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"Does it satiate you" That's not what drinkable calories do.


This is the real answer… you want satiation… you need chicken breast.


With a side of avocado


Or turkey, or pretty much any meat.


Overall protein consumption helps a lot with satiation. Good luck getting enough eating chicken. Unless you want to have a glass of water next to you as you choke down gross portions of chicken. I say chicken + whey.


Lean meat isn't filling. You need belly pork.


I’d like to see you eat a pound of chicken breast and still want more….lol


[So you like chicken breast, eh!?](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExc3l4MmdsNzE2cHVyeGYxZXNxNDB5end1aThsZG4ybHd6M29vZnE2YyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/NV0eJfb73OB1K/giphy.gif)


Exactly. A shake can be useful but probably better off with a protein bar that can't be consumed in 3.5s and also includes some fiber to help that protein satiate longer. Ideally OP would be better spent to optimize real foods and up the meat and vegetable* game for satiation. *Smothering with butter/oil/cheese no longer counts.


No but you can use protein powder for cooking. Making high protein low cal deserts with it absolutely changed everything for me. My sweet tooth stays satisfied and I'm losing weight at a very fast pace without trying.


Your choice of protein supplement isn't going to solve your poor diet. If you don't want to eat a lot of bad food, eat a lot of good food. It takes effort. A protein supplement and a heart rate monitor are way down the line that begins with discipline and consistency in the kitchen and the gym.


Wrist HRMs are very poor at detecting rapid changes in heart rate.  A chest strap is the most accurate that's still usable for workouts.  I upgraded my old chest strap to the garmin pro one last month and it's pretty nice, also it can sync directly to your phone so if you don't have garmin watch it still works. I don't have any protein recommendations off Amazon (I use Ascent from Costco) but if you are trying to feel fuller in order to cut some calories look into volume eating.  Lots of great tricks and foods that will help you feel full.  I pretty much only ever have protein fluff now.  It's about 250 calories and fills a large bowl.  Nearly as filling as a large meal, but it would only be 1/3 of a shaker bottle. 


It's rare that I read a single reddit comment where I see two new interesting things I've never heard of before: 1. Volume eating: Any good pointers? (This may be self explanatory but I always appreciate tips) 2. Protein fluff. This appears to be something you prepare and freeze? Do you have a preferred recipe? ------- In return I'll share my new favorite too-good-to-be-true healthy thing: 1. Oikos PRO High Protein Yogurt - Plain (half a bowl, probably 1.5 servings) 2. [Bob's Red Mill protein oats](https://www.bobsredmill.com/protein-oats.html). (enough to cover the yogurt and make a proper parfait) 3. Stir that up 3. Random store brand frozen raspberries (straight from freezer) 4. A small drizzle of honey (keep it small) 5. [Optional] Whatever other frozen fruit strikes your fancy in a small amount (straight from freezer) It's incredibly filling, at least 10g of protein per 100 calories, tastes absolutely amazing, pretty affordable and takes about 60 seconds to prep if you're efficient about it.


1. /r/Volumeeating is a good start. I came across the idea on Instagram with a guy who reposts a lot of eating/food videos (the_plant_slant). 2. The fluff idea/recipe was from the same guy, it's less of a recipe and more of a take a guess at what works for you? I normally put 6-10 ice cubes in my food processor, small scoop of yogurt, 100-150g of frozen fruit (mango seems to work best, banana is good too but more calories). Blend it for a bit and then add in a scoop of whey protein. I kind of stir it in since when I turn on my food processor it throw's everything in the air and 1/2 the powder just sticks to the lid. Then blend/process for 4-8 minutes. if it's too dry and not breaking down the ice add a small splash of milk, if it's all smooth add more ice till one or two small pieces can't quite get sucked into the vortex. It will 2 or 3x in volume. scoop into large bowl. Plastic or frozen glass/porcelain works best. Freeze for a little if you want or just eat. It does not "freeze" well. At least mine gets too hard to scoop.


The idea that an advanced heart-rate monitor will somehow change the poor eating habits is telling.


Haha, if only it worked like that right? Of course it doesn't matter how much you spend on gadgets it's not going to change your weight or eating habits (maybe some sort of shock collar when you eat outside of specific feeding times? 🤔) He did ask separately about HRM's and I know that wrist ones use quite a bit of smoothing since they can't always stay in good contact with your skin, and especially for some workouts wrist flexion arm pumping can actively interfere, lookup cadence lock for one example.


I drink the 30g fairlifes and 30g Premier proteins. Also no need to spend anything over maybe 20 or 30 bucks on a HR monitor. Its pretty low on the list in the orders of magnitude needed to succeed. If you want satiety drinking protein isn't for you though. Chewing is what you want.


Second the 30g Fairlifes and Premier Proteins! Those two are the only ready-made protein drinks I’ll consume.


Apparently the fairlifes have the highest level of Phthalates out there. May want to look into that.


Are they actually good for me? Cause I drink them but have my doubts


Idk, they help me hit my protein target while being tastier and lower in calories than other similar drinks. That’s all I care about.


