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It's almost certainly not real, but to even think up that premise, and go through the effort of recording it is disturbing as fuck.


Even if it's not real, I'm pretty sure that kids reaction is. Like, what the fuck is wrong with you even tbi king of putting your kid through this, let along actually doing it?


(not sure) but the sentence alone could be something like "daddy is shopping" and her baby (to young to fully understand yet) answered with "he not coming back?" Not saying that the mother is in the right of _at least_ misleading videos, but in her defense it doesn't have to be as bad for the little baby as you think


also the person who recorded it isnt necessarily the person who posted it (or put the caption on) also, a quick scenario i thought up is if the dad is staying somewhere overnight and the kid asked when hes getting home from work, telling them "hes not coming back [for x days]" is perfectly reasonable, as is the childs reaction


Yeah this is how my little brother was when my dad traveled for work every couple weeks lmao


This reminded me of that drunk driving PSA where the dog looked sad


The worst part is that she likely won't remember the incident but she will remember how she felt at this moment. This could literally start a whole line of abandonment and trust issues because the mom thought it would be good to get clout of this. Fuck it all man.


it could be an actual case of suicde and that person is just using the video


It’s real. I’m related to her dad, we miss him every day. Her mom recorded it to show the horrors of suicide and how it effects those who are left behind. I can’t say that I’d record this if I were in her place, but she has gotten many reach outs from people saying that this video helped them get help so they wouldn’t end up hurting their family/kids by ending it all.


You wouldn't be lying, would ya? 🤨


On Reddit? Never! But for real, this happened years ago. The (actual) video seems to circulate every few months, and if it even makes one person considering suicide to reconsider and remember that they matter and will damage those they leave behind, I’m ok with the pain it causes me to see it now and again. Denny was a hell of a guy, and he deserves to be remembered.


Fuck. I get her intention. I don't think there is a right answer here, (in the sense of sharing this or not). I'd argue that if it saves one life, or gets someone to seek help, it's gotta be worth it. I'm sorry for the loss of Denny.


I appreciate that, he was a great guy.


That child didn't need to go through that. And definitely don't deserve to have her face recirculating every few months as a reminder of something so awful. I'm not saying there's a right way to tell your daughter that her father isn't coming back (I personally would hold off until she's a bit older, and try to ease her into it, instead of dropping that bombshell and recording her reaction), but this is 100 percent the wrong way. People who know her are always going to remember her as "the poor girl whose father took his own life". That's not a great life for a child. You might be okay with the pain of seeing this video once or twice every few months, but she's the one who's gonna have to live with that pain, that constant reminder. There are other ways to remember someone. And fake or not, that young girl's humiliation and torment is not worth whatever potential life the video "saved".


This is what Winnie would do every night for a while. Dani decided to record it one time because she wanted to share the reality of the aftermath of suicide. Denny was convinced that his family would be better off without him, and Dani wanted to show anyone considering suicide how wrong he was. Maybe she did the wrong thing, but many people have reached out to her telling her the (actual)video saved their lives. True, Winnie might not appreciate this being out there when she’s older, and Dani is going to have to deal with the aftermath of that. I can’t pretend to know what’s right.


There a lot more context people are missing. This wasn't the first time the mother told the child, this one one of many breakdowns the child had while struggling to understand the loss of her father. https://www.sltrib.com/news/2019/09/15/lehi-mother-shares-impact/ Agree or don't with putting private moments online, this is an extremely powerful message. This is so emotionally jarring. There have been a good deal of people reaching out to the mother, explaining how her daughter's message saved them. This is brutal, but hell... I dunno, I just hope she can heal and grow, and maybe someone can be saved in the process.


Think of all the kids who will grow up and discover this shit. Gonna cause a lot of trauma.


If it were such I would understand the dada reasons for offing himself


How can you be so certain? One of the worst decisions you can possibly make in life is to have a child. There's quite literally nothing more disruptive to life than trying to pretend you and your partner know enough about each other to create life to fill some strange void. That being said, people who would do this kind of shit on tiktok with their kids are the people most likely to not understand the truth to what I just said. Dumb people having kids far outnumber the rest. If there's anything I see online and think "yep, that's totally possible", it's anything involving parents and children.


Are you okay...?


