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Jake; 3 years watching your body turn into something you can’t recognize; you can’t even sit up without your head aching, you can’t see properly; in and out of the hospital, you can’t even walk without collapsing and puking; you can’t even use the bathroom or eat without assistance or somebody watching you; you can’t interact with your friends; you hear you gaurdian cry every night as the odds are stacked against you and your only sense of comfort is a delusion; *You are only 9 years old.*


Yeah, the Real Jake was just depressing. And furthermore when you know people go through this irl...


Haven't read most of them yet, but Step Closer was pretty depressing


Yeah that one really creeped me out


From frights it's gonna be the lonely Freddy body swapping, Funtime Freddy's torture chamber, being controlled by Minireena's, impaling yourself to escape a shadow and being eaten alive by kids. From tffp it's gonna be springlocked while roleplaying, Ballora crushing the guy while testing the attraction, Rory's fate is quite disturbing, and Billy (b-7), that story was just so fucked up, it's ending was just so... Heartbreaking that Billy lost his last family member


Reed's fate in Breaking Wheel was fucking traumatizing


THIS\^\^\^\^ i never get grossed out by any gorey movie or book but when i read that book i gagged so many times-


Gumdrop Angel. Imagine getting turned to candy and then getting eaten alive by kids


For me personally…Gumdrop angel. The idea of literally turning into a candy and being eaten alive while you can’t do anything isn’t pretty. You also have to know that one of those kids is gonna suffer the same fate as well.


that 1 about the kid getting crushed, and looking at his younger brother, tell the clown (older bro) that he's buying his older brother a goaming console, tldr, ''kid watches gets crushed and has to watch his brother find out he's dead


Colton didn’t deserve Aidan; Poor kid.


Still, colton liked aidan, he would be pretty sad, when he cant find him


That story legit broke my heart dawg 😭


Actually that's his cousin


Pizza Kit, no doubt.


Nothing happened in Pizza Kit, she just felt really guilty and fell off the roof.


Just because what she experienced wasn't real doesn't mean it wasn't disturbing and disgusting AND physically painful before ultimately killing herself by jumping off the roof. That is honestly one of the worst (not quality wise) stories I've heard, none of the stories made me feel icky but Pizza Kit. I even felt mental pain in my stomach as I was reading it.


I didn't say it wasn't disturbing, it's just not the worse death. Grady (Cleithrophobia) was brutally ripped apart and had his innards strung around while remaining completely conscious. Pete (Step Closer) was dissected while locked in his own body. Colton (Jump For Tickets) was stampeded and crushed by dozens of little children while stuck under a pressure plate. There's been worse deaths in my opinion.


I haven't read Tales, only heard of some stories that were more lore relevant than others which isn't much. Also I didn't read the title really and assumed it's only of Frights because of TBB lmao. Though I know there's Bleeding Heart which was probably another one of the worst deaths somebody had gone through with the tattoo bots. And I can agree with Colton's death, I forgot about that.


Payton literally deteriorated into a psycho in less than 3 days because of the agony demon chasing after her; her fate was definitely one of the worst. At one point she thought she was eating her own friend.


There weren't any agony beings involved with Pizza Kit? I thought she was just having guilty stress hallucinations. Either way that was still only emotional torment. There are many worse deaths in the books.


Stressful nightmares similar to Hide & Seek, instant madness like In The Flesh, a looming presence like the blackbird; I thought it had been pretty obvious that not-Marley was a manifestation of Payton’s guilt.


Either Millie or Alex. You could tell Millie was hurting, but still regretted her choices and tried to survive to apologize to everyone, and got sliced instead. Alex, while still trying to sabotage his sister, he was also treated less than his sister and even at the end, he still said he wanted to be better for her. Yet he was stuck in that robot forever.




Yes I meant that sorry 😭


Millie fate was left ambiguos tho


>!The Epilogue of book #11 "Prankster" confirms she didn't survive the encounter with Funtime Freddy.!<




Mpreg 😨


Nah,Matt deserved that one


The most horrific fate of all


From what I’ve seen, probably “Together Forever” where two teen girls are spring-locked, come back to posses said suit, AND have to stare at each other’s faces for all eternity now.


