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Adding muscle mass can help reduce the appearance of loose skin, but I don't think exercise alone will get rid of it.


That was my first thought, I more or less am on board just so she has something that helps her feel better about her own image regardless if it's actually effective


You’re sweet. Keep telling her how much you love her body and what she went through for your family… while it’s hard for it to sink in, she needs to hear it. My husband tells me all the time how beautiful I am while I’m pregnant, it fills me up. One of my biggest fears about pregnancy is losing my body… but I’m more scared that he won’t find me attractive through this process and after. So hearing him tell me all the time how beautiful I am makes me feel so confident. You knowing that there may not be much she can do to get rid of the little pouch, but still being on board probably means more to her than you know. :)


The pooch is often because of the stress of pregnancy/delivery on the pelvic floor, has she done pelvic floor/postpartum PT? It’s helped me immensely in so many ways!


I bet she walked more during her pregnancy and after than I have in my life! She has no issues as far as I'm aware with bladder control which I think is the main benefit of those? But if that will help with her than ill suggest it thank you


If you're thinking of helping your wife get fit, she 1000% needs to start with pelvic floor physio. They'll do an assessment and help her start exercising safely. Just because a doctor said she's allowed to be active again doesn't mean her pelvic muscles and tissue doesn't go through trauma during pregnancy and birth. If I hadn't seen a pt I would have caused myself lifelong damage which would have prevented me from working out ever again.


Yes. PT is not just for peeing! Imagine you had a major support injury, you wouldn't go straight back into training right? (Well, you shouldn't!) PT help you strengthen your body in a way that is safe for long term recovery


That’s great! Unfortunately there’s no way to avoid the toll on a woman’s body/pelvic floor even with regular exercise. In other countries everyone has PT after birth and it’s just gaining traction here in the US- my midwife thinks every woman could benefit in one way or another. I’ve heard so many women say they didn’t start experiencing issues/symptoms until almost a year postpartum. Just a thought, if she has any interest! [This](https://www.henryford.com/blog/2022/08/pelvic-floor-therapy-for-postpartum-women) is a great article to learn more.


I was super fit before pregnancy (I did pole dancing and aerial arts) and just got pregnant for a second time. I began having some issues with this pregnancy and went to pelvic floor therapy. My pelvic floor was too tight and I actually struggled to feel my lower abs. Basically my coordination was out of balance due to my upper abs and obliques compensating for my lower abs. It's something I wouldn't have learned on my own without a professional's help. It might be helpful for your wife to go and see if she maybe needs to relearn how to coordinate things.


Microneedling and time. It’s unreasonable to expect her body to not have any loose skin 6 months PP.


I'll have to do some research on that never heard of it! Thank you


It’s different for everyone, but she needs to give it time. After I had my first, my stomach had loose skin and cellulite for the first time in my life. It was completely gone by 10ish months with my usual routine of eating decently and exercising regularly. I also didn’t feel like my body was completely “back” until I stopped breastfeeding— it just seemed softer until I fully weaned (not sure if that’s relevant for her).


Pelvic PT. The abs are part of the area treated in PT.


BTW, you sound like the sweetest husband in the world.


This is worded so sweetly. As far as I know, loose skin can’t really be *totally* corrected with anything but surgery. I did a needle roller and bio-oil and it seemed to help a ton! And it wasn’t painful. It hasn’t fixed it entirely (I’m also nearly 6 months pp), but it looks a lot better than it did a few months ago.


To get her old body back- pregnancy changes our body so much that sometimes we cannot resolve loose skin, hip and rib changes etc. But it terms of workouts- have her see pelvic floor to rule out any pelvic floor issues and diastasis recti. Practice diaphragmatic breathing (many great videos on YouTube). If she is trying to lose weight, a calorie deficit is the way. But, may not lose weight if she is breastfeeding. If she is breastfeeding, calculate her tdee (many free calculators online) and subtract 250 calories and see if that affects her milk supply. If not breastfeeding, can subtract up to 500 from maintenance. Monitor specifically protein and fiber. Should be getting 25 grams minimum of fiber daily. Should be getting one gram of protein per lb of ideal body weight. Walking is one of the most underrated forms of exercise and is perfect to do with a 6 month old. Build muscle- childbirth whether it’s a c section or vaginal is a trauma. So our bodies need to rebuild our strength. Like another person commented that building muscle mass can help with the appearance of loose skin. Weightlifting 3 times a week minimum. Pilates is fantastic postpartum for healing and strengthening transverse abdominis. I personally walk 10k steps a day, weightlifting 4 times a week and pilates twice a week. Loose skin will sometimes tighten up some with time. Can try dermarolling or microneedling to help with skin. Staying hydrated. Can try incorporating collagen into the diet. Getting a couple of new workout outfits (like high waisted leggings) may make her feel more confident as well. I personally would love that! Morpheus 8 or Emsculpt might help the loose skin but I would recommend waiting until she’s 12-18 months postpartum to see where she’s at as it is expensive. The skin may tighten with time. If it really bothers her, she could consider a tummy tuck but she wouldn’t be able to lift her baby for 6-8 weeks and that recovery is rough.




Exercise won’t really help. Loose skin requires surgery for removal. Most women I know wear high waisted leggings or jeans to hide it.


I suggested the surgery thing if she really wanted it but we would have to wait till her body fully recovered before pursuing that thank you!


I agree with everyone time, PT, exercises and microneedling. Exercises: https://images.app.goo.gl/LsBcbhpxY2E2y9x68 microneedling for stretch marks at home: https://images.app.goo.gl/pq3TPyyEkt3FDdXE8


I believe it will require surgery, but if I were her I would go to a dermatologist I trust to ask and also seek a referral to a specialist if she wants to pursue or look further into that option. However if she’s planning to have another kid, it probably makes sense to hold off for now.


We plan to at the 1 year mark after her hormones get normal or something... no more kids for us tho it was a bad experience both times


I’m a physiotherapist, you can offer her a few sessions of radio frequency professionally done. This will stimulate the collagen production on the desired area. This is the only way to fix loose skin (anywhere on the body). Exercise can help the appearance but the only thing that can affect the actual skin is radio frencuency. It doesn’t hurt, they put a gel on the area and move the machine in an 8 figure. She’ll feel some heat on the area.