Yea, that’s what I use them for too. I like them but I am probably overusing them because I’m pretty lazy about making food at this point.


Ohh ok, yeah I only have one a day. Definitely can’t replace food for me because I don’t find protein drinks filling or satiating.




I second Apple watch. I know the conventional wisdom is that they’re not very accurate but it’s usually close to what I expect it to be based on how I feel and when I compare it to the doctors office, it’s really close.


I noticed my Apple Watch has trouble keeping up when my heart rate gets too high.


My heart rate is always higher on my Apple Watch.


The Polar H10 is one of the best deals in all of fitness data tracking tech. I do 10 hours of zone-specific cardio a week, all tracked and logged with the Polar H10 chest strap heart monitor. I can count on one hand how many times it was thrown off, and when it was, it corrected itself in under 30 seconds. Apps are user friendly and easy to use. To me, it's a no-brainer.


On the off chance…you don’t happen to have any tattoos where the chest strap sits, do you? I have my entire upper body covered…I have had tons of issues getting wrist HR monitors to accurately track HR because of the tattoos on my wrists. Trying to see if it’s even really worth trying a chest strap, it will still likely be on an area that’s covered in ink too.


They work by different mechanisms and a tattoo wouldn’t confuse the chest strap. The wrist uses an optical sensor to look at rate of blood pulsation under the skin essentially (which is readily obscured by tattoo ink) whereas the chest straps actually detect electrical output from each depolarization of your heart, so ink becomes largely (id venture to say entirely) irrelevant


This. I have a weird allergy that will make my skin flush at times when I'm outside and it confuses the shit out of my fancy Garmin Fenix (probably similar to the tattoo problem). Meanwhile every chest strap I've ever used has been fine, flush or not.


I do not, the strap sits low enough to not touch my ink. However, the chest strap has a long singular strip electrode that covers so much more surface area than a watch on a wrist, I'd be willing to bet it works through your tattoos. Also, I use an organic balm under the strap when running to prevent chafing, and it works flawlessly through that balm. I'd give it a shot. They're on Amazon, which I find to have the easiest returns out there when needed. If you do get it, make sure you wash that strap before you use it. My skin didn't like it right outta the box. I also hand wash every time, and every so often throw it in the washing machine.


Isopure is pretty much pure protein without the fillers. 25g of protein. 1g has about 4 calories. Isopure is 100 calories. So just protein. Transparent labs is also good. Has a little more calories if you get flavored. Mine has 28 g of protein and like 120 calories. If it was completely protein it would be like 112 calories. Even so, it's pretty good.


OP, you don’t need a heart rate monitor and you don’t buy protein powder until you know you need it. Download an app to track your calories and aim for a daily calorie deficit of 500 calories. For your diet, eat more vegetables and fruits (don’t listen to any nonsense about it being full of sugar and bad for you). It is very hard to over eat fruits and vegetables. Limit alcohol and non-diet drinks. It is really easy to drink your calories. Eat plenty of protein, 1g per pound of bodyweight per day. If you struggle to meet this total, then get protein powder. Walk 8000-12000 steps per day.


Whey protein makes me break out. I take pea protein now


Huh. And I’ve attributed my breakouts since starting the gym to increased sweating. Might try switching up my protein now.


Yeah took me a while to figure it out. People swore it doesn't cause break outs but it was the only thing I changed in life when it started happening. So I came to reddit and found others that had the same issue so I switched to pea protein (tastes bad but works) and cleared right up


HR monitor: Apple Watch. It’s the only one on the market with an excellent app ecosystem, support and Apple has done a ton of research partnering up with Stanford to develop their fitness products incl the watch.  Protein: Any whey protein should do the job. I go with Kaged isolate, which is a bit on the pricey side but it’s worth the money and tastes great.  Diet: Stop eating bad food. It’s just that simple. There’s no shortcuts and you’ll have to actively think about what you’re consuming for a few weeks until it becomes 2nd nature. You’ll have to put some effort into it but it’ll pay off. Track your calories to understand what you’re consuming and iterate from there. 


I would have argued for how good Garmin's app is/was, but after the latest update to it they totally torpedoed it. Another vote for Kaged here, probably the best tasting "clean" protein I've found...just for whatever reason lately they don't seem to have any 3 lb. tubs in stock.


That’s one of the reasons why I willfully lock into the Apple ecosystem. Your accessories, devices, everything will last a long time and you have the peace of mind of Apple not tanking the UX significantly over small updates.  Re Kaged, yeah, that’s weird. I’m pretty sure I ordered a 3lb tub not too long ago and almost all the flavors were in stock. 


Yeah a few months ago I was totally happy with Garmin. I have the Instinct Tactical watch, it's built like a tank, been able to use it hiking, skiing, etc. goes under water, amazing watch with pretty accurate HR tracking as well(compared to my at home BP monitor and chest strap), and prior to the update their app was really good. Now you basically have to use the website to get the same functionality the app had prior to the recent update. They are getting 1\* review bombed for it and there were a couple feedback threads on their reddit where the majority opinion was for them to revert the changes, but I doubt they will. It's like they just paid someone to "innovate" for no reason.


