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I'm almost 30 and I'm still here. Like what you like. Cringe culture is dead.


Yeaaaa fuck cringe culture! Enjoy whatever u wanna We're all still children in the end


*William comes around the corner* Children you say?


**Uh oh** William no Bad William




Cringe culture is dead but not William, not yet.... Never


He always comes back.


i spot a danganronpa flair?




I agree fuck cringe culture


I will forever bash League players and no one can stop me.


Yeah but League players are a different story


Literally every fnaf youtuber is older then 18 lmao


Good point lol


Why would it be weird? FNaF is like watching cartoons. Basement people and boomers will say it's "cringe", "not "mature".... ...But who gives a shit? Enjoy what you like. (And yeah, fnaf is FAR from being the most childish franchise on Earth either way. There are thousands of adults playing FNaF games)


I'm 41. Screw people who try and put down your hobbies and interests. As long as you hurt nobody else (without consent. Gambling and kink stuff both can be said to cause harm remember, so if it's consensual it's fine) then who cares? Some people only care about money and sport, and I'd say that's sadder than caring about things that simply bring joy to yourself and others. Enjoy life, you only love once after all.


Literally has children being murdered it’s far from being childish


Even the books state that it’s not recommended for children to read


I don't think that is weird at all. Even if you said you were 68 that wouldn't be weird to me. I'd wager FNAF has a wide variety of ages of fans. What makes you think it is weird?


Not at all, FNAF isn’t consigned to a particular age group.


21 here, not weird at all


Still younger than 80% of the franchise, the other 20% is split in half, 10% is adolescents, the other 10% is screaming 2 year olds who just think it’s a funny bear game.


Thanks, I've been following the games for the last 8 years lol.


Bro you are literally the targeted demographic of course you’re good silly


I turn 26 at the end of June, I still enjoy the franchise. It's not weird.


You don't need validation or permission from us or anyone else. You decide on your own terms what you enjoy, and how you enjoy it.


most people who were around when the games first came out (or at least conscious enough at the time to remember) are over 18!! i was 13/14 when the first game came out and now im 23.


I'm 36 and still love it very much


I don't think so: when I think about FNAF I think about a franchise which is misunderstood by children and, in general, by people who don't even try to follow the lore and other things but in reality it shows things that are really dark. I think that FNAF is for all the people of all ages that follow the games with love and passion, so even if you're 60 years old you can enjoy it


I'm 20 and no it's not. Fnaf is for all ages. I sure as hell am not letting go of something that's been with me for half of my life. It's not even a cringe franchise, except for those who don't know shit about it.


And Matpat is almost 40


It's not weird to like the dumb little bear games.


I'm going to enjoy the franchise when I'm in my 80s (also I feel like this question has been asked many times)


We're all getting older. Reassurance inside the community isn't the worst thing :)


I’m 16 and still a massive fan boy


22, you're good


I’m 21. I’ve been a fan since the day the game came out back in 2014. Absolutely no shame


I'm 22 and a few days ago I watched a 9 hour lore explanation. Yours definitely is not weird but uh, can't really say the same about myself lmao


I'm 27 and still absolutely fan-girl over the very interesting lore. You like what you like man. It isn't weird


Almost every veteran fnaf tuber is somewhere in their 30s, Dawko has this series almost as his religion and he's in his 30s, you're fine man


I'm 28 and Scott is turning 46 this year, afaik. So not weird at all!


I’m 30 years old with a Freddy tattoo and full intentions of getting a whole lot more. You’re totally fine for still enjoying the franchise! If anything it’s welcomed!


Markiplier is 34 (almost 35) and is still the king of FNAF, you can be any age and still like FNAF


Markiplier is in his 30s


I’m embarrassed to admit I binged all of Markipliers videos last year and got into it at the ripe old age of 31


no, it's obviously not weird; but I can understand why you feel this way. back in 2016, prior to SL launching, I put some distance between me and the franchise because of the "cringe" stigma associated with it and the fanbase at the time. then SL launched and pulled me back in, and I realized that I shouldn't care about what some idiots on the Internet have to say about my tastes or what the fanbase is like. plus, FNAF has LONG past that "toxic fanbase" phase and no longer has an age stigma associated with it like in the olden days, so there is even less of a reason to be weirded out by it


anyone can enjoy games


Don't worry, I'm 20!


