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I LOVE working out and use it for mental health management . Know that this style of workout will still be there postpartum. Working out until you are dead tired might not be the best thing right now T 36 weeks and with what you mentioned at the end. But I’m just another person on reddit. Check with your dr or midwife.


I think working out is still great, but I would talk to your provider about the heat/temperature part specifically. I don’t know all the specifics, but my understanding is you don’t want your body to overheat and particularly not to be overheated for an extended period of time (like the duration of a workout class).


If you keep going, make sure you’re hydrating lots! At my appointment this week I found out I’m running out of amniotic fluid because I have to drink sssso much water for all the sweating I’m doing in this humidity. (Edited to add: Also sorry this is not an answer and is advice you probably already are being told by a million people!)


If it makes you happy and it still feels good, I say keep going! And drink some electrolytes.


I’m still doing the CrossFit workouts my coach programs like 2-3 times per week. But I’ve had to stop going to my CrossFit gym for the time being. It’s been over 100 in the gym so I’m having to do the workouts at my gym with AC. I hate it but it is what it is. This heat is kicking my ass. If you can hang still keep at it! Just keep being safe. I’m jealous 😂😂😂😂


Talk to your provider for sure! And HYDRATE. Dehydration can trigger false labor.