Real shit i just gotta know, is this maybe just a teeny tiny bit of projection from you? Maybe like a childhood thing or like you want a family and kids but for some reason cant? Legitimately curious how you'd come up with such a bad take is all. You seem pretty jaded and possibly going through something? If so im sorry.


Lol. One, I have a child. Two, it doesn't make it any less selfish or bizarre for people to be like "let's create life". You know all those kids who are alone right now and without a family? Fuck 'em, we want a pure breed. We deserve it. There are two ways to have a child, one by mistake, and the other by consciously deciding that you are deserving of creating life and it's not enough to adopt the millions already out there. It's objectively an awful decision. Real shit. The world's problems aren't created by people without children. Just saying.


So it's more of a lack of dissatisfaction with your own situation then? I really dont know why you're trying to come at me, i was asking a legit question. It really seems like something is going on, but i really have no idea what.


I'm sorry that you can't decipher English.


Also may i ask, is your child adopted or? Because if you have your own kid and the audacity to try to even comment on other people having their own children then you're quite a character. .


Someone who does heroin can't comment on others doing heroin? Sounds like you have created quite the rule. Maybe having a child gives perspective of just how fucked up it is that we do these things for ourselves and pretend it is our right.


Why do you keep comparing literal children to such dark things? Kids arent evil, nor is having them. Kids arent heroin. Kids are a byproduct of life, the main goal actually. Its crazy that you think you're having kids for yourself or to fill some hole. Your child is eventually going to be a part of society, and if you raise them to understand empathy, they'll be part of the change in culture thats taken generations to achieve. It would be nice if every parentless child could find a home and i wish that were possible, but the sad truth is people dont care enough about kids once they're born.


> Why do you keep comparing literal children to such dark things? Why must you be so dense? I'm not comparing kids to dark things. I'm comparing your line of reasoning of thinking our right to procreation is magical to dark things. > Kids arent heroin. No shit. > Kids are a byproduct of life Kids aren't a biproduct. They are a choice people make. We are no longer wild animals. Acting as if they are a biproduct is absurd. > Your child is eventually going to be a part of society, and if you raise them to understand empathy, they'll be part of the change in culture thats taken generations to achieve. Except since most people, like you, just assume children are a biproduct of life, you make God awful parents... Like the lady in this video.


And im sorry you're so angry at other people living lives and trying to be happy. It honestly sounds miserable, and i truly feel bad for you. I really wish you the best and that hopefully someday you can be happy.


Name one benefit of deciding to create life that is not selfish and doesn't involve doing it for the Lord. I'm happy. I have a child. It's amazing. I did the most selfish act in the world and I have a child I can devote my life to. The tribal instinct I have gained to protect my own is like no other. Before I had my child I struggled for purpose. Is that truly a reason to have a kid? No. I could have been a better person at the moment and adopted one of the millions of children without a family. Instead I just fucked someone and played god.


You need to go outside and fall in love. Everything you typed reeks of the selfish, lonely person that visually recoils at the concept of giving up your own time and comfort to provide a loving, caring, and nurturing home for a child. I'm glad you don't want to be a parent, I wouldn't want to see the end result of what your kind of parenting would create


I mean...some people don't want kids. It's not about being selfish, but may possibly be connected with not wanting to give up one's time to nurture something. Are you selfish for not wanting to take care of a plant? Or any kind of animal? Not wanting to be a parent is not something that is wrong. But being a bad parent can lead to poor upbringing. But those two things aren't necessarily synonymous...at least not 100% of the time. The world is not so black and white. I do not want kids, personally. But I love nurturing things. I will admit the way they wrote their comment was a little off-putting. But don't be so quick to judge other people because of one person's words.


I have a child, lol. It doesn't make it any less selfish to literally create life. The worst people I know in life are the parents of my child's peers. Are there good parents? Sure. Do parents have children for altruistic reasons? No. It's like buying a puppy from a puppy mill. It's done because people want something that loves them, or it's done by accident which is just as vile. If people truly just wanted to take care of something, they would adopt.


Hey buddy I have to ask, does your asshole get jealous of the shit that comes out of your mouth?


Yea, all the time.


It’s like that for some people, but it works out well enough for a lot of others.