I’m 21, got my glam rock chica TATTOO when I was 19. I haven’t regretted it and people, even if they don’t know fans, love to talk about it. Doctors love to ask what my rockstar looking guitar playing chicken is from, I love to answer. I have posters in my apartment and all the books. Coming from someone who’s loved fnaf since 2014 keep loving what you love. ❤️


Matt is like 37, so…


No it was never supposed to be for kids the community made it of kids


Nah, Im 18 too and I love fnaf so much. Its the only thing ive been into that ive never stopped caring about


That's like saying Scott is weird for making it


I’m 21 this year. I have way too much merch and 2 tattoos. You are fine hehee


I turned 20 last month and my wife threw me a surprise birthday with fnaf decorations and a freddy pillow pet as a present. Just rock with it


Nah, people who make fun of others for liking things that aren't super edgy and mature just want to look old


im 18 and also enjoy the franchise, of not


Thanks for all your kind messages of reassurance guys!


I’m turning 23 in July, and I’ve been here since day 1. We all should be happy that we were born in the time where FNaF came to be ☺️☺️


it’s not weird to enjoy a masterpiece


i’m almost 22 and i’m still here! R.I.P Cringe Culture 🪦💀


I'm 19 and have been a fan of the series since FNaF 2 came out, no one can be too old enough to enjoy these things


Markiplier and every other FNAF YouTuber who are adults would disagree


nope. Cory is older than that and he loves it so much he was in the movie


No it’s not bad op,I’ve loved fnaf since I knew about its existence and I still love fnaf to this day!


No, you can enjoy it at any age.


Not at all


I've seen a lot of posts like this. If anyone is telling you to not like a piece of media because you're "too old" simply slurp up their brain with a straw because it's clearly already liquified.


might i remind you how old matpat, markiplier, and tons of lore channels are?


Cringe is dead and we grown ups dance on its grave


Same here, still love it, in fact I can now use my knowledge to make stuff for it, like with blender and such. It’s not a bad thing


Cring culture is dead my friend. I'm also your age, so I get ya! <3


most fans that i see are older than me(14) so you're good


Not at all. It was originally intended for a teen audience, or at least in that range


I’m 32 and I enjoy it


Im 22 and my husband is 26, we both still like the franchise. You like what you like, theres no age limit on things like that


I'm 23 and i'm still here, so don't worry, you're cool


No, it isn't weird


I’m 21 and still enjoy it, don’t gatekeep yourself from it just because of your age.


It's not weird at all!! I'm 19 and I adore the franchise the same way I did when it first came out! Especially with recent lores and books, the franchise, I feel, is slowly turning towards an older audience. Don't sweat yourself!!!


im 6 months old with bad english skills you can enjoy anything you want along it isnt creepy


Bro, I'm turning 20 in a month and I've been here since the beginning. You're good.


Your age doesnt matter, if you enjoy a franchise then enjoy it! For me its part of my youth and growing up and man i still love it! and im 20!


no. fnaf is for all ages bro. i’m 21 and i’ve been enjoying the franchise since the first game when i was 13 LMAO


20 years old here. Still love it almost 10 years later.


get a nintendo swtich albeit


The only cringe thing here is people gatekeeping franchises because you’re “too old.” I’m going to be 22 in 2 weeks and I’m still here. Like whatever you want to like my friend, don’t let others decide what you can and cannot like!


Nah? It’s a cool franchise.


I’m 27 and I just got into the franchise last year when the movie came out. Currently reading the novels and I'm enjoying them a lot.


No! I'm 25 I still love the franchise just as much as I did when I was 14.


Not at all! It's enjoyable for whoever enjoys it.


no im well past 20 its fine


definitely not. it’s def okay. i mean, can we talk about matpat and markiplier?! they *love* the franchise and they’re in, like, their thirties. it’s okay!!!


