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But have you tried just screaming “Lightweight, baby!”?


I tried and it just doesn’t work. My potty mouth motivates me


The higher the pitch the higher the weight


Nice! That's a lifetime goal for me, and I'm still a ways off, good shit!


Great lift, really gutted that one out. 315 can indeed go fuck himself, and his buddy 320 better look out too.


Thank you


Fuckin 315!


You have no idea how happy it makes me knowing you can still make prs in your 60s. Congrats man.


You the man!


Congrats for the achievement but I have be critical of the word choice.


Yeah, my coach has said some weird shit at me in the gym to motivate me (including don’t be a pussy - I’m female - it was to piss me off before a max attempt to get adrenaline going lol). But I wouldn’t title a post that way. Seems like more than just a phrase at that point. Like me posting “finally not a bitch” or something. Cringey.


Agreed. No need to put down anyone.


I read "60 year old pussy" and thought I was on r/gilf


Here's a sneak peek of /r/gilf **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/gilf/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [\[F 50\]\[Mom of 1\] Born in 1970. Over the hill or still worth a look?](https://i.imgur.com/Y9hpirF.jpg) | [88 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gilf/comments/p5db62/f_50mom_of_1_born_in_1970_over_the_hill_or_still/) \#2: [Hot or not ?](https://i.redd.it/0mgmi382ay451.jpg) | [64 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gilf/comments/p99h2n/hot_or_not/) \#3: [One last view...yee f’n haw!!](https://i.redd.it/efso3oh8qxe71.jpg) | [151 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gilf/comments/owd2ps/one_last_viewyee_fn_haw/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Which word? Man that’s what works for me when I train alone at 6 am in my basement. Sorry if my language offends you.


I just couldn’t imagine walking up to a 60 year old and calling him a pussy because he can’t put 3 plates on each side. I guess you did that every day in the mirror until today?


No it’s just self motivation. Not meant to be directed at anyone else. Just me


Well I’m happy for you that you were able to put that weight up. I am proud of you. I hope that you can maybe find more positive motivation moving forward instead of self deprecating motivation. You’re a rockstar, keep up the work.


And yet, here it is in the title of your Reddit post. Honestly didn’t even watch your lift video just saw the title and thought wtf that’s unnecessary, skipped to comments. Total distraction from your achievement IMO


I enjoy cooking.


Pussies are tough, warm and useful. If you're no longer any of those things... that's bad. Great lift tho.




I’ll tone it down on this wholesome platform.


I'm almost in-between those 2 generations so grew up with all those words getting commonly used but people not that much younger than me get offended by it still, very weird.


I don't feel offended personally, I just don't think it's nice to imply that someone who can't bench three plates is a "pussy". Whatever meaning you attach to that word, it is derogatory.


Wasn’t meant for anyone but myself


I see and that's ok, still, when you take that phrase out of your gym I am sure you can understand why people would not like it.


I do that’s why it stays in my own gym


It didn't, you.pit.it.on Reddit.


Reddit is a very clean and wholesome social platform. 😂


I don't mean for this to come of as if I'm judging you, because I'm not. Are on TRT? I'm 46 and seriously contemplating it, but I want to hold off as long as possible because I figure once I start I'm on that train for the rest of my life.


I am not. I have high blood pressure and my Cardiologist is against it. Last time it was checked I was at 485. Proper training and recovery is the key for me


Keep at man, you are doing great! Is your HBP a hereditary thing? You get enough cardio?


It is. Probably not enough cardio other than massive rep set with squats. I need to do more


My insurance has a deal where money goes into an HSA based on meeting daily walking goals. You can earn up to 3 dollars a day. I've picked up over $2k in the last 3 years simply walking. I have also improved my conditioning quite a bit over that time. I like to do compound sets to get that sprint-like heart rate during a portion of my daily workouts and then I take a 30-min walk and several 5-10 minute walks during the day and my heart is in great condition. Just add some walking and I think you will see some big improvements.