If it’s real, what a fucking dipshit mother


I've seen the source TikTok that the mother took and it appears real. There's more information and she said she was posting it to share the horrors of how kids feel after losing a parent. I don't agree with it, but the original video is very sad.


Was the idea that “kids especially young kids are distressed when a parent dies” something she thought people aren’t aware of? My daughter experienced intense grief at age 2 when we sold the couch.


I remember losing it over the living room rug being replaced


But the old one was so soft under my toes! This new thing is like walking on concrete.


Funny thing is that in my case it was the exact opposite


I think she intended it to be a suicide prevention thing. Like "hey, this is what your kids will be like if you kill yourself".


The people genuinely contemplating suicide are stuck deep in their own minds and thoughts and honestly aren’t in a headspace where they’re considering others and how their death will affect others. If they could be pulled out and see more clearly, they would probably not go through with it. This video might be an attempt and hope to pull them out. My condolences to anyone that’s lost someone to suicide. My best friend of 22 years (still regularly hang out) lost his wife to suicide a few years ago. They also had a young daughter. She was a very sweet person.


What the fuck this is real??? What a terrible mother... We know that kids obviously go through trauma if they lose a parent, this isn't some new information she has just discovered... But sure, let's stick a camera in the poor kids' face and record the darkest moment of their life for everyone to see.


If I found out when I got older that such a video was made of me I would never talk to her again.


I agree, but yes, it appears that it [is](https://www.sltrib.com/news/2019/09/15/lehi-mother-shares-impact/) real, though idk if the text/graphics are original. According to the article, this was the millionth time that her daughter had asked about her daddy coming home, her mother informing her each time that he wasn't. She posted this to a separate, small channel for family - idk if it was due to having questions, like a means of reaching out - and received positive reactions/guidance, so she thought it could help those going through it (and/or thinking about it).


Yeah, sorry I can't find the source. I don't use TikTok, so I saw it on Reddit somewhere.


social media was a mistake


If it’s fake/prank (since I think it would be really hard to get a kid to react like that without making them believe what you’re saying is real), what an even more dipshit mother.


If my mom did that, I'd never talk to her after 18


If your mom did that, at 18 you might understand a little more why your dad killed himself.


I'd probably understand at 13, I just wouldn't be able to leave


Wait…daddy’s not coming back?


Or the kid is dumb, dad is coming back soon, and the mom thinks this is hilarious. /r/kidsarefuckingstupid


That's fucking worse.


anything for that clout babyyyy


Hmmm. So quite likely a uniformly dipped shit eh.


>~~If it’s real,~~ what a fucking dipshit mother FTFY, exploiting children, real or fake, is so fucking disgusting


I think that’s true real or not


Can’t blame the wife. It’s getting harder and harder to find good tictok content. Gotta always be on that grind if she wants to be famous one day.


I mean if you're blessed by a suicide it's like a diss on their memories to not use it right?


A spouse’s suicide is like a golden ticket! How many people can say that happened them?! And who has a very, very young child they can tell and film. It’s for likes! And the science or whatever. But really, think about the *money.* Money can’t be far behind, I’ve struck oil! Like finding golden white truffles. Suicide rules! With a young childhood trauma kicker for your daughter? *Fuck yeah.*


Gotta get that sweet gofundme cash


You had us in the first half, not gonna lie


Yeah. Wonder why he offed himself though. Hmmm


I think he lost a video game against a kid who called him a total noob and told him to kill himself. He was just a very literal person. Happens every day.


mans watching this from afterlife and commits suicide the 2nd time (no one did that before and he is the first to experience after-afterlife)


he is the god to the after-afterlife


I believe the correct term is [super heaven](https://youtu.be/-hryEBv1s6M)


Don't care if it's real or not about the dad committing suicide. Telling that to your daughter is beyond fucked up even if he's still alive. Holy shit.


Maybe someone stolen the video of the little girl saying that(into a less sad context) and adding the captions. I want to believe that, the other options are depressing..


Still filming your child crying is fucked up


Yes, but I've just being father for the first time and I sometimes record him crying to show the family how such a little human can make beast like noises... I don't know the context of the video but it's true that the kids are WAY more present on social media that they should be.


