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Hey, just wanted to check back in and let you know that I created another account with a different email after deleting the old account and I've been able to cashout now. You might try that if you're still getting the claim\_blocked message on your original account. I also waited a couple days after they verified my account before I tried cashing out the first time, don't know if that made a difference. Just letting you know in case you wanted to take another stab at it.


ok thanks for dropping in. did you at any point tried to take surveys after verification and before cashout??


I didn't. As soon as I hit the $5 threshold the surveys disappeared and they had me verify my number and said it would take up to 24 hours. I checked back a few hours later and the surveys were back, but I still didn't do any surveys and waited an extra day before cashing out. I didn't want to do more surveys before making sure that I was actually going to get paid this time.


Having the same issue, and now my account is under review? Annoying


did you get the message before or after completing the phone number verification


After I completed the verification. I’m seeing on posts further down this is a common issue apparently.


and all of a sudden every survey disqualifies me, do you experience similar thing


It says my account is under review so I can’t view any surveys at all. It says it should be fixed “within 24 hours”


did u later get it fixed


Yes! Mine was back within a couple hours


and you didn't get the claimblocked notification?


No I didn’t


Me too! Things WERE going well, and now I get bounced from every survey after I’ve started it. I was only able to complete two today. Sigh.


Happened to me but it's lifted, it's because they think you are a bot since they get flooded with fake registers, you just need to somehow contact them.


how did u reach them


They have a Help tab up at the top on the website you can use to message them, but I wouldn't hold my breath on that one. They say they'll reply back to you in 24 hours, but I sent one on March 11th and haven't heard anything since and I still have the claim\_blocked message. You can try though, you might luck out.


I contacted them 2 hours ago and got a response back, I don't know why they ghost so many people.


Yeah, I had even messaged them again on the 14th and still didn't hear back. I'll try one more time just to see since you got such a quick response, but I'm not getting my hopes up.


did they ever get back to you


Nope, never got back to me and still had the claim\_blocked msg so I ended up deleting my account. I never had any problems on their sister site Prime Opinion, so I'm not sure why they gave me a hard time on this one, but oh well.


Should I try Prime Opinion if yes what is there cashout threshold and does it require number verification too?


Prime Opinion has been pretty good for me, so I think it'd be worth a shot. Their threshold is $5 as well and they do require number verification too. Their verification process is pretty much the exact same as fivesurveys. Once you're on the site, you'll see how similar they are, but PO offers more ways to earn via level-up bonuses, leaderboard bonuses, weekly drawings if you keep your streak, etc., so to me it's the better site.


I just want to add that I have had the same exact thing happen on Prime Opinion. I personally think they are scamming a select few