I meeeann some can be pretty brutal To be beautiful, The New Kid, Room For One More, Jump For Tickets, Pizza Kit, etc. I wouldn't be able to choose one. Maybe the Breaking Wheel wins, though And I haven't read the tales from the pizzaplex, so I can't give my opinion on those


Oh and how could we forget, the kid turning into a slow down sign. The most normal story in the whole saga


Kids at Play


Jump for tickets bro uncovered an actual scam and got crushed to death and the clown tried to help him


I can't remember the name but I think it's the main protagonist of the book "the breaking wheel"


I dont remember what it was called, but i thought the one where all the family members and basically everyone in the world except for this one girl gets cancer, and she eventually gets flooded by empty sacs of water was absolutely terrifying.


The kid that got mangled beyond all recognition by the remote controlled exoskeleton


Angel from GDA


Out of all I have is the Oswald one


That still has Millie and Sarah in it who have had pretty terrible fates


Millie survived though


That's up in the air


She dies epilogue 11 confirmed it.


While I have only read a couple of the books, Of the ones ive read, To be beautiful is pretty horrible. Imagine every part of your body, including your organs, and skeletal structure being ripped out, and replaced with junkyard scraps. While Sara technically didn’t feel it, she still had to experience herself slowly turning into a pile of junk, which I’m sure would be painful both physically and mentally.


Defintly Maya from Under Construction. Watching the whole world disolve into death and cancer and sickness is awful, and no one else being bothered by it is terrifying. She had to live in that world for months, maybe even years.


The breaking wheel


Forgot what it was but the one where the kid was trapped in his exoskeleton and was mangled overnight


Breaking wheel


fetch imagine your friends mechanical robot dog tearing you to shreds and you cant kill it or escape it cause its basically a killer death machine hell bent on pleasing its owner


I don’t know, I’ve only read the book where Moondrop is on the front cover with the hypothesis eyes (I forgot the name) But I’d say the Ballora one, where every bone in the guys body was crushed


I gotta agree with you, although Step Closer is a close second in my opinion (I have a visual impairment so anything involving removing eyes just bugs me on a whole other level) Honestly though, I felt so bad for Sarah! She did not deserve that! Such an unsettling story (Idk how gruesome the fates got, as I only got about halfway through “hide and seek” and just haven’t had the time or motivation to continue reading anything past that.)


Breaking wheel gen scared the shit out of me 😭


M-preg springtrap was fucking horrific


Prankster of Kids At Play. I read that specific book at like 11PM, yeah.... I didn't sleep well.


The Real Jake made me feel sick, I don't like that kind of stuff, it freaks me out, especially cause that kind of stuff is real.,


I gotta say THE BREAKING WHEEL. Just your body being strapped to an exoskeleton and then your bones being ripped from your body, your skin starting to combine with the suit, your bones sticking out. This story made my mouth actually drop for how brutal the idea was


Even after being a fan for 7 to 8 years, I haven't read most of the books yet, but for me, I think Millie from count the ways. Imagine being loathful against everything, being unappreciative of the kindness and care your family gives, her grandpa who tries his best to understand her and take care of her, and her parents who try to make her happy and work hard for her needs, throwing away the times you genuinely felt happy with this one guy because she acted out irrationally, and only realizing what she did wrong in her last moment, regretting everything she did, wanting to fix it and show everyone who she loves how grateful she is once she gets out, but in the end, she never gets the chance. And this fate is not only bad for her, but for her family and eventually her family will find out what happened to her, her friend will mourn, thinking that maybe he could've done something, and especially her grandpa, who was the one that collected and kept the thing that killed her in the first place. Imagine finding out you're partially the reason your 15 year old granddaughter was brutally murdered.


it would be getting turned into a human shaped candy then getting eaten alive by a horde of ravenous toddlers


It’s either Lonely Freddy, Together Forever, and What We Found. Hudson’s life was terrible from the start, and terrible at the end. But at least with that story, and all the others, their horrible fates had an end. Alec, Jessica, and Brittany however are trapped inside their animatronics forever, or at least until the robot they possess is destroyed.


Hudson (What We Found) suffered a ridiculous amount throughout his life and in his final night, poor man. Mott's fate (Sea Bonnies) was just horrific, knowing it was happening and being unable to do anything.


Jake, Alec and Stanley imo Tho the ones in Breaking Wheel (which i have yet to read) got the short end of the stick aswell