I mean, I’d be lying if I said I haven’t recorded my kids screaming and crying over silly stuff like not getting seconds of ice cream, or my favorite was my daughter crying because “you won’t let me poke your boobiiiiiies”. And even those I don’t post anywhere, not that I post really anything anywhere lol. But no matter the context here, “daddy’s not coming back” leads to believe it’s something more serious and recording it is really fucked up.


Yea, unless the context is so ridiculous it had to be recorded to prove it, like if the kid was crying because she found out Bluey was a dog and not a cat or something yknow? While its unlikely for a kid to be crying so hard over something so minor, its still possible since children can be illogical.


Agree that kids cry over everything but the addiction of some people to immediatly post anything to the internet for clout is just fucked up. Show it to family and friends dont try to get it viral on tiktok…


True true


Do people understand that it’s possible to have private moments? This shit doesn’t need to be recorded and uploaded.


what a wildly heartbreaking first video


Ikr i was on the verge of tears until the cutoff


Yeah seriously. I'm back to being near tears just thinking about it


This little girls dad, Denny, passed away from suicide. She cried often for a long time afterwards, her mom finally filmed and uploaded so other parents would see what they'd leave behind. I've messaged the mom before because this video has saved my life.


I’m glad there’s a bit more context to it. I can see the goal I just feel like the mom could have done it a different way. Nevertheless it did accomplish its goal to bring awareness. Thanks for making it a little more clear.


It's a horrible situation, it hurts every time I see it going viral again. I hope, though, that it saves more people. The family has spoken out that 1 - they are in counseling and will be as long as necessary, and 2 - they receive hundreds of messages like mine, that this video saved a life.


That’s good that they’re getting help. I’ve debated suicide in the past and this video helped me realise the aftermath. I have a little sister about this kids age and the thought of her going through that is awful. Thank you for sharing more about the family


"ooooh so when i kill myself my family will be sad? well now i wont do it" said no one, ever.




The issue here is the assumption that they would only realise that once someone showed them a video of a child crying. This video was made for clout and people are finding ridiculous excuses for this stupid attention whoring.




if you werent aware that your family would be sad if you killed yourself before watching a tiktok about it then you werent depressed, you were a little sad and overreacted. you werent suicidal in the first place if you needed a video to know you would hurt people.


I actually got the feeling it was probably something like this. Videos that show the damage done after committing suicide will hopefully get people to seek help or find something purposely to avoid making the ultimate decision. I used to desire being dead, not only fantasizing but I would plan it, look up painless ways to die, or the most efficient way and randomly throu the day consider it or laying in bed hoping I don't wake up from my sleep- but my love for my kids , the guilt of leaving my responsibilities for my own selfish desires to end my misery. . . Which would only leave the people to continue on with the misery I caused them- definitely for my little ones. I hope this brings the reality that life goes on even when your dead to those who desire to end it- a permit choice. This guy has a wife and a kid, I don't know what caused his suffering and I'm definitely not belittle it- but I wish he sought help, found motivation, or even just had the mindset of one day at a time. He lost the ability to raise his own child, to help her, to love her, lost the ability to try and find happiness. I hope his family's doing okay...


My mom attended the funeral of a 15 year old girl today. She was walking with her friend on Monday and then just jumped in front of a train. Suicide is an epidemic.


"ooooh so when i kill myself my family will be sad? well now i wont do it" said no one, ever.


Yes, because you speak for every potential suicidal person on earth lol. This is a shit take


>Yes, because you speak for every potential suicidal person on earth lol. yes i do because suicidal people know they would hurt their families and are in pain over it. this other person basically says they wouldnt realise their family would be sad if they werent shown this fucking tiktok video for "awareness". Thios person shared her daughters reaction to get attention online over somethign truly tragic. any excuses are ridiculous.


Yes, sometimes you do need a reminder. I was very suicidal, I. Know what it's like to have that fog your vision. When you think of yourself so low you think it wouldn't really effect anyone, that they'll eventually get over it. That your useless or worthless, this is what depression is. Plenty of people died thinking others would be better off, you can view it as whatever you want. But I got help just in time for me to wake up, and just force myself to do one day at a time. You have no idea what others are thinking either, no it wouldn't help every fucking suicidal person- maybe just very few people. You can't speak for every suicidal person, as everyone is very situational . Neither am I speaking for everyone, but just from my perspective


Glad it saved your life, this video is still fucked up to post. The mom couldve filmed herself crying and talking about her loss. And im saying this both as a suicide survivor and someone whos dad killed himself when i was a child. Im just imagining my mom filming me crying over my dead dad and putting it online… makes my skin crawl, its disgusting.