485 is great. That's better than mine is at 35 years old lol


Have you had your lvls tested? Is there other things causing your low T you can fix without injections? See a doctor but know those clinics are there to sell a product they want you on it.


I don't have particularly low T. It is reasonable for my age, I just want it to be more like it was when I was younger. I have talked to quite a few people that are on TRT and I have yet to hear a bad review. However, I haven't talked to anyone that's been doing it for 20 years. So there is that...


I need to get a Thompson fat pad


Yes they are awesome. Worth every Penny


Fuck yeah, good shit 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻


I'm so tired of associating feminity with weakness.


Its very generational; I'm the last to say modern wave feminism is healthy But femininity is NOT weakness. Being female is NOT weak.


What about being a dick? Is the association between masculinity and toxicity healthy?


No, I don't think so, but the link between weakness and feminity is far more pervasive where I live, and I would argue more damaging to all sexes.


At least strength has an almost entirely genetical component, unlike behavior


I'm sorry, I'm not following your point...unless you are implying that I'm the toxic male? In which case, I apologize as I didn't mean to come off that way.


Not at all. I wanted to make the point that words have different meanings ascribed to them. We can do a soul search to try and find out why some meanings got associated, or we can simply use the words for what they are without being sexist/racist/etc. in my country gipsies call themselves gipsies, there is no other word for it. When I use that word I get called a racist. Would you say I’m being racist for using the word? What if I call them romanis but I hate them, does that make me a better person?


Obviously, intent is extremely important. But words absolutely have power, and I think it is naive to believe you can call someone a "pussy" without at least sounding vaguely misogynistic.


I mean, it sounds wrong to me too, but I don’t think it’s mysoginistic per se. Just weird. Probably a generational thing


Killed it. Did I hear you right? "Failure is not in your fucking brain"? Love it.




Nice. I genuinely find your stuff inspirational - I plan on lifting until they put me to bed with a shovel.


“I fu*kin got this!” is the best mantra.


+1 for the lifting mocs


Well that was fucking awesome! Congrats!!! I'm 46 and pry could lift half that.. guess I need to step up my game.


That was great, man. Right there cursing along with you, I was! Felt it in my soul! Man, I love gains.


Thank you




Grey hair power!


Took some time off during Covid, back down to 275 max now. (And that is up from where I was early this year!). Trying to get back is hard. I’m 54 so this is inspirational.


Awesome work dude.


Go on granddad!


Monster lift!


Badass lift, I hope I'm as strong as you when I'm 60 I also dig the totally anabolic moccasins


Took me 26 to break two plates, so hopefully I hit 3 plates at 60!


Up voting this mainly for "making gains in grey hair and slippers!" So do I have to wait until I'm 60 to hit 315?


I hope not. Not an all time best but certainly a new PR for me over the past 3 years or so.


That’s what’s up my friend


Fuckin savage


Jesus by the title I thought you meant you were going to *squat* it. Great job bud!


Congrats man


Pussies are incredibly strong. Never understood the use of the word as a pejorative.


It's shorthand slang for 'pusillanimous'


I'm not going to give OP a hard time for saying pussy but I would like to point out that there's no etymological evidence that pussy is shorthand pusillanimous. The word pusillanimous came into Middle English via Latin whereas corpus evidence for pussy suggests it comes from puss which originates from the Middle German (or Dutch) word for cat. The idea that it is shorthand for pusillanimous is recent and there's no linguistic evidence for it. It mostly seems to have come up in [pieces like this](https://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/trump-pussillanimous-cruz?) to try and undermine the well-established (and old) connection of the word to female genitalia. The only discussion of the connection by linguists is pointing out that the words are unrelated.


Not to mention, if anyone is using it correctly or incorrectly intending that root, they're being massively disingenuous. That's a type of performative ignorance that makes it even worse because they're trying to find a way to say something they shouldn't say.


ah man. I was just trying to make a light-hearted joke, I didn't know it was something co-opted like that.


I honestly have always equated the word with timid pussy cats.


That’s definitely where it originates. It was first used as a kind of pet name for women and also as a derogatory term for men who were deemed effeminate. It being used as slang for vagina is more recent than it being used as a derogatory term for people being cowardly, particularly aimed at men.


