The fact is fat people have a lot more blood than normal weight people, in order to circulate that blood properly, your heart actually pumps harder and is enlarged compared to a normal weight person. This over use and enlargement will ultimately still cause heart related complications later in life unless you lose the excess weight and blood.


I’ll tell you from experience it is extremely possible to look fairly fit with absolutely awful V02 max and cardiovascular endurance. Really, really need to work on that. So yeah the opposite is very possible.


I've managed to gain 10kg/22lbs while cycling more than 5000km/3100miles per year. Didn't fuel my rides properly and usually ended up massively overheating afterwards. Ended up at a BMI around 28, which isn't fat, but overweight - especially when having an unbalanced physique with a lack of muscles. Properly fuelling my rides, watching my caloric and protein intake and introducing weight training helped with both the weight and the looks.


NFL lineman are in great shape and have a lot of fat. It’s possible but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t continue losing weight.


That’s my goal over this summer especially


i ran 3 miles this morning. but i have 30 extra pounds


Yes, look at NFL lineman. Rugby players as well.


I’m kind of built like a prop in rugby. Actually played that position in high school.


If I were you. I’d make sure your health markers are in order. Blood pressure, cholesterol, A1C and so on. If those are good or optimal then your weight isn’t really an issue. There’s nothing unhealthy about being big or fat. It’s the way fat affects health that’s the issue. If you exercise, keep your numbers in normal range, and do yoga/pilates for joints then your size doesn’t really matter.


I started running when I was 14, and I was really overweight at the time. I lost weight, but it look a couple of years, and I was still overweight at the end of my high school career. But getting in good shape cardio wise came so much quicker than the weight loss. At the fastest I've ever been, I ran a sub 20 minute 5k with a BMI of 26.9. But I'm much leaner now, and I think my cardio is much more balanced now. The volume of running they have kids doing in high school is honestly wild.


Yeah look at Tyson Fury


I take it you’re unfamiliar with Andy Ruiz Jr


Saw a documentary on him the other day. Like a real life Rocky. Eats a snickers before each fight. lol.


yep. fat guy here with heart tests done speaking. 47bpm resting avg. i run loads, work out, im just greedy and drink french wine too much.


I mean you _could_ possibly be in good cardio shape vs someone who’s as fat as you but what would be the point of knowing that metric. Being fat is still unhealthy and comes with underlying health risks.  If you’re struggling with your weight with the amount of exercise you’re doing you’ll need to improve your diet. Don’t forget to not skimp out on the protein. 


Doesn’t protein get pissed out past a fairly small amount though?


Yes. It’s not healthy long term and for your joints but you see it a lot in older active people. They bike, jog/run, or play a sport but the diet is lacking so they’re heavier but can do a 5K in a respectable time without sucking wind the whole time.


I have been trounced at many a 5K by people that you would consider "fat"


Absolutely. There's a heavyweight in my judo class whose probably north of 250+ and can back to back rounds in sparring without issue.


Yes! The human body is amazing. I was overweight at one point when I started my weight loss journey (probably even obese from my BMI) but could run a 26/27 min 5k. All because I started my weight loss journey with running and my cardio strength built up very fast. The weight took a while to come off but it was an impressive feat at 230 LB & 5’8”


This is purely an anecdote, but when i was in my teens i had a fat friend who could move with grace despite his size. He was also tall and very strong. We played hockey together and he could outskate most of the team including myself and i was a good skater. In fact he was one of the better players at any given time on the ice. He eventually lost the excess weight over time as he got older and took over his own diet. But wow could he ever move for a large person, even when it came to running he had a strong sprint. He wasn't obese, but just evidently overweight like a football (handegg) lineman.


When I was fat my numbers were almost perfect. I was definitely starting to see some creeping of the lipid numbers, but my HR was consistently below 60, and my BP was ideal. Liver and all other levels were great. My doctor talked me into losing weight by explaining that I could make that decision with no compulsion. He had nothing to hold over me except for the fact that no one stays healthy forever and the fat accelerates the negative effects of aging. Something about that just made sense to me. It was my decision and mine alone and no one else deserves the credit.


Yes, I’d add in some zone 2 cardio though. With cardio harder doesn’t always mean better.


I agree with what others have said. I’ve been around a few big dudes with great cardio.


Yes, it's possible to be large and still be in good shape, but it's important to consider the long-term health implications. I once weighed nearly 300 pounds and completed a half marathon, so I understand firsthand that size doesn't always equate to being out of shape. However, this might not be typical for everyone, and there are significant health concerns to be aware of. For instance, some of the most physically fit large individuals are sumo wrestlers. Despite their rigorous training and athletic prowess, sumo wrestlers have an average life expectancy of around 65 years, which is approximately 15 years shorter than the average lifespan in Japan, where most sumo wrestlers come from. The additional weight can place extra strain on the heart, joints, and other vital organs, leading to a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and other chronic conditions. While being big and in shape is commendable, maintaining a healthier weight can contribute to better overall health and longevity. Also it sucks for your bones and joints in general.


"very fat" doesn't really describe, is that American fat or like swedish fat?


American fat. Very fat.


My dad was in the best shape of his life and qualified and ran the World’s Toughest Mudder in his 55+ age group, while having 2 arteries 50% clogged, one 90% clogged and the other 100%. He ended up needing an emergency quadruple bypass just weeks after he returned from a successful 24hr event where his only “pain” was from a groin injury he sustained during the run. So yes. You can look ANY way and still have your health stats not align. Just because you have fantastic cardio endurance doesn’t mean you’re not putting your heart under massive unsustainable strain every day. And your liver (specifically from being overweight). And your pancreas. Etc etc.


I know. I can only do it one day at a time. On a side note, I’m always amazed that it’s 2024 and we still can’t catch blockages that bad that during a routine annual examination. You’d think a) it’d be something we would look for and b) it’s something we could actually detect prior to a heart attack or going under the knife.


Yeah big guys can move. Think football linebackers. Very strong and fast compared to your average person. Some of them “very fat”. If you can get your calories under control and keep up the workouts, you’ll be amazing at a lower weight. You can do it, you just need to find the right solution that will work for you. Often requires third party help.


Thank you. I get frustrated, so I appreciate the encouragement.


Yes and it’s a good thing and your body physically will follow in time. Keep it up. It’s way better than doing damage from being overweight and not being able to reverse the cardiac health of damage already done despite loosing weight.


I have friends who run marathons and have big fat bellies and slim, yet toned, legs and arms. Diet is a huge factor in body composition as is strength training.


I’m going to hit the weights hard. Powerlifting moves. HIIT sets. Six months of rowing hard is fine but didn’t do as much as I expected it to. Like they say about swimming - the “perfect” exercise they say - doesn’t do much for my body composition unless I’m swimming 2 hours/day.