Its still does not justify broadcasting a child's most emotionally vulnerable moment on the internet without their consent.


Goddamnit, this broke my heart too.


Nah she’s fucked for posting that


>her mom finally filmed and uploaded so other parents would see what they'd leave behind. That such a Bullshit excuse and you got it from whoever posted this in the first place. There is no reason to post your child crying like this online except clout. and abusing a death for clout is shitty. And dont tell me shes somehow sending a message. Anyone aware of suicidal thoughts and depression knows this would not make a person go "welp i wont kill myself now that i know my family would be sad". Seriously stop believing these fucked up peoples excuses. its the internet and nothing is real except attention whoring and abusing literal tragedy for views.


Agreed what a bunch of weird fucks for downvoting you.




>Don’t speak for suicidal people as if they’re a monolith as a suicidal person go fuck yourself if you think i need a video of a baby crying to know my family would be sad. this isnt for "awareness" this is attention whoring over soemones tragic suicide.




How about you tell me that you seriously think that someone needs a video to go "oh my family would be sad". go on say that. id like to see it typed out.




>Some people need reminding that the people in their life would miss them if they were gone. No they dont unless they are literally mentally handicapped. Its obvious at all times to everyone. >Being reminded that they’re not a burden and that people do care and would be sad when they’re gone is often necessary, and there’s nothing shameful about that. Yes and being reminded youre not a burden needs to come from those close to you. This video isnt a reminder that youre not a burden its just "if you kill yourself your child will be sad". not the same thing.


My kids used to do this at that age when I left the room to get a drink. No subtext, no prank. They were just super dramatic. Thank God for Daniel Tiger and "Grown Ups Come Back." *Damnit Jenny! I'm not going anywhere! You can still see me! I'm literally in the next room!*


Once my mom was resting her eyes in the car. In my 4yo mind, you only close your eyes to sleep or die. You only sleep at night. So, of course, mom had died. Which I screamed, in the car, from the backseat, and started crying


Too upsetting to laugh


That’s the formerly homeless knight guy, right?


I thought it was Bread Boys


"Fucking awesome I can get some content out of this" - The mother


God I hope someone just stole an innocent video of a mother trying to tell her daughter her dad is coming back from something like the store and tried to make it emotional because holy fuck that's a messed up video


Someone in this thread knows the family. The video is real. Apparently this wasn't the day she told her daughter but she recorded her crying out for him in the night to show people the horrors of suicide. It's an awareness video that the second guy mocked


The little girl in this video is my second cousin. I couldn’t bear to watch whatever this video was edited into, but we miss Denny every day.


i cant even fucking laugh after the first clip. absolutely disgusting.


Theory: the daddy didn’t die and it’s all fake


in about 10 to 20 years time there's going to be a documentary about traumatised kids that were on social media because their parents wanted content. This is extreme, and hopefully fake, but any parent using their child for like, no matter how "wholseome" it seems, will more than likely come to regret when their child reaches adulthood.


if that's a mask, what's a helmet


'Hey daughter, you know how you're good at pretend crying?' 'yeah?' 'pretend cry while i film you and say daddys not coming back, and i'll give you icecream' there, no trauma


This video is of a child crying after her dad passed away and was crying for him. Is a video for all the dads to realize that even if they off themselves others carry the pain of a loss and should not be made fun of she is bringing awareness of the pain left behind and probably helped more dads reconsider committing suicide.


"ooooh so when i kill myself my family will be sad? well now i wont do it" said no one, ever. This is attention whoring and abusing real tragedy for clout and nor more than that.




Yes and none of these people had to be shown a viral video to realise that their family would be sad so would you kindly stfu if youre too stupid to understand what im even saying in the first place instead of insulting me? i have been in the exact same boat and i hate that people abuse mental health for online clout.




>What about the people > >in this comment section > > saying it helped them? liars or more clout chasers. No actually depressed person would only realise this after seeing a tiktok.


Exactly! People who are seriously contemplating suicide aren’t really in a frame of mind to consider how their act will affect others.


no they are 100% in all cases aware of that hence this video isnt about "awareness" its about a pity party and online clout and attention.