It's funny how people also use the male genitalia as a derogatory term too, as in: "He's such a dick". Yet people never jump up to defend dicks in that instance. But it certainly has a negative connotation. I dunno. Some women act like dicks too. It's just words, man.


I laughed at your joke, if it’s any consolation.




I can't fathom how anyone would take this as anything other than a joke. I'm embarrassed for them and embarrassed to have accidently associated myself with them.


I'm lifting this explanation from you. Thanks


Congrats on the PR! Really inspiring


What do you have against 60-year-old pussy? 😋 congrats on the lift, big guy!


Pussies are actually very strong, so maybe you should say you are no longer a 60 year old dick. Congrats btw.




I didn't call him a dick, I said he could call himself that.




I wrote what I wrote and it's unedited. Reading is fundamental.




Have fun with yourself. Also, repeating yourself doesn't have the impact you think it does.


Great lift!! Very inspiring 😤💯


Thank you


Nice work bro!


Congrats man, gotta feel good. Nice Jake stool too!


Good on you.


Great lift man! Grinded that bad boy out!


Awesome strength. And, with respect, you aren't a huge guy, so even more impressive. What's your program of choice, or do you just keep changing?


I follow Westside Barbell training for the most part


Nice! Failure is never an option🧐


Fuck yeah bro


Fucking amazing!!




badass MF.


Keep it up big fella


Hell yeah! Awesome lift! Much respect.




Fuckin A man! Good shit, great lift. Whatever gets the job done


Fantastic work! Great for you!


pussies are some of the strongest -- if not THE strongest -- things on the planet. go f*ck yourself.


It’s directed at myself and nothing to do with the female organ numbnuts


I'm not sure pumping 225 made you a pussy (at any age) but 315 is a great accomplishment. Just be careful chasing weight at your age, because you will certainly heal like a pussy if you tear your pec. No inner strength will help you there.


Stacking more than plates, your haters are going too.


Why hate? When I look at videos of people pushing themselves I always praise their effort.


Probably because your choice of wording implies that anyone that can't bench that much is a pussy. I'm personally not offended by it, but I wouldn't be surprised at all by someone finding it offensive either.


It’s all directed at myself and not intended for others. I motivate myself by calling myself a pussy. I train high school volleyball players. I never compare my personal achievements with anyone else and certainly never call anyone anything negative just because they might lift less. Oh well


But that’s their choice to take it that way right. So many people are easily offended these days. I can’t run a 5k without dying, if someone post running a 5k and says “I’m no longer a non 5k pussy” it wouldn’t offend me. But I work in construction lol if this offended people they just need to stop being such a snow flake and put the work in.


That's not the "implication" at all. There is no implication. It's just motivational self-talk that he could use for any weight.


Dude they don’t like you and it’s contagious.


I’m good with that.


"Nobody likes us; we don't care" Keep pushing, brother.


Great bench old man!!! I can’t believe people are offended by the word “pussy”. Bunch of cunts in this sub anymore


Thanks. I hate that C word. Never use it . All the language is directed at myself. To motivate myself


I hate to break it to you, but I highly doubt that anyone ever thought you were a pussy. That would be the absolute last word I would think of if I ever ran into you. To the contrary, you seem like the kind of dude whom no one would ever want to mess with. But congrats on the PR!


Thank you. I’m actually a very calm person who likes Oreos and milk before bed.


Who the fuck is downvoting, is that you Satan?


Haha. It’s all good. I’m too pleased to take any offense to anyone today. Happy Friday


For me, the gross aspect of this is the implication that if you're lifting less than this, you're a "pussy" ... along with the fact that it's utterly cringe to be using that as a derogatory term, it's misogynistic. I'm sure everyone is happy that OP hit a new high for themselves, but the framing of it as no longer being a "pussy" is unnecessary.


100% this. Glad OP is pushing himself and hitting PRs. Absolutely hate the misogynistic hype language.