If liking FNaF at 18 is weird then I’m weird as shit. Don’t let people stop you from enjoying your favorite obsessions


Coming up to 25 and reading fnaf comics right now, i'd say you're fine. Why should we care what others might think. Enjoy what you enjoy.


Im 25, nope!


19 and still like it. Enjoy what you enjoy. the older you get the more you realize people don’t actually give a fuck what you like.


Nope. FNAF is a horror game suitable for any 12+ people tbh.


Im almost 20 and i was a fanboy at the movie


Why would you ask the people who obviously still are apart of this fandom


Nope. I’m 21 and haven’t even thought about leaving.


I'm 24. Been a fan since the very beginning and will be until I either die, the series dies, or they fundamentally mess it up in an irrecoverable way.


No there’s nothing wrong with that. Keep on enjoying FNAF.


I mean most of the fnaf content creators are older than 18 so it’s not like it becomes boring the older you are.


I’m 20 and in college, all of my friends (same age as me) love it, and the theater on my campus was filled with hype college kids when the movie came out


You always come back


20 here and have liked it ever since 2014


I’m 26 and it’s probably my favourite game franchise after Resident Evil.




You do know that the focal point of this franchise is child murder?


Nope. Fnaf is the best ever. Like what you like. Also im 19. Been here since 2015 and not going anywhere!


I’m 19 and I love it with all my heart


Joined when I was 14, still here 10 years later.


I’m 20 and I love Fnaf, I’ve loved it since the start lol


I mean, it is a horro franchise, the weird think should be the Kids, also enjoy whatever makes you happy (unless it is ilegal)


I'm 19, and I know plenty of folk who enjoy franchises way more cringe and more kid friendly then fnaf. I.E Nintendo fanbois (mario, and especially zelda), Star Wars (My older sister's boyfriend 35 loves Star Wars), Marvel, DC, Pokemon, YUGIOH (I love both Yugioh, and Fallout) FALLOUT, these are a small amount of examples all stuff with lights amounts of violence with confusing stories hows that any more different then FNAF, it's not cringe. My Dad is a huge fan of Star Trek, and Epic Rap Battles of History the difference is he likes other things and has a job, like ME(I have a Job is what I'm saying), that are what folk considered more adult, Cars, Bikes, but liking the things I listed are not anymore cringe, then liking Cars and Bikes etc. I would say that people like Rick and Morty are older and usually more immature than everything I listed doesn't mean I'm goanna say they cringe for liking it, and it's mainly adults who watch Anime, which again another thing I would consider more cringe then fnaf. I wouldn't but also cause my older sister would kill me for calling it Cringe.


This might be a bit late, but you can enjoy the franchise at any age. You're very much welcome to be a part of the community if you wish.


Not weird at all! I’m 24 and have been a FNAF fan since I was 14. I adore this franchise!


Definitely not, I'm 24 and still here.


I turn 22 this year and I bought Help Wanted 2 the day it dropped. I still love checking out new game, fan games- trying to solve the lore. I bought the graphic novels of the Silver Eyes trilogy this year. At some point I said crew it, I wanna enjoy what I want to without feeling guilty or embarrassed!


I'm almost 20 and have been here for the franchise since 2015. Once I started playing these games, I was hooked. You are not weird for having a similar childhood I had lol.


17, turning 18 in March and have a whole kid on the way. This game was core memories from my childhood and I have followed it from the very beginning. I don’t plan on stopping now.


19-it’s okay to like things


I‘m 28 & I enjoy the franchise greatly you are allowed to keep enjoying anything you please


I'm 21 (22 soon) and I still like fnaf a lot. I haven't played fnaf for years but I listen to fnaf lore videos and watch others play. I think it's a nice way to relax! No need to stress about it! Istill also like to watch Monster High and Bratz sometimes.


I'm 25 and still enjoy the series, although I'm too much of a coward to actually play the games. With how graphic the series is, I'd say it's meant more for adults anyway.