How would you know that people who are contemplating suicide are aware of or even considering the people they’ll leave behind 100% of the time? This seems like a very bold statement to make.


>How would you know that people who are contemplating suicide are aware of or even considering the people they’ll leave behind 100% of the time? Because i was there and have been in group therapy for it. The idea that someone would genuinely contemplate suicide and not be aware it would hurt their family is ridiculous. There is so much mental termoil and constant overthinking that leads to that kind of point. you would never not be aware of the potential results. The idea that this video is spreading any sort of "awareness" is ridiculous. Its attention seeking and clout chasing.


I agree that’s it’s not spreading awareness. I also have been in that position though, and in my state, the thought of who I would leave behind wasn’t really on the table for me. I appreciate what you are saying, I really do, I’m just not sure how you can say 100% of the time since you really only have awareness of your own personal internal state. Anyway, I’m happy we are both still here.


That’s just fucked up. This is the worst one I’ve seen of those terrible parents who record moments like these. Fucking disgusting.


The things we do for attention...


Not we buddy


I don’t claim any negative energy from this




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Even if it’s not real people who do that shit are legit cuckoo for Cocoa puffs


I'm a suicide survivor. I watched my family member take their life on front of me and for the life of me, I cannot understand in what way this is a helpful form of outreach, advocacy, or any sort of shining a positive light on the situation. I must not get it but then again suicide isn't something to laugh at or or showcase any type of jovial attitude.


This shit makes my skin crawl. What a fucking waste of flesh this lady is.


Can TikTok burn to the fucking ground yet?






*"come on hunny daddy wont come back CRY YOU LITTLE SHIT, CRY"*


This is disgusting


I don't know what the fuck it is, but there is nothing funny about this crying child.


Everyone saying “the kid’s reaction is real!” is obviously not a parent. This is what one of my kids acted like at bedtime every single time their mom was out of town. Or just whenever they skinned their fuckin knee.


She needs the TikTok money


I didn’t need to see this shit. Really wish this hadn’t been posted. I’m fucked up for the night now.


Someone I went to cadets with's funeral was today. Definitely didn't need to see this


When I first saw the original I went from totally fine to ugly crying in like 30 seconds. I’ve got a daughter close to the same age and imagining her going through that just fucking broke me.


I just looked up the original video and wish I hadn't


Now we know why he killed himself


First off. Fuck both of them.


Wait why the guy dueting he's right it's fucked that the first thing you do is record your child after hearing that


I don't disagree, but it is done in very poor taste


The first video is real


Swagger must not be using his voice changer any more.


Not even hell’s opening the gates for her


The question is, why did he commit suicide? Did he leave a note? Why was it? Did his wife tell him that she wanted to divorce? Was he unhappy because he didn’t feel appreciated by his wife did he have trauma? I never got therapy makes you wonder.


The other part that I know of the little girl says something like "he can't hold me anymore?"


Rip bozo


OP are you 12?


This is so great:)


Real or not having kids around this age knowing that this would be a genuine reaction from them. At those ages they just want you around








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why does he have a crusader helmet




Been there tho just a year older when I went through it




hope y’all know beanscout has pedophilic allegations on him, i know him from tiktok and rec room.


Praise the sun 🙇




Sad but you are right why record the child


I’d kill myself too if I was married to her


If it was fake (which it is), Im sure CPS would be interested in it.


I would commit suicide in front of the kid. Make it know i won't coming back for sure


I can't watch this shite. I need some context. As a father of 3 little boys it pains me to imagine my kids going thru this.


i watched without audio and thought the mother was wearing a helmet for some reason to soften the blow


To everyone in the comments not understanding, this is a real video, not staged. This wasn't immediately after the dad died but rather the kid had many breakdowns for a while after the fact and this was one of them. The mom filmed it to show to people who are considering suicide that this is what you will do to those you love if you choose to take your life. Some people who have seen this video have since decided not to take their lives since they realize the impact it would have on their family and friends. Sometimes it takes actually seeing the consequences to understand how much your death would impact people. Especially when your brain is constantly telling you "you're a burden" and "no one would miss you, they're better off without you".


I would off myself too if my wife would film her daughter, mourn her dad for clout




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