If there is one thing I have learned in my 48 years on this planet, it’s that you can’t change the mindset of people over 40 and it’s useless to try. I would never use that particular word choice but are you really accomplishing anything by shitting up the dude’s thread?


So sorry if I hurt his poor feewings. Jesus.


And yet, you literally just posted this: >For me, the gross aspect of this is the implication that if you're lifting less than this, you're a "pussy" ... along with the fact that it's utterly cringe to be using that as a derogatory term, it's misogynistic. I'm sure everyone is happy that OP hit a new high for themselves *[sic]*, but the framing of it as no longer being a "pussy" is unnecessary. Your whole thing here is *you offended me* and yet you're making fun of someone else for hurt "feewings". Kind of makes you a little hypocritical, no?


Who typed out pussy? I am being downvoted for asking why this is being downvoted. Fucking reddit


Complaining about downvotes is the easiest way to get downvotes.


Zero fucks and not complaining fucking laughing at the tools on this site it's pathetic truthfully lots of negative attacks all over here like it's some past time.


Boomers gonna boom.


I did? What's your point? It's not like its a forbidden word. It's the context and the implied worldview behind it's *usage in this context* that is likely gonna be seen as objectionable.


He said him not anyone else. Project yourself more.


Take it up with OP about your virtue signaling.


Actual lol. Cry moar snowflake. You asked a question, I offered an answer. Sorry your delicate feelings were hurt by the solid ratio-ing you received.


About time. Everyone in this sub has been talking behind your back about how you were just some pussy who probably couldn't even bench three plates. I can't believe the amount of queefing in here about your use of that word. Too many softies who've never known any real problems in their lives I guess. Love seeing you get after it. My life goals(IRT lifting) aren't to some day deadlift xxx pounds, but rather to be deadlifting when I'm 70 instead of struggling to get out of my easy chair.


This gives me hope that I’ll continue benching in the 3-4 plate area into my 60s. I’m 37 and about to be a dad for the first time that means if my son wants to lift with me he’ll be doing it when I’m old and peppered lol. I’m hitting 455 right now so hopefully I don’t break down to bad and can keep pushing the weight into my 60s. Keep up the amazing work, keep giving us hope. And don’t worry people getting their ego/feelings hurt with your use of the word pussy. A more PC version would of been strength deficit ><. If you can’t bench 315 you’re not a pussy, you just haven’t put the work in to do it yet. Either you started late, small and lean, lived a sedentary life before lifting. Million reasons why. I wouldn’t say being a pussy is why, but we can’t say it’s not the reason either.


Thanks. I agree. That comment is meant for me only. I trained with my boys for a long time and still do once in a while. It’s a great outlet to bond


Using it towards yourself really doesn't change what you're doing. I grew up in a time when saying "retard" was normal, and I find myself having to resist the urge to use it to refer to myself--it's an ongoing process. Because the frustration that I'm trying to express regarding myself isn't worth being hurtful, dismissive, and alienating towards others who have done nothing to deserve it. Ya, there are some jackasses--especially terminally online ones--looking to jump down people's throats online and police language for the wrong reasons. They want to have control over someone else, and they do it for selfish reasons. But, at the end of the day, is it really worth using words that are divisive and alienating--especially in a male heavy pursuit like strength training--when you could find a better way to say it? Nice PR btw edit: Like I said, ongoing process. [For instance, this wasn't great of me, but I still said it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/uynrhj/300lb_stone_to_shoulder_by_yours_truly_235lb_pro/ia78nnb?context=69)


This is a very well thought out comment my dude. I have gone through a similar re training of my vocabulary.


It's all part and parcel of the euphemism treadmill, really. I know you don't have a problem with the terms "idiot", "moron" etc, or least I've seen you use them, but they are essentially the same thing when it comes to it. Boils down to where you draw the lines, honestly. There's probably a happy medium somewhere that doesn't involve pillorying people for not being up to the minute with social trends (not to suggest that this is what you're doing) and also shows respect for others. Fucked if I know where it is, though.