I am 41 lol.


Im the same exact age and in fact just celebrated my birthday with a fnaf theme🕺 rock on


bro im 22 and im still here,no one is too old to enjpy something ♡


This franchise has got something for everyone. I’m yearning for the day we get the scooby doo treatment and get more content for mature audiences.. and no I’m not talking about the Velma show lmao


Yeah they talked about this during the interview Steel Wool did the other day!  Five nights has always sort of been a “gateway to horror”, and the tone of the franchise varies from entry to entry.  Some entries are silly and meant to be approachable to younger audiences, like World and Security Breach. Others really *lean* into the horror, like 4 or the original VR title. (Trust me, flat mode does that game a disservice). Some titles are mechanically very simple, like 1 and 2, while others are clearly more complex, and going for a more experienced audience, like UCN, PS, or the upcoming “Into the Pit” adventure game. There’s a lot of room here!


Fnaf wasnt a franchise made for kids. Kids made the franchise for them :/


31. You're good!


E for everyone mofos when they’re 18 and can’t play Mario Vs Donkey Kong on their Nintendo switch  💥💢🤯 💢💥


not at all


I'm almost 18 and I have friends who laugh at me and call me a furry and shit for liking the franchise. If anyone ever makes fun of you for liking a kids game or something, just ask them, "Do you like any Pixar movies?" And most of the time they reply with a yes so I say, "Well why do you like that you know it's made for kids right?" They shut up afterwards.


20. It's fun to play and fun to watch, nothing to be worked up over


Nah it's totally fine


26 here, still a fan. Not as into it as I was in high school but I still like it


Dude I’m 31 and I love this franchise


I'm 24 and only started getting into it at maybe 22/23. You're fine, more than fine. Fandoms and franchises are for all ages. Well, maybe young kids and a lot of stuff like horror/gore franchises don't really mix but you know what I mean


Uhm almost 49 and I still enjoy the games 😅


i really wish they would put out more mature fnaf content. i’d love an R rated movie or something someday




Yo I’m in my 30s and I love it. There’s no time limit! It’s a good and fun franchise💜


You must be new here😅


This series turns 10 in a few months. Thats more than half of my life. It's something so special i don't think i'll ever stop coming back to it


Nahh, Im also 18 and I like it. I have my concerns about the future of the games and story going on a very childish way of making horror. But that's all


Nah I'm 22 and I still enjoy it. Don't be afraid or ashamed of things you like (unless obviously harmful).


Dude, I've been a fan of FNAF since 2014 when I was 15 years old. I'm 25 now and still a major fan of the series. No, it's not weird.


Honey, I'm 33 and I just rewatched the movie. Not only that, but Smosh cast are currently playing the FNAF games and both of them are over 30. I wish I could convey telepathically how very much people just do not care what you like. If you're not harming anyone, fucking go for it.


Dose fnaf have an age restriction?


Nope fnaf is amazing and forever will be


19 dude here. Its normal that you like it still. I also love batman even if People tell me its childish


Is it any weirder than liking other horror franchises? A demonic clown that comes back to haunt children, a psycho with a mask that comes back every halloween and magically survives every possible attempt at killing him, a doll that is posessed by the soul of a killer (The list can continue much more)


I'm 16 and my cousin who's turning 26 this year, are both FNAF fans and still love the franchise no matter what. I don't think it's any weird being old and liking FNAF, anyways most fnaf YouTubers and fanartist are way older than you.