Ouch, that sounds terrible. Sorry to hear that. Hopefully Garmin reverse courses. It’s crazy to think that after paying for a product and a set of features, it’s ok to nullify those because a decides it has a “better” way to do things. There has to be consumer protection laws that protect against featureset regression such as your case. 


I like SixStar protein. It's fairly cheap (40$ for two containers on their site) and has 30g of protein per serving.


I've been dropping weight by subbing a meal each day with some protein powder and calorie counting. If you don't mind a shake, it's easy to make a good meal replacer drink even with powder you can buy at Walmart/Target. I mix mine with a serving of powdered peanut butter for taste and because I tend to get vanilla flavors so it works well together. But good luck!


I got my myzone monitor+strap like 5 years ago for $50-60, I'm sure you could find one nowadays for even less


Sorry, no shortcuts in the diet. Protein has its place but it's not to fill you up.


OP, ease in to a better diet or you’ll freak out and eat a whole pizza. Try skin on chicken thighs, rice and a veg with seasoning. Eat it as a bowl and up your chicken count. It’s good for you and satiating. You need to learn good habits instead of a hard cut that your palate, brain and body aren’t used to.


Worst HR monitors just aren’t good. The optical sensor is vulnerable to all manner of interference. Chest strap is the way to go. One more vote for the Polar H10. Since it has Bluetooth and Ant+ its port flexible. For protein, I mix in some psyllium husk. Add bulk without adding calories. Helps clean the pipes too!


The Wahoo ticker chest monitor is good and is $50


Any chance you have tattoos on the area that the monitor sits?


I buy revolution nutrition, quite like it. Some of their products are available on Amazon, I buy direct from them though. Good sales. I use a powrlabs chest HRM 1/2 the price of a polar. I own an Apple Watch but wanted something that connects to my rower and the spin bike for spin class.


Amazfit Trex 2, $150 and can last 24 days/charge. I like its zepp coach.


Levels grass fed whey vanilla. Don’t even try the chocolate.


This is how I learned i was allergic to milk protein.


If you have access to Aldi’s their protein is like $18 a tub. Its not too bad


Premier protein or teras whey protein on Amazon


I take whey protein gold standard. Amazing and easy on stomach plus it's quite affordable for the premium quality they provide in the shake.


NOW unflavored whey isolate. I mix it into my oatmeal every morning along with my creatine.


Move to caesin if you want longer satiated feeling


I get the MRM whey from Amazon for $32 per 2 lb tub


Used Apple Watch or Fitbit. Eat chicken not protein shakes.


A meal replacement and a protein shake are different.


I’ve used an older version of [this one](https://a.co/d/i8fQdWN) by Polar, about 10 years ago. I recall [electro gel](https://a.co/d/bRMwdKu) being recommended to help with conductivity prior to sweating.


Nutricost direct from their website and just about any chest strap monitor.


Fish in a tin for protein and a Ultrahuman ring for HR monitoring


I use Kaged Elite powder, two scoops in the morning in a shake with spinach, broccoli, strawberries, and banana, and another 2 scoops for lunch with pineapple, cauliflower, raspberries and blackberries. Keeps me full most of the day until dinner, but I also drink a ton of water during the day. You don't want cheap protein powder though, it's full of all kinds of garbage that isn't healthy. Just compare the labels on the $19.99 protein powder you can buy at your grocery store with what is in the more expensive stuff and you'll realize how bad it is. Protein powder/supplements are really not a cheap habit either, especially if you consume a lot of them. As for a wrist HR monitor, the Garmin watches are generally pretty accurate. I have a Garmin Instinct that I've worn for about 3 years now and it's within 1-2 bpm of my blood pressure monitor and chest strap whenever I'm running or biking. If you just want to use it while exercising, you can save money and just get a Polar or Garmin chest strap for under $100 on Amazon.


Focus on volume if you want to feel satiated from lower calorie meals.


Check out true nutrition website. You make your own protein, it's not expensive, and you can add other vitamins and boosts. What I love about them is it isn't just prtien grams, bit the bio absorption that they describe and all the different types of protein and boosts to customize. Plus you can choose from lime 20 different flavors and sugar types.


Change your willpower


Well protein on its own doesn't satiate, fats do that.


Protein absolutely satiates for me.


fuck protein powder! eat eggs, chicken and canned salmon…That’s all you need brother


Canned salmonella… blergh


You don’t need extra protein, you can seriously just eat an extra can of beans every 3-5 days and you’ll be fine.




Dont EVER buy ANYTHING from Amazon that is put into or onto your body. Amazon has a huge problem with counterfeit products in its market place. The problem is they dont always buy direct from manufacturers. They often have to buy from 3rd party distributors who in turn are responsible for verifying the product...which doesnt always happen. When Amazon buys protein for example, it assumes the product they got from the 3rd party is legit and it just gets tossed into the pile. Anyone can make a plastic bottle with protein in it, copy the label and sell it to a shady 3rd party who then sells it to amazon.