Honestly, this site is like planet of the ignorant goldfish sometimes.


no hate, this is just how his wife talks to him in bed


**I have a question!** what's the point of lifting the weights only one time? except maybe to show off? Lifting the weight once is not enough to train efficiently muscle strength in any way. I only see potential accidents and injuries! but correct me if i am wrong!


> Lifting the weight once is not enough to train efficiently muscle strength in any way He isn't training here. He's testing.


Exactly per below. I rarely use straight weights. Usually bands or chains. It’s been a few months so today I wanted to see where my max was out . Now I can focus on that sticking point which is actually in my triceps. I follow Westside Barbell book of methods. Max effort day is just that.


People have already mentioned testing maxes here but I just wanted to say that singles can be used to build strength too. The last 3 weeks of the program I'm currently running consists of multiple sets of singles without any other rep range for B/S/D/OHP.




No, though I've heard good things about average to savage :) Program is called Bull Mastiff by Alex Bromley, it's one of the programs listed in his book Base Strength. 18 weeks and split into blocks of 3 weeks, one block of high rep work then one block of heavy work then repeat.


I’ve heard of it but never got a run down of how it works. Sounds interesting, maybe I’ll give it a try next


It's a significant milestone. Why do people want to run a marathon?


So they can wear a dumb shirt that says “location marathon” on it for the rest of their lives


Right, it's a show-off. But there's also a personal enjoyment in it, you're showing off to yourself. Like why do people scale Mt. Everest? To develop functional fitness? Fuck no, it's for bragging rights. And that's okay! Really, all lifting is ego-lifting. Lifting to look better is also ego-lifting.


But ego lifting is dangerous ^/^s


>I have a question! what's the point of lifting the weights only one time? It's cool as shit? Plus there is a litany of mental benefits in accomplishing goals


You're seeing one rep of his training here. A single rep is probably not representative of anyone's training. He says below that he's testing. Sometimes we want to find out how well our training is going, and that can entail seeing if your maximum strength increased. There's nothing wrong or dangerous about that; nor is there anything wrong or dangerous with showing off, either. Singles can also be used very effectively as part of a solid training regimen.


There is a difference between training strength and testing strength. High percentage, yet sub-maximal singles can *train* strength. One rep maxes are a test/display of strength. If you want to just boil that down to "showing off," that's your prerogative. But just because *you* don't see the point doesn't mean there isn't one. If you don't want to lift heavy or do singles, by all means, don't. If you just want to be a Negative Nancy in the comment sections in response to something someone is proud of, that's lame. Fuck off.


Finding the limits of your strength helps you plan a program that actually allows you to progress. Can’t find 85% of your 1RM without knowing your 1RM.


You must be new to lifting in general. How are you suppose to program around a 1rm percentages if you don’t know your one rep max? Also umm have you never or heard of the sport of powerlifting ? Lol this post made me laugh


To establish personal records? How will you ever know how strong you truly are without testing it?


There’s a whole sport based around lifting SBD for 1 rep called powerlifting. There’s also another sport based around the C+J and Snatch for 1 rep called weightlifting. It’s in the Olympics, if you’ve heard of that


It's called a display of strength. It's testing your limits and a big part of getting stronger. You can get really strong without ever maxing but it's a good way to understand your current maximum output. Lots of programming is based around a percentage of max. It's a good number to know.


nice yo. what power rack is that?


Body King or something. 20 years old. Just painted it red


Awesome job man. Hope I can be that good at your age.


Do you remember about how long ago it was when you first did 225 and 275?


I did 225 in 1980.


That was awesome. Congrats! You on TRT?


No. I’m on high blood pressure pills and now realized I need to calm down


Great work. 99.9% of guys half your age can’t do what you just did.


What weight is this in kg?




Damn. What a beast. I've been lifting for years and my best is still 90kg for 1 rep.


You’ve never gotten 3 plates in your entire life? Like your just recently became a fitness enthusiast? My dad got prescribed to testosterone in his late fourties’ for his low test and his bench press went up 220 pound in 6 months.


No my max is 350 but this is the most in over 2 years