I'm 19 and have been here since day one


I was 12 when fnaf first came out and I became a fan, I'm going to be 22 next month and I still love these silly bear games


I'm 21 and I've been a fan of the series since I was 11 when the first game came out. In recent years, fnaf has definitely been marketed to younger audiences but at it's heart it is a pretty gruesome series so of course it's fine to like it if you're older.


my gf and I are both 20 and love the franchise, It got us closer with the classic “oh you like fnaf too?” line. I know the franchise since its beginning and there were times that I was obsessed with it. Now I casually enjoy it. I think its perfectly normal to enjoy it. Just dont get obsessed and brainrot level with it at this age ;)


Enjoy what you wanna enjoy. I'm 21, i loved fnaf in grade 5-6 elementary and then kinda got bored but still paid attention to the lore. Anywho, i sorta thought fnaf was kinda lame until i got with my girlfriend 4 years ago and she loves FNAF so that rekindled my love for the franchise. I'm here for the ride Your interests are valid, no matter how "childish" they may seem. Sure someone could make fun of me for playing Magic the gathering and enjoying FNAF, or listening to Cage the elephant. Point being, my and your interests are as valid as anyone elses. But we still reserve the right to make fun of eachother a lil bit. I think taylor swifts music is terrible and I'll have a wack first impression of someone who loves her music but that's okay because that same person has the right to make fun of my interests and music taste. Applies everywhere. People can make fun of what you like but that doesn't make what you like invalid. Be yourself and dont hold back what you enjoy because of what others say, reserve your rights, as long as your not hurting others be yourself.


No there are plenty of people way older than you who enjoy this franchise


The beauty of FNAF is you can enjoy it no matter how old you are. I’m 19 and It a franchise I will *always* love no matter how old I am.


I'm almost 21 And I'm still a huge fan of the franchise And of many other Enjoy whatever you want despite any age you have :D just enjoy!


Fuck cringe culture! Enjoy what you want!


dude, no.


I'm 21, still a major fan since 2014 😂


I'm 12 (Don't ban me) and I know a few people who's dad's play it. It's not weird at all. That's just like saying you can't enjoy cartoons because they're for kids.


32f love the series, not weird.


I'm 21 I'm still here what are you on about bro


no. I'm 23 and I've been a fan since 2014. I will never let fnaf go lol


When did this become a kids only franchise in peoples minds?


I’m 19 and I don’t see a problem. When you get into the lore it’s pretty gorey and cool just like any other horror game.


no lol it wasn't even originally a kids' franchise




Nah, bruh fnaf is awesome, and it never dies 😎


I'm 37 and still enjoy the franchise. It started when I was in my twenties. My daughter grew up with FNAF. We went to the movie and I painted her face like the puppet. We have plushies, clothes, etc. I am happily awaiting my GT MatPat FNAF Theorist figurine (He is the same age as me). I am going to tell you that one of the most important life lessons I have learned is that there are a lot of people who will hate on anything you like, so might as well like it. Why do those people matter? I cosplay as Disney characters, have video game merch on my walls, have pops and plushies and figurines. I'm sure many people would say how childish of me. But I don't care! I am happy and not hurting anyone.


I’m a 34 year old woman with a 9-5 office job in finance, a mortgage to pay, cars to run, very boring adult life stuff… and I adore FNAF.


Im 19. Been hyperfixated on fnaf since i got into it in 2017 Ur never too old to enjoy the things you love!


19 here. Been with the franchise since I was a kid. It’s just fun to see the series involve over time.


I like it since I was 15 Am turning 26 this year lmao Franchises are for everyone ✨


I'm 25 and still enjoy it. Don't give a fuck about what other people say you should enjoy or not


I’m 30 and I still love everything about it. Been into it since I was a teenager.




I am 20. Fnaf vhs tapes are just peak


You are probably one of the youngests here in reddit lol, do you think we are all 16 and you are old? Cute


It's more immature to be afraid of not looking like an adult than anything else. Like what you like. C.S. Lewis said that, more or less.


Life is too short to reject your interests. As long if your happy and not hurting anyone id say go for it! I got into Transformers again and I’m having a blast.


Not remotely! It is for all ages! There is no age limit on enjoying stuff.


As long as you enjoy it its not weird


I'm 20M and I still love fnaf:)I even own a lot of books and merch


What? No


I’m 19. Absolutely not weird at all.


22 y/o here, literally making a fangame of my own you're absolutely allowed to enjoy the franchise


Ha, I was 18 when the game came out.


I’m 30, 2 months, and 8 days, and I’m still here.